Deep state

Let The October Surprises Begin: Over The Horizon with Jim Cutler

@00:27:32 and this is the the deep state and the
@00:28:26 jake tapper another guaranteed deep
@00:28:29 state assets
@00:29:03 think are deep state
@00:30:46 contacted these deep state assets

They Will Censor Us Every Day Up To Election: Dustin Nemos

@00:17:35 and that just hit a nerve for the deep
@00:17:38 state this like anything that goes
@00:19:52 the dirty secrets of the deep state

The Deep State is Signaling! Over the Horizon with Jim Cutler

@00:05:22 is that the deep state had a an
@00:09:07 or like the assassins of the deep state
@00:09:13 level grunts of the deep state are the
@00:09:43 where the deep state operatives are in
@00:11:40 incompetence of the deep state
@00:11:48 the moderator was actually a deep state
@00:12:04 showed the hand of the deep state to
@00:12:26 he's just a deep state
@00:12:31 the hierarchy of the deep state
@00:15:07 that is just a deep state
@00:15:27 deep state
@00:21:12 conversation about the deep state having
@00:22:56 amazing how the deep state does all the
@00:23:49 the deep state also knows he's going to

Trump the Maestro and his COVID Operation: Over The Horizon with Jim Cutler

@00:07:32 cause confusion to the deep state which
@00:15:29 the deep state
@00:19:00 when you have any reaction you want deep
@00:19:02 state go ahead
@00:19:30 military the deep state military in
@00:20:04 deep state uh puppet masters
@00:21:22 the deep state and saying we will never
@00:22:29 speaks he's talking to everybody deep
@00:22:31 state and white hat alike
@00:22:59 deep state people and yeah man it's it's
@00:26:16 then the deep state isn't going to be as
@00:27:50 and they lose power then when the deep
@00:27:52 state loses its media power

Does Trump Really Have COVID? What is Going On?????!!!!!

@00:05:15 the mainstream media for the deep state
@00:06:51 the deep state needs this pandemic to
@00:07:28 that in the end game when the deep state
@00:09:17 to force the deep state to expend their
@00:09:22 get the deep state to think hey it's

Do the Debates Matter? Over the Horizon with Jim Cutler

@00:16:12 part of the deep state but
@00:26:01 standpoint of the deep state
@00:37:19 deep state understands now the only
@00:39:03 the deep state

Your Daily Q Qountdown 9/29/20

@00:01:20 and it's just a bunch of deep state

JFK Jr and Qanon, Yes We Went There

@00:08:19 their deep state assets have infiltrated
@00:14:44 see why the deep state would want to get

Douglas Belmore Was Fired For Qanon

@00:23:04 the the deep state in a total

Your Daily Qanon Qountdown 9/11/20

@00:05:34 they're compromised with deep state

Your Daily Qanon Qountdown 9/10/20

@00:01:37 what i think that means is that the deep
@00:01:39 state will do anything they can

Your Daily Qanon Qountdown 9/9/20

@00:03:31 the deep state

Big Tech Election Interference: Over The Horizon with Jim Cutler

@00:08:18 big tech it's like the deep state
@00:09:03 it's because the deep state keeps having
@00:11:07 there's some deep state in there of
@00:11:10 deep states but you know i think the
@00:11:14 deep state would actually use uh
@00:13:53 kelly were two deep state people who
@00:14:10 so it really ended up whenever the deep
@00:14:13 state
@00:15:03 believe they're that stupid the deep
@00:15:06 state has to try
@00:20:30 until the deep state tries to expend
@00:24:59 the deep state
@00:26:59 yeah um when it looks like the deep
@00:27:03 state doesn't have any big
@00:30:00 deep state to fight

The UK is Awakening with Travis Cook

@00:03:21 the deep state in the roman catholic

The Calm Before The Storm: Over The Horizon with Jim Cutler

@00:18:49 seeing the the deep state
@00:22:55 right and of course that deep state
@00:34:17 the deep state because they want to do
@00:35:40 getting rid of the deep state or the
@00:35:42 deep state is the virus
@00:37:00 uh it's a deep state thing if it's it's
@00:37:03 voluntary it's not deep state

Public Awakening Is Their Greatest Fear: Craig Mason Interview

@00:07:31 multi-generational deep state
@00:08:08 deep state image that they are here to
@00:09:49 think the deep state has some kind of
@00:22:59 deep state is like priming the public
@00:31:10 by the deep state so um
@00:31:13 that means that the deep state wants to

