
Ratcliffe Coordinating with Durham, Huge Pro Freedom Rallies in Berlin, Japan, London, Boston, OR

@00:06:34 and then here um robert uh f kennedy jr
@00:07:38 of course you know robert f kennedy jr

Witness Saw Bill Clinton on Pedo Island, Twitter Turns Blind Eye to Child Rape Videos, Atwater Win

@00:11:23 robert f kennedy jr vows to bring
@00:11:31 to robert f kennedy jr
@00:11:45 according to kennedy junior
@00:12:16 according to robert f kennedy jr who
@00:12:26 according to kennedy junior fauci
@00:12:44 autism and vaccines kennedy jr says
@00:12:57 said kennedy junior children's health
@00:13:03 for robert f kennedy jr as he is going
@00:13:29 robert f kennedy jr in a lot of prayer

Epstein Defender Supports Forced Vaccinations, Dems Paid PA Officials to Stuff Ballot Box

@00:06:16 kennedy jr. who i consider a hero he's
@00:08:36 donkeys well good for robert f kennedy

Terrified Obama Lashes Out at Trump: Deep State Backed Into A Corner

@00:15:44 assassination of john f kennedy way back

Michelle Obama & Laura Bush Fund,, PP Charged 25G for Body Parts, RFK Jr Links Fauci & Gates

@00:12:24 kennedy jr. drops a new bombshell
@00:12:44 americans robert f kennedy jr. says the
@00:12:47 follow the money bobby kennedy jr.
@00:13:39 kennedy said if the gates back to farmer
@00:13:59 love reporting on what robert f kennedy

POTUS to Force Recess, Robert Kennedy Jr Exposes Fauci, Famous Boxer Exposes Hollywood Pedophiles

@00:02:57 robert f kennedy jr. drops bombshells on
@00:04:08 article robert f kennedy jr. revealed
@00:04:21 to outright fraud kennedy repeatedly
@00:04:32 policy for the united states kennedy
@00:05:00 americans kennedy said alleging pouchy
@00:05:17 there were more kennedy also targeted
@00:05:34 kennedy jr. has been awesome i mean he's

End the Fed, Navy Ships, Cheyenne Mountain, Reserves Activated, Dylan's 17 Minute Song, Prayers

@00:06:29 said the deep state got the kennedy
@00:06:44 to the kennedy senator center so even
@00:06:58 state cabal tied to the kennedy center

JFK's Grandchildren singing Timber, Prince Charles, Patriot Boomerang

@00:03:23 grandchildren of john f kennedy seeing

Riverside Q Conference Video Recording

@00:35:05 tried to do what john f kennedy was

Soros Ordered Obama to Investigate Trump, Volunteers in Ohio Combat Sex Trafficking

@00:02:06 the kennedy administration and i don't

64 People Show Up Fort Myers Q Conference!

@00:28:51 reported in the news was kennedy space

OR CPS Abuse, CA Protecting Pedophiles, Dance Moms Sexualizing Children

@00:02:12 kennedy was allowed to stay with her

Q Conference New Jersey: Part 3 of 4

@00:24:20 kennedy as was nixon carter wasn't
@00:25:12 decent guy and then we had kennedy and
@00:25:15 they murdered kennedy after one two
@00:25:31 kennedy even though i'm sure his
@00:26:01 murder of kennedy okay then we have
@00:27:14 other than other than reagan kennedy and

Q Conference New Jersey: Part 2 of 4

@00:33:00 the time that john f kennedy was our
@00:33:10 kennedy was trying to do
@00:33:11 kennedy was just beginning to want to
@00:33:22 kennedy tried to target so that's why we

Jordan Crushing Dems, Kamala Drops Out, Epstein & Maxwell used by Mossad

@00:14:34 the amount of time that kennedy had in

Trump Crushes Lisa Page, Joe Biden Insane, Pope, Islam Pedophile Symbols, CPS Treachery

@00:06:03 akin to president john f kennedy who's
@00:06:12 john f kennedy president trump also

D5:Q:Grassley Hunting Obama & Biden, Epstein & Israel, RBG DC Hospital Mystery Deepens

@00:07:49 then of course john f kennedy came along
@00:08:07 kennedy for trying that and now we have

Part 1 of 5: Tour of Juneau, Alaska with John & Jeff

@00:13:31 about kennedy face bill
@00:14:14 sure he knew about kennedy

Satanic Pedophilia Downtown Juneau Alaska Image, Kanye West Unplugged, George Soros Custody

@00:11:57 since well john f kennedy started
@00:12:00 started you know john f kennedy said he
@00:12:21 everything john f kennedy wanted to span

