Baphomet Head DNC Logo, Q GITMO Base, 39 Children Rescued, POTUS Demands Biden Take Drug Test

@00:09:38 google and you type in gitmo
@00:09:43 right there in front of gitmo i know
@00:09:48 when you type in gitmo into google so i

Massive Crowds Surround Buckingham Palace, Google GITMO Camp Justice, Pizza Party Children's Book

@00:09:44 google maps you type in gitmo
@00:09:53 i've put in gitmo before i remember i
@00:10:02 the sign in front of gitmo but now it

Q's 10 Weeks, DNI Secures Upcoming Elections, Framework for Global Mass Arrests

@00:25:02 arrest them and send them to gitmo so

Terrified Obama Lashes Out at Trump: Deep State Backed Into A Corner

@00:08:46 you know gitmo prison and the death

POTUS, April 12th, Q Drop 79, Flynn's Yellow Sky, Google GITMO

@00:16:27 gitmo on google earth and click on the
@00:16:42 of the sign for welcome to gitmo
@00:17:31 welcome to gitmo there's the sign and
@00:17:39 front of gitmo so lots of interesting

Trump Unlocks Google, Madonna & Hanks, Fake News Praises Trump, Durham Probe Update

@00:08:56 trump is sending us all to gitmo for
@00:11:58 he would try to round them up into gitmo

Phase 1, Q's 10 Days of Darkness, DOJ Drops Mueller, Google Hacked

@00:10:10 gitmo has had a multi-million dollar
@00:10:18 sent to gitmo for a two-year assignment
@00:10:24 lawyer offices at gitmo and another

Q Marker Coronavirus, Flynn Update, Pompeo's Tweet & Q State Funeral

@00:05:36 to be arrested and sent to gitmo
@00:05:59 gitmo and they failed because they know

Ft Myers Q Conference Tomorrow

@00:01:19 going to gitmo that were here in florida

Ghislaine Maxwell Hiding in Israel, Deep State Trying to Start a War, Ron Howard Hates Trump

@00:06:54 he's been singing like a canary in gitmo

Abcug Set Free, 1332 CEOs Step Down in 2019, Mother Theresa Implicated Again in Pedophilia

@00:09:52 2019 they started in secret at gitmo
@00:10:04 going on in gitmo for over the the past

Comey Admits Wrongdoing, POTUS Calls for Comey Jailtime, Q 1:29pm

@00:05:47 gitmo and people standing there with

Harrison Ford, Calvary Chapel & Illuminati, Melania Trump Rings The Bell, Details on Soros Arrest

@00:11:47 thinking he's in gitmo singing and
@00:13:43 gitmo or one of the other detention

Playing The Ginsburg Card, 120 Deployed to GITMO, Q & Emergency Economic Powers Act

@00:04:20 bay gitmo on prison duty i thought all
@00:04:35 gitmo a statement from the guard says a

Fire Commissioners Demand New 9-11 Investigation, New Epstein Transcripts Hit MSM

@00:08:02 january in gitmo are also exploring this

Photos of RIBS Disney Epstein Island, Vatican Started Islam, Q's Godfather III

@00:01:05 florida and going to gitmo and he was
@00:01:09 in gitmo with the tribunals that started

Declass Released on Wednesday? Epstein & Charlie Rose

@00:10:24 satanic pedophiles to be held in gitmo

Epstein Spin, NYC "42" Blackout Wheels Up Bill Clinton

@00:04:28 broadcasts of gitmo of guantanamo bay

NYC Plunges Into Darkness, Q Operation, ICE Raids Begin at Dawn, GITMO Televised

@00:11:25 just published today guantanamo gitmo
@00:12:21 pedophilia in gitmo so
@00:12:47 the senate to broadcast gitmo trials on
@00:13:24 at gitmo it will be broadcast live we're

Bill Clinton, Under Age Girls, Epstein Plane, Flynn Updates

@00:11:51 gitmo that are exposing this that's not

Huckabee Tweets POTUS: Military Tribunals At Gitmo

@00:01:04 renamed gitmo coney island and will use
@00:01:29 tribunals beginning at gitmo and all the
@00:01:55 gitmo used for these high-level military
@00:17:13 gitmo will be used for high-level

Grounding 737's & Bio Weapon Threat, Going After Obama First

@00:03:33 for when gitmo gets full yeah that would

Q, Hannity: "Buckle Up", Deep State Crumbling, Military Insider Update on BIO Threat

@00:02:51 arrested and shipped to gitmo or another

Hillary Not Running in 2020, Trudeau's Sinking Ship

@00:02:13 she's not in gitmo no she doesn't have

NXIVM: New Criminal Charges Pending

@00:07:34 gitmo and elsewhere for mid levels but

Update on Bioweapons Threat: 3 Million Americans in Danger

@00:10:07 only mid-levels in gitmo right now not

Q, RBG Hoax, Bioweapon Threat: Tying It All Together

@00:12:50 gitmo
@00:12:52 gitmo right now but none of these

Military Insider, Ebola, Deep State Counter Attack

@00:07:51 gitmo and elsewhere but i think this is

Whitaker: Mueller Witch Hunt Ending: Major Victory

@00:04:46 others they're down in gitmo or

Pope Attacks POTUS, N735HC Plane Number Explosive Intel, Kamala Harris

@00:11:46 going southeast toward gitmo so just

POTUS 21 Days, Q, The Wall, Endgame

@00:01:39 used to work in gitmo he said that my
@00:12:26 going southeast toward gitmo
@00:13:25 heading southeast toward gitmo from fort