Qanon Going Mainstream: Over the Horizon with Jim Cutler

@00:08:32 the deep state has control over the big
@00:26:15 that's how much of a threat the deep
@00:26:17 state sees queuing on i mean seriously q
@00:26:22 that the number one enemy of the deep
@00:26:25 state is trump and the number two
@00:32:16 obviously talking directly to the deep
@00:32:19 state through their

Your Daily Qanon Qountdown 8/20/20

@00:04:36 the cia or the deep state

The Deep State's Dark Religion with Joshua Reid of The Red Pill Project

@00:08:18 that the deep state has something
@00:12:11 this is the deep state's last stand
@00:12:12 and the deep state has one opportunity
@00:12:50 now the deep state can't come down in
@00:13:28 deep state controlled
@00:14:22 september surprise from the deep state
@00:15:37 and they are working with the deep state

Exposing the Communist Revolution. Social Media Blackout Coming.

@00:09:08 we know how the deep state likes to have
@00:09:30 the deep state
@00:18:51 exposing the truth of the deep state and

The Democrat's Playbook: Over the Horizon with Jim Cutler

@00:12:05 deep state that's why they keep running
@00:23:46 these operatives of the deep state and
@00:26:35 deep state is trying to put forward
@00:27:31 you can battle against a deep state
@00:27:38 because the deep state has
@00:32:08 the deemed deep state because crimes
@00:32:15 then the the technique that the deep
@00:32:18 state will use against that will be to
@00:33:16 or the deep state rather you know i i

Qanon Livestream 8/12/20

@00:11:36 just a deep state swamp creature through
@00:48:36 for the deep state and so it gets pretty

The Qanon Movement Is Unstoppable: The Bread Crumbs Project

@00:08:10 when the deep state tries to get the
@00:08:26 against the deep state and it becomes
@00:11:38 the deep state has its
@00:19:04 happening but the deep state is going to
@00:20:03 i mean uh the deep state better come up
@00:20:15 media and the whole deep state
@00:22:50 anti-trump ads because the deep state is
@00:25:00 soldiers of the deep state
@00:33:23 because the deep state with wants to use

We Got You Creepy Joe! The Deep State Down Fall.

@00:06:20 it's more like the deep state would shut
@00:16:47 deep state it's not even funny you know
@00:19:35 uh wants to iran is like a deep state
@00:19:38 black site where the deep state
@00:28:49 exposing the truth of the deep state and

Blackout Coming. Brace yourself: Over the Horizon with Jim Cutler

@00:13:24 kill the deep state because it it covers
@00:13:46 truth uh that's the end of the deep
@00:13:48 state they'll never survive so they're
@00:14:55 deep state is mandatory vaccines to try
@00:15:37 the for the deep state
@00:16:32 the deep state is so desperate that they
@00:29:48 um because the deep state has no benefit

Order Out of Election Chaos: Over The Horizon with Jim Cutler

@00:03:49 of the deep state it would be order out
@00:09:22 deep state enemy number one this guy
@00:14:45 psychological war between the deep state
@00:15:17 it's that he was as part of the deep
@00:15:20 state he was obligated to dump his

Foreshadowing The Deep State Downfall: Over The Horizon with Jim Cutler

@00:07:39 was it a veiled threat to the deep state
@00:18:26 get their message out you know the deep
@00:18:29 state
@00:23:59 going for the touchdown against the deep
@00:24:00 state when we need
@00:25:25 hats or is that deep state have we
@00:28:54 a punch that kills the deep state and
@00:29:39 there's still deep state people in this
@00:29:48 transgendered deep state judge that's
@00:32:40 biggest targets of the deep state in the
@00:34:20 what the deep state tried to do comes

Qanon Livestream 7/29/20

@00:02:05 explains how the deep state is
@00:25:37 and he says the fda deep state
@00:33:05 about how the deep state

This video was deleted by youtube once. Watch while you still can.

@00:01:03 but it really shows the hand of the deep
@00:01:05 state because the deep state
@00:01:19 deep state institutions and not
@00:01:42 and what is the deep state really trying

Big Tech Panic: Over The Horizon with Jim Cutler

@00:09:37 to the deep state so that
@00:24:40 the deep state which is really just the
@00:26:06 and the question is what is the deep
@00:26:09 state going to do
@00:26:25 the deep state doesn't want us to
@00:26:40 deep state is going to ramp up and it's

Twitter Bans 7,000 Qanon Accounts & Limits 150,000!

