William Barr

Praying Medic News - October 2, 2020

@00:09:08 general barr

deleted Qanon September 18, 2020 - Be Water, Spread Fire

@00:13:50 attorney general barr advised
@00:14:03 phone call bar had with federal

deleted Qanon September 15, 2020 - Hold the Line Riders

@00:08:57 until bar and durham really clean it up

deleted Qanon September 2, 2020 - How is Blackmail Used?

@00:04:09 attorney general barr said a couple days
@00:08:05 one of them is bill barr
@00:16:32 year old boy he picked up at a gay bar

deleted Qanon July 20, 2020 - Batten Down the Hatches

@00:20:13 so did attorney general william bar

deleted Qanon July 19, 2020 - It's Time for People to Go to Jail

@00:03:28 general bar

deleted Qanon June 30, 2020 - Rising to the Occasion

@00:03:07 that turney general barr said that in
@00:03:16 think barr was talking about antitrust
@00:03:20 criminal issues there as well barr said
@00:29:00 general bar has 35 co-sponsors says barr

deleted Qanon June 25, 2020 - Rewriting History

@00:11:33 person and bill bar is doing a great job
@00:12:08 in whose bill bar
@00:22:00 from technolog and actually general barr

deleted Qanon June 21, 2020 - Durham Is Not the Only Game In Town

@00:04:34 this time sd ny us attorney berman bar
@00:10:57 this time was bill barr a member of the
@00:11:02 incoming attorney general bar
@00:11:36 barr and pompeyo were gathering
@00:11:43 that when bar went to department of
@00:12:03 board for the cia but barr was on the
@00:12:13 underway and it's worth noting barr is
@00:12:25 investigations barr is putting in his
@00:12:42 snippet from this letter that bar wrote
@00:12:48 in bar response to sd my attorney
@00:16:18 and attorney general bar and cue said
@00:20:35 general barr had today these things were
@00:21:41 attorney general barr had to say with

deleted Qanon June 11, 2020 - Do Anons Understand What Is About To be Unleashed?

@00:14:00 james baker now william barr is going to

deleted Qanon June 10, 2020 - White House Breach Prevented

@00:04:15 trained general bar and matt baer i'll
@00:06:23 barr said he also reposted this drop
@00:06:39 time the interview attorney-general bar

deleted Qanon May 31, 2020 - Stay Strong. Stay Together

@00:04:52 letter to the attorney general bill barr
@00:07:15 bar already initial charges have been
@00:15:41 attorney general barr on writing with
@00:16:17 so barr continues it is time to stop

deleted Qanon May 25, 2020 - Its a Marathon Not a Sprint

@00:03:01 made by the attorney general bar q
@00:05:25 attorney general barr said that based on
@00:05:33 even if barr had that information it
@00:13:50 general bill barr said joe and barak
@00:15:06 barr saying the information that we have

deleted All Things Q - With John Michael Chambers

@00:25:26 129 so you have durham and bar

deleted Qanon April 18, 2020 - We Are Ready

@00:07:48 bar and us attorney durham because of
@00:07:51 the actions are going to take bar and

deleted Qanon April 16, 2020 - The End Won't Be For Everyone

@00:09:14 to note that attorney general barr is

deleted Qanon April 15, 2020 - Imagine If We Were Not Here

@00:08:18 we are ready in brackets think bar
@00:08:35 bar would never have made the public
@00:08:40 have information proving that bar was

deleted Qanon April 14 2020 - 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

