
deleted Qanon September 2, 2020 - How is Blackmail Used?

@00:09:50 trafficking and underage prostitution
@00:10:10 trafficking
@00:13:51 pled guilty to child sex trafficking and
@00:14:03 trafficking and child pornography
@00:14:08 one count of child sex trafficking in

deleted Qanon July 19, 2020 - Prepare for Zero Day Attacks

@00:14:37 truth about child trafficking that are
@00:15:34 here to child trafficking that are
@00:18:57 mastermind of this sex trafficking and

deleted Qanon July 6, 2020 - It's Going to Be a Hot Summer

@00:08:18 trafficking is real right so this photo

deleted Qanon June 21, 2020 - Durham Is Not the Only Game In Town

@00:08:01 trafficking prostitution sting anon said
@00:09:52 do with i thank sex trafficking the

deleted Qanon April 18, 2020 - We Are Ready

@00:06:02 trafficking lanes were shut down the

deleted Qanon April 11, 2020 - Together We Will Win

@00:06:39 trafficking victims being rescued from

Do Not Fear (Live)

@00:20:52 sex trafficking do some drug dealing

Supernatural Saturday March 14, 2020 - The Not So Audible Voice of God

@00:39:00 rights abuse human trafficking and

deleted Qanon February 8, 2020 - It's Time to Wake Up

@00:16:56 right so human trafficking and

deleted Qanon December 30, 2019 - The Silent War Continues

@00:01:12 human rights abuse human trafficking and

deleted Qanon December 18, 2019 - Watch What Happens Next

@00:38:38 human trafficking or corruption december

deleted Qanon December 16, 2019 B2 Bomber Revealed

@00:24:38 to the national human trafficking

deleted Qanon July 30, 2019 - The Harvest is Ripe

@00:15:11 human trafficking convictions and human
@00:15:16 trafficking statistics all right and
@00:29:57 laura sills b's child trafficking
@00:30:45 human rights abuse human trafficking
@00:45:24 trafficking and in this federal study
@00:45:40 show the prevalence of human trafficking
@00:45:55 for human trafficking hewed linked to
@00:46:03 trafficking cases who represents

deleted Q on the Dilley Show

@00:21:35 trafficking cases this is a study that
@00:21:45 trafficking and maryland came up second

deleted Qanon July 22, 2019 - Traitors One and All

@00:42:52 child trafficking satan worship

deleted Qanon July 13, 2019 - Learn Our Comms [Wheels Up]

@00:29:59 not guilty story to sex trafficking
@00:34:19 to be a pedophile ring human trafficking

deleted Qanon July 10, 2019 - What Happens When...?

@00:19:45 sex trafficking israel
@00:26:58 trafficking it's all going to be coming
@00:44:45 suit accusing him of human trafficking

deleted Jeffrey Epstein Arrest Update July 8, 2019

@00:01:53 the camera sex trafficking is real right
@00:06:19 trafficking one charge of conspiracy

President Trump's Comments on Iran - Reading the Signals

@00:37:42 opium production and weapons trafficking
@00:37:45 and human trafficking and all the other

Friday May 31 News Update

@00:36:21 and human trafficking and all this
@00:38:04 human trafficking weapons trafficking
@00:38:06 drug drug trafficking they need to clean
@00:46:25 trafficking the weapons trafficking all

deleted Qanon March 22 2019 - Who Is Rachel Chandler?

@00:23:10 trafficking at the hotel adam schiff t's

deleted Qanon March 20, 2019 - The Battle of Good vs Evil

@00:29:20 camera sex trafficking is real cute some

deleted Qanon March 16, 2019 - Promises Soon to be Kept

@00:20:25 trafficking number one in brackets well
@00:32:04 increasing crime drugs and trafficking

deleted Qanon February 24 2019 - [LL] Returning to the Headlines

@00:13:50 trafficking of asian women and a non

deleted Senate Intelligence Committee Hearing on Global Threats January 29, 2019

@00:23:50 corruption narcotics trafficking and
@00:24:37 production the flow and trafficking of
@00:31:34 trafficking to enable and enhance data

News Update January 15, 2019

@00:11:15 executive order on human trafficking

deleted LIVE Qanon January 7, 2019 - Follow the Watch

@00:25:27 human trafficking weapons trafficking
@00:25:30 drug drug trafficking trump used that

deleted Qanon December 8, 2018 - Deep State Fake Out

@00:37:25 trafficking which he's doing very well

Discovering the Truth With Dan Duval - Part 3

@00:17:48 child sex trafficking

Where is Q: Live Question and Answer

@00:24:51 trafficking drug trafficking weapons
@00:24:53 trafficking political corruption torture

