Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Prophetic Implications of Yom Kippur 2020

@00:31:11 another prophetic thing you had ruth
@00:31:12 bader ginsburg they announced her death

Trump $100 Million to Combat Human Trafficking, Biden-Ukraine Report to Drop, Hawaii Goes Trump

@00:12:09 this whole ruth bader ginsburg filling
@00:17:12 to that of ruth bader ginsburg sonia

Crimes Against Humanity, AG Virgin Islands to Unlock Epstein Flight Logs, Strzok & Pelosi Madness

@00:09:31 ruth bader ginsburg was dead but he's
@00:18:10 ruth bader ginsburg from cancer friday

RBG's Legacy, Trump Promises Woman Nominee Next Week, Marshals Arrest 262, Rescue 5 Children

@00:01:34 be about ruth bader ginsburg uh most of
@00:01:42 ruth bader ginsburg died now
@00:01:45 i believe ruth bader ginsburg died way
@00:02:04 about ruth bader ginsburg how
@00:02:48 gushing over the death of ruth bader
@00:02:50 ginsburg
@00:05:34 this is the true legacy of ruth bader
@00:05:36 ginsburg
@00:06:02 justice ruth bader ginsburg

Friday Night Shabbat: RBG Announced Dead, Hurricane Rebuked off House, Lung Cancer Healed

@00:02:18 about ruth better ginsburg's death so
@00:02:24 about ruth bader ginsburg uh being
@00:03:23 the media announced that ruth bader
@00:03:24 ginsburg was dead
@00:13:16 ruth bader ginsburg at least the death

Trudeau in Deep Trouble, Ohio Reverses Decision, Trump Tweets Out Pizza & St. James, RBG Update

@00:14:07 a ruth better ginsburg update again for
@00:14:12 i believe ruth bader ginsburg died way
@00:14:28 new supreme court justice ruth bader
@00:14:30 ginsburg hospitalized

Trump Shatters California Record, Churches Sue Newsom, Patriots Rise Up in Utah, Ginsburg Update

@00:12:49 and then finally ruth bader ginsburg you
@00:13:10 and said that ruth bader ginsburg was
@00:13:36 justice ruth bader ginsburg on may 19th

RBG Hoax Continues, Trump Calls Americans Warriors, Dr. Shiva Exposes Adrenochrome

@00:00:49 with the curious case of ruth bader
@00:00:51 ginsburg this story just broke yesterday
@00:00:57 court justice ruth bader ginsburg joins
@00:01:06 ruth bader ginsburg participating in
@00:01:44 that ruth bader ginsburg died she died
@00:02:33 of ruth bader ginsburg continues cue
@00:03:10 whole ruth bader ginsburg hoax and why
@00:03:34 okay justice ruth bader ginsburg is
@00:03:59 going on with this whole ruth bader
@00:04:01 ginsburg hoax but interesting that she's

Several CEOs Step down, Trump Can Now Withhold Funds From Sanctuary Cities & States

@00:12:17 sotomayor and ruth bader ginsburg to
@00:12:25 justices sonia sotomayor and ruth bader
@00:12:28 ginsburg to recuse themselves from any
@00:13:05 because you know i believe that ruth
@00:13:06 bader ginsburg has been dead now for
@00:13:20 this fake ruth bader ginsburg and now
@00:13:22 president trump is publicly saying ruth
@00:13:24 bader ginsburg and sotomayor should both
@00:13:51 directly called for ruth bader ginsburg

State of the Union, Pelosi Rips Up Speech, The Best is Yet to Come

@00:01:01 stuff first of all no ruth bader
@00:01:04 ginsburg she was a no-show
@00:01:12 were as far as i know but no ruth bader
@00:01:15 ginsburg of course i'm convinced she

64 People Show Up Fort Myers Q Conference!

@00:30:24 people called in to ruth bader ginsburg
@00:30:32 you're calling in regards to ruth bader
@00:30:34 ginsburg please you know call the other
@00:35:08 close buddies with ruth bader ginsburg
@00:35:12 be ruth bader ginsburg was advocating

