
Blackout Coming. Brace yourself: Over the Horizon with Jim Cutler

@00:15:02 to perhaps you know with 5g

Jim Willie On The Plan To Save The Republic: Part 2

@00:03:01 carriers who are installing the 5g the
@00:03:05 5g transmissions i think are the it's
@00:03:23 incident from the 5g radiation and then
@00:33:52 their new 5g rollout and there have to

Charles Eisenstein on CoronaVirus, Conspiracy, and Diverging Timelines

@00:27:16 vaccines i have my opinions on 5g i have

Qanon LiveStream Black Hat vs White Hat 5/27/20

@00:36:10 space with 5g satellites and then he has

The Deep State Is LIABLE!!!! #Qanon

@00:24:44 same thing with 5g so this is when when

Qanon LiveStream 4/29/20

@00:47:35 stop 5g well first of all you know the
@00:48:07 out and so this could be including 5g 6
@00:48:16 stop the dangerous 5g how do we stop
@00:48:24 feel about 5g so take the research
@00:48:30 research on the dangers of 5g and tell
@00:48:57 simply me says is there a safe 5g with
@00:49:16 5g and he's from the uk so yeah guys you

Latest Qanon Livestream 4/14/20

@00:10:36 of us directed elsewhere 5g is being
@00:11:59 as 5g is concerned i have a lot of
@00:12:02 concerns about 5g i believe that all
@00:12:56 learn all about this theory that 5g is
@00:13:03 actually a way to make 5g less dangerous
@00:13:12 narrative involves 5g and vaccinations
@00:14:09 contingency plan to make 5g safe and to
@00:22:54 isn't addressing 5g well i think we can
@00:22:58 expect hugh to address 5g i think this
@00:23:12 you can expect q will address 5g q
@00:23:20 on spy gate and then 5g i think it will
@00:29:42 5g roll out to continue we are screwed

I'm Back! With Qanon Content Curation! 4/10/20

@00:09:05 from us 5g put tariffs on chinese steel

What does CovFeFe mean?

@00:00:38 make 5g safe so the magnets clean up the
@00:00:44 impurities from 5g working on an ionic
@00:00:58 5g could be harmful to our environment
@00:01:15 vodafone boss saying 5g dangers that

Harald Kautz-Vella On Awakening to Transhumanist CoronaVirus Agenda

@00:10:34 the flu symptoms from 5g radiation
@00:10:38 poisoning and what 5g activates certain

Candace Owens Spits CoronaVirus Truth. #Qanon

@00:04:00 considered like 5g could be activating