@00:16:21 under they're part of the deep state i
@00:17:38 it's better for the deep state to
@00:18:04 and that gives the deep state much more
@00:18:16 republican democrat they've been deep
@00:18:18 state
@00:20:43 if he let the deep state be in charge of
@00:21:07 military arm of the deep state
@00:21:27 these deep state killers so i just do
@00:22:10 exposing the truth of the deep state and

deleted Front Line Doctors Speak Out ON COVID Cures and Misinformation

@00:01:03 but it really shows the hand of the deep
@00:01:05 state because the deep state
@00:01:19 deep state institutions and not want
@00:01:42 and what is the deep state really trying

Your Daily Qanon Qommunity Qountdown 7/27/20

@00:00:40 to keep in mind that the deep state is

Trust The Plan: Over The Horizon with Jim Cutler

@00:14:58 military branch of the deep state that's
@00:25:29 is the deep state wants to use that
@00:25:58 and then the deep state was rolling out
@00:27:32 and one of the main things that the deep
@00:27:34 state is going to be trying to do is

Qanon Warns Us About Deep State Inbreeding

@00:02:27 the deep state than jeffrey epstein was
@00:05:29 the deep state i mean if you look at the
@00:05:32 deep state assets in the media and just
@00:05:52 the deep state keeps control as they
@00:07:20 deep state wants him dead and they can't
@00:08:29 rick what the deep state has been doing
@00:08:58 are actually deep state assets and you
@00:12:32 the deep state that they can just have a
@00:16:00 chaos and the deep state can actually
@00:18:42 deep state is so desperate this is all
@00:19:03 this is just another ploy from the deep
@00:19:05 state that's gonna end up backfiring and
@00:21:22 because the deep state has it's an
@00:21:32 so if we're tripping away at this deep
@00:21:34 state which i get and i know it takes a
@00:21:45 call it the deep state the illuminati
@00:22:00 is that the deep state and the white
@00:22:49 in a battle between the deep state and
@00:23:03 most sophisticated weapons but the deep
@00:23:06 state has control of the media and all
@00:25:16 what the deep state has tried to pull
@00:26:28 deep state and q has specifically
@00:26:30 defined the three sides of the deep
@00:26:33 state triangle being the house of saud
@00:26:41 probably involved in a lot of other deep
@00:26:43 state activities and but they were
@00:28:01 it's a good analogy of what the deep
@00:28:03 state versus the alliance really looks
@00:28:20 orders in the deep state and then you
@00:28:48 been infiltrated by the deep state
@00:30:52 right here there's a deep state in every
@00:34:01 deep state and the dark forces behind it

Battle Fatigue During Psychological War: Over the Horizon with Jim Cutler 7/15/20

@00:01:01 the deep state is hell-bent
@00:17:58 you know taking down the deep state is

QANON Shows Us Tricks of Darkness with Pastor Tibbs

@00:21:31 deep state and the dark forces behind it

The Deep State Is Shooting Blanks! Over The Horizon with Jim Cutler

@00:05:34 deep state the black cast they thought

Qanon Shows Us The Black Lives Matter SCAM

@00:14:26 way to send money to these deep state
@00:15:51 things the deep state tries to do end up
@00:20:35 deep state and the dark forces behind it

FLYNN IS FREE!!!!! Over The Horizon with Jim Cutler

@00:01:38 deep state didn't want and yet this is
@00:02:09 bad maybe people realize there's a deep
@00:02:11 state in in the judicial system it made
@00:02:51 well isn't it better that the deep state
@00:24:53 got the deep state on the run that is
@00:27:19 just around the corner now the deep
@00:27:21 state they expended a lot of ammunition
@00:31:35 deep state knows that everything's
@00:32:13 the linchpins of the deep state and i'll

The Best Is Yet To Come! Who is Act Blue? Trump, Hollywood Pedo & Q Operation

@00:11:49 hey the deep state is going to use all
@00:18:46 deep state and the dark forces behind it

Qanon LiveStream Black hat vs White hat 6/17/20

@00:13:20 bioweapon siop launched by the deep
@00:13:22 state in globalists through china to hit
@00:19:14 know the mainstream media and the deep
@00:19:16 state so in my opinion he's pretty
@00:19:28 someone who is playing the deep state
@00:30:26 right so remember that the deep state is
@00:35:18 part in colluding with the deep state