Drag Queen Story Hour, Soleimani's Ring, John Grisham Defends Pedophiles

@00:15:52 plan to keep justice ruth bader ginsburg

Trump Wall Victory, NY Columnist Child Porn, Ginsburg Back From the Dead

@00:12:55 channel without a reference to ruth
@00:12:57 bader ginsberg so ruth bader ginsburg
@00:13:06 ruth bader ginsburg announced this week
@00:13:25 routine blood test justice ruth bader
@00:13:28 ginsburg today completed a three week
@00:14:01 rate of pancreatic cancer is 7% ruth
@00:14:06 bader ginsburg is the worst possible
@00:14:31 how many times ruth bader ginsburg at
@00:14:51 hi i'm convinced that ruth bader
@00:14:53 ginsburg died a year ago yes a full year
@00:15:17 bill ruth bader ginsburg scan continues

Pelosi Stalls, POTUS Exposes Phony Impeachment Hoax, Q Points Toward Supreme Court

@00:10:57 published today ruth bader ginsburg who
@00:11:14 doubles since then ruth bader ginsburg
@00:11:22 they are not impartial ruth bader
@00:11:25 ginsburg spoke with the bbc this week
@00:12:09 of the senate quoted ruth bader ginsburg
@00:12:27 state is using ruth bader ginsburg as
@00:12:53 quote/unquote ruth bader ginsburg

Anchorage Alaska Q Conference: First 47 Minutes

@00:06:17 out that antonin scalia and ruth bader
@00:06:20 ginsburg were very close buddies they
@00:06:22 would hang out all the time and ruth
@00:06:24 bader ginsburg she has advocated that

Trump Ends Liberal Domination of 9th Circuit, RBG Resignation Info, Feds Investigate Oregon CPS

@00:11:10 really saw ruth bader ginsburg
@00:11:36 interesting fact about how ruth bader
@00:11:38 ginsburg died back in january okay eu

Q Conference New Jersey: Part 3 of 4

@00:05:46 the ruth bader ginsburg the hoax and all
@00:09:24 that ruth bader ginsburg keeps going

Q Conference New Jersey: Part 2 of 4

@00:19:23 about the timing of the ruth bader
@00:19:25 ginsburg carving plays other than that

Q Conference New Jersey: Part 1 of 4

@00:36:22 ready to finally admit that ruth bader
@00:36:23 ginsburg is dead they're gonna offer
@00:39:49 scalia was very close friends with ruth
@00:39:51 bader ginsburg they hung out all the
@00:39:52 time together which is kind of odd ruth
@00:39:55 bader ginsburg is she gives liberal a
@00:40:04 that way back in the 70s ruth bader
@00:40:07 ginsburg said that 11 year olds should

Epstein's Private Banker Suicide, Trump & Supreme Court, Televangelist Pleads Guilty to Pedophilia

@00:10:14 ruth bader ginsburg is still alive when
@00:11:16 wide open this whole never ruth bader
@00:11:18 ginsburg even though she's dead she was

Trump Crushes Lisa Page, Joe Biden Insane, Pope, Islam Pedophile Symbols, CPS Treachery

@00:20:01 deep state finally admitting that ruth
@00:20:03 bader ginsburg is dead and playing that

Q Drops Official Secrets, Tom Cruise & Kutcher Caught In Ukraine Scandal, Pizzagate & Ben Swann

@00:04:20 about ruth bader ginsburg you know
@00:04:35 that card of course we know ruth bader
@00:04:37 ginsburg has been dead since january of

D5:Q:Grassley Hunting Obama & Biden, Epstein & Israel, RBG DC Hospital Mystery Deepens

@00:02:26 2019 that ruth bader ginsburg is dead
@00:02:43 make this so called ruth bader ginsburg
@00:03:03 had recent discussions as to why ruth
@00:03:05 bader ginsburg transferred to john
@00:03:36 reports i've read ruth bader ginsburg
@00:04:47 died ruth bader ginsburg of course she's
@00:05:08 georgetown in which ruth bader ginsburg