New Intel Drop: Barges, Quarantine, DS, POTUS, Q

@00:00:58 gitmo barges these barges that were
@00:01:12 at gitmo i have been in contact with
@00:04:44 i think the gitmo barges they're being

Pedophile Protector Mueller Goes After Stone

@00:07:45 going on down in gitmo and elsewhere

Update DS Deadman's Switch, Pelosi and Kerry Threats, POTUS Response

@00:00:57 i've made about the activity down gitmo

Update Military Intel Deep State Deadman's Switch

@00:03:41 says remember hugh mentioned that gitmo
@00:03:46 prepared and that's true gitmo sorry i
@00:03:49 have this itch gitmo is just one of many
@00:04:03 well but gitmo is not the only one we
@00:04:08 gitmo that preparations have been
@00:10:55 gitmo i have no idea about the other
@00:10:57 gitmo type locations i would guess

deleted POTUS Kicks Out Trans-Perverts, Q & White House Sinkhole 17th Street

@00:06:26 meaning gitmo as in meaning military

Critical GITMO Intel, Purim White House Event, My New Itinerary

@00:01:26 gitmo the naval activity around gitmo
@00:01:34 flow to gitmo and his first email buddy
@00:01:40 you a heads up on gitmo the best i can i
@00:01:58 speak up in your videos on gitmo also
@00:02:11 to get close to gitmo and the arrest
@00:03:47 psu port security unit gitmo is where
@00:03:56 gitmo there are some heavy stuff going
@00:04:16 being housing trials at gitmo are the
@00:04:22 seems like gitmo is the real deal and
@00:09:08 activity going on in gitmo

Q is Real, POTUS Plan Against Deep State Cabal Update

@00:05:04 tribunals began not just in gitmo

POTUS Govt Shutdown Trap, Reflections Day 5 UCSD

@00:02:59 tribunals going on at gitmo as well i'll

More Photos GITMO, POTUS & Barr, Military Tribunals

@00:01:39 toward what he believes toward gitmo
@00:02:09 more toward gitmo okay
@00:04:56 gitmo now i got two subscribers in
@00:05:09 down at gitmo and if you've been
@00:05:46 are going on in gitmo are being filmed

More Photos GITMO, Treason & Q, Naming Names

@00:01:00 call for the closure of gitmo before
@00:01:22 tweeting about gitmo here in january of
@00:01:27 with what's going on at gitmo the secret
@00:03:12 basically toward gitmo and this is a
@00:03:30 of gitmo so again a lot of people said i
@00:03:50 going on at gitmo um ok so what i want
@00:13:58 in jail and gitmo for most of them death

Military Activity Photos GITMO, Q, Feinstein Freaks Out Over GITMO

@00:01:20 forward at gitmo dianne feinstein is
@00:01:27 about this when obama kept gitmo going
@00:02:40 gitmo is only a couple hundred miles
@00:02:57 who are in gitmo now i believe you are
@00:04:15 the area of gitmo sorry those pictures i
@00:04:43 this activity flying toward gitmo you
@00:04:57 naval activities around gitmo yeah you

Major Naval Activity near Gitmo, Ginsberg Death, Comey Tweets

@00:04:31 gitmo never so you take that for what
@00:05:19 has spent a lot of money on gitmo but

Comey, Podesta Silenced, Ginsberg Absent, Tribunals Continue

@00:02:00 military tribunals at gitmo james comey

Tribunals Thunder Onward, POTUS Exposes Pedophile Romney

@00:07:12 actually happening at at gitmo and great
@00:07:43 photo of him sneaking into gitmo okay

Military Tribunals Began Yesterday Jan 2nd 2019

@00:01:27 military tribunals are held in gitmo
@00:06:44 about about military tribunals at gitmo
@00:06:55 in full swing in gitmo i know several

GITMO Military Planes NOW, Obama's Emails, Arlington Closed

@00:04:31 sequence flights inbound to gitmo today
@00:05:06 got these flights inbound to gitmo so

2 Huge Prison Barges Headed to Gitmo NOW

@00:00:46 is where gitmo is guantanamo bay it is
@00:00:59 also headed for cuba for gitmo my family
@00:01:05 because of my discussions about gitmo
@00:01:27 headed right now to gitmo to guantanamo
@00:02:36 where of course we know gitmo is montano

Pres Trump Preparing GITMO for Satanic Pedophile Elites

@00:01:32 about gitmo gitmo is ready and she
@00:01:58 and holding them at gitmo for extended
@00:02:07 from dr. jerome corsi gitmo being
@00:02:56 padded cell on gitmo the next one q and
@00:03:22 off from october 17th is gitmo is for
@00:03:30 and from october 23rd gitmo arrests
@00:03:56 spent on guantanamo bay on gitmo and it
@00:04:35 can arrest people hold them in gitmo and

Trump Tweets TREASON: Hammer About to Drop

@00:06:23 funding to upgrade gitmo

Kasich ADMITS McCain Executed!!!!

@00:00:55 in gitmo whatever well this video

Pedophile Hillary Clinton to be Arrested Before Nov 11, 2018

@00:07:22 says he's he's keeping gitmo open so