@00:04:26 today is bill barr announced that
@00:05:33 what bill barr said and make no mistake
@00:07:20 bill barr would have never given that
@00:25:28 president trump and bar from office

deleted Qanon April 11, 2020 - Together We Will Win

@00:16:13 attorney general bar predicted an
@00:22:34 attack the house will push for bar
@00:22:45 bar and try to remove him from the doj
@00:24:07 barr are going to use to expose the
@00:24:16 we know that bar and durham have been
@00:24:55 confidence in a g bar lots of articles
@00:24:58 out there smearing bar as a partisan
@00:25:04 concerned they're thinking that bar is
@00:25:09 look the deep state media hates bar and
@00:25:19 concerned about bar here's what happens

deleted Qanon April 9, 2020 - Covid 19: How to Steal and Election

@00:02:35 general barr is currently investigating
@00:36:37 attorney general barr said he is opposed
@00:38:12 jerry general barr indicated that
@00:38:17 attorney general barr said that he
@00:38:32 the way so attorney general barr was
@00:40:53 barr expressed his frustration that the
@00:41:03 since then barr said the media has been
@00:47:54 of a g bar to be frustrated because i
@00:48:31 bar tomorrow night 10:00 p.m. don't miss
@00:48:36 more from attorney general bar tonight

deleted Qanon March 26, 2020 - Infiltration Instead of Invasion

@00:18:07 article in politico where barr attorney
@00:18:11 general bar last week petitioned
@00:18:22 maybe barr is signaling issues that lie

Supernatural Saturday March 14, 2020 - The Not So Audible Voice of God

@00:44:02 fact because attorney general bar told
@00:44:23 barr told us huber's work is done and
@00:44:49 for a fact that bar and us attorney
@00:45:16 one of these days and barr said that
@00:45:35 not saying that barr said he expects the
@00:46:54 that bar has signaled the progress on

deleted Qanon February 18, 2020 - It's Going To Be A Hot Summer

@00:10:17 attorney general bill barr is being

deleted Qanon February 16, 2020 - Treason Sedition and Subversive Activities

@00:06:11 attorney general bill barr is now
@00:06:32 because as we speak the dorm bar
@00:08:32 sanctuary cities very general bar
@00:09:38 to attorney general william bar on
@00:09:51 bar installs outside prosecutor to

deleted Qanon February 12, 2020 - Signatures: The Silent War Continues

@00:18:15 attorney general bar ought to make them

deleted Qanon February 10, 2020 - An Informed Public

@00:13:13 attorney general william barr announced

deleted Qanon January 30, 2020 - Impeachments Ends

@00:18:06 so today attorney general of bar

deleted Qanon January 29 2020 - Read the Transcripts

@00:20:15 general william bar bar down the further
@00:21:04 investigation began after bar was hired
@00:26:13 attorney general william bar has said
@00:36:10 what durham has been doing and what bar

deleted Qanon December 28, 2019 - Pelosi's Gambit

@00:03:20 came when bill barr took over as
@00:03:23 attorney general barr was able to impose
@00:08:11 barr durham and huber released be
@00:13:54 general bill barr and us attorney john
@00:31:41 where bill barr asked what was their
@00:32:34 the united states and bill barr has a
@00:35:56 yeah their meetings with durham and bar

deleted Qanon December 21, 2019 - Know Your History

@00:16:30 your attorney general william bar this
@00:17:02 thing that is is of note is that barr
@00:18:08 barr and durham on this case all right

deleted Qanon December 18, 2019 - Watch What Happens Next

@00:06:24 mark meadows says bill barr was looking
@00:08:57 working with the attorney general bar to
@00:09:02 with bar he is certainly in a difficult
@00:13:44 interview attorney general william bar
@00:42:22 p.m. eastern interview with bill barr

