
NNN - The Plan to Adapt to Bans. Censorship Winter = Trump Spring

@00:00:52 although we know it's antifa that could
@00:00:57 that antifa are hunting them down in the

deleted Who is really violent - A history of Antifa and D Support (UPDATE: NEMOS IS BANNED)

@00:00:09 want to recap about antifa violence in
@00:01:21 by antifa we have law enforcement on the
@00:03:24 antifa has their funding from george
@00:03:35 by violent antifa anarchists from a
@00:06:02 antifa started you know years ago
@00:06:08 for those who don't know antifa goes
@00:07:32 etsy for example funding antifa bail
@00:10:28 antifa and remember they planned
@00:10:35 by antifa this is from national security
@00:11:11 of antifa uh communists and actually
@00:13:32 i'm not the fbi but some of the antifa
@00:13:42 busted antifa sorry uh cutting down
@00:13:49 some of the pictures that antifa has
@00:14:25 okay that is antifa not global warming
@00:14:33 remember that antifa has been linked to
@00:14:56 antifa in this this is why you see some
@00:14:58 of the antifa out there ring leading
@00:15:26 even if china helped antifa they would

deleted Livestream w/ Dustin Nemos - The Silent War

@00:45:21 means is when antifa gets violent
@00:45:29 when when the antifa gets violent on
@00:45:36 antifa butchers us
@00:45:53 of violent antifa marching after them

deleted More '17' - The People Know, It's nearly time

@00:12:15 some punk antifa but um they can't call
@00:24:16 over and over and over while antifa runs
@00:24:31 antifa finds them
@00:24:43 they're not part of the antifa uh
@00:28:30 me from antifa hordes just across the
@00:28:35 army of antifa

deleted Debate Recaps (Biden Cheated and Still Flopped) - Flynn, VoterFraud, 911 Down, & More!

@00:01:20 bailing out antifa
@00:04:24 indoctrination antifa boot camps look at
@00:04:34 from antifa boot camp was how she
@00:05:20 aware that if antifa did something
@00:05:53 and an army of antifa could be rolling

deleted Q Panic in DC, Follow the Money - Follow the Family Connections

@00:20:29 advertisements to bail out antifa
@00:20:32 okay uh pro antifa ads i don't
@00:21:21 antifa and blm and all of this

deleted New SC Pick, Clintons = Criminal Investigation!, & Much More Winning!

@00:00:41 bailing out antifa

deleted Q - Almost Time - Judgement Day

@00:24:20 the kkk and antifa
@00:24:34 just to protect antifa is going to look
@00:25:14 d a no proof individual linked to antifa
@00:25:19 antifa mapping began long ago
@00:25:22 so they're trying to protect antifa and

deleted Riots & Hate Won't Stop What is Coming Flynn, 2020, & More Evidence Emerges in ObamaGate

@00:01:31 we also have a pro-antifa d.a
@00:12:49 antifa like [ __ ] and blowing things


@00:13:43 don't block antifa or blm or far left

deleted The Truth About George S0R0S and ANTIFA - The Playbook Exposed

@00:00:55 of because why are antifa burning down

deleted Livestream w/ Dustin Nemos - The Silent War

@00:15:41 charged now so antifa had their
@00:15:47 antifa they will
@00:16:25 responsible for antifa
@00:30:16 he wants to to dox my address to antifa
@00:32:00 to uh to dox me to antifa
@00:32:25 i remember before it was antifa
@00:33:49 have antifa come to my home

deleted Tragic - Dem Persecution Drives Trump Supporter to Suicide. More Qtips

@00:09:15 face it the antifa left their
@00:10:28 while antifa hunts us down and murders

deleted Hypocritical [D] Party Panics, Calls for Radicalization & Violence. POTUS Assassination Thwarted

@00:03:25 black supremacists blm and antifa which
@00:12:38 we have thousands of blm and antifa
@00:13:02 terrorists here antifa and blm

deleted Qtipz. [D] Run Cover for Hate, 40+ "Global Warming" for "Wildfires". War on [Gaurdians] Heats Up!!

