
deleted FILL THE SEAT! Ruth Bader Ginsburg That’s their job Ds Say No OR ELSE We say OR WHAT

@00:05:52 mccain called and he said don't worry

deleted 5.15.20 - Obamagate Continues - America Rises

@00:15:16 never trump er friends with mccain no
@00:15:19 named mccain and you know that's who

deleted 5.9.20 - Q - Obama was Behind it All - The Traitor Will Go to Prison

@00:29:20 guess no-name assist us mccain assisted
@00:29:25 senator stamp credible so no-name mccain

deleted How is Everyone? CoronaChat - As America Reopens - How are YOU Doing?

@00:19:27 was there with mix tain mccain and a lot

deleted 5.5.20 - Michael Obama Enters Race - Dems Weaponize DARPA AI vs Trump.

@00:09:42 mccain was queueing on here's another

deleted 4.9.20 - News Behind the News with John Michael Chambers ft. Attorney, Mark Adams

@00:09:38 well actually john mccain in 2008 in

deleted 3.31.20 - News Behind the News with John Michael Chambers ft. Economist, Dr. Kirk ELLIOTT

@00:40:06 coronavirus the this is mccain 2.0 so

deleted 3.12.20 Clowns, corruption, and Pedophiles. Biden & the Swamp

@00:14:42 mccain this uh austin stein bart guy

deleted 3.8.20 - CoronaVirus vs Flu, 4d Geopolitics, OPEC Crisis, CDC Admits Autism

@00:20:28 is a friend of no name mccain and

deleted 3.7.20 - CoronaVirus vs Flu, 4d Geopolitics, OPEC Crisis, CDC Admits Autism

@00:20:26 mccain and lindsey graham cannot be

deleted FAKE NEWS & Trojan MAGA Jack "Chatlogs" Posobiec Trolled & Exposed by Q Patriots - Hilarious! ALERT!

@00:02:02 showing that he declared that mccain was

deleted Livechat Sunday Nights with Dustin Nemos 7pm EST - More QAnon Q posts. Panic in DC - In Theaters NOW

@00:22:37 right at least since mccain was put down
@00:22:42 no-name mccain stain on our country

deleted 1.26.20 - Wuhan Coronavirus, Impeachment Tanks, Fisa Overturned, Mass Protests Iraq & France

@00:01:41 want you to hear this from cindy mccain
@00:05:27 mccain and you know we just talked about
@00:05:30 mccain a little bit i've gone more
@00:06:05 there's a lot to john mccain anyway you
@00:06:10 know he who calls him no-name and mccain
@00:06:17 into mccain if you're still of the

deleted Q 1.24.2020 - It Won't Be Boring Much Longer...

@00:00:15 confession from cindy mccain all of this
@00:19:42 examples like mccain where the deep

deleted 1.2.20 - RICO Rudy vs the Coup, Pelosi's Corrupt Son = Hunter Biden 2.0, Disarmament by UN?

@00:11:08 obama and everything going on mccain and

deleted 12.23.19 - The Coup Conspirators are Exposed. Justice Time Soon

@00:07:47 rat on the deep state and also mccain

deleted 12.22.19 - Q - Fisagate Bombshells Ahead! Rogers On Fisa, Pedo Pentagon Resignation

@00:09:07 pictured right there between mccain and
@00:13:06 he seems to be as dirty as mccain was i
@00:13:11 mccain and jovanovic - the crooked

deleted 12.19.19 - Impeached, Soros investigated, Bloods vs Sharia, Dems 2020 Odds/OBAMACARE Dying

@00:12:09 right there along with mccain and
@00:12:28 mccain on the other side and lindsey
@00:12:37 crooked and corrupt as mccain was and he
@00:12:46 right after mccain was put to death as
@00:12:59 meghan mccain has said it even recently

deleted DN House Impeachment Soap Opera Drama, Bidens Crackhead Son

@00:28:38 mccain he-who-must-not-be-named

deleted Impeachment is Better than Game of Thrones

@00:12:55 after what happened to mccain where
@00:13:48 he was there with mccain getting the

deleted Non Impeachment BOOMS in the News, Pedophiles and Gun Grabbers

@00:11:49 mccain hates president trump and lies

deleted Potus Admits to being Q, Adam Schiff's time is nearly up, Gen Flynn's Victory Pending

