Military tribunals

Crimes Against Humanity, AG Virgin Islands to Unlock Epstein Flight Logs, Strzok & Pelosi Madness

@00:06:14 that there are going to be military
@00:06:16 tribunals coming up we've known this for

Durham Negotiating Guilty Pleas, Trump Wishing Ghislaine Well & Wearing Mask, Trump Protects Census

@00:04:06 to military tribunals
@00:04:11 because military tribunals wouldn't uh

Q's 10 Weeks, DNI Secures Upcoming Elections, Framework for Global Mass Arrests

@00:24:35 arrested by military police and tried
@00:24:37 and tribunals run by the pentagon

Obama Lawyers Up, Declass of Obama Officials, Rand Paul Rebukes Fauci

@00:04:51 these folks are headed toward military
@00:04:53 tribunals so it's gonna be interesting

Tainted Adrenochrome, Wuhan, POTUS to Pardon Flynn, Powell on Weiner's Laptop

@00:02:20 these indictments and where the military
@00:02:21 tribunals happen by the time we get to

Military Insider Pete: COVID 19 Update, Restraint on Expectations of Mass Arrests

@00:12:27 will be the same military tribunals and
@00:12:45 military tribunals on the mass arrests
@00:13:28 arrests the military tribunals taking
@00:14:01 military tribunals now that just can't

State of the Union, Pelosi Rips Up Speech, The Best is Yet to Come

@00:03:08 not just going to be military tribunals
@00:03:09 it's going to be a mixture of military
@00:03:11 tribunals and civilian courts so and

New Q Drops: Brexit, Epstein, Adam Schiff Salacious Photos, Durham and NJ Trump Rally!

@00:08:37 military tribunals think the doj install

Abcug Set Free, 1332 CEOs Step Down in 2019, Mother Theresa Implicated Again in Pedophilia

@00:09:44 military tribunals go public against
@00:09:47 had military tribunals going on member
@00:10:11 giving updates on those military
@00:10:13 tribunals but we want to see the
@00:10:32 asking kavanaugh about military
@00:10:34 tribunals and how that would work and

Pete Military Insider: Virginia Bio Tech Park, 2nd Spacey Accuser Dies, Watergate is Pedogate

@00:18:13 going to be the year of the military
@00:18:15 tribunals

POTUS Tweets VA 2nd Amendment Sanctuary Patriots, Adm Rogers Cooperating with Durham

@00:19:04 2020 the year of the military tribunals

Q Conference New Jersey: Part 3 of 4

@00:08:29 military tribunals and he is going to be

Q Conference New Jersey: Part 2 of 4

@00:12:54 judges on the military tribunals i don't

Q Drop 3574, 93 Days Dark, Durham, The Finders, Exposing Hagmann, Quayle, Taylor, Wells, A Jones

@00:05:10 going to be part of the military
@00:05:12 tribunals to judge these satanic

Treasonous Comey, Q and Lynch, POTUS Asked About Q

@00:06:42 court we didn't even have military
@00:06:44 tribunals that could be applied to
@00:06:46 civilians at that point only military
@00:06:48 tribunals won't leaf or the military

Clooney, Iran, Holmseth Exposes Another Satanic Pedophile, More Proof Greg Laurie is A Satanist

@00:05:32 justice is coming these military
@00:05:35 tribunals are coming make no mistake

McCabe Charges Recommended: And So It Begins . . .

@00:02:31 military or civilian court trials or
@00:02:35 tribunals either military tribunals or

Navy Intel Source: Chemtrails, Child Sex Trafficking, Dorian, China, Q & The Plan

@00:09:18 these military tribunals start to
@00:09:24 military tribunals every few weeks and

2000 Epstein Docs Released, More On Dayton Children's Hospitals

@00:01:09 went through that allowed military
@00:01:11 tribunals to apply not just to the
@00:01:14 military as it normally did but also

Coats Leaves the 15th, POTUS 144 Judges, CPS Using Predictive Analytics

@00:02:52 be military tribunals but i do not think
@00:02:54 it's going to be solely military
@00:02:56 tribunals there will be military
@00:02:58 tribunals along with civilian courts so
@00:03:23 don't think military tribunals are going
@00:03:27 mixture of military and civilian and

Fire Commissioners Demand New 9-11 Investigation, New Epstein Transcripts Hit MSM

@00:07:57 understanding that the military
@00:08:00 tribunals that have been ongoing since

Declass Released on Wednesday? Epstein & Charlie Rose

@00:10:33 military tribunals which you know

Epstein Spin, NYC "42" Blackout Wheels Up Bill Clinton

@00:04:31 and the military tribunals and it was
@00:04:43 pushing for these military tribunals to
@00:05:00 in the military tribunals and so they

