
16 Children Rescued, Trump's Position on Vaccines, Grenell to Release Flynn Calls, Field McConnell

@00:08:39 sessions publicly president trump is out
@00:08:44 sessions who's running for congress once
@00:08:59 to our country mr. jeff sessions your
@00:09:11 thanking jeff sessions and q is said to
@00:09:14 trust sessions essence was responsible
@00:09:29 sessions was all for optics it was all
@00:09:57 sessions yeah

deleted Trump & HCQ, Senate to Subpoena Obama Officials, 12 AGs Defend Flynn

@00:08:52 that happened under jeff sessions we saw

Terrified Obama Lashes Out at Trump: Deep State Backed Into A Corner

@00:12:15 sessions to the mainstream media

Nineteen New Q Drops: Be Ready, The Silent War Continues, DS Comms

@00:03:17 under jeff sessions as well and you know
@00:03:22 between president trump and sessions as

POTUS Suspends All Immigration, Epstein's Photographer Found Dead, Child Sex Propaganda

@00:02:11 remember last week jeff sessions
@00:02:30 sessions comments last week that i had
@00:02:37 take jeff sessions up on his idea and

Trump Human Trafficking Arrests, New Q Drops, Gates Reading Material, Biden Unrolling MO Endorsement

@00:07:06 jeff sessions i want to talk about him
@00:07:28 yeah i totally agree with jeff sessions
@00:07:45 sessions has a awesome awesome stance on

Several CEOs Step down, Trump Can Now Withhold Funds From Sanctuary Cities & States

@00:08:56 something jeff sessions tweeted out he
@00:09:21 jeff sessions was not just sitting on
@00:09:25 sessions and trump was a big theater to
@00:09:29 sessions had hired durham and hoover way
@00:09:37 theater between trump and sessions to

McCabe Will Face Justice, Durham After Brennan, Barr & Trump Theater

@00:07:51 sessions and president trump were just
@00:07:56 trump have complained that jeff sessions
@00:08:04 sessions actually was the one who
@00:08:17 back under jeff sessions and all of this

New Q Drops: Brexit, Epstein, Adam Schiff Salacious Photos, Durham and NJ Trump Rally!

@00:15:24 way back in 2017 jeff sessions actually

MSM Lies About Huber's Investigation, Twitter Gives Platform to Pedophiles

@00:03:55 sessions of portage huber way back when

Q Conference New Jersey: Part 2 of 4

@00:12:39 and jeff session so jeff sessions is a

Q Drop 3574, 93 Days Dark, Durham, The Finders, Exposing Hagmann, Quayle, Taylor, Wells, A Jones

@00:04:05 october 28th 2017 after jeff sessions
@00:04:49 sessions was this evil guy who didn't do
@00:04:56 sessions is an amazing patriot and he's
@00:05:07 trump's direction and jeff sessions make
@00:05:15 pedophiles and jeff sessions is a hero
@00:05:19 trump be upset with jeff sessions that

Epstein, Navy Intel, Q on Clinton Health, DS in Mad Panic Mode

@00:05:48 pedophile sessions feeling safe it would
@00:07:55 this out he says jeff sessions was

Declass Released on Wednesday? Epstein & Charlie Rose

@00:08:04 from after i took over for sessions and

Bill Clinton, Under Age Girls, Epstein Plane, Flynn Updates

@00:07:16 sessions expect a lot more to become
@00:07:20 jeff sessions was playing a wall excuse
@00:07:29 but jeff sessions actually is a very
@00:07:37 sessions and it's been going on sorry

Exposing Human Fetal Tissue Research & Trust Wray

@00:04:57 in the past you all fought sessions rod

POTUS Bans Aborted Fetal Tissue, Several Victories Against Human Trafficking

@00:10:24 sessions at five locations around the
@00:10:32 trafficking one of the sessions will be

Confusing the Deep State: Joe diGenova vs Q

@00:02:37 against hubert against jeff sessions all
@00:03:26 10th 2018 and q said trust sessions
@00:04:04 sessions with john huber with fbi ray
@00:04:55 course this was all under jeff sessions
@00:05:16 said trust sessions trust humor now if
@00:06:43 the transition between sessions and
@00:06:50 that jeff sessions john huber the fbi

Barr Appoints Durham, Huber Nears Completion, Rosenstein Rips into Comey

@00:02:19 general jeff sessions but has been in a

Clinton Connected Dem Arrested for Pedophilia

@00:01:24 porn video chat room sessions in which

RBG's Temple Sinai, Huber Probe Shrouded in Mystery

@00:05:02 sessions thought he had already answered
@00:05:23 sessions assigned to get to the bottom

Mueller Knew POTUS Innocent Summer 2018!

