
deleted 5.30.20 - Q - Covid Fails Forward - Race Riots & Soros Revolution

@00:06:06 rothschild of course who really hates me

deleted 5.15.2020 - John Michael Chambers Ft. Dave Hayes, Praying Medic - Calm Before The Storm

@00:39:00 was going on at the rothschild place and

deleted Dustin Nemos & Jim Willie discuss the Plannedemic and Economic Breakdown

@00:06:49 fed the rothschild franchise system so
@00:07:12 needled the debt to the rothschild yeah

deleted 3.24.20 - John Michael Chambers ft. Economist Dr. Kirk Elliott - The News Behind the News

@00:18:04 because they didn't have a rothschild

deleted The Democrat Party Leadership - Violent, Deranged, Criminal, And Dangerous

@00:26:05 mike rothschild or for example will

deleted President Trump Just Retweeted Q - AGAIN (I'm Preparing My "I Told you Q Was Real" Speech Now...)

@00:01:39 mike rothschild and will somme nerve the
@00:03:50 mike rothschild and will sumner their

deleted The Q Movement is UNSTOPPABLE and INTENSIFYING

@00:18:32 rothschild likes to attack me what's his

deleted 11.16.19 - QP0sts - The Harvest Dark to Light 11-18-19 10am ET

@00:05:28 this idiot mike rothschild supposedly no

deleted Q-Indictments 2019-BE READY PATRIOTS

@00:05:19 want to destroy them lindy rothschild if
@00:05:57 mikaze style above the rothschild estate

deleted 10 17 19 Hunter Biden Fails, Cummings Dead, Schiff Fails to Setup President Trump

@00:23:43 you're like a rothschild or member of

deleted 09 25 19 GFR Roundtable with Guest Dustin Nemos

@00:13:55 imf the fed the rothschild dynasty if

deleted As Dems Flail Impeachment, Trump Conquers the World

@00:02:48 belongs to patriots now mike rothschild

deleted 8.24-25.19 Major Updates To be Aware of NOW

@00:05:48 seen partying with rothschild and other

deleted 8.15.19 Epstein, Clinton Coverups, Supreme Court Threatened by Left

@00:17:07 targeted by mike rothschild of you know

deleted 7.19.2019 Q.u+News - Get Ready for the Great Awakening + News Updates

@00:12:54 the rothschild soros kind of triumvirate

deleted 7.16.2019 - Q.u Post - Many Q Booms to Be Aware Of

@00:09:08 have a branton rothschild connection
@00:09:17 is buying rodman rothschild to combine
@00:09:22 brockman and rothschild i would imagine
@00:09:57 to get leans into rothschild territory
@00:10:21 stuff so the bronfman rothschild

deleted News Brief 7/12/19: Vessel Busted With Cocaine Owned by JP Morgan/ R Kelly Arrested

@00:15:09 called bronfman and rothschild now also
@00:15:42 rothschild company so this here his
@00:15:52 through lady rothschild showed and

deleted Dustin Nemos Talks with InTheMatrixxx 6-12-19

@00:14:58 rothschild pushing it and the mike the

deleted Mike Rothschild and the Paytriot Psyop on JoeM and Patriots

@00:07:14 boomers well same thing with rothschild
@00:07:18 alright mike rothschild over here has
@00:07:42 rothschild joe m and others think that
@00:10:23 rothschild here and let's see where's
@00:11:02 mike rothschild had already shared this
@00:27:58 the rothschild types jumping in on board

deleted Dustin Nemos on Ladies for Liberty PSB 24/7 - Censorship and Solutions NOW

@00:37:41 rothschild and what he calls the big six

deleted Rothschild Comes after Praying Medic and Dustin Nemos (Let's Play)

@00:00:29 rothschild guys is that this is the one
@00:00:31 rothschild but just constantly you know

deleted X22Report and Dustin Nemos Discuss Current Political Trends and The Plan

@00:03:58 rothschild banking system which the

deleted Epstein and Kraft Updates RC Marina Abromovic Link!

@00:28:35 rothschild connection because she hung

deleted Q - Chandler=ChildHandler - DIG ANONS - (x100 bigger than Allie Mack)

@00:30:11 and this is matt rothschild is that the
@00:36:49 sister of paris marry james rothschild

deleted Those Violent, Crazy QAnon People

@00:14:39 got the rothschild conspiracy theory

deleted 3.4.19 - "Cu" - National CRISIS - FULL SCALE MARCH MADNESS PREPARE

@00:02:53 rothschild - that's cool it calls it a
@00:03:03 rothschild but it's always attacking

deleted "Cu" - MSM Attacks WWG1WGA Book En Masse? Over the Target?