deleted Qanon December 16, 2019 B2 Bomber Revealed

@00:00:39 about attorney general william bar in
@00:01:04 to nominate william bar as sessions
@00:01:51 end and it was because when barr was
@00:02:48 william barr who is in private practice
@00:03:46 that was dated in june of 2018 barr
@00:03:57 of people were puzzled at how bar might
@00:04:12 justice statute bar and muller's
@00:04:35 was the game plan when barr took over as
@00:04:45 it seems that bar then imposed his
@00:05:26 checkmate and that's what barr did all
@00:06:40 we took that as a hint that bar had been
@00:06:52 that bar and us attorney john durham
@00:07:15 the investigation with bar and durham
@00:07:20 bar being personally involved in this
@00:07:23 of course bar has done some recent
@00:08:51 bar bb practice
@00:10:41 bar disagreed was some of the findings
@00:11:46 time as the ig report and bar as his
@00:12:34 interviews with barr our recent ones
@00:12:39 get that on youtube good interview bar
@00:13:14 bar making all these public statements
@00:13:19 agreements with horowitz bar is no
@00:13:29 planned coordinated attacks on bar are
@00:13:45 mainstream media articles about bar
@00:13:54 be defected will have to defend bar in
@00:14:51 defend bar on social media where the
@00:18:22 side you know throw bill bar in prison
@00:18:41 thug like fred with all these bar and
@00:19:37 bill bar fit into the eight spaces
@00:19:46 bar does fit into the eight spaces there
@00:19:57 bar unseal the first indictments that
@00:20:03 it can also mean d class bar is going to
@00:23:14 bar went overseas not just to talk to
@00:27:12 president well what bar was going to
@00:40:49 so is durham statement so it was bar
@00:41:06 john durham bar both their statements
@00:41:59 horowitz durham and bar are all in
@00:42:05 bar were specifically directed by q plus

deleted Qanon December 4, 2019 - Tripcode Confirmed

@00:21:05 bar then the inspector general report

deleted The Senate Was the Target - November 23, 2019

@00:08:21 be declassified by attorney general bar

deleted Qanon November 22, 2019 - It's Time

@00:16:07 attorney general bar at the federalist
@00:17:08 rule of law all right thank you ag bar
@00:19:29 barr and horowitz are about to destroy
@00:28:55 fight bar before or after the salt
@00:30:21 bar that's a patriots fight post versus
@00:30:25 a yellow bar on the left which is a q

deleted Qanon November 16, 2019 - The Harvest

@00:01:34 attorney general bill bar the authority
@00:01:47 documents from bar new news to receive a
@00:02:02 information from bar let me roll this
@00:02:45 person named william bar and he's doing
@00:03:50 declassified from bar so that same day
@00:06:08 william bar was confirmed by the senate

deleted Qanon November 15, 2019 - Follow the Family

@00:23:33 some of the things that bar is going to
@00:27:09 department of justice and bar in durham
@00:30:37 like john durham and adam bar so these
@00:33:36 bar has been given authority to

deleted Qanon November 3, 2019 - Rig for Red

@00:14:44 attorney general bar durham served as

deleted Qanon November 2nd, 2019

@00:04:37 soon we've got a general bar and us

deleted FISA Report, Declass, 8kun update October 15 2019

@00:06:58 going to be convicted and that means bar
@00:07:10 bar and us attorney john durham are
@00:07:24 task for bar and trump that bar is
@00:07:43 barr is personally overseeing the
@00:11:29 declassification authority to bar
@00:11:31 attorney general barr
@00:11:32 he told bar you can declassify anything
@00:11:37 you want so i suspect bar has already

deleted Qanon August 10, 2019 - Jeffrey Epstein Update

@00:33:50 bar has launched two investigations he

deleted Qanon August 1, 2019 - August is a Hot Month

@00:17:28 bar decided not to prosecute him and
@00:20:18 ratcliffe will work together with bar to

deleted Qanon July 30, 2019 - The Harvest is Ripe

@00:09:11 general bar us attorney john durham and
@00:11:00 she said this is when william bar was
@00:11:06 she described a hot mess that bar had
@00:11:15 hot mess that bar is inherited trump
@00:11:27 to hot has something to do with bar

deleted Q on the Dilley Show

@00:15:38 authority to bar not coates
@00:16:05 bar has basically taken coats shoved him
@00:16:18 gotta believe that bar has once they
@00:32:43 february that was when bar first came
@00:33:04 article where she said bar is inheriting
@00:33:21 is hot right right bar is coming in and
@00:33:23 what that was telling us when bar was
@00:33:28 about to get hot now that bar is here