@00:02:44 happens to uh or antifa man whatever it
@00:25:45 not confirmed antifa but suspected
@00:25:47 antifa
@00:26:19 antifa
@00:26:24 with a chainsaw and an antifa flag and a
@00:27:06 antifa units
@00:27:41 antifa to 1933 antifa
@00:28:42 and war and groups like antifa shutting
@00:29:56 designating antifa
@00:30:49 already antifa has activated their army
@00:32:16 march an antifa off of her property with

deleted Livestream w/ Dustin Nemos - The Silent War

@00:00:45 antifa arsonist stuff the world knows
@00:00:58 antifa cause now they're gonna
@00:01:00 not only bring down antifa but they're
@00:01:20 men soy boys they're going to use antifa

deleted Sherriffs Deputy - ANTIFA not Global Warming.

@00:00:03 antifa coming because i wanna know how
@00:00:28 said that there was antifa that set
@00:00:45 around looking for antifa
@00:03:41 antifa motherfuckers okay right
@00:04:36 antifa

deleted American Civil War 2.0 - Oregon Dem Proxy Army + Arson = "Greatest Loss Of Life In State History"

@00:01:03 bailing out antifa
@00:01:29 lessen the load on the antifa rioters
@00:03:36 wildfires but antifa fires
@00:20:18 antifa arsonist we also have

deleted Livestream w/ Dustin Nemos - The Silent War

@00:21:49 have to arrest hundreds of more antifa

deleted I'm gone for a few days and all hell breaks loose Let's dive in to the recent Rioting Across the US

@00:04:54 years we've been talking about antifa
@00:07:37 where a lone nut antifa low-hanging
@00:07:56 five out of 1000 versions of antifa

deleted QAnon is a Non Violent Movement - Change my Mind.

@00:04:29 lives matter and antifa put out the word
@00:04:41 antifa
@00:04:56 they were far left radical antifa street
@00:05:40 caught antifa involved in creating
@00:13:08 antifa dressing up like cue patriots
@00:13:45 it's like antifa and black lives matter
@00:17:06 i don't know because antifa and blm have
@00:23:32 we're seeing hundreds of antifa leaders

deleted Did China Just Try to Assassinate Trump? Military style "probing" being used to reach POTUS!?!?!

@00:02:54 civil violence between antifa types and

deleted Patriot Business Networking

@00:05:26 antifa terrorists it's not

deleted Terrorism, Subversion, Propaganda, Economic War & More! Never a dull moment in 2020.

@00:01:21 what if antifa decides to pull out a gun

deleted DN The War on Children is the War on the USA, From Communism, Evil & Foreign Powers & Election Chao

@00:05:09 would happen next is antifa would go
@00:05:40 these antifa
@00:07:13 antifa violence and leftist antifa
@00:08:13 they're still doing with antifa

deleted Pete Santilli & Dustin Nemos - What Can be Done to Help Win 2020

@00:16:23 the oldest branch of uh antifa is rose
@00:16:26 city antifa in portland oregon i've been
@00:16:57 antifa and black lives matter
@00:23:01 their their antifa manuals
@00:23:47 the mayor is asking antifa to stop
@00:24:19 one of the strategies of the antifa and
@00:24:39 here's our little curfew antifa is not
@00:26:05 are antifa
@00:27:06 you know these these violent antifa
@00:27:22 revolution which the antifa

deleted President Trump & Military Distribution of Vaccines. Force, or Transparency?

@00:04:58 which antifa they they think that's a

deleted Executive Order Bypassing Dem Block on Covid Relief, Gold Will End the Fed Don't Miss out!

@00:31:44 defend him from antifa as violently as
@00:31:49 going to let antifa overthrow our

deleted Q Betrayals, Fake MAGA Alex Jones BACK on Q, Assassination Attempts? Executive Order & MUCH MORE!

