Las Vegas

Dumitru Duduman: Prophecy from 36 Years Ago Beginning to Unfold in the USA

@00:04:28 las vegas new york and florida

Sullivan Stalls, Trafficking in Persons Report, DOJ on Inditcment Spree Against Anarchists

@00:11:29 then in las vegas a federal grand jury
@00:11:39 of las vegas for violations of federal
@00:11:44 during protests in las vegas and

$21 Million Child Trafficking Network Busted, Trump To Bring Back Grenell, Sleepy Joe Display

@00:03:30 francisco los angeles sacramento las
@00:03:32 vegas and san diego the indictment says

Stormy Daniels Admits Trump Affair Never Happened, Jimmy Kimmel's Sick Video, Prolifer Arrested

@00:14:36 that's going on in tunnels beneath las
@00:14:38 vegas but i got an email from a
@00:14:48 lady speaking about las vegas tunnel
@00:14:52 underground places i live in las vegas
@00:15:00 homeless just inside las vegas note yes

Sex Abuse Victims Speak Out, Police Chief Caught, Barr Crackdown On Unlawful Restrictions

@00:07:24 in las vegas and most of us people
@00:07:28 associate las vegas is the party's
@00:08:12 are being trafficked in las vegas and
@00:08:17 las vegas and i want you to please
@00:08:19 google las vegas tile and see
@00:09:06 these tunnels below below las vegas not

Q Conference New Jersey: Part 1 of 4

@00:24:58 got las vegas it's the only state where

Hillary Clinton Tweets Shred the Constitution, SerialBrain2, Juneau Woman Yells At Me

@00:12:15 las vegas looks really beautiful right

How Disney & Ohio Collide: Satanic Pedophile Network Fully Exposed

@00:09:17 horrible day also the part about las
@00:09:20 vegas really got me my dad took us there

POTUS Threatens Declass, Q, Border Crisis

@00:12:47 concert at las vegas nevada shooting
@00:13:24 horrible day of the las vegas massacre
@00:13:49 rained down in las vegas so god works

Elton John: Satanic Peophile, Washington Post LIES About Ginsburg

@00:03:13 our conservative community to las vegas

John of God Satanic Pedophile, Oprah Winfrey, Liz Crokin Exposes

@00:07:49 gay and and move out to las vegas of
@00:07:59 and moved out to las vegas and started
@00:08:08 to las vegas that little little boys

Whitaker, Trudeau, Mueller, Ginsberg: State of the Union

@00:10:58 the las vegas massacre while at the same
@00:11:13 for hours fbi forces from both las vegas

Q's Ticking Clock, Whitaker, Globalist Empire Meltdown

@00:14:22 sex trafficking ring in in las vegas

Interview with Micheal Whalen: Exposing Portland Pedophiles: Part 2

@00:09:28 than even in las vegas yeah which is one

Where Are We On The Prophetic Timeline?

@00:10:24 horrific shooting in las vegas which

The Time Is Cut Short: Part 1

@00:01:23 then we had that guy in las vegas who