
deleted Qanon September 15, 2020 - Hold the Line Riders

@00:08:57 until bar and durham really clean it up

deleted Qanon July 19, 2020 - It's Time for People to Go to Jail

@00:01:38 statements about the durham
@00:01:45 durham will there be indictments sir
@00:15:26 of trenton where those pesky durham

deleted Qanon June 25, 2020 - Rewriting History

@00:11:20 them now durham is i never meant to her
@00:11:30 durham as you know is a highly respected

deleted Qanon June 21, 2020 - Durham Is Not the Only Game In Town

@00:01:21 durham is not the only game in town the
@00:11:30 durham is not the only game in town
@00:12:08 so yeah durham is not the only game in
@00:20:50 regarding pending investigations durham
@00:22:13 results of the john durham investigation

deleted Qanon May 25, 2020 - Its a Marathon Not a Sprint

@00:45:40 durham and rogers meetings

deleted All Things Q - With John Michael Chambers

@00:25:26 129 so you have durham and bar

deleted Qanon April 29, 2020 - Watch What Happens Next

@00:02:30 durham is investigating leaks to the

deleted Qanon April 18, 2020 - We Are Ready

@00:07:48 bar and us attorney durham because of
@00:07:53 durham are going to be prosecuting

deleted Qanon April 16, 2020 - The End Won't Be For Everyone

@00:08:49 think a us attorney durham is going to

deleted Qanon April 15, 2020 - Imagine If We Were Not Here

@00:14:42 investigated by us attorney durham
@00:14:51 more than you know durham
@00:14:57 durham john durham was appointed us
@00:15:14 in a durham boat yep look it up

deleted Qanon April 14 2020 - 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

@00:04:44 john durham could write a book report
@00:05:23 durham writing a report he can do that
@00:06:31 durham is pursuing is a massive
@00:12:06 five-by-five pain coming durham is the
@00:12:10 punisher x-ray of john durham right so

deleted Qanon April 11, 2020 - Together We Will Win

@00:24:16 we know that bar and durham have been
@00:27:55 wrote durham so i'm not sure exactly
@00:28:05 misspelling reference to durham at some
@00:28:33 the us attorney john durham according to

deleted Qanon April 9, 2020 - Covid 19: How to Steal and Election

@00:02:42 and us attorney durham are both doing
@00:34:31 john durham who is investigating the
@00:34:40 quote is john john durham is a dedicated
@00:34:54 hired durham and the connecticut office
@00:35:29 john and durham as a dedicated
@00:35:45 about durham and reading this article
@00:35:50 were i noted in the article durham said
@00:37:10 his name whitey bulger and it durham
@00:37:25 connecticut's mafia at one point durham
@00:37:53 durham also refuses to discuss his cases

Supernatural Saturday March 14, 2020 - The Not So Audible Voice of God

@00:44:55 durham are investigating corruption from

deleted Qanon February 16, 2020 - Treason Sedition and Subversive Activities

@00:07:16 it is expanded out far and wide durham
@00:09:46 durham is scrutinizing john brennan's

deleted Qanon January 30, 2020 - Impeachments Ends

@00:06:19 durham it was one of the people that was

deleted Qanon January 29 2020 - Read the Transcripts

@00:20:19 chain of command to us attorney durham q
@00:20:30 v eyes as needed does durham want to
@00:20:43 us attorney durham has ongoing
@00:21:08 as attorney general but in fact durham
@00:21:42 that durham was one of the people who is
@00:21:57 i think durham has been working on this
@00:36:10 what durham has been doing and what bar
@00:37:20 river was done in durham boats all right
@00:37:28 about the durham boat and a picture of
@00:37:39 durham start think you start you have
@00:37:44 wikipedia article about the durham boats
@00:39:27 post was referencing durham the boat was
@00:39:37 it's a durham boat and we have a message
@00:39:48 do with the durham boats unraveling

deleted Qanon December 28, 2019 - Pelosi's Gambit

@00:08:11 barr durham and huber released be
@00:13:56 durham put out that they're continuing
@00:35:49 about the meetings with durham the only
@00:35:56 yeah their meetings with durham and bar

deleted Qanon December 21, 2019 - Know Your History

@00:17:06 explained that us attorney john durham
@00:18:08 barr and durham on this case all right
@00:23:41 and john durham statement in the us

deleted Qanon December 18, 2019 - Watch What Happens Next

@00:18:51 barn durham working in secret senate
@00:24:33 matter in parentheses durham 5 2 3 1
@00:24:42 reference to durham 5 to 3 1 to 99 means

deleted Qanon December 16, 2019 B2 Bomber Revealed

@00:06:52 that bar and us attorney john durham
@00:07:15 the investigation with bar and durham
@00:07:29 europe with durham and it's to me it's
@00:08:58 week is there about the ig report durham
@00:09:47 durham and his start of his operation
@00:09:52 event john durham was appointed interim
@00:10:04 can see here that durham was appointed
@00:10:19 28th 2017 same day durham was appointed
@00:11:25 for you us attorney durham also
@00:20:58 out that durham i believe is the second
@00:21:12 know that durham has been working
@00:21:41 that is being done by john durham and
@00:21:49 so durham has been working on
@00:22:41 from that durham took over and huber has
@00:25:02 attorney john durham in it was initiated
@00:40:49 so is durham statement so it was bar
@00:41:06 john durham bar both their statements
@00:41:17 durham's statement think q durham date
@00:41:25 and durham start on the same day and
@00:41:59 horowitz durham and bar are all in