@00:02:53 rothschild - that's cool it calls it a
@00:03:03 rothschild but it's always attacking

deleted Travag: All Roads Lead to Rome

@00:03:05 rothschild family the rothschild family
@00:03:14 rothschild the rothschild family are
@00:03:20 david renee de rothschild who is the
@00:03:24 head of nm rothschild & sons is
@00:03:30 bandini rothschild the other bandini
@00:03:39 and evelyn de rothschild is a
@00:49:35 helms dude daphne rothschild cartel has

deleted NAFTA 2.0 is BAD! - Alex Newman & Dustin Nemos on USMCA

@00:32:46 rothschild banking dynasty that really

deleted 12.19.18 - Canada Sold Out, Mueller Corruption re: Flynn, Possible Hammer Dropping

@00:10:05 rothschild jonathan rothschild stepping

deleted James Perloff & Dustin Nemos on The Shadow Government vs Trump

@00:08:00 came out of rothschild incorporated and
@00:19:29 rothschild it's it's the zionists who

deleted Jeff Berwick and Dustin Nemos on Coming Economic Crash & Voluntaryism

@00:06:24 even rothschild mayor rothschild who was

deleted Dustin Nemos & Bob Stanley Discuss FREOS, Economy, Freedom, and Q

@00:24:19 you think about evelyn de rothschild

deleted 10.27.18 - Mass Shooter @ Jews, Mexico Helping Caravan, MSM Spin, Stocks Crash, Soros: "Lock Him Up"

@00:15:28 rothschild branch which are pretty darn

deleted Jordan Sather & Dustin Nemos on Secret Space Program and Suppressed History

@00:20:35 jacob rothschild a picture of him he's
@00:33:43 rock rothschild island rockefeller

deleted Robert David Steele & Dustin Nemos on Khashoggi, Midterms, Fed, Trump, Q & More!

@00:21:55 part of the rothschild network they then
@00:22:17 a rothschild company have been

deleted 101 Reasons to End the Federal Reserve System

@00:19:19 rothschild families are one of them

deleted Dustin Nemos and Dr. Dave Janda discuss Healthcare, Q, And WHY We Have Yet To See Promised Arrests.

@00:24:29 taking down what i call the rothschild
@00:24:42 in that rothschild rockefeller axis that

deleted 10.10.18 - News of the Day, Bubbles Popping, Left Leadership Pushing Violence, State of Culture

@00:26:53 rothschild or athey was a rockefeller

deleted Q: Boom Week, Commies and Clint0n Foundation (Crimes Against Children) These People are SICK!

@00:00:48 with the ross child jacob rothschild
@00:37:41 and then there's lord jacob rothschild
@00:38:21 and a rothschild and and rothschild is

deleted Dustin Nemos & Sarah Westall Discuss Q, Alex Jones & The Great Awakening (part 2)

@00:23:22 was that rothschild estate thing i mean

deleted Q Debate Discussion with Marfoogle News (Echo issue only at beginning)

@00:28:32 i'll suit from this possible rothschild

deleted 8.15.18 - Something Moves Within The Night That is Not Good, and is Not Right

@00:08:39 fruits of war jeff rothschild

deleted Organic Apples & Alex Jones - My Reasoning Elaborated On. (Why I Trust Trump/Q, Not Alex.)

@00:03:44 rothschild i mean one of the 25 or top

deleted 8.1.18 - Q Goes MAINSTREAM, TOMMY FREED, PEDOS EXPOSED, 3D Print POPULAR Guns at home!

@00:26:56 rothschild he's now calling for reddit

deleted Isaac Kappy Exposing Pedo's

@00:02:34 and psycho look into the rothschild

deleted Lee Stranahan vs Dustin Nemos on Qanon (Dabate linked below. Youtube blocks)

@00:01:33 rothschild thing is that as the first

deleted 6.4.18 - Deepstate, Economy, Q, War, Culture, Politics, And Cemex - Elite Connected Pedo Camp BUST!