@00:06:54 friends with mccain and never trump ur

deleted 11.1.19 Democrats Hitting Impeachment Wall Civil War or Mass Arrests Next pt1

@00:13:00 he was a friend of mccain he was always

deleted Impeachment Turned Circus

@00:09:52 mccain remember and his own corruption

deleted Impeachment Scam Failing

@00:14:15 mccain and it would lead to mccain so i
@00:14:19 don't know obviously mccain was involved

deleted 10 17 19 Hunter Biden Fails, Cummings Dead, Schiff Fails to Setup President Trump

@00:22:44 around mccain was mccain put to death or
@00:22:50 remember mccain was not a good guy i'm
@00:23:12 mccain foundation so we have all of
@00:24:45 mccain here says that her father was

deleted NNN News Brief 10/12/19: Worldwide Extinction Rebellion: Go Bold or DIE!

@00:05:05 arizona i immediately think of mccain
@00:05:09 and the mccain institute when i think of
@00:05:43 or even the mccain institute but this

deleted Biden is in Big Trouble Now

@00:24:29 senator john mccain definitely not a

deleted 9 12 19 Another Major Step Towards JUSTICE PHASE!

@00:05:50 says they should indict mccain so this

deleted 9.8.2019 Impeachment, Living Baby Parts, Disney ChildRape Allegations, Fukushima+More

@00:08:51 mccain i've got these all on quotes on

deleted News Brief 7/12/19: Vessel Busted With Cocaine Owned by JP Morgan/ R Kelly Arrested

@00:02:31 mse mccain is now identified as a ship

deleted Mr Tweet is On the Offense Finally And IT IS GLORIOUS

@00:30:36 comey mccain baker struck page they've

deleted The Truth About Nemos & WWG1WGA - Nemos Exposed

@00:02:13 can't remember so vic is mccain q i

deleted Mike Rothschild and the Paytriot Psyop on JoeM and Patriots

@00:03:15 mccain was queuing on right and i've got

deleted Dustin Nemos on I70 & Coach Clay show (PSB 24/7) - Wargaming Censorship MOVEMENT

@00:43:57 saying that mccain is cue and weird

deleted Barr Makes His Move Clinton and Obama are Terrified Comey Thinks 'oh Shit'

@00:01:20 out of the mccain type for a while we

deleted Barr, Huber, Horowitz Investigating Fisa, Obama, HRC, Comey, ETC Good Vs Evil

@00:01:19 isn't always kind of the mccain type for

deleted Uploading 4% Dustin Nemos on I70 and Coach Clay Show 24/7 PSB

@00:42:40 fake chat log saying at mccain is q and

deleted How this Ends: Hillary & Obama in Prison.

@00:06:04 if i were james comey andrew mccain

deleted Deplorable Mcallister joins Dustin Nemos to Discuss FakeMAGA Coalition - Bullies and Deceivers

@00:13:51 that he was saying mccain was q and

deleted Recap 4.14.19 - Trends in the News. Bads are All Panicking! Brennan, Pelosi, Nadler, Schiff, etc

@00:08:07 more oh look there's there's mccain

deleted #DrainTheSwamp Disaster Relief Blocked Border Update

@00:01:51 mccain mix teen is a very good prime
@00:14:26 john mccain came in and at the very last

deleted As the Deep State Plot Goes Public, They Try One Last Push to Censor Q

@00:12:43 mccain and his associate david kramer

deleted Qanon - Tarmac Meeting Epstein and Haiti Link

@00:15:28 poking fun at how mccain had been caught

deleted 3.15.19 - How Did Q Know???!!!

@00:15:20 bit of that i guess with mccain and bush
@00:16:23 of mccain aid in spreading anti-trump

deleted 3.10.19 - MASSIVE NEWS! Climate Fraud, ATTEMPT ON POTUS? & To Trigger WW3

@00:02:33 with a bunch of bs calling in mccain

deleted Tasneem (Welcome to the Team!) : Florida Sex Trafficking Ring

@00:15:13 republicans i mean look at john mccain

deleted 1.25.19 - Optics Arrest of Roger Stone, Gov. Reopening Temporarily, War Moves, Monsanto

@00:06:56 they executed mccain what happened to
@00:07:02 just put mccain to death by accident he

deleted 1.19.19 - Walls Work, Drama - Fake News OverExtends, Taiwan Preps for Invasion