@00:02:07 some antifa
@00:02:17 racist just like most of antifa would

deleted Pedos v Patriots - The 2020 Election Showdown

@00:18:44 about the antifa and blm

deleted Compromised Supreme Court? The Battle for the Internet Heats Up over Censorship. Big Tech GRILLED!

@00:05:09 now continuing we also have the antifa
@00:06:29 some naked antifa chick i i don't even
@00:07:36 terrorism antifa
@00:08:47 these antifa idiots are bringing

deleted Q Con Jacksonville, Fl - August 26th! (See Description)

@00:03:01 terrorists like antifa

deleted Big Pharma Takes a Hit, HCQ V The Censorship

@00:08:18 between antifa and police
@00:08:26 antifa what they were doing was
@00:08:49 so we also have antifa throwing what
@00:10:02 and we know the only antifa mothers are
@00:29:44 terrorists like antifa

deleted Facebook's CEO Zuckerberg Receives Criminal Referral from Matt Gaetz & More!!

@00:01:53 and asked about antifa violence and he
@00:03:04 dc about antifa and portland
@00:10:56 antifa
@00:12:13 antifa he's out there carrying a gun

deleted 7-25-2020 - Aliens, Gold, Federal Crackdown on Riots, Mystery Chinese Seeds Mass Mailed to USA

@00:04:58 now uh continuing antifa in portland
@00:05:50 he's suing antifa
@00:06:03 antifa women who
@00:06:44 antifa and blm riots because the city

deleted 7-24-2020 - Plots to Assassinate our Economy, Republic, & President Spy Arrested, New Q

@00:11:48 antifa being the average child okay
@00:15:41 spl's uh the uh the antifa group and the

deleted Big Tech Moves to Ban All Q - The Storm is Upon Us

@00:05:10 black lives matter antifa even the

deleted Gold Will End the Fed, New Executive Order & More from the Silent War

@00:08:23 federal agents to neutralize the antifa
@00:08:49 time covering for antifa and running

deleted The Silent War Spills Onto the Streets of Portland. More Q!

@00:03:38 portland antifa and black lives matter
@00:04:47 on portland's loose antifa and remember
@00:05:44 grab an antifa leader off the street and
@00:09:53 coming out of antifa
@00:20:13 that it's antifa

deleted Economy Distances from Reality. Soros, Fauci, Fake News & CDC Wage War on America

@00:04:36 these radical antifa rioters and looters
@00:10:32 chinese media when all of the antifa
@00:13:41 uh bail antifa out of jail magazine

deleted Q - Ghislaine's Arrest Opens the Floodgate - CDC Busted in Fear Fraud.

@00:15:10 to antifa so
@00:15:30 effect i mean how many of these antifa

deleted General Flynn Opines. WAKE UP AMERICA! - AND MORE Q! China Smuggles Weapons to BLM & Antifa?

@00:32:28 realism actions of antifa
@00:42:25 absolutely i've been attacked by antifa

deleted Livestream w/ Dustin Nemos - The Silent War

@00:29:38 antifa and black lives matter are
@00:29:47 bail out antifa

deleted Censorship, Democide, Vote Fraud ARRESTS, Tests CAUSING Covid! Mass Shooter

@00:22:13 antifa
@00:23:33 such as antifa
@00:23:39 safe zones never heard of antifa
@00:23:54 like antifa
@00:30:21 you know roving antifa mobs try to not
@00:30:53 antifa leadership i think the
@00:30:55 violent antifa group is almost gutted

deleted Trump Calls BLM Traitors, Facebook ELECTION RIGGING, Deportion VICTORY and Q - Dem Govs R Murderers

@00:28:30 military if necessary to stop antifa
@00:35:57 now of course antifa and the weather

deleted QAnon - "Saving Israel For Last" & QAnon's Position on Jews

@00:04:24 same thing with antifa they seem to have

deleted Q 6.21.20 - You Can't Censor the World: The Age of Social Media

@00:29:12 our our antifa in the united states we
@00:29:37 and help out antifa

deleted Curtis Stone, Urban Farmer & Dustin Nemos Chat about The State of the World

@00:23:06 antifa is going next because the police

deleted #EXPOSEANTIFA Part III “We believe in complete abolition of the system itself, including police”

@00:00:38 are antifa and that they share the anti
@00:02:19 they they are antifa in that they share

deleted 6.8.20 - A Bloody War on Cops. Epstein Case Subpoenas Prince Andrew!