David Icke & Jim Carrey, Alex Jones Satanist, Q It's Going to Be Biblical, More RBG News, Flynn

@00:14:33 to follow up with my ruth bader ginsburg
@00:14:55 he said why would ruth bader ginsburg go

Navy Intel Right Again: RBG "Sick", Tucker Carlson Blasts Satanic Pedophiles, Jason Goodman Exposed

@00:01:04 breaking supreme court justice ruth
@00:01:06 bader ginsburg again admitted to the
@00:01:11 yesterday supreme court justice ruth
@00:01:13 bader ginsburg was admitted to a
@00:01:33 said months ago ruth bader ginsburg died
@00:02:07 ruth bader ginsburg is dead and this
@00:02:55 to admit that ruth bader ginsburg is
@00:03:43 replace ruth bader ginsburg so in any

Kanye West Halloween, Schiff Friend Rapes 9 Year Old Girl, Bill Clinton Raped 8 Year Old Boy, RBG

@00:10:22 but she's a major satanic pedophile ruth
@00:10:24 bader ginsburg returns to the supreme
@00:10:32 of a sudden ruth bader ginsburg wasn't
@00:10:41 state is about to finally use their ruth
@00:10:43 bader ginsburg card and try to distract
@00:11:07 finally admit that ruth bader ginsburg
@00:11:52 admit that ruth bader ginsburg has been

President Trump: Impeachment Inquiry Now Dead!!!!

@00:04:28 finally admit that ruth bader ginsburg
@00:04:30 is dead now she ruth bader ginsburg has

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Suddenly ill: Navy Intel Source Right Again

@00:01:54 with ruth bader ginsburg all righty you
@00:02:05 supreme court justice ruth bader
@00:02:06 ginsburg misses arguments because of
@00:02:09 illness supreme court justice ruth bader
@00:02:16 because of an illness ginsburg wasn't
@00:02:23 from the bench that ginsburg is
@00:02:28 watch my channel ruth bader ginsburg she
@00:02:55 states gonna announce that ruth bader
@00:02:56 ginsburg is dead and i said this based
@00:03:24 gonna reveal that ruth bader ginsburg is
@00:07:43 basically what's going on with ruth
@00:07:45 bader ginsburg this is a this is almost
@00:08:34 that ruth bader ginsburg is dead and i
@00:09:25 appoint a replacement for ruth bader
@00:09:27 ginsburg because republicans control the

Navy Intel: POTUS Activates Marines Directive 550/19: The Storm

@00:07:07 it's as fake as the ruth bader ginsberg
@00:07:09 stories okay he is in custody also ruth
@00:07:14 bader ginsburg i reported a couple weeks

Navy Intel Source: McCabe, SerialBrain2, Pence & Pelosi Impeachment Dare

@00:13:36 him being it's just like ruth bader
@00:13:39 ginsburg it's a fake news he's in

Tarot Cards at Bethel in Redding, Cali, Numerous CEO's Resigning, the STORM Is Now

@00:10:25 pedophile and i've also exposed ruth
@00:10:28 bader ginsburg as the vile satanic
@00:10:34 scalia ruth bader ginsburg you think
@00:10:41 antonin scalia is dead and ruth bader
@00:10:43 ginsburg of course is dead as well

Navy Intel Source: Trey Gowdy Spewing Disinformation, Soros in Custody

@00:05:21 giuliani is praising ruth bader ginsburg
@00:05:26 double of ruth bader ginsburg which by

Navy Intel: Ginsburg & Kavanaugh, Obama & Levar Burton, McCabe Deep State Allies Abandon Him

@00:11:58 also heavy chatter indicates that ruth
@00:12:01 bader ginsburg double went off the
@00:13:15 that's been running around as ruth bader
@00:13:17 ginsburg is a body double and i've