@00:12:12 healthiest person but still mccain for

deleted 12.21.18 - ℚ👀 - Mueller, Whitaker, HRC, Hussein Future Proves Past

@00:03:20 bush senior and mccain but it's a start
@00:08:52 drops talking about mccain no name
@00:08:57 breaking in the news now mccain one of
@00:13:38 mccain associates gave unverified still
@00:14:01 senator no name that's mccain news shop

deleted 12.20.18 - Lynch, Wall, Comey, Flynn, Double Standards, The Fed, Climate Change, Pain Phase

@00:16:14 mccain associate david kramer gave the

deleted Making Love Great Again in the Era of MAGA vs Hate - Dustin Nemos & Deanna Lorraine

@00:36:23 maybe mccain wasn't death some people
@00:36:27 one mccain was kind of a strange death

deleted 12.13.18 - Q: Justice, Gold Standard, Wall Showdown, S. Indictments ON FOX! #3@ Vatican Pedo, JFK Jr

@00:06:26 had with with mccain and others let's

deleted 12.11.18 - So Much is Going On Right Now !!!

@00:36:53 understand it at all since mccain was

deleted 12.4.18 - Daily Update & Typical DS Delay Right Outta the Playbook.

@00:18:29 mccain he's terrible and comey is going

deleted 12.1.18 - Huber Incoming, Desperation Palpable Everything Bubble is Popping! Get Ready

@00:20:21 do another mccain situation they're
@00:21:00 they did with mccain they're gonna try

deleted Dave Janda & Dustin Nemos on Vote Fraud, Cali Fires/Radiation, and Thanksgiving's Capitalism

@00:01:55 votes before he had mccain in there he
@00:03:02 going hand-in-hand with john mccain i
@00:03:05 was not a fan of john mccain i felt john
@00:03:08 mccain was a globalist of the enth power
@00:03:45 mccain left the scene lindsey graham the

deleted 11.16.18 - Updates On Border & Elections, Accosta and Justice Phase of The Plan

@00:10:06 so far lately since mccain died since
@00:10:11 mccain was killed i think as a traitor

deleted 11.10.18 - Q - Dem's = Sucide Boomerang with the Voter Fraud Voter ID Laws

@00:26:08 mccain and loretta lynch and hillary

deleted (fixed) - 11.7.18 - The Plan Moves Ahead Flawlessly, Q & Potus are Genius

@00:19:45 course mccain how do you catch a fish

deleted 11.2.18 - New Q, Dem Tricks, Coverup Artist Exposed, and Caravan Updates

@00:24:58 mccain staffer who told the irs to
@00:25:39 koerner as a former mccain senior staff
@00:27:02 john mccain at the senate permanent
@00:29:34 mccain and now in his position in charge

deleted 10.30.18 - Caravan Opens Fire, More Dem Scandals, Who to Vote For

@00:10:34 champion since mccain you know was

deleted 10.26.18 - Mail B0mber Distractions, Midterms

@00:18:56 graham after mccain dog complete change
@00:18:59 in tune or mccain was was probably put

deleted Robert David Steele & Dustin Nemos on Khashoggi, Midterms, Fed, Trump, Q & More!

@00:12:14 graham could have followed john mccain

deleted pt. 2 Linda Paris & Dustin Nemos on Antifa, Marxism, Political Landscape & Culture

@00:41:02 then i think the fact that mccain was

deleted SGT Report & Dustin Nemos Discuss the Left, and Q

@00:28:58 different tune he and he and mccain used
@00:29:10 mccain but now it seems like he's
@00:31:00 kasich had said mccain was put to death
@00:31:05 hours since john mccain was put to death

deleted Q 10.4.18 - Red October D5 ON TRACK TO DELIVER! The Stage has carefully been set for Justice.

@00:17:26 schumer known a mccain of course perkins
@00:17:29 coie shell to bactin mccain and
@00:17:36 mccain it looks like he's arrowing back
@00:17:38 up to mccain there so he says here part

deleted ℚ - 10.3.18 - The Evolving Plan, Sessions

@00:13:49 about struck paige mccain and others

deleted Rules For Radicals #13, Nafta Done, 57,000 Sealed Indictments, And New Q

@00:09:05 know what's going on there maybe mccain

deleted ℚ9.23.18 - Their Sky is About to be Falling. How I see the Week Playing Out. Kavanaugh+Fisa.