@00:02:44 ideologically aligned with antifa and
@00:15:18 where all these rich white punk antifa

deleted 6.4.20 - Civil War 2.0 - Dems Assisting Antifa Nationwide Covertly. & The DOJ's Counterpunch

@00:10:11 antifa to feel that they don't want them
@00:18:53 until antifa has some sort of terrible

deleted RiotWatch / Mutiny Taking Place ? Do Americans Need to March on DC to Protect TRUMP?

@00:11:57 make more room for antifa
@00:24:23 older generations are against antifa i

deleted Q 6.4.20 - State of Crisis - Democrats & Media Coordinate w Antifa Violence

@00:25:41 anarchists like antifa

deleted 6.3.2020 - Q Foretold This Years Ago. Civil War 2.0 over before it began. Military Prepared

@00:02:42 antifa
@00:21:04 while antifa operates as something of a
@00:25:44 against antifa and what they're not
@00:26:43 they're saying i stand with antifa you
@00:26:47 antifa this is from you know a
@00:29:37 the antifa they're not out there looking
@00:32:32 time full circle why is antifa allowed

deleted 6.3.2020- John Michael Chambers - Sarah Westall Reports on Minnesota & Deep State Attacks on Liberty

@00:00:33 safe zones for antifa police ordered to

deleted Q Watch Party: Antifa Leaders to Be Arrested.

@00:45:24 radicals and the antifa manual all right

deleted Q Watch Party: Antifa Leaders to Be Arrested.

@00:02:40 of the antifa you know manual which is
@00:17:04 racist though it's the antifa and white

deleted 6.1.2020 - The World Watches As America Burns. ANTIFA Roundup Begins

@00:10:34 antifa now i mentioned this earlier i
@00:25:26 antifa is mostly white and they don't

deleted 5.31.2020 - Civil War 2.0 - Deep State Insurgency In America - & More Q

@00:00:09 news now it looks like antifa has been
@00:00:55 antifa
@00:01:46 president trump designated antifa
@00:02:20 antifa
@00:02:48 antifa and other similar groups in
@00:04:42 the antifa rioters will be treated as
@00:06:57 by antifa and other similar groups in
@00:07:05 is a antifa punk who i'm hopefully
@00:12:36 antifa and how they're really the
@00:13:15 who could not have predicted that antifa
@00:14:10 know closely paid attention to antifa
@00:19:59 4366 antifa mapping
@00:23:06 again by linking it with antifa
@00:23:11 antifa
@00:23:17 for the terrorist antifa types while
@00:24:04 he is taking on antifa if i'm not
@00:29:12 military all leaders of antifa must be
@00:29:40 be and of course antifa isn't the
@00:29:45 antifa are just people largely being

deleted Sunday Night 7pm EST Livechat with Dustin Nemos - America, Meet George Soros. Violence, Race Riots.

@00:26:25 freddie says my post on antifa equals
@00:36:31 about antifa as now being designated
@00:42:52 out by antifa and other similar groups

deleted 5.31.20 - QAnon_ American Burns - ANTIFA WILL be Dealt With

@00:28:35 group antifa which by the way are the

deleted 5.30.20 - Q - Covid Fails Forward - Race Riots & Soros Revolution

@00:00:44 what seem to be largely antifa

deleted 5.9.20 - Q - Obama was Behind it All - The Traitor Will Go to Prison

@00:15:03 free speech rally or antifa tried to

deleted 5-3-2020 Media Ignores Flynn Vindication, Obama + Hillary Implication

@00:11:41 at least everyone that's not antifa in

deleted Economic Contagion, Or Planned Collapse - This Week It Gets BAD!