deleted Qanon July 27, 2019 - Declass is Here

@00:30:18 barr has confirmed there are multiple
@00:31:53 general bar is declassifying documents

deleted Qanon July 24, 2019 - Flags Out

@00:07:55 bar deputy attorney general jeffrey
@00:16:02 believe b2 is is william bar alright the

deleted Qanon July 22, 2019 - Traitors One and All

@00:04:30 william bar happened to be in the room
@00:05:28 so you get the idea bar agreed with the
@00:05:41 the attorney general bar authorized the
@00:06:06 attorney general william bar authorized
@00:06:59 that bar authorized the emergency action
@00:16:36 general bar has access to all classified
@00:16:48 attorney general bar be forced to d
@00:17:07 hearing well attorney general bar be
@00:25:09 charge and i believe william bar was
@00:25:27 statute barr seems to have brought an
@00:30:50 think bill bar is a stealth bomber and
@00:30:53 bar is gonna be bombing the deep state
@00:37:15 bar he is responsible for giving bar
@00:40:53 general bar based on military
@00:41:32 that bar was investigating corrupt

deleted Qanon July 19, 2019 - Q Baby

@00:25:25 who are not aware attorney general barr
@00:26:13 still foolish right so bar confirms that

deleted Qanon July 13, 2019 - Learn Our Comms [Wheels Up]

@00:49:31 the b-2 bomber is bill bar william bar
@00:49:42 reference think bill bar and think
@00:50:56 you is suggesting that bill bar is

deleted Qanon July 11, 2019 - Welcome to the Real World

@00:07:05 initials bb bill bar and the anons are
@00:07:12 thinking that bill bar is actually the
@00:07:31 that bill bar is actually a stealth
@00:08:02 muller investigation ended when bill bar
@00:08:07 speculation that bar essentially blocked
@00:08:18 obstruction bar and muller had different
@00:08:28 trump hired bar as attorney general to
@00:08:43 that b2 is bb bill bar and it on server
@00:14:42 assumption that bb bill bar is b to the
@00:15:50 bill bar and that wheels up is he has

deleted Qanon July 10, 2019 - What Happens When...?

@00:15:11 delay the release of the report barr has

President Trump's Comments on Iran - Reading the Signals

@00:20:53 attorney general william bar told us
@00:21:01 reporter about a month ago barr said he
@00:21:19 working there right so barr was kind of
@00:23:45 chris rea and bar and trump they would
@00:49:09 our great attorney general william barr