NYC Plunges Into Darkness, Q Operation, ICE Raids Begin at Dawn, GITMO Televised

@00:13:22 they will be held in military tribunals

Bill Clinton, Under Age Girls, Epstein Plane, Flynn Updates

@00:11:49 military tribunals going on right now in

Sweden Refuses Assange Extradition, POTUS Trolls Deep State

@00:02:01 indictments and the military tribunals
@00:02:06 of the indictments and the military
@00:02:08 tribunals you have to build the trust of
@00:02:33 by the time we get to these military
@00:02:35 tribunals a good portion of the
@00:03:57 the whole idea of these military
@00:04:01 tribunals that will be the result of

Mueller Mutes Anti-Barr Chorus

@00:07:42 then we'll leave to the military
@00:07:44 tribunals so it's it's very very

MSM Collapsing, POTUS Reminder of Military Tribunals

@00:07:39 military tribunals and of course the
@00:07:44 because we are headed toward military
@00:07:47 tribunals over many many people that are
@00:08:28 toward military tribunals of these very
@00:08:35 hillary brennan's drop and the military
@00:08:40 tribunals is where we

Declass Ordered & Deep State Pushes Back

@00:09:49 military tribunals not just of the low
@00:09:53 already been going on but the military
@00:09:55 tribunals against the high ranking
@00:11:03 the indictments and for the military
@00:11:04 tribunals now that this d-class has been

Huckabee Tweets POTUS: Military Tribunals At Gitmo

@00:01:25 january i reported on the military
@00:01:29 tribunals beginning at gitmo and all the
@00:01:45 through these secret military tribunals
@00:01:55 gitmo used for these high-level military
@00:01:58 tribunals praise yeah
@00:17:15 military tribunals hallelujah all right

Violent Pro Abortionists, Mt. Rushmore Fireworks, Gen Flynn Banner Change

@00:05:30 big time tribunals these military
@00:05:32 tribunals against the big satanic

Rosenstein Resignation Letter: May 11, 2019

@00:09:20 was basically the head of these military
@00:09:23 tribunals these nuremberg trials to
@00:09:42 these huge military tribunals to occur
@00:10:02 jackson who was head of these military
@00:10:05 tribunals of the nazis the nuremberg
@00:10:09 military tribunals wow
@00:10:49 that these military tribunals take you

Comey in Deep Trouble, POTUS Reshaping Courts!

@00:08:31 don't we just need military tribunals q
@00:08:35 mixture of military tribunals and
@00:08:50 that will be tried in military tribunals

NXIVM: New Criminal Charges Pending

@00:07:30 will lead to military tribunals we're
@00:07:32 already having military tribunals in

Gowdy Talks Tribunals, Baby Parts Traffickers Arrested, Q on Maher

@00:07:32 military tribunals and what may be
@00:07:34 happening with these military tribunals

Military Insider, Ebola, Deep State Counter Attack

@00:10:17 now going into military tribunals down

Beneath the Temple Mount & The Son of Perdition

@00:16:32 military tribunals that are being put in
@00:16:40 trump post trump those military
@00:16:43 tribunals will be used by the son of

POTUS Taking 9th Circuit, Military Bio-Weapons Update, Superbowl Sting

@00:09:05 military tribunals which will be brought

Whitaker: Mueller Witch Hunt Ending: Major Victory

@00:04:50 military tribunals where they're not

Pedophile Protector Mueller Goes After Stone

@00:07:43 mistake there are military tribunals

Q is Real, POTUS Plan Against Deep State Cabal Update

@00:04:58 forward so on january 2nd military
@00:05:04 tribunals began not just in gitmo
@00:05:07 but in locations all over these military
@00:05:10 tribunals are going after a mid-level
@00:08:46 we've seen the military tribunals are

Federal Courts Running Out of Money -- HallaluYAH!!!

@00:02:17 military can lend a hand he's talking of
@00:02:21 course about the military tribunals

POTUS Govt Shutdown Trap, Reflections Day 5 UCSD

@00:02:58 it's also tied to the secret military
@00:02:59 tribunals going on at gitmo as well i'll

More Photos GITMO, POTUS & Barr, Military Tribunals

@00:05:20 prosecuted at the military tribunals
@00:05:37 prosecuted at these secret military
@00:05:39 tribunals president trump at is choosing
@00:05:43 because these military tribunals that

More Photos GITMO, Treason & Q, Naming Names

@00:01:30 military tribunals that have begun with
@00:08:33 updates on the military tribunals the
@00:08:36 military tribunals did start on january
@00:12:43 military tribunals prosecutions who's
@00:14:31 in the military tribunals against the
@00:15:09 legitimate sources to these military
@00:15:11 tribunals and this is all opening up the

Military Activity Photos GITMO, Q, Feinstein Freaks Out Over GITMO

@00:01:18 secret military tribunals are going
@00:01:58 these military tribunals go forward