@00:14:16 terrorists or antifa related or openly

deleted 3.18.20 - Coronavirus Shuts down US Economy, Helicopter Money is Here & More

@00:26:40 frankly i hope all the antifa folks that

deleted 1.29.20 - Viral Epidemic Spreads to USA, Fox=Fake News, and Impeachment

@00:26:38 are actually oxymoronic most antifa will

deleted Emergency Warning to Virginia Gun Rally Goers - Beware the TRAP

@00:04:59 major if not the most major antifa

deleted Virginia - Northam's Charlottesville TRAP, and RECALLING HIM!

@00:02:59 antifa dicks who are throwing balloons

deleted 1.15.20 - Flynn FIGHTS BACK, Hand of Soros, Assange, Bernie Sanders VIOLENT REVOLUTION, Schiff...

@00:02:14 far-left antifa
@00:14:02 communists by antifa types by people

deleted Alex Mandossian & Dustin Nemos - RedPill Secrets: RedPilling vs Breadcrumbing: A How To (2 of 3)

@00:31:14 with antifa and what happened with the

deleted 12.18.19 - Q Discusses Justice Phase & Barr

@00:19:42 as antifa immediately created and funded

deleted 12.8.19 - Trends in the News, Q on Fox News

@00:17:57 modern hitlerian brown shirts or antifa

deleted 11.25.19 - Giuliani vs The Deep State, Hunters become the Hunted

@00:24:45 them and antifa and just ridiculous

deleted The Coup Can't Win. Time is Nearly Out for Dems

@00:24:36 is what antifa
@00:25:20 like the antifa

deleted Biden, The Justice Phase of The Plan, and The Democrat Implosion

@00:28:25 are used against the antifa your little

deleted Dustin Nemos at the QAnon Rally 9/11 in DC

@00:07:49 weeks later to face antifa again so

deleted 8.29.2019 Fired up for 2020 We are WINNING

@00:25:05 the antifa crowds are going to disperse

deleted 8.24-25.19 Major Updates To be Aware of NOW

@00:15:39 in washington dc surrounded by antifa

deleted 2019.08.21 News Update

@00:16:36 left the antifa types have the violence

deleted 8.14.19-FTC, Google Whistleblower, ICE Attacked.

@00:02:42 antifa types the this culture of marxism

deleted Q is NOT Violence and other Updates.

@00:06:27 antifa shows up to hurt people including

deleted Qanon Update 7/29 - 7/31/19: #DECLAS Coming!

@00:39:02 think gs pays for antifa george soros

deleted News Brief 7/29/19: Gun Control/ Ratcliffe for DNI/ NY Sued Over Vax Enforcement

@00:11:24 this is long overdue antifa

deleted Q - Dark to Light

@00:29:31 groups such as antifa

deleted Secret VIP after party. And no Antifa ! #Demandfreespeech. Out safe

@00:00:06 will come hurt us or antifa

deleted Barr Testimony Highlights - Antifa is Moral Scum the Left Brands as Saints

@00:13:19 their skulls smashed open antifa

deleted 2.13.19 - Today was a Bad Day for the Left.

@00:19:50 i don't know if it was a antifa but at

deleted 2.1.19 - Kids S@ved, Antif@ Pl0tting 2019 Ass@ssin@tions, Tr3aty Killed, Cllntons Bhind RU Lies.