Q Drop 3574, 93 Days Dark, Durham, The Finders, Exposing Hagmann, Quayle, Taylor, Wells, A Jones

@00:05:34 president john f kennedy the man who
@00:05:52 though president kennedy is dead he was
@00:06:01 son john john john kennedy jr. i believe
@00:06:09 kennedy what's his name the guy who's

Navy Intel: 10,000 Children Rescued, Cabal Oct 17th Plan to Assassinate Trump Foiled, My Wedding

@00:06:51 cia just like john f kennedy declared
@00:07:11 dallas on the day that kennedy was
@00:07:15 cabal that took out kennedy and now

Islamic Law Sells 9 Year Old Girls, Disney Producer Makes Mark Taylor Film, JFK Jr News

@00:08:45 john f kennedy jr. john john that he is
@00:09:06 actually met not john f kennedy jr. but
@00:09:34 compare pictures to john f kennedy jr.

Grassley: Harvest Begins, Biden Turns on Obama, UN Bankrupt, John B Wells & Aquino

@00:08:55 wind like our beloved kennedy said of

IG Report 2 Weeks, Audio Bombshell, Return of Q, MK Ultra Exposed

@00:13:17 is what john kennedy john f kennedy said
@00:13:48 f kennedy but the deep state will not be

Greg Laurie Loved Bush Sr, 100% Proof Of Calvary Chapel Satanism, Paula White the Satanist

@00:10:59 to murder john f kennedy and who's led

Personal Organ Harvesting Testimony, Mercy Corp & Clintons, Flynn Exoneration Clarifies

@00:08:54 shattered to the wind as john f kennedy

Epstein Flights Columbus OH, Cemex, Major Satanic Pedo Ring Busted Near Cincinnati

@00:15:27 murdered john f kennedy this has been

Timothy Holmseth Strikes Back, Defending my Navy Intel Source with Common Sense

@00:08:04 when john f kennedy our president when

Epstein Cement Truck, Declass Begins with Hillary Clinton Drop, From Ohio to Vatican

@00:06:23 kennedy
@00:06:29 president kennedy wanted to do that of
@00:07:16 so what john f kennedy had tried to do

Repost: Navy Intel Source: "Q Team" From Ike to Trump

@00:04:44 president kennedy about how the need
@00:04:48 our government kennedy moved to start
@00:05:36 to destroying as with kennedy the q team
@00:05:48 kennedy taking back ground from the deep
@00:06:58 but unlike with kennedy and reagan this

Q's Pence Countdown, POTUS Airport Gaff, More Epstein News, California Redemption

@00:07:57 mick jagger kissinger ted kennedy evelyn

Military Insider Pete & POTUS Vow Removing Millions of Illegals

@00:09:03 kennedy jr. i did a story on him a few
@00:09:15 read this story it says robert f kennedy
@00:09:35 religious reasons but robert f kennedy
@00:09:42 kennedy and his legal team are planning
@00:10:39 hallelujah praise ya robert f kennedy

RFK Jr Opposes Vaccines, Gen Flynn Update, Kershaw Helps Child Sex Trafficking Victims

@00:01:09 robert f kennedy jr. he is uh he's come
@00:01:18 f kennedy jr. breaks a silent silence
@00:03:36 so robert f kennedy jr. he had a press
@00:04:04 robert f kennedy jr. right in the heart

Declass To Expose Assassination Attempts, Ruth Ginsburg Update

@00:04:32 boat justice anthony kennedy announced

Cannibal Club in L.A., 8 Year Old Girls Receiving Testosterone!

@00:06:39 elana sharara and johanna olson kennedy

POTUS Says Treason, Tim Holmseth Update, DOD Orders $250 Million Worth of Gas Masks

@00:03:23 kennedy president trump told confidence

POTUS Baits The Dems Into Demanding Declass

@00:06:24 that's a quote from john f kennedy and
@00:06:45 far as kennedy so i just thought this is

Q 21 Day Countdown A Bust? No!

@00:02:41 of his page and kennedy said indictments

SRA Survivor Evonne: Dad was 33rd Degree Freemason

@00:13:52 kennedy they shot
@00:42:14 behind the the murder of john f kennedy

Hillary Not Running in 2020, Trudeau's Sinking Ship

@00:07:11 john fk john f kennedy papers it's not

HHS Harvesting Children, Foster Care Evils, DS Swamp

@00:09:36 kennedy of course tried to stop it and

NBC, HRC & Pedophile Rings, Q Drop 2939

@00:04:49 kennedy the younger undersecretary of

Wall Ahead of Schedule, POTUS Defies CIA Created ISIS

@00:06:46 kennedy hallelujah we need be praying

Ruth Ginsburg, Q Warning of False Flags, MSM Propaganda

@00:05:53 kennedy with cavanaugh so so we still

Forced Vaccines, Q, Barr, Kavanaugh, Ginsburg

@00:09:01 2000 set a team justice anthony kennedy

Iowa Bans Most Abortions! HALLALUYAH!