RBG Body Double & Pence Pedophile Unplugged

@00:01:53 really quickly touch on ruth bader
@00:01:54 ginsburg and her supposed appearances i
@00:02:05 months i've been reporting on ruth bader
@00:02:06 ginsburg being dead and she is dead she
@00:02:42 it but ruth bader ginsburg is dead and a
@00:02:58 appearances that ruth bader ginsburg had
@00:03:04 to see ruth bader ginsburg they told me
@00:03:22 they zoom out and show ruth bader
@00:03:29 and remember ruth bader ginsburg you
@00:04:32 liberal ruth get or rins burg ruth bader
@00:04:34 ginsburg has been pushing pedophilia

Playing The Ginsburg Card, 120 Deployed to GITMO, Q & Emergency Economic Powers Act

@00:01:30 emailing me about daniel ruth bader
@00:01:32 ginsburg she's in the news she's in the
@00:02:26 that ruth bader ginsburg passed almost
@00:03:26 mysterious circumstances of ruth bader
@00:03:27 ginsburg
@00:03:41 know i'm convinced ruth bader ginsburg
@00:08:10 the ruth bader ginsburg card are they

My Phone Call To The Supreme Court about Ruth Bader Ginsburg

@00:01:22 in regards to ruth bader ginsburg that's
@00:01:47 about ruth bader ginsburg i guess we've
@00:04:03 concerns about ruth bader ginsburg well

Epstein Artwork: Clintons, Bush, Q&A from Navy Intel Source

@00:00:50 each other today is the day of my ruth
@00:00:53 bader ginsburg supreme court switchboard
@00:01:09 proof of life for ruth bader ginsburg

2000 Epstein Docs Released, More On Dayton Children's Hospitals

@00:01:52 into ruth bader ginsburg which i'll i'll

Coats Leaves the 15th, POTUS 144 Judges, CPS Using Predictive Analytics

@00:11:37 life for ruth bader ginsburg so i put

Comey MSM Spin, More Navy Intel, Ratcliffe Exposing Secret Society

@00:09:11 proof of life of ruth bader ginsburg

Fire Commissioners Demand New 9-11 Investigation, New Epstein Transcripts Hit MSM

@00:00:12 about ruth bader ginsburg and a rally at
@00:09:39 demand proof of life from ruth bader
@00:09:41 ginsburg and they want to just wait and
@00:10:25 state finally admitted that ruth bader
@00:10:26 ginsburg was dead in november of 2019

Navy Intel: Next 6 Weeks, RBG, Marker 1 & 8 Step Plan

@00:02:10 really read about ruth bader ginsburg he
@00:02:43 word on the whole ruth bader ginsburg
@00:03:12 that ruth bader ginsburg present herself

Feinstein & Epstein, Military Insider Pete on DC Operations

@00:10:46 incident ruth bader ginsburg

RBG Deep Fake Video, POTUS Deals Huge Blow to Deep State Pedophilia

@00:00:57 ruth bader ginsburg and i want to show
@00:01:08 showing supposedly ruth bader ginsburg
@00:03:57 to pretend that ruth bader ginsburg is
@00:10:34 about ruth bader ginsburg being a fake

Ginsburg Info, 17 CIA Spies in Iran, Tim Holmseth on Abel Danger

@00:01:27 bit about ruth bader ginsburg again so
@00:01:35 the ruth bader ginsberg video i made it
@00:01:42 telling me that you know ruth bader
@00:01:43 ginsburg she died back in january just
@00:01:54 this he said ruth bader ginsburg is dead
@00:02:37 difference between ruth bader ginsburg
@00:03:15 up about ruth bader ginsburg because
@00:03:44 the recordings where is ruth why are
@00:03:53 titled how ruth bader ginsburg found her

Navy Intel Contact: Marker One (MO) 4th of July -- The War Has Begun

@00:05:45 ruth bader ginsburg ruth bader ginsburg

Linda & Steve Run into JFK Jr at Trump Hotel

@00:00:28 really screwed up on my last ruth bader
@00:00:31 ginsburg reporting which i guess should
@00:01:10 report of ruth bader ginsburg speaking