Friday May 31 News Update

@00:07:21 general bar did a press conference nice
@00:07:44 asked barr about declassification and
@00:07:50 barr said i asked the president if i
@00:07:56 declassification all right so barr said
@00:08:30 authorization to declassify it and barr
@00:08:47 class came about because barr went to
@00:08:51 at least that's what bar is saying he's
@00:08:56 bar started out as an attorney with the
@00:08:59 back in the 70s bar knows how the
@00:09:15 about something that barr said a couple
@00:09:18 of things if barr said i'm already
@00:09:27 barr said that he did not consider what
@00:09:42 freaking out because oh barr said it's
@00:11:35 was saying bar has said publicly it was
@00:12:07 trump and barr decided the
@00:12:24 me right got some more comments from bar
@00:13:07 article and it's a it's when barr was
@00:13:42 investigation of the fbi bar stressed
@00:14:27 bar said about chris rea now a lot of
@00:14:42 cooperating with bar that other
@00:14:47 with bar and i'm going to tell you this
@00:15:09 information he's not giving bar the
@00:15:21 some of that is in context of a bar
@00:15:58 and then bar says small group senior
@00:16:16 cooperative and barr said yes as a
@00:16:21 alright and so barr confirmed to her
@00:16:37 talking about committed treason and barr
@00:16:53 think they committed treason barr says
@00:17:16 barr is not willing to say publicly that
@00:17:49 lost their minds because bar because
@00:17:58 chris bar all right
@00:18:13 and you ask barr do you think treason
@00:18:18 occurred and barr said you know what i
@00:18:34 what would the press say if barr told
@00:19:27 trump can say whatever he wants if barr
@00:19:57 decide and it's not actually for bar to
@00:20:08 the media is trying to eight-bar into
@00:20:18 wants to paint bar as a partisan hack
@00:20:21 they've already accused bar of being the
@00:20:31 against bar to paint him as a partisan
@00:20:42 question and bar handled it perfectly
@00:20:53 barr he found it very interesting that
@00:21:28 the interviewer also asked barr
@00:21:42 barr says i am i'm amused by these
@00:22:18 bar because he would not release a
@00:22:21 fully redacted muller report why did bar
@00:22:58 because bar might declassify something
@00:23:42 some some interesting remarks from barr
@00:24:14 right and barr knew that and he says any
@00:24:32 really doesn't make any difference barr
@00:24:58 out they know bar doesn't care about
@00:25:54 from barr himself what is going on a few
@00:26:07 abused bar said right so huber had
@00:29:28 alright so bar here is explaining
@00:29:40 what is huber doing bar said huber was
@00:30:10 all right and then bar goes on so huber
@00:30:29 barr is explaining what has been
@00:33:03 knew huber's investigation was done barr
@00:33:16 you're anyone all right and barr says
@00:33:48 so when barr says oh
@00:47:08 not cooperating with bar all the
@00:47:11 from bar from bar not from so-called
@00:48:19 attorney general bar any information
@00:48:24 that chris rea or attorney general bar
@00:48:53 of attorney general bar or chris ray or
@00:49:05 bar is the one who is taking the
@00:49:12 agencies from the defense department bar

deleted Spygate Update May 16 2019

@00:05:16 that has to go to doj bar

deleted Spygate Update - May 14 2019

@00:01:16 that attorney general william bar
@00:01:34 deal and it essentially means that barr
@00:04:36 also there are reports that bar is
@00:12:12 barr did not go on the national media
@00:15:14 is starting now that bar is here and you
@00:15:19 now that bar is here everything's all
@00:23:09 what was said of in the bar and i worked
@00:23:21 dad was very close with william bar
@00:24:57 appointed by bar to investigate the
@00:27:25 news are reporting attorney general barr
@00:28:28 guarantee you that that bar and sessions
@00:29:00 chris rea taking shots at william bar
@00:31:24 same thing that bar is reported to be

deleted Qanon May 3, 2019 - The Kickoff

@00:10:04 general william bar they are freaking

deleted Qanon April 28, 2019 - Truth, Transparency and Equal Justice

@00:11:21 bar southern district of new york

deleted Qanon April 26, 2019 - I Spy

@00:07:05 that has been given the bill bar already
@00:07:24 already been dealt with and barr is well
@00:07:40 according to attorney general barr

deleted Qanon April 11, 2019 - Panic

@00:01:21 ever since attorney general william bar
@00:01:29 information that bar provided if you
@00:02:13 bar in his congressional testimony this
@00:03:21 has to do with another comment that bar
@00:04:40 well now bar is telling us that he has
@00:06:42 tweeted out bar just nuked queuing on
@00:06:55 hat there are no sealed indictments barr
@00:07:02 no investigations bar is starting
@00:07:08 that is not actually true bar mentioned
@00:07:20 to be continuing so bar is not starting
@00:07:53 general barr admitted he has no evidence
@00:07:59 general bar must retract his statement
@00:08:04 it up right so bar is going to be
@00:08:21 blumenthal bar must retract his
@00:08:52 pelosi's tweet attorney general bar is
@00:09:37 general barr would raise the spying
@00:10:19 conspiracy theories actually barr has
@00:10:36 bar so yes a little bit of panic there
@00:16:00 him will be made by attorney general bar

deleted Qanon March 22 2019 - Who Is Rachel Chandler?