Major Naval Activity near Gitmo, Ginsberg Death, Comey Tweets

@00:01:14 military tribunals so as i said before
@00:01:18 these military tribunals that are going
@00:03:32 we'll see but in any case the military
@00:03:34 tribunals are going forward if you don't
@00:03:50 believe these military tribunals are
@00:05:00 so these military tribunals are

Ginsberg Never Returning & Reflections on Preaching at UCSD Day 2

@00:01:50 these military tribunals but it's gonna

Comey, Podesta Silenced, Ginsberg Absent, Tribunals Continue

@00:01:17 news story the military tribunals are
@00:01:29 military tribunals have begun not only
@00:02:00 military tribunals at gitmo james comey
@00:04:16 along these military tribunals and bring
@00:04:45 military tribunals that are going

Tribunals Thunder Onward, POTUS Exposes Pedophile Romney

@00:01:07 well military tribunals started on
@00:01:17 of the military tribunals hallelujah
@00:02:19 military tribunals better continuing i
@00:04:21 military tribunals are going out in
@00:04:31 military tribunals are being done in
@00:07:08 these military tribunals they're going
@00:09:39 military tribunals have already begun
@00:11:41 military tribunals will start first
@00:11:43 because the once the military tribunals
@00:18:55 the military tribunals they are going

Military Tribunals Began Yesterday Jan 2nd 2019

@00:01:27 military tribunals are held in gitmo
@00:01:45 military tribunals coming from the likes
@00:02:39 military tribunals enemy combatants on
@00:02:48 military tribunals and executions
@00:06:44 about about military tribunals at gitmo
@00:09:58 below here the military tribunals have
@00:11:15 happy to see that these military
@00:11:16 tribunals have started hallelujah and

Satanic Pedophile Romney, Sanctions are Coming from POTUS

@00:05:39 it's coming military tribunals are

POTUS Transponder Off: Are Anons Ready?

@00:01:19 conceals the indictments for military
@00:01:22 tribunals for treason and crimes against

Q's 10 Days of Darkness, POTUS vs Obama, Last Gasp of Shadow Govt

@00:12:49 executive order of the military
@00:12:51 tribunals goes active on the 1st and
@00:13:33 lead to military tribunals and you know
@00:13:37 it's gonna be a mixture of military
@00:13:38 tribunals and civilian courts that
@00:13:41 those military tribunals they have to
@00:13:46 got to have these military tribunals
@00:13:54 should say the military tribunals will

X22, First Alarm, Q, 2019 And What to Expect

@00:09:27 will be used for military tribunals this

Pedophile Army General, Ginsberg on Death's Door

@00:04:16 uniform code of military justice
@00:04:21 restoring the military tribunals to to
@00:04:24 not only apply to the military which had

Q Drop & CIA Child Sex Trafficking ISIS Creation

@00:01:13 heads of military tribunals so they're
@00:01:20 military people in his administration
@00:02:07 recommends military tribunals
@00:02:15 military courts fast trial death penalty

Hannity Mentions Sealed Indictments, Q, Google in Panic, Podesta Desperate

@00:04:47 with military tribunals i don't know how

POTUS Signs New Law: Trillions Taken from Child Sex Traffickers!

@00:04:42 which military tribunals are going to be
@00:04:46 military like they've always been able

305th Deploys to Gitmo: Military Tribunals Coming

@00:03:13 the military tribunals that are coming
@00:03:25 there until the tribunals go forth now
@00:03:29 military tribunal will be rolling out on

Crokin's Hillary Prediction for 11-11 and Rosenstein Flips!

@00:03:21 remember that military tribunal
@00:03:32 have military tribunals in in this
@00:03:42 people who are not in the military to be
@00:03:44 tried by military tribunals such as
@00:03:48 someone who's not not in the military
@00:04:04 these military tribunals will provide

Pres Trump Preparing GITMO for Satanic Pedophile Elites

@00:02:09 readied for military tribunals that's
@00:02:17 2019 now military tribunals can be done
@00:02:23 ever since we have the military but
@00:02:29 military to be tried under the military
@00:02:30 tribunals such as hillary clinton and
@00:04:00 military tribunals that he's gonna be

Clintons & Huma Abedin Child Sex Trafficking in Michigan

@00:05:33 brought in front of the military
@00:05:34 tribunal you know military tribunals
@00:05:40 they they're used for the military and
@00:05:43 and those military tribunals can happen
@00:05:47 why this military tribunal law has to go
@00:06:35 asking specifically about military
@00:06:37 tribunals how they apply and how they

Why I Am Defending Court Docket Docs That PROSECUTE Bush Sr

@00:06:04 be like that when these military
@00:06:07 tribunals start happening and everything

Trump Tweets TREASON: Hammer About to Drop

@00:02:27 could be turned over to military
@00:02:28 tribunals and tried in military courts
@00:08:28 to have military tribunals as well as
@00:08:42 a military tribunals and people tried in