@00:06:27 possibly you know mccain situations

deleted ℚ - Kavanaugh First, Rosenstein Next. They All Knew Russia/Trump was BS, But Pushed it Anyways

@00:01:19 about struck page mccain and others

deleted Thomas Wictor: One of my Favorite Tweeter's. A Fake Maga? I hope not...

@00:12:23 loved john mccain well i don't know

deleted Alex Jones- Mossad, Radical Islam, Bronfman's (Nxivm cult) and CIA. Sleeper Cells in the Movement

@00:20:54 singapore we don't say his name mccain -

deleted Q: We will NEVER forgive, we will NEVER forget. Battle Stations. Memes Ready. Tomorrow is 9/11. GO!

@00:13:40 he's a larp he's he's mccain he's uh

deleted ℚ: "Goodbye, Mister Rosenstein"

@00:04:14 here cuz oba thought he was mccain for a

deleted 9.6.18 Kasich "McCain Put to Death" / Out of Silver? / Schumer = Disrupters, Grand Jury: McCabe

@00:03:46 mccain was put to death instead of put
@00:17:52 it's like 24 hours since john mccain was
@00:17:57 since john mccain was put to death it's
@00:18:00 it's like 24 hours since john mccain was

deleted 👀Once again. OAN's Jack Posobiec Uses Propaganda Tactics and Fails to Debunk ℚAnon👀.

@00:06:24 john mccain he said q and on was a joke

deleted ℚ👀 - 9.3-4.18 - Satanism, HRC - "Almost Time" Everything is Now Prepared to DROP THE HAMMER

@00:29:46 served and it's a cindy kent mccain john
@00:31:20 here's 2079 imam tahiti john mccain was
@00:31:35 of jihadists like senator mccain and
@00:31:45 rs egyptian media john mccain was the
@00:35:43 up with the one about mccain which is 20
@00:36:44 satanism we covered mccain we covered

deleted Trump is Going STRONG - Stacking the Courts, Fighting Big Tech Censors, Kerry now Implicated w/ HRC

@00:11:44 from the john mccain and i talked about
@00:11:46 mccain a little bit with seething frog
@00:11:59 the mccain cg well one of the many
@00:12:00 interesting things about the mccain
@00:17:09 have a bitter old person like mccain was

deleted Q, McCain, Fisa, And Corruption - SeethingFrog and Dustin Nemos

@00:00:14 about i know the mccain is on the list
@00:00:22 much of the funeral today mccain there
@00:01:34 mccain wrote his own funeral plans
@00:02:45 mccain got them in the end because his
@00:07:47 start incident but so you know mccain is
@00:09:11 mccain i mean if you follow the q stuff
@00:30:25 discussion about mccain i had people

deleted 8.31.18 - ℚ 👀 Just Blinded the Enemy - Fake News Counterpunch is Weak and Ineffectual And obvious

@00:00:40 through here and by the way mccain had

deleted "2018 Will Be Glorious" - Q. Your Patience and Suffering was NOT for Nothing, Brothers and Sisters!

@00:13:59 now that's that's mccain think flynn xxx
@00:23:52 his death much like people think mccain

deleted Did Q Predict McCain's Death - Every Dog Has It's Day + Wikileaks Dirt on McCain

@00:00:09 day and mccain did die right around
@00:00:38 archives contain about mccain here you

deleted LiveChat 8.26.18 - Huge Health Conversation, C60, Autism, Vaccines, Dementia, etc.

@00:02:54 oh yeah we have to talk about mccain
@00:15:46 a no-name mccain becoming jewish but i

deleted 8.25.18 - McCain Dead or Faking Dead. Pressure is Tangible. Something big is coming SOON!

@00:00:11 and jump into mccain is supposedly dead
@00:00:43 justice system mccain is a monster he
@00:15:45 reference to mccain before he died

deleted Q Debate Discussion with Marfoogle News (Echo issue only at beginning)

@00:20:35 wearing them john mccain kept switching

deleted Dustin Nemos on Patriots Soapbox Discussing New Q drops

@00:30:24 mccain said i mean absolutely we're all
@00:30:42 pretty funny but i guess it's mccain do
@00:39:00 rothschilds jp morgan john mccain the

deleted Jack Posobiec DID NOT Debunk Q. All they have is Insults and Sophistry.