Navy Intel: Deep State, RBG & 4th of July DC Event

@00:03:11 an observation about the ruth bader
@00:03:13 ginsburg situation all branches except
@00:05:13 mean last bullets they have is ruth
@00:05:16 bader ginsburg when the time comes and
@00:05:39 with the ruth bader ginsburg death which
@00:05:55 that happens that makes the ruth bader
@00:05:57 ginsburg lie worth its weight in gold to
@00:06:14 that's about it for now ruth bader
@00:06:16 ginsburg is very dead and is no longer

Declass To Expose Assassination Attempts, Ruth Ginsburg Update

@00:06:04 speaking of the supreme court ruth bader
@00:06:06 ginsburg what is going on with that so i
@00:06:25 says that ruth bader ginsburg is set to
@00:06:32 justice ruth bader ginsburg will visit

RBG and Fake Trump Supporters

@00:01:15 that she saw ruth bader ginsburg at this
@00:02:43 only ones that took a photo of ruth
@00:02:45 bader ginsburg even though you know this
@00:04:02 ruth bader ginsburg's voice into the
@00:04:10 to do that if it's better ginsburg is

RBG's Temple Sinai, Huber Probe Shrouded in Mystery

@00:00:46 this ruth bader ginsburg sighting from
@00:01:47 31st that ruth bader ginsburg supposedly
@00:03:15 something that ruth bader ginsburg

POTUS Says Treason, Tim Holmseth Update, DOD Orders $250 Million Worth of Gas Masks

@00:02:58 basically the same day that ruth bader
@00:03:02 ginsburg was supposedly spotted at that
@00:03:12 barrett for ruth bader ginsburg seat as
@00:03:57 supposedly ruth bader ginsburg was seen

Barr Upset w/ Failed Hillary Probe, RBG Sighting on Mar 31st

@00:06:14 deal with ruth bader ginsburg so this
@00:06:29 who i guess is a fan of ruth bader
@00:06:32 ginsburg and she posted this photo
@00:08:35 purporting to be from yesterday ruth
@00:08:41 bader ginsburg

Neon Revolt: RBG's Doctored Audio File

@00:00:47 about this ruth bader ginsburg mystery
@00:01:35 ruth bader ginsburg seemingly at the
@00:02:02 i'm hoping that ruth bader ginsburg
@00:02:15 this sounded exactly like ruth bader
@00:02:16 ginsburg to me so and then he provides a
@00:02:34 because she's a dead ringer for ruth
@00:02:36 bader ginsburg but something was
@00:06:49 again once ruth bader ginsburg is

POTUS Tweets WSJ: Obama Must Be Held Accountable

@00:09:46 the infamous ruth bader ginsburg and he
@00:10:13 you go to this link it sound like ruth
@00:10:16 bader ginsburg is on this audio track

Q: Clinton & Obama DOJ Collusion, Ohio Defunds Planned Parenthood

@00:09:29 so we honor you ruth bader ginsburg

Navy Ship Quarantine, NXIVM Pleads Guilty, Ginsburg Voice

@00:07:37 ruth bader ginsburg now i never studied

Q: POTUS Trolls Lisa Page, RBG Still Dead, Much More to Come

@00:06:48 ruth bader ginsburg so this story came
@00:06:50 out yesterday march 12 ruth bader
@00:06:58 sign a card for ginsburg who does not

Pathologist Accused of Harvesting Babies, Mom Pleads for Her Twins

@00:14:46 know what's going on with ruth bader
@00:14:48 ginsburg i have said i would retract if

Barr meets with Huber: It's All Happening

@00:03:20 on this meanwhile where's ruth bader
@00:03:24 ginsburg the whole media has gone silent

Infanticide, POTUS, EO, Q Drop Ginsburg & Scalia

@00:07:56 where he shows a picture of ruth bader
@00:07:59 ginsburg sitting in hanoi vietnam and a
@00:10:07 ruth bader ginsburg had a similar demise
@00:10:14 and her because we know ruth bader
@00:10:25 it's i'm just wondering if ruth bader
@00:10:27 ginsburg met the same end a similar end