@00:29:38 rothschild of the town tooks tucson or
@00:29:44 mayor is a rothschild the company cemex
@00:29:51 infamous rothschild lynn de rothschild
@00:30:20 in and this is a rothschild okay also on

deleted Roundtable Discussion: SeethingFrog, Antischool, and Dustin Nemos - Trump Attack Phase has Begun

@00:22:17 rothschild and he gained it in a speech

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.9.18 - Syria moves us closer to WW3, But Trust the Plan - Trump Knows

@00:21:42 are part of the rothschild cabal and

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.8.18 - Who wants to keep us in Syria? Not Assad + more Q, Ray Chandler

@00:13:45 rothschild connection here by the way
@00:13:50 james rothschild and rachel used to

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.5.18 - Russia Teams up with China, Mccain to Step down, Iran Deal Nixed

@00:20:18 rothschild loan to the holy see holy see

deleted Q@non Update - 3.23.18 - Was the Spending bill a 4d chess move? HRC video coming soon?

@00:08:48 meant one of the rothschild families or
@00:13:53 thinking before red castles rothschild

deleted Dustin Nemos responds to Comedy Central about "Qanon"

@00:12:16 rothschild agent netanyahu is being
@00:22:55 get into office even the rothschild
@00:28:07 rothschild manner over in europe i
@00:28:18 heard from jacob rothschild sense at the

deleted Qanon Update 3.14.18 - Q and Trump status update on Draining the Swamp

@00:06:51 israeli prime minister and rothschild

deleted Qanon Update 3.10.18 - Merkel=Hitlers Daughter, Marina/Podesta Spirit Cooking Mentions, Antifa

@00:40:15 he may well be a rothschild that's what
@00:50:22 maybe hitler himself was a rothschild so
@00:54:16 hitler who himself was a rothschild you
@00:54:28 here is baron salomon mayer rothschild

deleted Qanon Update 3.9.18 - Censorship nearly over @Jack going to Jail - "Don't drop the soap"

@00:02:08 and other sir lindy rothschild hillary
@00:08:15 rothschild actually approved of this and

deleted Maga Update 3.7.18 - Major advances against Daca, Florida Updates, attempted bombing at highschool

@00:13:13 is not one of the rothschild puppets or

deleted CryptoCurrencies (Bitcoin) VS the Central Banksters & Big Government - A breakdown

@00:07:53 hypocritical dollars by the rothschild
@00:19:44 interest debt money from the rothschild
@00:27:24 arrest the whole rothschild family and
@00:27:37 win whoever wins the war is a rothschild
@00:31:06 the fiat currency like the rothschild

deleted Maga Update 3.1.18 - Hypersonic Nukes, Nunes Subpoenas DOJ, 8ch DDOS'd

@00:17:29 think was mayor rothschild was quoted as

deleted Dustin Nemos and Antischool Isaac Green Discuss the state of affairs POST Ban

@00:28:53 you think of the lynn rothschild thing

deleted Dustin Nemos / Nemo V Qanon Live Chat Sundays at 7pm EST

@00:28:58 lynn rothschild is terrified she's
@00:30:28 coming from a rothschild
@00:31:47 saying that that lynn rothschild had
@00:34:19 as lynn rothschild racy i think with

deleted The Evidence Qanon is REAL! and Working directly with TRUMP!

@00:05:23 shires rothschild domain happened now
@00:05:58 no news of lord jacob de rothschild
@00:06:02 mentioning that linda rothschild has
@00:06:23 a rothschild fact five several anons
@00:47:14 alright lin de rothschild distress

deleted Deleted video

@00:17:15 rothschild that's funny

deleted Deleted video

@00:01:25 meet those people oh mike rothschild

deleted Deleted video

@00:02:18 rothschild are out there you know if q

deleted Deleted video

@00:04:18 will sumner and like mike rothschild and

deleted Deleted video

@00:18:03 you know who's probably a rothschild had

deleted Deleted video

@00:35:02 a rockefeller it's a rothschild okay

deleted Deleted video

@00:30:25 prime minister and rothschild agent

deleted Deleted video

@01:02:50 what happened with jacob rothschild he

deleted Deleted video

@00:07:24 speaking of rothschild have we heard
@00:33:24 like mike rothschild coming after me and

deleted Deleted video

@00:30:54 word rothschild though i saw that uh

deleted Deleted video

@00:07:58 names including the rothschild jacob
@00:08:00 rothschild so this is kind of a scary
@00:08:52 clinton's hanging out with rothschild
@00:31:55 rothschild thing let's what where's that
@00:32:28 rothschild and a couple of other royal
@00:32:35 and you can see rothschild smiling his
@00:49:03 with rothschild let's check out some q