@00:04:54 kennedy he said the mother should be

POTUS State of the Union Address: Utterly Spectacular!!

@00:09:16 said you know they they killed kennedy
@00:10:50 john f kennedy jr. called in john john

POTUS Taking 9th Circuit, Military Bio-Weapons Update, Superbowl Sting

@00:11:35 robert f kennedy has been trying to

The POTUS Head Fake: Deep State Gnashing Their Teeth

@00:06:24 back as far back as john f kennedy in no

Update Military Intel Deep State Deadman's Switch

@00:07:52 kennedy faced deep state will use their

Critical GITMO Intel, Purim White House Event, My New Itinerary

@00:12:26 returning to juno and i came kennedy

Q is Real, POTUS Plan Against Deep State Cabal Update

@00:04:45 assassination of john f kennedy

Q, POTUS, & Amy Coney Barrett

@00:06:09 what's-his-face anthony kennedy who

JFK Jr, Apostle John, Q, Pres Trump: Patterns in Prophecy and Revelation

@00:03:01 john f kennedy jr. so john and kevin

More Proof on JFK Jr, POTUS Abolition of Human Trafficking Month, Q

@00:01:10 kennedy and this whole satanic child sex

JFK Jr., Q, Pres Kennedy & Trump: The Fall of the satanic cabal

@00:00:55 know all this so john oops john kennedy
@00:01:07 his wife but john kennedy our that
@00:01:58 so john kennedy when he was killed in 63
@00:02:08 god if kennedy jr. and this little boy
@00:02:39 history and john kennedy should be one
@00:02:50 assassinated him so john kennedy jr. he
@00:03:10 john kennedy jr. had a lisp kind of a
@00:05:02 kennedy people take them out once except
@00:05:08 like ted kennedy oh but they they took
@00:05:41 realize that john f kennedy jr. had won
@00:05:52 to john kennedy or president trump way
@00:06:46 kennedy jr. he he knew that this fit was
@00:07:11 plainly declared that jonathan kennedy
@00:07:59 john kennedy jr. said future i'm gonna
@00:08:19 john f kennedy
@00:08:24 to talk about john f kennedy jr. looking
@00:08:43 have been jonathan kennedy jr's
@00:08:50 who was jonathan kennedy juniors wife
@00:09:35 sister-in-law john f kennedy jr.
@00:09:39 similar to john f kennedy junior's wife
@00:10:01 oh yeah john f kennedy jr. was dead and
@00:10:25 assassinated president kennedy back in
@00:10:28 1963 and so this guy john kennedy jr.

Satanic Pedophile Trudeau, Sealed Indictment, Elites Go Silent

@00:04:05 pedophile associates of kennedy canadian

POTUS Smacks Down FED, Flynn Darkness to Light

@00:15:35 jonathan kennedy was able to do in fact

Q's Ticking Clock, Whitaker, Globalist Empire Meltdown

@00:13:01 a video earlier today john f kennedy was

Large Asian Crowd at 18-19 Minute Mark: UCLA Day 10 Part 1 of 4

@00:00:56 f kennedy jr. yeah he was good senior

Satanic Pedophile Comey has 5 Folders on Hillary's Child Sex Crimes

@00:03:07 the murder of john f kennedy you don't

POTUS Moves to Strike Down CIA Satanic Pedophiles

@00:01:19 before even before john f kennedy was

Hillsong Australia = Satanic Pedophiles

@00:00:26 president kenny kennedy attempted
@00:09:08 trying to do that which john f kennedy

Preaching in front of White House Part 1

@00:06:22 the assassination of john f kennedy but

Bush Sr, Clinton, Obama: CIA Child Sex Trafficking MORE PROOF!!!

@00:13:12 president kennedy so this was right
@00:13:14 after they murdered kennedy this this

The Bush Cabal vs The Clinton Cabal

@00:02:17 all the way back to john f kennedy in
@00:02:35 declassify all those john f kennedy
@00:02:57 the assassination of john f kennedy now

Nathan Stolpman (LTV) Interviews Daniel Lee: Exposing Satanic Pedophiles

@00:34:03 assassinating john f kennedy all the way

Trump's Foreign Policy Speech and the Walls of Torah!!!!

@00:01:24 reagan or john f kennedy it yah has

More Spiritual Insights Into Donald Trump

@00:02:23 to be better than john f kennedy he is