@00:24:02 that attorney general william barr has

deleted Qanon March 16, 2019 - Promises Soon to be Kept

@00:23:44 attorney general william bar ag bar
@00:24:06 very interesting if bar calls a press
@00:24:26 about the gateway pundit report that bar
@00:33:28 general bill bar and i think a lot of

deleted Qanon March 14, 2019 - Stay in the Light

@00:02:04 assumption power of bar can a sealed
@00:02:11 mulla reports to bar bruce whore and
@00:03:07 that bar pulled those indictments got
@00:06:42 goes on to say that william bar our new
@00:06:54 those people but not but barr was not
@00:07:36 there's a power of bar can a sealed

deleted Qanon March 13, 2019 - It's About to Happen

@00:04:32 with ag bar this week us attorney's
@00:04:40 bar last week and this tweet was on

deleted Qanon March 6, 2019 - Those Awake Can See Clearly

@00:14:49 william barr the new attorney general
@00:15:10 find out in this post is that bar is
@00:15:31 have this bar meeting humor and

deleted Qanon February 27, 2019 - We Are at War

@00:05:10 because now that we have william bar in

deleted Qanon February 24 2019 - [LL] Returning to the Headlines

@00:04:15 report to attorney general bar actually

deleted Qanon February 21, 2019 - A Traitors Justice

@00:01:22 when william bar was confirmed as a new
@00:05:26 barr has indicated that he may be making
@00:17:36 horowitz q has told us that william bar
@00:27:45 william barr has announced that the
@00:37:59 soon barr has been installed that's done
@00:38:01 bar meeting with whitaker to review
@00:38:17 that barr had with muller and rosen's
@00:38:34 that's already done bar meeting with

deleted Qanon February 15, 2019 - Night Crawl Active

@00:11:27 a lot of people feel that william bar
@00:11:41 the department of justice bar was
@00:11:52 mulla reports to bar in brackets we have
@00:11:55 come in weeks q bar has been activated
@00:12:40 possible on the same day that bar is
@00:16:09 day that liam bar was confirmed as a new
@00:22:24 bar is going to have and exposing that

deleted Qanon February 11, 2019 - Optics Are Important

@00:22:14 brackets 1 through 4 removal bar install
@00:22:18 bar with whitaker in parentheses review
@00:22:45 then the next line bar with whitaker
@00:23:09 of brackets next line bar execute order
@00:23:35 senior staff bar meeting hubert and oig
@00:26:01 as when a bar is being installed as a
@00:32:29 we have minus sign there bar with matt
@00:33:08 attorney general william bar and matt
@00:33:18 then q wrote this bar with whittaker
@00:33:37 sources and methods etc bar is going to
@00:33:48 not indicate a need for oversight bar as
@00:33:58 need horowitz involved q wrote bar
@00:34:16 all right so bar is going to make the
@00:34:49 whittaker all right next q wrote bar
@00:34:58 incoming attorney general william bar is
@00:35:24 to bar giving him an update on the
@00:35:29 horowitz will update bar on the progress
@00:35:35 of updates going on when bar comes into
@00:35:54 bar and whittaker house dems will
@00:44:42 attorney general william barr who said
@00:45:09 bar comes in as the attorney general i

News Update January 15, 2019

@00:00:15 i thought bar looked good i don't have
@00:00:20 any problems with the bar some people
@00:02:34 william barr had his first day and
@00:02:52 statement by bar that he let's see if i
@00:03:01 there's an article about bar hmm well
@00:03:14 questioning of bar he said he doesn't
@00:03:40 situation bar all right they asked bar
@00:03:53 clinton foundation and bar said look he
@00:04:20 them and some people have taken bar
@00:04:32 and look barr is in a very difficult
@00:04:50 is bar gonna go into the senate hearing
@00:05:07 barr was in a situation where there's
@00:05:13 barr isn't gonna prosecute hillary he's