Understanding The White Hat Playbook with Praying Medic 6/12/20 PART 2

@00:12:31 minute because that's what the deep
@00:12:32 state would tell him to do so they're
@00:16:21 november the deep state is going to pull
@00:16:52 the deep state has the plan and they're
@00:17:11 deep state does beefed state is
@00:17:58 i think the deep state is death
@00:19:03 would be as the deep state tries to do
@00:19:12 exposing the plans of the deep state
@00:19:36 people around the world what the deep
@00:19:38 state was going to do once you have a
@00:20:02 planned this in the deep state

Understanding The White Hat Playbook with Praying Medic 6/12/20 PART 1

@00:04:42 deep state and that is when you talk
@00:04:46 about removing the deep state which is
@00:22:40 kind of thing that the deep state would
@00:28:46 back they're desperate the deep state is
@00:29:09 desperate the deep state has become
@00:29:24 corrupt politicians in the deep state
@00:30:00 because the deep state is pulling some

Gorge Soros Funds Black Lives Matter & Antifa Real Story Behind The Riots What's Coming Next

@00:12:23 know what the deep state is at the end
@00:12:39 hats are the bad actors the deep state
@00:12:51 controlled by the deep state so that's
@00:18:33 deep state so you know george soros did
@00:21:24 deep state and the dark forces behind it

The Plan To Destroy America In 4 Stages: Over The Horizon with Jim Cutler

@00:26:39 this like trump is in on the deep state
@00:26:42 trump is deep state and so this crisis

Your Daily Q Qountdown 6/11/20

@00:04:13 following his deep state

Qanon LiveStream Black hat vs White hat 6/10/20

@00:18:17 that putin is against the deep state
@00:18:22 that the deep state worships satan that
@00:19:17 deep cover because he has his own deep
@00:19:20 state remember that this isn't just
@00:24:18 when they were taken over by the deep
@00:24:21 state so please do your due diligence do
@00:30:47 out there it makes it hard for the deep
@00:30:48 state
@00:36:15 and you're fighting against the deep
@00:36:17 state and you're fighting against the
@00:36:18 deep church but this archbishop actually
@00:38:19 straight to the deep state money for red
@00:38:24 funds like us aid and other other deep
@00:38:28 state slush funds are drying up so this
@00:38:31 this monster of the deep stet is being

Your Daily Qanon Qountdown

@00:00:37 is putting out is just pure deep state
@00:06:03 seems like a deep state asset and

Your Daily Qanon Qountdown 6/8/20

@00:01:57 there's a deep church so there's a deep
@00:01:59 state and there's a deep church so very

Paul Furber Decodes Youtube Channel That Predicted Qanon Operation

@00:06:26 for the deep state planning how they
@00:13:28 at here is a video called deep state
@00:14:23 interesting one deep state militia kicks
@00:14:28 deeps takes synagogue was deep state
@00:14:31 caravan was the deep state you know the
@00:17:49 the deep state can really do about it
@00:22:57 whatever the deep state has planned well

Trump Is Exercising The DemonCrats! (Over The Horizon with Jim Cutler)

@00:26:53 yeah the deep state medical examiner now
@00:28:23 deployed what it means is that the deep
@00:28:26 state has run out of options and they
@00:30:32 the deep state gave him that power by
@00:32:05 is the deep state gonna try to pull how
@00:34:58 what's going on now that the deep state
@00:38:50 remember the deep state wants to end

Get Your Daily Q Qountdown 6/3/20

@00:03:24 explosions for against the deep state so

Jim Willie On The Plan To Save The Republic: Part 2

@00:22:12 the deep state is trying to do what they

Jim Willie On The Plan To Save The Republic: Part 1

@00:34:15 the deep state so i'm totally with you

Daily Qanon Qountdown 5/29/20

@00:01:51 where jesus helps fight the deep state
@00:02:00 it's a silly hit piece article the deep
@00:02:05 state isn't fear they're in panic

Qanon LiveStream Black Hat vs White Hat 5/27/20

@00:25:16 trying to confuse the deep state about
@00:28:10 entrenched deep state corporations
@00:28:24 could win the deep state takes over in
@00:40:15 the cult of the deep state right well
@00:48:43 the deep state as am i on point here jim
@00:48:57 ways that you know the deep state was

