Underground military base

Barr's Statements on Obama & Biden, 6.5 Earthquake Hits Nevada: Possible DUMBS Taken Out?

@00:13:44 have been a deep underground military
@00:13:46 base a dumb that might have been taken

Q Conference New Jersey: Part 1 of 4

@00:08:51 underground military base of course he
@00:24:28 single deep underground military base in

Oregon Child Sex Ring, Seattle Human Compost, Nemos Threatens to Sue Me, Islam Satanism

@00:18:55 a deep underground military base that's

Netanyahu Indicted, Glenn Beck the Satanist, Satanic Colorado Public Schools

@00:12:13 taking a huge deep underground military
@00:12:14 base down and the details i'm sure he'll

President Trump: Impeachment Inquiry Now Dead!!!!

@00:06:10 underground military base which he
@00:09:04 every single dumb deep underground
@00:09:06 military base in california now
@00:10:08 talking about all the underground
@00:10:10 military bases in nevada so that is a
@00:10:12 huge sort of hard base to crack and so

Aquino, Military Sources, TRUTH of US Military

@00:04:36 involved in the military general aquino
@00:04:38 did pedophile on the presidio army base
@00:04:41 in presidio army base in san francisco
@00:04:44 and underground there were underground