
Donald Trump Jr Exposes Satanic Pedos, Dwayne Johnson "child molesting robot", 15 Arrested Merced

@00:09:30 and antifa as terrorist organizations
@00:09:41 and antifa as terrorist organizations
@00:11:03 he is also labeling antifa as a
@00:11:06 organization because antifa has done
@00:11:27 both the antifa thugs all with the

Prophetic Implications of Yom Kippur 2020

@00:30:31 both antifa which are the street thugs

Friday Night Shabbat: Praise Reports & Personal Testimony of My Ongoing Healing

@00:07:19 through i believe through antifa that

RBG's Wrinkled Flag, Trump's Undercover Operatives, The Soon Deliverance of General Flynn

@00:16:13 antifa
@00:16:16 downplayed antifa violence and their

Not Your Typical Forest Fires, Prince Andrew with 15 Year Old, Harris Helped Accused Pedophile

@00:01:51 starting fires nothing to do with antifa
@00:02:29 you know looks like antifa doesn't it
@00:03:29 they call themselves antifa these are
@00:06:56 what are we talking about antifa
@00:06:59 antifa lighting fires and destroying not

Netflix Star Soliciting Sex from Children, Michelle O Complicit in Netflix Child Porn, BLM Occult

@00:09:34 equals antifa arson if they are willing
@00:10:16 um but they were holding up an antifa
@00:10:54 so clearly he's antifa and

Cruz Calls Out Obama over Netflix, ABC Comms Assassination, Hold the Line -- Justice is Coming

@00:04:40 to these anarchists and antifa members
@00:06:50 for antifa why are riots conducted in
@00:07:44 of just the opposite uh does antifa fear
@00:09:31 a militant antifa activist his friend is
@00:09:46 with antifa with those who want to
@00:10:08 happens if the organization antifa
@00:11:50 of a given population so that is antifa
@00:13:56 antifa has nothing to do with this let's
@00:14:28 obviously antifa
@00:17:18 a reminder from andy no antifa or
@00:17:39 antifa and why antifa needs to be
@00:18:19 citing and anarchist or antifa read

Trump Calls for Death Penalty, Pedo Sentenced to Death, Netflix Loses 9 Billion, Hanks Deletes

@00:14:32 antifa take a listen of uh
@00:14:37 not confirmed antifa but suspected
@00:14:40 antifa
@00:15:38 that part is not but the antifa part um
@00:16:18 highly likely that it is antifa of
@00:16:49 no it has nothing to do with antifa
@00:17:21 and then q shows us in this drop antifa
@00:17:34 terrorists antifa as terrorists because
@00:17:41 as antifa
@00:18:16 see the antifa flag here
@00:18:52 antifa as a terrorist organization
@00:19:44 office said sounds like antifa to me

Attempts to Normalize Pedophilia Will Fail, GOP Demands Legal Action Against Netflix, New Cue Drops

@00:04:40 antifa antifa as the media denies
@00:04:44 that antifa is behind any of this we're
@00:10:01 the media was saying this is not antifa
@00:10:04 this is not antifa
@00:10:42 antifa so here we go september 9th
@00:11:40 sounds like antifa to me
@00:12:40 she looks like antifa to me
@00:12:43 i mean does that not look like antifa
@00:12:56 has any connection to antifa now again
@00:14:02 mapping antifa well that's a clue right
@00:16:20 antifa
@00:18:12 antifa that's who that's like you saying
@00:18:48 hmm looks like antifa to me
@00:19:40 hmm looks like antifa to me
@00:20:40 sounds like antifa doesn't it
@00:26:41 antifa storm during force that's the
@00:27:33 from hollywood to antifa to social media

Hitler, Brownshirts & Today, Brennan in Panic Mode, Mueller Team Wiped Phones, Coordinated Fires

@00:02:07 that's exactly what antifa and what blm
@00:11:54 these are antifa uh arsonists that are
@00:12:07 anything connected to antifa totally
@00:13:38 it has nothing to do with antifa
@00:14:45 with antifa
@00:14:54 hey it's not antifa if the mainstream
@00:15:00 is antifa coordinating this

Schiff Crying Wolf, Antifa Arsonists, 12 Utah Pedos Arrested, Barr/Durham Update

@00:07:12 antifa domestic terrorists arsonists
@00:07:19 involved antifa under classified
@00:07:43 to allow antifa to continue these riots
@00:07:49 deploying antifa to set
@00:08:04 affiliated with antifa
@00:09:34 that it's antifa antifa arsonists
@00:10:22 antifa arsonist is on camera the douglas
@00:10:26 six antifa arsonists in custody
@00:10:38 i mean six antifa arsonists in custody
@00:11:03 yeah antifa people who never ever got

Nazis Still Here, Bagel Bites Commercial, Powerful Seattle Prayer Rally, Greeks Stomp