Proof The Deep State Is A Cult

@00:02:54 deep state that's what i i just call it
@00:02:56 the deep state so so it's like
@00:03:09 and so i just call them the deep state
@00:03:28 what the deep state always does is they
@00:03:48 make the deep state into a person and
@00:06:25 deep state they do set up
@00:08:10 deep state because when they
@00:25:16 psychology of the cult of the deep state

Daily Qanon Qountdown 5/24/20

@00:04:08 for private spies to counter deep state

Paul Furber On Insider Predicting Qanon

@00:19:46 traitors is still on point the deep
@00:19:49 state will try but they will fail be

Q Post Analysis with Jim Cutler LiveStream 5/20/20

@00:18:11 just fill in the deep state unity
@00:35:37 in the state of new york they're just
@00:35:43 this is a deep state slush fund for them
@00:36:36 money go to the deep state into the

deleted Why Does Trump Support Vaccines? (Over The Horizon with Jim Cutler)

@00:00:50 really a white hat what if trump is deep
@00:00:52 state because trump is promoting
@00:00:54 vaccines vaccines are from the deep
@00:06:09 taking that move away from the deep
@00:06:11 state now he's saying i do believe in
@00:06:27 uncomfortable is that for the deep state
@00:10:31 pouchy and the deep state you know in a
@00:13:52 cia and the deep state aren't they're in
@00:14:06 active and the deep state and the
@00:14:56 first instinct is to just go deep state

Is the movie "Pet Goat" A Deep State Roadmap?

@00:03:55 to the deep state plans so this pet goat

Q Post Analysis LiveStream 5/13/20

@00:16:44 if we were under the thumb of the deep
@00:16:47 state a hundred percent right now we
@00:19:19 part of the deep state well his actions
@00:19:23 but deep state and have created some
@00:44:38 inside information about they the deep
@00:44:41 state players have actually lawyer dup

Q Post Analysis LiveStream 5/8/20

@00:18:53 also made the deep state connection in
@00:27:12 existential threat for the deep state so

The Deep State Is LIABLE!!!! #Qanon

@00:07:38 are from the deep state not all lawyers
@00:07:40 are from the deep states we have
@00:10:25 war against the deep state and we're all
@00:13:15 person thought the deep state won the
@00:13:34 strategy and so the deep state strategy
@00:16:43 the deep state has a big chunk of these
@00:16:54 deep state ended up half bankrupted by
@00:32:24 insurgency basically a deep state where
@00:34:52 stacked with the deep state and they

They Knew About Corona and HCQ! Qanon Live Post Analysis 5/4/20

@00:05:43 democratic party and the deep state
@00:15:11 deep state politicians they take your
@00:15:23 pockets of the deep state operatives q
@00:16:32 and queue and on and deep state type of
@00:25:42 king is part of the deep state and he's
@00:31:58 deep state level of hatred and darkness

Q Posting Continually During LiveStream with Jim Cutler 5/3/20

@00:06:44 the dnc and china are one deep state
@00:37:21 deep state operatives are cleaned out

Q Posts During LiveStream! 4/30/20

@00:04:09 example the deep state controls big tech
@00:09:07 the deep state in congress and she had a
@00:12:47 cabal and deep state she just turned to
@00:24:47 falchi is a deep state rat and giuliani
@00:25:38 they're funding the war against the deep
@00:25:40 state they're you know giving a massive
@00:27:21 you his burke's deep state yes she is
@00:33:57 hollywood's up all right the deep state
@00:34:17 deep state communicates but we're pretty
@00:39:53 the deep state very nervous and then
@00:40:05 something bad his burks deep state yes
@00:41:06 trudeau is that he is a deep state god
@00:56:21 was 9/11 a deep state job sandy moody
@00:58:48 they'll start slipping in some deep
@00:58:51 state narrative or they'll start
@01:02:40 they start sneaking in the deep state

Qanon LiveStream 4/29/20

@00:03:16 deep states so i think they're just
@00:03:20 the deep state what is an insurgency
@00:03:26 the deep state is just read this post
@00:04:54 important it's showing that how the deep
@00:04:57 state does communications or comms the
@00:05:00 deep state they know they're being
@00:10:44 desperate the deep state is so desperate
@00:15:16 involving the deep state in canada role
@00:17:48 on trudeau trudeau's deep state
@00:24:22 are hurting deep state wants to control
@00:26:43 skeeter bite says is foul she deep state
@00:27:32 that document we cannot take the deep
@00:27:35 state meds and the deep state vaccines
@00:28:38 by the deep state
@00:31:11 so many big names deep state players yes
@00:31:19 lot of deep underground military bases
@00:37:27 trump would pick a deep state player as
@00:38:14 is some kind of deep state ritual well
@00:42:04 this topic called is q and trump deep
@00:42:08 state and so my conclusion is that no
@00:42:13 they're not deep states and my
@00:42:19 destroyed deep state materials he has
@00:43:53 gates and all of these deep state
@00:46:23 big funders of the deep state kathy from
@00:49:57 bad of course there's a big deep state
@00:51:29 and the deep state will actually be

