
[7.19] QAnon Baby! - Epstein Doc Dumps - Area 51 - Flu Vaccine EO - “Healthy” Chemtrails?

@00:14:49 on in it feature number one travis view
@00:14:53 travis you we've seen everywhere the

[7.17] Q Recap: Epstein Connections, NYC Blackout, & My Stolen Tweet Was Q'ed!

@00:30:44 on the back end so right here travis
@00:30:47 travis view who he's been on twitter
@00:32:00 washington post that travis view wrote
@00:32:01 and thanks travis

[5.23] I’M BACK! - Ban Over

@00:20:02 microchip travis view these you know the
@00:20:29 travis view already follow that fake joe

[4.24] NXIVM / Opioid Arrests / Pakistan Against Vaccines / Navy's UFO Reporting Guidelines

@00:02:41 the splc is trying to quote travis view

[4.20] New Q: Blockade End / Mueller Report Fallout / False Flag Attempts / Notre Dame / NXIVM

@00:08:06 travis view he's the co-host of a qi on
@00:08:17 you follow travis view on twitter this

[2.21] Q Brief - Latest Q Attacks (WaPo!), Ann Coulter, Red Castle, Mueller End

@00:03:37 trying to link a dude named travis view
@00:03:39 travis view is a twitter er

Jan 7 AMA

@00:00:30 hey travis what up scotty

The Occult Meaning of NASA's Exoplanet Discovery? "Trappist" = Partial Disclosure Reference?

@00:07:30 talks about travis do they mention et's