@00:02:54 jeff sessions also did not push for

Car Almost Hits POTUS, Flynn Exoneration, Seattle Trafficking Ring Busted

@00:07:22 yesterday about how they said sessions

Q, Hannity: "Buckle Up", Deep State Crumbling, Military Insider Update on BIO Threat

@00:11:38 jeff sessions wrote the letter on
@00:11:46 is sessions chief of staff at the time
@00:12:04 sessions directive that the doj revisit
@00:12:26 sessions letter to huber the requests
@00:12:30 directions sessions gave huber about the
@00:12:47 requests said a lawyer and sessions
@00:14:01 scrutinize the transaction sessions
@00:14:32 i'm saying that sessions denied that
@00:15:27 but sessions too or during the sessions
@00:15:35 after sessions because sessions guys he
@00:15:47 sessions as well as trump it's all

SRA Survivor Brooke: Hillary Clinton Abused Her

@00:11:36 and you know i'll go for a few sessions

Hillary Not Running in 2020, Trudeau's Sinking Ship

@00:03:47 himself jeff sessions recused himself
@00:04:08 exposed so jeff sessions was put in

Q Explains Whitaker Exit, Mueller Report March 26, PURIM Victory Incoming!

@00:02:56 so remember jeff sessions he was there
@00:03:10 jeff was sessions was no good but he

Whitaker to STAY, Q Blitz: Barr Exposes Mueller

@00:01:42 general suggests sessions until
@00:06:18 recommend two sessions that he should

POTUS, RBG Trap, Q, National Emergency

@00:04:29 an inactive jeff sessions wood was
@00:05:01 jeff sessions was appointed to lull the

John of God Satanic Pedophile, Oprah Winfrey, Liz Crokin Exposes

@00:03:31 sessions the faith healer became a

More Photos GITMO, Treason & Q, Naming Names

@00:12:01 that is military tribunal all sessions

Child Sex Trafficking in NY, Steve Quayle Kabbalah Symbol, UK Cult

@00:13:04 regular cult sex sessions as part of

Aquino, Military Sources, TRUTH of US Military

@00:08:40 sessions voluntary recuse himself from

Q Drop & CIA Child Sex Trafficking ISIS Creation

@00:01:01 departure intel sessions departure law

Gen Flynn Exposing Deep State Satanic Pedophiles: Breaking News

@00:04:15 sessions with the special counsel okay

Huber: Death Penalty Needed for Child Sex Traffickers

@00:07:14 cover of jeff sessions when everyone
@00:07:16 thought jeff sessions was asleep but not

Hannity Mentions Sealed Indictments, Q, Google in Panic, Podesta Desperate

@00:01:43 at least remove the sessions that were

CFO Exposes Satanic Pedophile Clinton Foundation, How Q Works

@00:06:30 attorney general jeff sessions and his

Assange, Webb, Imminent Court Dates

@00:00:49 we know why we trust jeff sessions jeff
@00:00:51 sessions was used to put the satanic
@00:00:58 tribunal so jeff sessions did is role

Pres Trump Gives Whitaker Free Rein Over Pedophile Mueller

@00:02:08 sessions excuse me attorney general jeff
@00:02:11 sessions and out

Q's 3 Step Plan to Bring Down Satanic Pedophiles

@00:01:06 and this is what jeff sessions did this
@00:01:08 was step one jeff sessions and i've
@00:01:13 sessions put the satanic pedophiles to
@00:01:18 everyone's perception was jeff sessions
@00:02:59 was working with jeff sessions even
@00:05:30 supporters who thought jeff sessions is
@00:05:37 his wife hughes saluted jeff sessions

Sessions, Whitaker & My Final Video Before DC Nov 9 Event

@00:01:03 everyone's like oh okay so sessions
@00:01:11 sessions sessions jeff sessions played
@00:01:14 his role perfectly jeff sessions job was
@00:01:38 very clearly that jeff sessions is
@00:01:48 jeff sessions who's just had it it's all
@00:01:52 sessions did exactly what it needed to
@00:02:02 have control of the senate jeff sessions
@00:02:22 if jeff sessions hadn't been there
@00:02:27 jeff sessions wonderful job hallelujah

New Acting Attorney General Would Indict Clinton

@00:00:09 sessions stepping down this is a huge

Pres Trump Preparing GITMO for Satanic Pedophile Elites

@00:01:55 sessions are working on and taking them

Leaked Oct 28th: DOJ Memo Exposing Mueller for His Crimes

@00:01:02 jefferson byrd sessions the third

SRA Survivor Aaron Golub: Washington DC Tunnels Satanic Pedophilia

@00:02:58 sessions so there are some details of

Kavanaugh Will Be Confirmed This Shabbat (Saturday)

@00:04:17 see in the news that sessions is out in
@00:04:42 jeff sessions was subpoenaed in utah to

Robert Mueller Son of Heinrich Mueller: Nazi Pedophiles

@00:00:21 sessions in utah right now talking can't

POTUS Declassified FISA Docs!!!! VICTORY!!!!

@00:02:46 amazing what's happening jeff sessions

Part 6: Covered Bridges: An End Times Urgent Prophetic Message

@00:11:16 laid-back sessions but he wasn't like

Happy New Sabbath Hebrew Year 2016: Trump and Spiritual Dynamics

@00:33:05 they would still have the sessions from

Erev Shabbat: Day 7 Sukkot

@00:01:33 record you might see all the sessions