Thanks For Your Patience... New Videos on the Way

@00:07:14 latest numbers on human trafficking
@00:07:22 trafficking since jeff sessions has

deleted Qanon August 27, 2018 - We Don't Say His Name

@00:09:25 a front for child trafficking money
@00:12:44 through things like weapons trafficking
@00:12:46 drug trafficking and human traffic and
@00:12:57 illegals sex trafficking children
@00:12:59 trafficking drug trafficking gun
@00:13:01 trafficking china and russia passed

deleted Qanon August 18, 2018 - Nothing to See Here

@00:02:34 trafficking in haiti and the second link
@00:02:41 the takedown of a child trafficking ring
@00:02:48 trafficking victims who have spent a
@00:03:30 people who took down a human trafficking
@00:03:40 trafficking expert the problem in haiti
@00:04:11 child sex trafficking rings are just
@00:05:00 human trafficking operations in various
@00:05:11 these nations to shut down trafficking
@00:06:01 down child and sex trafficking if you

deleted Qanon August 13, 2018 - Sometimes the Truth is Right in Front of You

@00:01:19 trafficking hotline we know that because
@00:01:28 been a victim of trafficking or
@00:01:29 suspicions of actual trafficking call
@00:07:32 and trafficking so if you want to do

deleted Q Anon July 6 - 13 Angry Democrats

@00:07:06 trafficking and sacrifices yet and in
@00:09:55 be involved in human trafficking human

deleted Qanon June 14 - All About Q With Dan Duval

@00:06:58 clinton foundation and human trafficking
@00:07:27 human trafficking from sex trafficking
@00:07:43 helping kids get out of sex trafficking
@00:13:58 child trafficking okay they're all
@00:28:34 trafficking aliens you know whatever it
@00:36:33 to do with human trafficking sex
@00:36:37 trafficking q hasn't talked about this
@00:37:02 of drugs guns human trafficking they
@00:37:34 abuse the human trafficking the drug
@00:47:04 trafficking and the gun-running and the

deleted Q Anon - God Makes Everything Beautiful in Its Own Time

@00:14:07 human trafficking and all of that and so

deleted Qanon April 26, 2018 - What Would Happen If?

@00:09:05 human trafficking sacrifices yet worst

deleted Qanon April 25, 2018 - Iran Next

@00:21:34 weapons trafficking human trafficking
@00:21:36 drug trafficking all the other stuff
@00:22:30 drugs guns human trafficking they
@00:22:47 trafficking and guns which is funding
@00:25:30 course the clinton silsbee trafficking
@00:26:33 trafficking and human rights
@00:26:59 trafficking in the cia and other
@00:42:44 human trafficking sacrifices that was in
@00:50:39 human trafficking human rights abuse

deleted Qanon Update April 20, 2018 - The War Is Real

@00:14:51 human trafficking or corruption that's i

deleted Qanon April 18, 2018 - We're Being Set Up

@00:22:59 being rounded up in drug trafficking and

deleted Qanon April 11, 2018 - April Showers

@00:52:38 trafficking child trafficking and so it
@00:52:57 founder after a human trafficking

deleted Qanon March 7, 2018 -The Plan to Avoid World War III

@00:15:23 trafficking and human rights abuse that

deleted Qanon Feb 17, 2018 - Spread the Message Far and Wide

@00:04:09 money from human trafficking weapons
@00:04:11 trafficking drug trafficking sex
@00:04:13 trafficking gives them influence around

deleted Qanon February 8, 2018 - Transfer of the Wealth of the Puppet Masters

@00:04:25 trafficking human rights abuse and

deleted February 3rd 2018 Q Anon Question and Answer

@00:10:42 trafficking rings so and sessions was
@00:29:31 pedophile and human trafficking
@00:29:36 pedo bring human trafficking at hotel
@00:29:54 human trafficking and pedophilia and i
@00:30:09 trafficking the strange murders if

deleted Qanon February 3, 2018 - Freedom Day

@00:03:22 break up human trafficking rings so and
@00:22:13 human trafficking operation that's being
@00:22:17 petal ring human trafficking at hotel
@00:22:34 head human trafficking and pedophilia
@00:22:50 trafficking the strange murders if

deleted January 31, 2018 News: Trey Gowdy, General Flynn and the Nunes Memo

@00:00:44 a human trafficking ring in california
@00:00:54 trafficking ring called operation
@00:01:07 human trafficking to be freed your
@00:43:57 human trafficking human rights and

deleted Jan 30, 2018 News Update

@00:06:22 human rights abuse human trafficking and

deleted Jan 27 News - Q Anon Is Posting and The Deep State Is Panicking

@00:05:33 human trafficking and corruption qi said

deleted Qanon January 25, 2018 - Did the FBI Plot to Harm the President?