@00:06:50 tweets out that mccain maybe he actually
@00:06:55 mccain is probably cute right like that
@00:06:57 makes no sense why would mccain want to

deleted 8.8.18 - The Avalanche is Nipping at their Toes. They Cannot Escape.

@00:04:27 important we have mccain it came out at
@00:04:37 brass helped mccain we have the man

deleted 8.5-6.18 !!! CENS0RSH1P is H3RE! QUE & Trumqp PREPARED! BOOM !!! JUST QUE WATCH!

@00:08:21 gate fake news called john mccain hero

deleted How to (Politely) Handle Q Shills, Fake Maga's, and Win Q Debates (or any debate) - Conveniently.

@00:04:03 pizza gate fake they called john mccain

deleted 6.21-22.18 - They are Trying so Hard To Distract or Discredit as it All Comes Out

@00:05:46 are masters but continuing on mccain it
@00:05:50 comes out that mccain his office one of
@00:06:06 are conservative nonprofits and mccain
@00:06:30 because obviously mccain still has a ton
@00:34:09 no-name mccain at no time while talking

deleted 6.15.18 - IG Report Fallout - Clintons under Heat, Trade Wars, Canada Targets Trump Family

@00:28:28 songbird mccain rosenstein rice brennan

deleted 5.19.18 - Gina Haspel, Shooting, Corsi, NKorea, Syria, Vaccines Autism Linked (Again)

@00:13:37 suddenly mccain comes out and says oh

deleted Maga & Qanon Update 5.10.18 - Iran, Israel, Stormy, NYSE to add Bitcoin? Q - Now comes the pain

@00:10:18 mccain in fact some are even saying that
@00:10:24 mccain met with these leaders possibly
@00:10:45 you know the one here were mccain is
@00:12:05 it to mccain but the people in our

deleted Maga& Qanon Update 5.7.Alice Mack = Satanist, SEC on ETH, Security?, Israel & Iran, Mueller, Culture

@00:02:02 because she's really dying and mccain is

deleted Maga& Qanon Update 5.6.18 - Corsi, Kanye, Karl Marx, Mueller, Sessions in CONTEMPT, NXIVM

@00:09:53 anyone else miss mccain issue right like
@00:09:56 last i heard mccain was writing a book

deleted MAGA&Q Update 4.30.18 - Q On Iran, Eu, Jordan. BTC Crash coming, Culture & Deep State updates

@00:03:55 of course hillary mueller mccain made
@00:26:21 he says no name out so we know mccain is
@00:26:51 mccain is probably singing too now 13:06

deleted MAGA&Q Update 4.28.18 - Trump Calls for Investigation into Clinton. Vegas, Syria, Cultural Shift

@00:11:46 vicki as well but call me and mccain

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.22-23.18 - Culture Victory, Counterstrike Gains Momentum, Dems are losing it

@00:19:09 songbird which is mccain chastised her

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.17.18 - Deep State planning FF to demonize Q / Taxes / Mccabe Vs Comey Vs Lynch

@00:05:52 mccain over there mccain seems to always
@00:10:48 mccain and i are not mccain come--and

deleted Dustin Nemos responds to Newbroke's Matt Lieb on Libertarianism

@00:31:34 john mccain look appealing and of course

deleted Dustin Nemos / Nemo V Qanon Live Chat Sundays at 7pm EST 4.8.18

@00:03:14 weapons stores there's that whole mccain
@00:11:17 agent working with mccain over there

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.13.18 - WW3? Trump to hit Syria// Crypto Markets// Mccabe, Comey, sessions, RR, IG

@00:06:17 information coming out now about mccain

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.11.18 - Facebook=Darpa's 'lifelog' project. Is World War 3 here?