@00:35:00 dumb a antifa boys these soi boy types

deleted Jerry Day & Dustin Nemos on EMF, Smart Meters, Spy Grid, and 5g

@00:24:36 these antifa groups they're there

deleted 10.22.18 - Caravan, Midterms, And More

@00:12:31 think this might be antifa folks from

deleted 8.20.18 - More Updates - The DC Police Call Donna Brazile a Liar, Q Gives us a Timeline

@00:06:29 line and and the antifa and then the the

deleted Up and Coming Youtuber Profiles: New Q Posts and a Little History with ContemptibleThought

@00:23:23 they're they actually are what antifa is

deleted 7.25.18 - Q // Pedophile Exposure TRENDING, Left to Use Projection & 'Forgive' Routines - More FBI

@00:06:51 study nazism compare/contrast antifa

deleted 7.11-12.18 - Maga Update: FBI//Strzok asked If he Lies to his wife also in public session

@00:15:01 they're calling it the unmasked antifa

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.25.18 - MOAB Revealed - Macron, Kanye West, Mccabe, FB, Comey, Dem New Strategy

@00:06:42 are definitely the antifa types that

deleted Interview with Dr. Jerome Corsi - Qanon Story Unfolds

@00:21:11 well antifa will give president trump

deleted Deleted video

@00:26:59 given to declaring antifa be gutless

deleted Deleted video

@00:02:55 amazed there were no antifa and remember

deleted Deleted video

@00:09:26 yes antifa is a legitimate threat not a

deleted Deleted video

@00:04:12 antifa

deleted Deleted video

@00:19:29 done worse and antifa the surrounding

deleted Deleted video

@00:00:56 focused right now on moving up antifa

deleted Private video

@00:05:58 the antifa and black lives matter
@00:07:16 the left and blm and antifa
@00:07:33 some antifa punk threw a brick at
@00:08:39 would you say that that what antifa and
@00:10:42 example like antifa and vlm
@00:11:47 other things like antifa and blm and
@00:11:58 that antifa is showing up and getting

deleted Private video

@00:02:46 uh the violent antifa the violent

deleted Private video

@00:01:16 black lives matter and antifa are

deleted Private video

@00:29:40 and antifa and the fake news and the
@00:30:50 this has happened antifa shows up to
@00:32:51 look at antifa and a number of other

deleted Private video

@00:19:58 antifa

deleted Private video

@00:04:29 black lives matter and antifa marching

deleted Private video

@00:01:48 and uh blm and antifa the death toll is
@00:12:19 antifa like etsy

deleted Private video

@00:00:45 antifa and black lives matter
@00:01:20 any violence but antifa are putting out

deleted Private video

@00:29:21 groups like antifa

deleted Private video

@00:04:33 arsonists from antifa in jail for
@00:04:40 antifa burning things down starting fire
@00:08:26 some of us like antifa on the other hand
@00:08:51 that i think is antifa personified at
@00:11:17 are consisting of one of them antifa
@00:11:23 another of them blm and antifa plan to
@00:18:57 in oregon city confirmed antifa arsonist
@00:19:01 douglas county sheriff has six antifa
@00:26:52 our food as possible right before antifa
@00:27:03 what is coming from antifa because they

deleted Private video

@00:00:13 most likely antifa and other far left
@00:00:43 bailing out antifa
@00:03:41 oregon city confirmed antifa arsonist on
@00:03:45 douglas county sheriff has six antifa

deleted Private video

@00:19:37 antifa face to face in the streets and
@00:19:41 i've been rushed by antifa with poles in
@00:22:35 hundreds of antifa violent rioters
@00:22:49 safe zones for antifa to operate
@00:31:33 they are extremists they are antifa
@00:33:10 unquote wildfire it's really an antifa
@00:34:39 texting their antifa buddies and
@00:35:02 apps and things like this that antifa
@00:35:42 and i'm sure that antifa thought they
@00:38:46 ideas without being targeted by antifa

deleted Private video

@00:08:05 things like antifa trying to burn you
@00:11:58 child's school as antifa boot camp
@00:15:34 antifa swarm to enforce
@00:23:25 starting fires probably antifa related

deleted Private video

@00:02:29 groups like blm and antifa now
@00:03:07 they're terrified of antifa and what it
@00:03:44 they don't want to see antifa burning
@00:12:08 blm terrorists and antifa terrorists