Red Cross

deleted Pamela Popper & Dustin Nemos on The Plandemic Organize & Resist MakeAmericansFreeAgain com

@00:10:28 now is that red line in the sand we
@00:10:30 can't let them cross this we're gonna be

deleted 5.5.20 - Q - Hydroxychloroquine is VERY LOW RISK. Goat and Fruit Test POSITIVE.

@00:04:21 picture of a gift has a red cross with a
@00:04:24 red bow on it and then the very next one
@00:04:29 to the red cross i've seen other people
@00:04:48 that's supposed to mean that red light
@00:04:54 it's another red reference back over
@00:04:56 here to red cross kind of thing but it's

deleted Another Fake QAnon, Without Proof - Austin Steinbart

@00:03:20 front called red cross in a thing called

deleted Dauntless Dialogue #32 Dustin Nemos The Assault on Western Civilization Part 1 of 2

@00:34:43 example could be red cross or susan you
@00:37:16 the red cross apart from it's obvious

deleted Qanon Update 7/29 - 7/31/19: #DECLAS Coming!

@00:38:19 3550 there's a video of red cross
@00:38:42 trillions red cross equals scam billions
@00:53:03 documents on red cross audits and
@00:53:28 grassley reinstates the red cross
@00:53:41 complete access to american red cross
@00:53:46 bipartisan bicameral american red cross
@00:53:51 concerns that the red cross tried to

deleted Dustin Nemos & Dr Seneff on Glyphosphate Toxicity (Roundup Ready & Monsanto)

@00:08:16 and i know you know the red cross

deleted H man Trafficking, the Golden Triangle, and the Cl ntons

@00:20:02 assisted by red cross representative and

deleted Kerri Rivera - Censored Author - Reveals Successful Protocol for Autism

@00:12:07 they were using it with the red cross on
@00:12:29 can still see the guy from the red cross
@00:12:32 red cross just covers it because they

deleted Ezili Danto: Former US Military Mercenaries Scandal in Haiti

@00:32:14 the red cross like private donations to

deleted 1.25.19 - Optics Arrest of Roger Stone, Gov. Reopening Temporarily, War Moves, Monsanto

@00:08:23 for organizations like the red cross

deleted 1.5.19 - Q Breaks His Silence: Wall, Antifa, Corruption, Change

@00:03:58 scam of trillions red cross equals a

deleted pt. 2 Linda Paris & Dustin Nemos on Antifa, Marxism, Political Landscape & Culture

@00:42:34 nothing except for their red line their
@00:42:37 thin red line
@00:42:37 if we cross their line this imaginary

deleted 9.18.18 - ℚ - HRC Terrified, Trump has Ace up Sleeve for Fisa - Hussein's own EO! - Panic in DC!!

@00:08:12 information would cross a red line well
@00:08:23 of some of this information would cross
@00:08:24 a red line which you know funny because

deleted Borax - Suppressed Bone Wonder? Poison or Miracle Arthritis Cure? Here's the Research

@00:07:42 department of orthopaedic at red cross

deleted Dustin Nemos & Curtis Stone (The Urban Farmer) Discuss Culture, Politics, Q, and Voluntaryism

@00:39:40 like red cross march of dimes the united

deleted 7.30.18 - Q Posts HOT AND HEAVY. Don't expect a slowdown until post-midterms

@00:11:59 point the red cross like the lower-level
@00:12:25 cases the red cross did this and then
@00:12:28 the higher-ups at the red cross found

deleted 6.20.18 - Ignore the Men Behind the Curtain (IG REPORT), The Kids in the Fake Cages are Over Here...

@00:08:56 what many of the early red cross and the

deleted Roundtable Discussion: SeethingFrog, Antischool, and Dustin Nemos - Trump Attack Phase has Begun

@00:21:05 kind of thing the red cross and that the
@00:21:46 doing it you know the red cross the

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.22-23.18 - Culture Victory, Counterstrike Gains Momentum, Dems are losing it

@00:26:12 fundamental concerns about red cross
@00:26:14 finances so that's you know red cross is
@00:26:35 god so what okay he says red cross iran
@00:26:38 red cross pakistan red cross north korea
@00:26:40 red cross just dots so it's probably any
@00:26:43 red cross defines smuggle what is
@00:26:58 being talked about lately and it's red
@00:27:00 cross these people are sick irrelevant

deleted Maga Update 3.17.18 - Mccabe Fired, Russia catches US training syrian chemical false flaggers

@00:13:17 the red cross or to the susan g komen

deleted Maga Update 3.14.18 - Deep state war continues, CIA makes a move, Terrorism update

@00:42:50 red cross they're all crooked as hell so

deleted Who is Qanon? A FAST Primer

@00:14:04 humanitarian like the red cross or the

deleted Deleted video

@00:27:26 trillions yeah these companies like red
@00:27:29 cross are completely untrustworthy these
@00:39:45 these big cancer funds like red cross we

deleted Deleted video

@00:21:55 red cross had actually used this stuff
@00:22:06 what happened red cross covered the

deleted Deleted video

@00:06:46 whoops calm the red cross all these

deleted Deleted video

@00:21:20 he made a cross with red that's
@00:32:50 point the red cross where he did the re
@00:32:52 d downward like the cross of the red
@00:33:58 oh yes sons of patriarchy the red cross
@00:35:08 yeah jim the red cross is evil most of
@00:35:21 red cross there they're pretty bad these

deleted Deleted video

@00:27:58 something now it's huge the red cross
@00:28:01 low-level any was red cross the

deleted Private video

@00:02:18 and red cross volunteers conducting