@00:04:47 plan trump's campaign and mccain miller
@00:04:58 mccain and manna fort and warner on the

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.10.18 - RR in Trouble, Trump Tower Fire cover for Raid on Trump Attny, Syria, China

@00:22:01 someone put a picture of mccain and i

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.9.18 - Syria moves us closer to WW3, But Trust the Plan - Trump Knows

@00:30:40 trader songbird that's mccain made a
@00:31:36 mccain about doing that obviously he did
@00:31:45 mccain has done so i could definitely
@00:32:50 mccain makes secret trips to syria
@00:33:33 head of isis john mccain republican
@00:34:01 with mccain did they deliver chemical
@00:34:51 shadowed mccain contractors special
@00:35:33 weapons to syria with mccain but he was
@00:35:42 just accuse mccain of doing this and we
@00:38:24 famous mccain meeting with these syrian
@00:39:46 here different photo of mccain in front
@00:40:45 you mentioned smiles was mccain and his
@00:41:21 plan trust the plan mccain appears to be

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.5.18 - Russia Teams up with China, Mccain to Step down, Iran Deal Nixed

@00:21:48 10:22 we don't say his name as mccain
@00:21:50 adios so goodbye to mccain the protected
@00:22:27 he was saying that mccain is going to
@00:26:45 mccain underscore hides dot htm so

deleted Rebutting American Intelligence Media's Anti-Q claims (False Premises)

@00:14:11 both referencing obviously mccain seems

deleted Dustin Nemos responds to Comedy Central about "Qanon"

@00:31:25 mccain but never used his name they
@00:31:33 at cpac in obvious reference to mccain a
@00:35:22 may have had one on and even john mccain

deleted Qanon Update 3.16.18 - We have the Sub, Boom! 1000 pieces - Iran Next

@00:15:28 mccain clinton's and pelosi as

deleted Qanon Update 3.8.18 - Trump Already Met with Kim, @Snowden We can take you anytime

@00:01:59 a true pundit is suggesting that mccain

deleted Maga Update 3.8.18 - Developments, Nk, Weinstein, Mccain, Sessions, Culture, Climate Change

@00:05:25 pundit put it out that john mccain was

deleted Qanon Update 3.6.18 - Steel, HRC XXXVIDEO (pedogate), North Korea Backs Down

@00:24:03 that would be mccain the us taxpayer
@00:38:18 probably mccain no coincidence here cope

deleted Dustin Nemos / Nemo V Qanon Live Chat Sundays at 7pm EST

@00:30:49 mccain i'm not sure yeah i can't believe

deleted Qanon & Maga Updates 2.25.18 - Trump hits 50% Approval, Prager U vs Google, Fisa Abuse Breakdown+

@00:03:35 when he was talking about john mccain
@00:03:48 the word mccain it's kind of a running

deleted Qanon with Antischool 2.12-13.18 - Big Pharma 'white powder' to Trump JR, Nk Nuclear Neutered

@00:12:37 got mccain essentially being mega
@00:31:10 media whether it's john mccain being a

deleted Deleted video

@00:25:20 with mccain and i thought maybe he'd
@00:45:36 said live on cnn where mccain was put to
@00:45:44 now if mccain was put to death and the
@00:46:02 guilty as mccain was they're going down

deleted Deleted video

@00:08:12 and as for cummings being mccain i don't
@00:08:36 had put mccain to death so that was a
@00:24:57 meghan mccain was saying that they can't

deleted Deleted video

@00:12:55 people like mccain for example who have

deleted Deleted video

@00:02:42 slipped up and and said when mccain was
@00:30:56 freudian slip when he said mccain was
@00:31:11 mccain maybe was just tried and executed
@00:34:14 mccain funeral the wrinkles were not
@00:46:14 mccain was put to death guys it i can't

deleted Deleted video

@00:09:58 yolo i think mccain will get arrested
@00:14:16 yeah mccain suddenly is dying whereas
@00:14:23 with mccain that seems really sudden to
@00:51:41 mr. gerardo i don't know about mccain
@00:55:25 mccain doesn't have brain cancer he is

deleted Deleted video

@00:26:03 that mccain was secretly tried and
@00:26:50 it was weird about mccain you know a lot
@00:27:14 away when they were on chemo mccain
@00:41:34 be as she gets mccain you know same with

deleted Deleted video

@00:03:21 said mccain is on blast
@00:04:50 is that mccain image a recent image
@00:21:05 yeah mccain is in syria now that's very
@00:36:08 trump bombed mccain by accident i wonder

deleted Deleted video

@00:09:20 mccain is it mechanic and the little

deleted Deleted video

@00:42:40 that mccain was put to death well i

deleted Deleted video

@00:34:01 then it was mccain and then it was you

deleted Deleted video

@00:31:43 creature he was friends with mccain and