Dead Judge on 9th Circuit Exposed, Walkout in Hollywood

@00:02:47 actually he's comparing this to ruth
@00:02:49 bader ginsburg so an incapacitated judge
@00:11:19 again it's just another proof that ruth
@00:11:21 bader ginsburg is dead and this hoax

Gowdy Talks Tribunals, Baby Parts Traffickers Arrested, Q on Maher

@00:09:07 another ruth bader ginsburg where he

Q, RBG Hoax, Bioweapon Threat: Tying It All Together

@00:01:07 whole ruth bader ginsburg issue
@00:01:14 kaput and with ruth bader ginsburg we
@00:02:03 trying to make us all believe that ruth
@00:02:05 bader ginsburg is still alive in that
@00:02:14 going to expose that ruth bader ginsburg
@00:03:30 maybe exposes this huge ruth bader
@00:03:32 ginsburg hoax that's being perpetuated
@00:03:34 ruth bader ginsburg who by the way way

Yes, Ruth Ginsburg is Still Dead, Q Declass Coming!

@00:01:01 yet another ruth bader ginsburg video
@00:01:10 video where supposedly ruth bader
@00:01:12 ginsburg was walking through the reagan
@00:03:20 the national cries for ruth bader
@00:03:21 ginsburg to show herself because of the
@00:03:43 report of ruth bader ginsburg happily
@00:04:06 from long ago a ruth bader ginsburg and
@00:06:35 ruth bader ginsburg is doing just fine
@00:07:13 so sure that ruth bader ginsburg is dead
@00:07:32 only one telling us ruth bader ginsburg
@00:11:54 and ruth bader ginsburg was walking
@00:12:15 going on right here that ruth bader
@00:12:17 ginsburg either she's dead or she's
@00:12:57 to clear this thing up about the ruth
@00:12:59 bader ginsburg thing because it seems
@00:13:06 that ruth bader ginsburg's alive she's

Ruth Ginsburg, Q Warning of False Flags, MSM Propaganda

@00:01:03 recant my stance that ruth bader
@00:01:06 ginsburg is dead so let's deal with this
@00:01:09 so ruth bader ginsburg as is being
@00:02:37 something recently about ruth bader
@00:02:39 ginsburg as well he says who are the
@00:02:41 doctors currently treating ruth bader
@00:02:43 ginsburg q did not say she died and we
@00:03:01 up with if you think that ruth bader
@00:03:03 ginsburg is bustling around the supreme
@00:03:43 photo of ruth bader ginsburg in an
@00:04:19 videos about ruth bader ginsburg dying
@00:05:11 certainly would be a scandal if ruth
@00:05:12 bader ginsburg is either dead or if
@00:06:58 ruth getting ruth bader ginsburg is dead
@00:07:16 this story that somehow ruth bader
@00:07:18 ginsburg is up and doing all this great
@00:09:56 is my video on ruth bader ginsburg take
@00:12:27 one about ruth bader ginsburg because

Friday Night Shabbat: Healing of Baby Rowan

@00:05:44 tempted to make a video about ruth bader
@00:05:46 ginsburg today but i was like oh no i

POTUS, RBG Trap, Q, National Emergency

@00:01:33 ruth bader ginsburg is dead so what's
@00:02:08 he knows ruth bader ginsburg is dead and
@00:02:23 you'll soon learn that ruth bader
@00:02:26 ginsburg has been dead for weeks

Forced Vaccines, Q, Barr, Kavanaugh, Ginsburg

@00:07:02 want to talk about involving ruth bader
@00:07:03 ginsburg so this article that i will
@00:10:22 before how is that possible if ruth
@00:10:25 bader ginsburg is dead she's dead
@00:10:40 death of ruth bader ginsburg needs to be

Bio Weapons, IPOT, Military Insider & Human Trafficking

@00:10:06 ruth bader ginsburg okay number five

Whitaker in Control, Iowa Reverses Decision, NM Approves Baby Murder

@00:10:43 of ruth bader ginsburg is exposed so

Iowa Bans Most Abortions! HALLALUYAH!