deleted Qanon December 9, 2019 - Think Timing

@00:27:32 forward to the durham report which is

deleted Qanon November 22, 2019 - It's Time

@00:19:27 investigation by us attorney durham and

deleted Qanon November 15, 2019 - Follow the Family

@00:14:32 john durham was appointed by jeff
@00:27:09 department of justice and bar in durham
@00:30:37 like john durham and adam bar so these
@00:32:55 attorney durham is about to investigate

deleted Qanon November 12, 2019 - Dangerous Freedom

@00:06:49 month and day that he durham was
@00:06:51 what famous crime family did durham
@00:07:00 durham also spearheaded mob prosecutions
@00:07:16 to durham target see is in brackets we
@00:07:20 know that durham investigated the cia
@00:08:13 right so now we know that durham was
@00:09:49 being launched durham was probably also
@00:10:18 believe well we know that john durham
@00:10:51 attorneys probably durham that was on
@00:12:08 know that durham has been investigating
@00:12:26 kiev linked to durham specialized in

deleted Qanon November 3, 2019 - Rig for Red

@00:14:29 who noted that us attorney john durham
@00:14:43 john durham was not appointed by
@00:14:44 attorney general bar durham served as
@00:14:57 durham as a new us attorney for his term

deleted Qanon November 2nd, 2019

@00:04:40 attorney durham and heuer working on

deleted FISA Report, Declass, 8kun update October 15 2019

@00:07:10 bar and us attorney john durham are
@00:07:49 to do it but himself him and durham so

deleted Qanon July 30, 2019 - The Harvest is Ripe

@00:09:11 general bar us attorney john durham and
@00:26:59 that people like durham and john huber

deleted Q on the Dilley Show

@00:13:08 that's because durham is progressing

deleted Qanon July 24, 2019 - Flags Out

@00:08:43 explains that us attorney john durham
@00:09:28 us attorney john durham wants to

deleted Qanon July 19, 2019 - Q Baby

@00:25:57 in recent months and so durham is taking

Friday May 31 News Update

@00:30:21 recent months durham took over that role
@00:30:44 huber were he said he says here durham
@00:31:10 months so durham is taking over that
@00:34:25 durham is helping inspector-general
@00:34:38 durham has has been in the final stages

deleted Spygate Update - May 14 2019

@00:01:21 appointed john durham prosecutor to look
@00:04:29 us attorney john durham to look into the
@00:10:51 and maybe helping mr. durham with what
@00:11:09 investigating if if you if durham is
@00:11:55 let's talk about john durham us attorney
@00:12:17 attorney john durham to investigate the
@00:12:33 durham has been in is investigating or
@00:13:20 he goes no the us attorney john durham
@00:13:52 to the press by us attorney john durham
@00:14:13 durham has been investigating leaking by
@00:14:27 durham has been investigating those
@00:14:50 of fbi and doj officials durham has a
@00:15:02 does right so durham has been on this
@00:20:28 durham has been involved in this for a
@00:24:52 durham
@00:26:00 if it's true that's probably why durham
@00:26:10 that durham has been working on this for
@00:26:24 to know that durham is on the case as a
@00:26:56 durham has been leading the dj's task
@00:27:10 durham and rosenstein were the two lead
@00:32:02 fox news fox news learned that durham
@00:32:06 john durham his review is much wider
@00:32:13 durham is also working directly with
@00:32:20 durham has led numerous public
@00:32:26 financial fraud matters durham has

News Update January 15, 2019

@00:12:56 durham and he is out of he's he's in
@00:14:04 he says us attorney john durham out of

deleted Qanon June 14 - All About Q With Dan Duval

@00:20:17 we're gonna drag durham corsi out of

deleted Private video

@00:18:13 durham is investigating spygate this is

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@00:19:24 office durham and huber and all the

deleted Private video

@00:08:36 durham this story was leaked by someone
@00:08:46 that john durham is now looking into
@00:13:27 playing the game until durham

deleted Private video

@00:10:33 some a durham course these videos that

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@00:03:14 front in recent months and so durham is

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@00:12:24 durham and attorney general bar so q

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@00:41:12 durham may have received the information
@00:41:38 that john durham had had gone to meet
@00:42:00 been put in the hands of durham i

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@00:08:43 and durham and all the other

deleted Private video

@00:16:06 we would expect that durham is going to

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@00:39:09 front in in recent months and so durham

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@00:18:44 front in in recent months and so durham

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@00:12:59 front in in recent months and so durham
@00:13:42 going on with huber and with durham
@00:13:59 what's happening with durham what's