@00:18:53 trafficking sacrifices yet worst those

deleted January 20 Q Anon / Shutdown Question and Answer

@00:01:07 trafficking that sort of thing so after

Q Anon January 18 - FISA 702 Scandal

@00:05:40 trafficking racketeering and other

deleted Q Anon Made Simple - January 14, 2018

@00:18:06 rights violations human trafficking
@00:21:39 people involved in human trafficking

January 11, 2018 News - So Much Winning! FISA Update

@00:46:38 people involved in human trafficking

January 8, 2018 Update - Trump, Bernie Sanders, Julian Assange

@00:11:13 then no human trafficking on our roads
@00:11:21 no human trafficking on our roads act
@00:11:33 involving human trafficking from a from
@00:11:40 felony that involves human trafficking
@00:11:54 trafficking and january is is stop human
@00:11:59 trafficking month so president is really
@00:12:55 you can see that human trafficking and
@00:12:58 sex trafficking is a big deal now and

Jan 2, 2018 News Update - North Korea, Iran, Pakistan, Mueller Investigation, Trump Tweets

@00:09:39 violation human trafficking and
@00:10:02 there's a lot of sex trafficking that

Jan 1 Update - Dreams about Global Crime Syndicate Take Down

@00:15:18 trafficking and corruption if any
@00:42:44 human trafficking trump and jeff

deleted Qanon December 28, 2017 - Who Is Q Clearance Patriot?

@00:39:31 trafficking and drug at running

December 27 2017 News Update - Trump's Executive Order

@00:06:41 it's abuse human trafficking and
@00:09:14 human trafficking and corruption and it
@00:28:06 sex trafficking drug trafficking arms
@00:28:09 trafficking organ trafficking every kind
@00:28:12 of trafficking you think of and then
@00:33:43 trafficking is only part of the story
@00:35:26 to take down human trafficking human

Dec 18 News Update - Amtrak derailment, Hezbollah scandal, Mueller investigation

@00:10:36 their drug trafficking even drug
@00:10:38 trafficking into united states and

A Prophetic Look at 2017

@00:30:15 situation with human trafficking and

Shae Bynes - Entreprenurism

@00:02:05 trafficking i just noticed like a threat
@00:02:37 trafficking kids and which goes across
@00:04:04 trafficking in general you know you know
@00:08:12 there's obvious human trafficking going
@00:08:17 truck stops and try to bust trafficking

Stopping Government Corruption

@00:02:12 to expose child trafficking and other
@00:02:37 child sex trafficking or kidnapping and
@00:02:55 trafficking iii always ask these
@00:03:47 trafficking none of this was on my radar
@00:11:53 trafficking and there is all this stuff
@00:35:59 trafficking money laundering bribery
@00:36:24 human trafficking bits that have already
@00:36:28 the human trafficking i assume that
@00:42:23 yet asked about the human trafficking

deleted Private video

@00:10:35 trafficking and sacrifices yet worst

deleted Private video

@00:18:48 promote sex trafficking here is the link
@00:19:16 up with child porn and sex trafficking

deleted Private video

@00:24:55 and they're trafficking in and out of

deleted Private video

@00:34:56 of human trafficking and help us to
@00:35:05 freedom hashtag and human trafficking
@00:35:40 trafficking and other things that's all

deleted Private video

@00:16:54 in shutting down human trafficking in
@00:17:03 is to human trafficking ft an island

deleted Private video

@00:18:19 trafficking and corruption and a lot of

deleted Private video

@00:40:40 human trafficking they're doing the same
@00:40:46 lots of human trafficking operation
@00:46:06 trafficking human trafficking organ
@00:46:09 trafficking drug trafficking war makes a

deleted Private video

@00:06:49 offenders human rights human trafficking

deleted Private video

@00:22:58 past about human trafficking that comes

deleted Private video

@00:10:29 one global corruption human trafficking
@00:10:32 drug trafficking weapons trafficking and

deleted Private video

@00:02:23 says human trafficking is modern-day
@00:02:46 named human trafficking month and the
@00:02:53 human trafficking
@00:04:03 trafficking haiti corruption etc logical
@00:04:10 the clinton foundation human trafficking

deleted Private video

@00:13:14 had to do with human trafficking
@00:13:19 sex trafficking and pedophilia and just

deleted Private video

@00:20:55 human trafficking
@00:22:39 human rights abuse human trafficking
@00:24:38 scalia human trafficking the q mentioned
@00:24:48 human trafficking in haiti
@00:26:55 like the trafficking of children out of
@00:27:02 silsbee and the trafficking that she did
@00:27:15 covered up the human trafficking of

deleted Private video

@00:34:17 abuse human trafficking and corruption

deleted Private video

@00:10:39 trafficking weapons trafficking drug
@00:10:40 trafficking sex trafficking gives them

deleted Private video

@00:09:31 in human trafficking gun trafficking
@00:09:34 drug trafficking hugh has been telling

deleted Private video

@00:14:07 doj crackdown on human trafficking sex
@00:14:09 trafficking child trafficking people are
@00:15:54 the human trafficking in haiti yeah and

deleted Private video

@00:06:27 your money they've been trafficking kids