@00:04:40 ruth bader ginsburg is dead she'll soon

POTUS State of the Union Address: Utterly Spectacular!!

@00:03:13 ruth bader ginsburg wasn't there she

Elton John: Satanic Peophile, Washington Post LIES About Ginsburg

@00:04:25 now ruth bader ginsburg get a load of
@00:04:57 ruth bader ginsburg first public
@00:05:07 justice ruth bader ginsburg on monday
@00:06:18 ruth bader ginsburg they would

POTUS Sends 3750 Troops To Border, Endgame for Abortion

@00:07:25 supreme court ruth bader ginsburg will

Q Drop, F-15, POTUS WH.Gov, PP's Demise

@00:09:34 as say the now-deceased ruth bader
@00:09:38 ginsburg and speaking of ruth bader
@00:09:40 ginsburg so i have had a army of trolls
@00:11:20 you proved to me that ruth bader
@00:11:23 ginsburg is alive you do that i'll

Friday Night Sabbath: Many Answered Prayers, Miracles

@00:01:33 could be ruth bader ginsburg and then
@00:02:01 believe ruth bader ginsburg died quite a

POTUS Taking 9th Circuit, Military Bio-Weapons Update, Superbowl Sting

@00:07:06 heinous damage done by ruth bader
@00:07:08 ginsburg who of course i believe is dead

Whitaker, Trudeau, Mueller, Ginsberg: State of the Union

@00:05:57 now of course ruth bader ginsburg being
@00:06:22 out there in place of rgb ruth bader
@00:06:26 ginsburg rbg sees me ruth bader ginsburg

Fox News Reports Ginsberg's Death

@00:01:04 court justice ruth bader ginsburg 1933
@00:01:23 on his gab he said ruth bader ginsburg
@00:01:57 video on ruth bader ginsburg that i made

POTUS Traps Democrats, Flynn's Setting Sun on Deep State

@00:08:59 ruth bader ginsburg oh and i'm sorry he
@00:09:04 just come out with ruth bader ginsburg
@00:09:36 voice so because joe suggested that ruth
@00:09:40 bader ginsburg is dead and that the
@00:09:48 see the empty seat of ruth bader
@00:09:49 ginsburg joe was banned from twitter

Q, POTUS, & Amy Coney Barrett

@00:06:14 to replace ruth bader ginsburg because

Ginsberg Never Returning & Reflections on Preaching at UCSD Day 2

@00:01:16 says ruth bader ginsburg absent from
@00:01:23 folks ruth bader ginsburg is not coming
@00:02:29 to watch him bib anyway so ruth bader
@00:02:36 ginsburg is not coming back my

Comey, Podesta Silenced, Ginsberg Absent, Tribunals Continue

@00:02:56 ruth bader ginsberg that satanic
@00:03:00 ruth bader ginsburg i did a whole story
@00:03:22 ruth bader ginsburg not on the bench for
@00:04:48 and with ruth bader ginsburg missing her

Pedophile Army General, Ginsberg on Death's Door

@00:00:51 ah let's start off with justice ruth
@00:00:58 bader ginsburg she was in the news again
@00:01:03 video on ruth bader ginsburg she is she
@00:01:28 three days to go ruth bader ginsburg
@00:02:30 definitely the case for ruth bader
@00:02:33 ginsburg who has advocated child sex

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Advocates Pedophilia and Child Sex Trafficking

@00:00:27 this is justice ruth bader ginsburg a
@00:03:47 words if ruth bader ginsburg has her way
@00:04:13 ruth bader ginsburg she's 84 i think
@00:06:00 is a pedophile justice ruth bader
@00:06:03 ginsburg is a pedophile and she's a
@00:06:39 justice ruth bader ginsburg i'm not
@00:07:50 completely agrees that ruth bader
@00:07:53 ginsburg needs to be removed from the