Inspector General

Assassination Attempt on POTUS, 9 Pedos Arrested in Central Texas, John Paul Rice Exposes Pedowood

@00:05:58 the inspector general
@00:06:03 referring to doj inspector general
@00:06:12 general services administration
@00:06:14 or the office of the inspector general

Mariah Carey's Sis Suing over Pedophilia & Satanic Acts, Yates Throws Comey Under Bus, 5 Explosions

@00:12:16 but the justice department's inspector
@00:12:18 general found the investigation was
@00:12:27 from the inspector general

Indictments by Labor Day, Ratcliffe Massive Declass, Trump Blasts Obama/Biden for Treason

@00:02:51 who was outed by the doj's inspector
@00:02:53 general for falsifying and omitting

SCOTUS Betrayal, Atlanta Officer Charged w Murder, Flynn Update

@00:09:41 inspector general michael horowitz as

16 Children Rescued, Trump's Position on Vaccines, Grenell to Release Flynn Calls, Field McConnell

@00:02:42 the doj senior inspector dysart
@00:02:52 deputy assistant attorney general for

Declass Continues: Obama in Extreme Panic Mode, Schiff Scrambling, Bigger Bomb Next Week!

@00:18:11 inspector general for the us intel
@00:18:14 community and this inspector general

Graham Launches FISA Probe, Ukraine Goes After Biden, Trump Sues Washington Post

@00:02:41 department inspector general michael

New Q Drops: Brexit, Epstein, Adam Schiff Salacious Photos, Durham and NJ Trump Rally!

@00:02:41 were 18 the 18th was the inspector
@00:02:43 general of the intelligence community
@00:03:26 filed a complaint with the inspector
@00:03:27 general under penalty of perjury that

MSM Lies About Huber's Investigation, Twitter Gives Platform to Pedophiles

@00:05:51 inspector general released on monday the

Biggest Bombshell in IG Report, Hollywood Screaming, CEO Arrested on Child Sex Abuse Charges

@00:02:24 wiretap by the way the inspector general

WI Pedophile Ring Smashed, Vatican Promoting Homosexuality, New Q Drops

@00:14:32 questions from the inspector general

Trump's Poll Numbers Skyrocket, Comey Hiding, Shazam 2 Pedophile Agent

@00:02:23 answering the inspector general's
@00:02:27 attorney general laura loretta lynch and
@00:02:46 the inspector general report that was

YouTube Demonitizes Me, Comey/Corney IG Report, Barr Says Late Spring 2020 for Durham Report

@00:10:17 outlined in the inspector general report

Trump, Barr, Durham Response to IG Report: Day of Reckoning Draws Near!

@00:05:33 general of bar statement this is his
@00:05:37 and i quote the inspector general's
@00:07:14 was was dropped attorney general william
@00:07:18 inspector general's report on the fbi's
@00:09:57 the inspector general found the
@00:10:05 inspector general was committed in 2016
@00:10:12 misfeasance detailed in the inspector
@00:10:20 as the inspector general found serious
@00:11:39 saying his office told the doj inspector
@00:11:43 general we do not agree with some of the

David Icke & Jim Carrey, Alex Jones Satanist, Q It's Going to Be Biblical, More RBG News, Flynn

@00:11:22 ambush of general flynn she insisted
@00:11:29 felonies because he lonnie the inspector
@00:11:31 general multiple times under oath with

IG Report 2 Weeks, Audio Bombshell, Return of Q, MK Ultra Exposed

@00:02:32 inspector general is expected to release

Nov 15 McCabe, World Harvest Church, Ohio & John McCain

@00:07:12 inspector general michael agates

POTUS Traps the Deep State, Sarah Palin a Satanist, Bethel Church are Satanists

@00:03:28 intelligence inspector general about the

McCabe Charges Recommended: And So It Begins . . .

@00:00:44 rosen the deputy attorney general but he
@00:00:53 inspector general findings against him

Navy Intel Source: Chemtrails, Child Sex Trafficking, Dorian, China, Q & The Plan

@00:11:02 the office of the inspector general ho

Child Sex Trafficking Disney Cruise Lines Abandons Workers, New Comey IG Report, Epstein Witness

@00:06:15 he says it seems that a new inspector
@00:06:18 general report on comey is coming out
@00:06:47 from trump the new inspector general

All FISA Warrants Illegal, Pedophile Pence AF2 SAM 239, The Perfect Storm

@00:01:27 report categorically that the inspector
@00:01:30 general has found that all four fisa
@00:02:18 report categorically that the inspector
@00:02:21 general has found that all four fisa

NYC Subway Shutdown, Epstein & Murdered AR Senator Linda Collins Smith

@00:03:23 the inspector general just revealed how

Epstein, Navy Intel, Q on Clinton Health, DS in Mad Panic Mode

@00:10:58 now we know what the inspector general

Comey MSM Spin, More Navy Intel, Ratcliffe Exposing Secret Society

@00:01:30 after the inspector general referral and

Epstein Pilots Subpoenaed, Ratcliffe Appointment, Obama's Embezzlement

@00:07:11 he trusts attorney general general
@00:07:15 inspector general michael horowitz to

Fraudulent FISA & Comey Ignoring Child Sex Crimes

@00:05:35 justice department's inspector general

When Do Birds Sing? Lynch Turns on Comey just as Q Predicted

@00:08:42 attorney general and also the inspector
@00:08:44 general at the justice department are

Barr Appoints Durham, Huber Nears Completion, Rosenstein Rips into Comey

@00:02:19 general jeff sessions but has been in a
@00:02:21 holding pattern as the inspector general
@00:05:08 inspector general hor 'its is set to
@00:05:11 soothe me inspector general horowitz is

CNN Drops 26%, Senators Demand Investigation of CIA

@00:02:46 inspector general of the intelligence
@00:04:13 who's the inspector general of the

Declass Coming, Major Companies Abandon PP & Messiah the Firstfruits

@00:01:30 campaign in 2016 attorney general
@00:01:37 the doj and fbi doj inspector general
@00:02:31 attorney general as a political animal
@00:02:35 republicans the forthcoming inspector
@00:02:37 general court is an eagerly anticipated
@00:04:42 this inspector general report is

Bill Barr Testifies Spying Did Occur on POTUS

@00:01:37 to this office of the inspector general
@00:02:39 william bar the attorney general not
@00:02:43 inspector general report that's going to

POTUS Vows to Declass: Q's Storm Now a Hurricane

@00:09:50 inspector general horowitz are about to

CNN Starts Sounding Like Q: Tide is Turning

@00:01:34 actually meeting with the inspector
@00:01:36 general michael horowitz and of course

NBC, HRC & Pedophile Rings, Q Drop 2939

@00:05:02 inspector general investigator at the
@00:05:25 inaugural worse the inspector general ig

BOOM! Testimony Right Now Exposing Clintons Dec 13, 2018

@00:02:23 inspector general good jim and it

Satanic Pedophile Comey's Unraveling Confession!!!

@00:05:35 first the justice department inspector
@00:05:38 general found that comey wrongly usurped

FBI Raids Whistleblower on Clinton Foundation: The Satanic Pedophiles are Terrified!

@00:01:47 the department of justice's inspector
@00:01:49 general and both the house and senate

Leaked Oct 28th: DOJ Memo Exposing Mueller for His Crimes

@00:00:58 extortion michael horowitz inspector
@00:01:01 general us department of justice

Hillary Court Docket Case: 1:14-cv-01242

@00:05:00 inspector general michael horowitz noted