
Is Trump Really Supporting Vaccines?? Think OPTICS

@00:03:56 with robert f kennedy jr. and they were

[9.28] CIA "Whistleblower" - Flynn's Case - Epstein - Vaccines - New York Times Pushes UFO's

@00:22:42 okay so how about this robert f kennedy
@00:22:53 robert f kennedy jr. thank you he does a

[8.29] 8chan - Space Command - Comey Report - Epstein - Vaccines - Monsanto

@00:28:35 robert f kennedy was speaking a lot of

[8.27] My Weekend At Dimensions of Disclosure Conference, 2019

@00:06:03 kennedy and i was a few other folks on

Battle for Disclosure: The Ultimate QAnon Brief (Given April 10th, 2019)

@00:09:30 f kennedy the very word secrecy is

Guess Who’s Back Live Chat

@00:22:17 believe last i heard robert f kennedy

[5.12] New QAnon: Boom Week Ahead / LA Gun Bust / CO Shooting / NXIVM / Vax Censorship / Big Pharma

@00:23:17 and his own family here kathleen kennedy
@00:23:22 townsend joseph kennedy the second his

Live Chat: My Time in Hawaii - Back Home and to the Grind

@00:03:06 kennedy you know many of you probably
@00:04:00 isaac kennedy is really bringing

[4.11] Talking Assange, Other News and Hawaiian Adventures

@00:02:06 kennedy a lot of other people as well so

[3.26] Schumann Resonance / UFOs & Space / Unvaxxed Kids Banned from Public / Geoengineering / GMOs

@00:14:15 out about a week ago robert f kennedy
@00:15:14 from robert f kennedy jr. this is just a

[2.19] Vaccines - State Bills, Attacking FB Groups, "Teens Vaccinating Themselves"

@00:03:50 robert f kennedy jr. we had dr. tony
@00:04:25 robert f kennedy jr. he was cut off
@00:05:03 and robert f kennedy jr. spoke to the

[2.14] LIVE: I just interviewed with the Washington Post about Q

@00:16:29 2,000 people were there robert f kennedy

Interview w/ Kent Heckenlively - The "World's #1 Anti-Vaxxer" on Vaccine Truths

@00:20:27 what robert kennedy recently did with
@00:35:22 have robert kennedy jr. got an admission
@00:35:44 got allegations from robert kennedy and

[12.17 Live] Trump To Sign EO Launching SPACE COMMAND This Week

@00:08:31 is gonna go to kennedy space center

[12.11] Latest QAnon - Smocking Tweet - Antarctica Earthquake

@00:08:30 john f kennedy quote q references here
@00:08:50 f kennedy there you go thanks q next

Above Majestic | Official Trailer #2 [HD]

@00:00:50 some believe that kennedy was actually
@00:00:55 secret space programs president kennedy

[10.24] Live News - Suspicious Packages Mailed to Clintons, Obama, CNN, & More

@00:06:46 attacks september 11 9/11 john f kennedy

[10.1] QAnon Updates - Plane Crashes - 400 Guns Stolen from UPS Facility - 5G Rollout

@00:12:14 kennedy we don't have a puppet in office

[9.4] Today's QAnon / Kavanaugh / Rahm Emanuel / Potential False Flag? / Microwave Weapons

@00:01:18 question did anthony kennedy have a
@00:01:20 choice meeting justice kennedy who

[6.29] QAnon Update - Hitting the MAINSTREAM!

@00:02:47 the democrat party of john f kennedy is
@00:09:23 from justice kennedy to the president so
@00:09:36 anthony kennedy steps down giving the
@00:10:08 remember kennedy was the swing vote no

Donald Trump's SPACE FORCE - Secret Space Program Disclosure Coming

@00:03:27 information for instance john f kennedy
@00:03:52 kennedy was trying to get information on
@00:04:01 extraterrestrial issue john f kennedy
@00:04:10 taken out not only kennedy we have

3.19 - Majority of America Believes in a Deep State/Rothschild Steps Down & Zuckerberg Sells Stock

@00:03:59 of course john f kennedy one of his
@00:19:31 john kennedy he tells viewers which you

Secret Space Program Insider William Tompkins Final Interview - July 23rd, 2017

@00:55:07 happened to kennedy they take him out

1.15 - Future Proves Q/BIG WEEK/Fake News Awards 'Game Plan'

@00:10:25 targeted kills our ip robert f kennedy

1.2 - Fake News ALERT!/MORE Airport Weirdness/Plane Crash Connections/Assange

@00:17:34 clinton but also wright kennedy one of

Friday Dec 29 - Live Chat

@00:22:34 what's up with robert f kennedy jr.

Basics of the #QAnon Phenomenon

@00:03:19 out kennedy but in the 50s they really

12.18 - Storm Cometh/Fake UFO Disclosure/ATL Airport/CDC Words/Obama/Pope

@00:18:39 you know he put robert f kennedy jr. as

Interview w/ ex-CIA Robert David Steele - Q, NSA, Zionism, #GoogleGestapo & #UNRIG

@00:26:21 president since john f kennedy were

11.9 - PingPong Under Investigation/New JFK files/Vault8/Uranium One/"Q"

@00:07:27 has robert f kennedy jr. heading an

10.8 - The Calm Before the Storm

@00:03:45 that outed john f kennedy you know

8.7 - ISIS joins Taliban, Anchor leaves CNN for Pro-Trump, Loretta Lynch Caught Using Alias

@00:07:26 so your name's kate lima kennedy if i
@00:07:31 mike kennedy looks right appears in pro

Interview w/ ex-CIA Robert David Steele - #UNRIG, Suppressed Technologies, & How Trump Can Win

@00:20:19 kennedy was covered up and i don't think
@00:39:30 did to john f kennedy up to an including

What exactly is a "False Flag"?

@00:05:18 one - research and the kennedy brothers

Relearning Antarctica - Nazi Bases, ET's, & Ancient Civilizations

@00:15:42 kennedy tried to battle them he got and

4.25 - Soft Disclosure Everywhere - Sex Trafficking on Dr. Oz & UFO's in the News

@00:11:05 they show him an angle of the kennedy

Government Oversight Committee Now Officially Investigating CDC Whistleblower!

@00:00:23 headed by robert f kennedy jr. himself

Was JFK Killed by the CIA Because He Wanted to Disclose ET Life and Free Energy...and Marilyn, too?

@00:00:37 guys why exactly john f kennedy was
@00:00:39 killed and not only john f kennedy but
@00:01:21 doing this on john f kennedy the
@00:02:22 government that took kennedy out if you
@00:09:37 why john f kennedy was taken out those

Antarctic History - Operation Highjump - Satellite Evidence of Secret Nazi Bases?

@00:07:49 as john f kennedy so stated so that's

Donald Trump and Conspiracy Theories. He Knows.

@00:02:44 robert f kennedy jr. on a vaccine safety

Vaccine Fraud Will End The Medical Industrial Complex

@00:06:43 because he appointed robert f kennedy
@00:06:46 robert f kennedy jr. to head a vaccine