January 10 2019 News Update

@00:03:41 barr who is the man that trump has
@00:03:50 found out that barr is a friend of
@00:04:13 robert muller and bar if you're in a
@00:04:28 just because muller and bar have some i
@00:04:30 mean you know bar was a former attorney
@00:04:45 is happening with bar i trust trump
@00:04:55 chose bar he knows things that we don't

deleted Qanon December 20, 2018 - D Day

@00:19:36 between now and february when lam bar

deleted Qanon September 30, 2018 - Welcome to the Police State

@00:21:16 hn go to the very top of the menu bar

deleted Qanon December 8, 2018 - Deep State Fake Out

@00:01:27 you go over here to the left bar and

deleted Qanon August 13, 2018 - Sometimes the Truth is Right in Front of You

@00:30:13 reference to roseanne barr made a
@00:30:29 things but if you're roseanne barr you

deleted Qanon June 14 - All About Q With Dan Duval

@00:25:16 roseanne barr started tweeting out my
@00:26:31 early may roseanne barr starts tweeting

deleted Qanon May 14, 2018 - All for a LARP?

@00:02:31 roseanne barr tweets and the storm how

Q Anon Update March 24 - Enjoy the Show - LIVE

@00:01:27 tucson yes the bang bang bar is on

The Overlooked Problem With FISA Title 1 Surveillance

@00:19:29 the bar of evidence you have to produce

January 13 News - Unsealed Indictments, OIG sends 1.2 Million Pages to Congress

@00:14:49 conversations this person was at a bar

A 2nd Special Counsel Will Be Appointed. Here's What They'll Investigate

@00:00:20 know there's a tv screen or a bar we

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About FISA Warrants

@00:21:49 warrant that has a high bar for probable

Kenneth Hagin Translation Prophecy

@00:13:49 bar and then they're enjoying their

Live Broadcasting Q & A

@00:17:11 orange warning bar at the top of my
@00:17:42 orange bar where i had a poor signal one

Wiretapping Trump - A Look at FISA Warrants

@00:13:39 there is a low bar for suspicion and

Managing Thumbnail Images in Divi for Wordpress

@00:03:56 bar in your menu is hidden when people

The Cause and Cure for Sleep Paralysis

@00:19:34 can't get him near a bar because they'll

deleted Private video

@00:07:24 is not cooperating with william bar what
@00:09:15 chris rae is not cooperating with bar
@00:09:17 but bar has never said chris rae is not
@00:10:38 bar says chris ray is out of here he's
@00:14:46 sessions set the table for what barr has

deleted Private video

@00:18:53 investigation and as bill barr told us

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@00:06:35 general william bar
@00:06:50 general bar authority to declassify any
@00:07:03 it says here attorney general bar has
@00:08:01 bar would do the right thing when we
@00:15:11 minister and this was a video in a bar
@00:16:56 president trump say about william bar i
@00:17:27 william bar instead of coates well all
@00:19:31 may resist barr he said in accordance
@00:20:03 resistant to what bar wants to
@00:20:08 hopes coates stands up to bar also he's
@00:26:12 that attorney general barr said they

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@00:02:43 general bar after he was confirmed and q
@00:03:00 william bar once he was not confirmed
@00:06:22 president and william bar attorney
@00:11:55 attorney general bar because they know
@00:12:07 the moller report because look bar did
@00:12:45 no outsider taking a look at this bar

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@00:24:43 william bar this week and the related
@00:24:58 brackets that countdown bar meets with
@00:46:54 barr began retweeting my q videos so the

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@00:00:17 cubemap pub q and aa bar a couple of
@00:12:19 bar this is on 25th

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@00:03:14 ever since barr really less month month
@00:03:18 ever since barr took over as attorney
@00:17:22 barr to declassify these documents that

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@00:02:12 that morning was at bill bar
@00:03:13 of these senator jeff merkley bar was
@00:04:56 why did whitaker and barr retain rosa
@00:05:02 muller summary report submitted by bar
@00:05:05 yesterday that was actually both bar and
@00:09:16 william bar i can conceive of situations