@00:02:01 to antifa and i just want to kind of go
@00:02:30 antifa that's exactly right then in
@00:03:36 antifa is the very epitome of
@00:04:26 of antifa rioters arrested street
@00:04:40 they've uh released these antifa rioters
@00:06:45 uh antifa today almost

US Marshals Rescue 8 Children, POTUS & Ike on Stopping Endless Wars, Western Washington Trump

@00:12:40 mindless riots promoted by antifa and
@00:14:51 antifa and black lives matter
@00:16:39 from antifa from all of these riots

Biden Aids CCP w/ Nuke Tech, Satanic Ritual Calendar, More Trump Historic Peace Deals

@00:05:02 daniel if these antifa people are gonna
@00:05:21 being orchestrated by these antifa riots
@00:05:28 antifa to get into hand-to-hand combat

Lawyer Promises to take down Twitter CEO, Pedophile Blackmail Ring Ensnares Dems and Repubs

@00:11:04 i mean literally antifa were surrounding

POTUS 1 Yard Line, Drop 3313, Labor Day Indictment Weekend? Pelosi Caught Violating Restrictions

@00:07:47 antifa is rioting and killing people but
@00:08:03 antifa is on the side of usa today
@00:08:20 speaking of q anon and antifa i love
@00:08:41 antifa fostering hate q anon exposing
@00:08:49 antifa promoting anarchy weapons
@00:09:08 antifa rioting arson assault and
@00:09:27 antifa
@00:09:45 antifa funding unknown but political
@00:09:53 the funding of antifa it's george soros
@00:14:09 by antifa over the weekend take a listen

Ratcliffe Coordinating with Durham, Huge Pro Freedom Rallies in Berlin, Japan, London, Boston, OR

@00:10:16 antifa
@00:10:22 saw antifa gathered together in a rally
@00:10:39 this is what antifa and the left wants
@00:11:03 antifa strongholds and start anything

Pedowood Aerial Shot, Brennan's Durham Interview Panic, Forged FBI Doc, Trump Landslide Ahead

@00:05:41 organization meanwhile antifa and the
@00:10:37 um antifa threatens police with a
@00:11:01 the philosophy of antifa and blm and
@00:11:18 because antifa they say they're
@00:16:30 was willing to say a word about antifa

Are the SaveTheChildren Rallies Being Infiltrated by the Deep State?

@00:02:52 and have a bunch of antifa in the wings

Media Tries to Tie Qanon to Violence, Netflix Justifies Pedophilia, POTUS shows off Pizza

@00:05:53 with blm and antifa anarchy violence and
@00:14:20 they are going after antifa this is
@00:14:22 these arrests are antifa arrests

Correct info Doll Website, More Pizzagate/Harris Info, Ex-FBI Lawyer to Plead Guilty, Spiritual War

@00:10:46 publicly denounce antifa
@00:11:23 antifa
@00:11:48 their campaign antifa
@00:12:06 to condem antifa as a terrorist
@00:12:19 antifa and ms-13

Barr's Brilliance at Hearing, Trump Defends Stell@ Immanuel, Police Refuse Dem Convention

@00:13:34 antifa wants biden blm wants biden dsa

Bill Gates & Anderson Cooper in Panic Mode, Nadler Says Portland Riots a Myth, Ditka Defends Anthem

@00:06:20 in dc and asked would disavow the antifa
@00:06:28 actually says that the antifa rioting
@00:06:45 d.c about antifa in portland
@00:13:02 meanwhile the antifa accounts and the

Meadows Signals Imminent Indictments in Durham Probe: "It's Time For People to Go To Jail"

@00:10:15 are not kidnappings antifa terrorists
@00:11:03 uh now antifa militants and black lives
@00:11:27 through black lives matters and antifa

13 Children Rescued, More Pedowood Accusations, Berlin Pedo Program, Antifa & ISIS

@00:14:14 isis and antifa
@00:14:32 members of ice is holding up the antifa

Teens Rescued from Human Trafficking, MI False Flag Avoided, Hitler & Current DS Tactics

@00:10:57 media and antifa and the deep state are
@00:12:09 riots by antifa they're not that violent

Over 1000 Trafficked People Rescued, First Wave of Antifa Indictments, $6 Million Ukraine Bribe

@00:03:22 antifa and the way that they've been
@00:07:16 who were terrified at the antifa antics

Lessons From History: Antifa & The French Revolution, This is a Spiritual War

@00:02:58 sympathy for antifa because they see in

Exposing More Satanic Pedophiles, Rosenstein Testifies, Obama Speaks to Nation

@00:08:42 the antifa thugs would have ammunition

Q: All Systems Go, 58% Americans Want Military to Quell Riots, Antifa Arrests Coming

@00:04:41 and by this militant group antifa that