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@00:08:16 william bar and he had this to say about
@00:09:55 attorney general william bar in the oval
@00:10:22 the same time attorney general bar is in

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@00:08:06 call on attorney general bar to resign
@00:08:09 really bill barr is fighting to hold the
@00:09:55 that bar is dodging congress because
@00:10:08 general bar is going to be testifying on
@00:10:46 the fact that bar is going to be
@00:15:34 attorney general bar he wants to call 17

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@00:02:28 attorney general william bar declared a
@00:02:49 afternoon bar made the announcement that

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@00:11:55 keep this agency together while bar and
@00:13:29 everything that barr said yep there was

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@00:11:10 attorney general bar told us a few days
@00:13:20 indicated that bar is going to assume
@00:24:56 revelation bill bar is going to get to

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@00:27:40 attorney general william bar to come in
@00:29:30 benefit does this provide bar this is
@00:29:52 the stage for barr he has experienced

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@00:36:35 general william bar and special counsel
@00:36:46 responding to bar with regards to the
@00:36:51 ties to any foreign entity etc bar then
@00:37:20 findings barr then asks was the steal
@00:37:39 conclusions presented barr then asks
@00:38:13 underlying evidence bar then responds
@00:38:44 discovery exists barr then asks
@00:40:00 gave us which looks like a bar is on the
@00:40:22 after q posted that about bar the
@00:40:25 president tweets about bar william bar
@00:41:07 the gastro customer bar is the chef and
@00:41:23 q wrote bart instead of bar up here but

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@00:08:14 for attorney general william bar
@00:08:25 dear attorney general bar advice from

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@00:17:47 on twitter about his meeting with barr
@00:21:18 laying the groundwork for what bar is
@00:23:54 affiliations so now that bar is in and

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@00:01:21 bar does his interview and it's a very
@00:02:12 we get attorney general bar to weigh in
@00:02:23 of what barr said about humor and then
@00:02:29 interpret what barr said and sidestep a
@00:03:36 barr said huber was originally tasked to
@00:03:54 investigation on that on fisa abuse bar
@00:07:08 for a lot of corrupt people so barr said
@00:07:34 and prosecute criminal behavior when bar
@00:09:04 we've done before bar though right
@00:09:07 though was that about before bar i can't
@00:12:22 doing nothing because barr himself said
@00:12:34 out the window because barr confirmed he
@00:12:54 investigating and even after bar comes
@00:17:51 defense department barr has been
@00:18:39 general bar says john huber's
@00:18:49 said about humor did he did bar say
@00:19:08 that people have been pushing barr said
@00:36:24 information to bar that is fake news
@00:36:28 barr said in this interview that the
@00:36:37 and haspel are not cooperating with bar
@00:36:40 bar said they're cooperating with them
@00:36:56 ray is not cooperating with bar but barr
@00:37:02 cooperating with him so if bar is not

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@00:02:20 queued for this attorney general bar
@00:12:24 durham and attorney general bar so q

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@00:03:04 bangbang bar tonight and i do not want
@00:03:39 so because bang bang bar is on tonight i
@00:05:06 share out the bang bang bar you know you
@00:05:07 can be on the bang bang bar if you want
@00:05:10 bang bang bar is an open mic you can
@00:05:22 go on the bang bang bar and hang out

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@00:17:20 appointed by attorney general bar to go

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@00:08:59 contention with attorney general barr he

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@00:42:54 attorney general bar arrested hillary

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@00:09:21 and try to replace attorney general bar

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@00:09:28 bar talk about clinton emails and carter
@00:18:16 attorney general barr

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@00:12:30 with the attorney general bar this was
@00:12:36 is what barr said about humors

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@00:10:11 roseanne barr retweeted one of my cue

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@00:18:22 justice barr has personally been
@00:18:33 and google and big tech bar has been
@00:27:02 attorney general bar and trump and
@00:27:32 protesters everything that bar and trump
@00:27:43 and bar are a bunch of oppressive white