Deep State Hail Mary? The Nuclear Option? #Qanon

@00:00:26 what is the playbook of the deep state
@00:09:02 example of the deep state if the deep
@00:09:05 state feels like they are you know
@00:12:59 theories is that when the deep state
@00:25:34 hand for the deep state like let's say

Proof of Covert Operation for Coup: Qanon Drop

@00:03:23 deep state to the mainstream media for
@00:06:32 posted many times that the deep state
@00:06:47 wars toys and so this is how the deep
@00:06:50 state does coms there are other couple
@00:06:53 other ways the deep state does
@00:08:13 deep state is saying communicating to

Why Trump Keeps His Enemies So Close #Qanon

@00:02:59 he's like why are we seeing these deep
@00:03:02 state characters you know surrounding
@00:07:15 like you're part of the deep state keep

Qanon Is Posting Today LiveStream 4/17/20

@00:08:58 and the deep state in the media and how
@00:37:44 trump has been screwed over by the deep
@00:37:47 state he's out to get them and put them
@00:42:13 fema camps if he was deep state exactly
@00:51:13 that's the way the deep state has worked
@00:51:27 deep state there's no question about

Sean Morgan's Qanon Interview on SpirituallyRAW UNCENSORED 4/13/20

@00:05:58 governments there's the deep state and
@00:06:49 currency and so that's the deep state
@00:12:02 infiltrated by deep state when you when
@00:21:56 talked about the deep state which is the
@00:22:25 for the deep state we're talking about
@00:24:29 wildfires in california and how the deep
@00:24:32 state uses emergencies as a slush fund

Qanon AMA Livestream With Decoder Q Patriot 4/15/20

@00:24:29 fbi doj state department white house as
@00:24:36 triangle deep state okay and that these
@00:27:44 this thing is deep it's intricate i mean
@00:27:51 nonprofits ngos you're talking state and
@00:27:55 local organizations this thing is deep

Latest Qanon Livestream 4/14/20

@00:08:05 deep state and it has it seems to have
@00:11:41 administration he is against the deep
@00:11:44 state he is against jeffrey epstein and
@00:13:11 going on right now the deep state
@00:13:34 a deep state ploy to make us all
@00:14:02 the deep state think that they're
@00:16:07 sellout probably the deep state has tons
@00:25:36 about state of disaster is fema in
@00:25:41 hillary in the deep state they would
@00:27:07 deep state can't react fast enough so
@00:27:34 remember that's part of the whole deep
@00:27:36 state network they use rogue states like
@00:46:48 has pointed out that the deep state

Qanon Community Tweets 4/10/20

@00:02:39 with so sorry deep state boris johnson
@00:03:44 state as a fact that deep underground
@00:05:00 deep state actors are not going to
@00:05:36 deep state you got to take the firepower
@00:08:21 you get detained here's the deep state
@00:12:42 big pharma medical deep state there are

I'm Back! With Qanon Content Curation! 4/10/20

@00:01:58 three sides to the pyramid of the deep
@00:02:02 state the the rothschilds you know
@00:02:13 the financing of the deep state are

Rescue of the missing children happening now? #Qanon

@00:05:45 showing us a deep state pedophile
@00:05:52 deep underground military bases message

COVert ID 2019 The Year Of The Boomerang. Qanon Theory.

@00:03:12 clean maybe cleaning out the deep state
@00:04:11 that when they the deep state tried to
@00:05:33 so all these deep state people who are
@00:08:59 idolize beasts for example the deep
@00:09:02 state worships a snake and goats and

Is there any proof that Qanon is Real?

@00:00:19 infiltrated by the deep state and so the

Quarantined Celebs Decoded Part 2 #Qanon

@00:08:02 is that the deep state uses video games

New Qanon CoronaVirus Drop! We Knew It!

@00:05:27 it's really all about the deep state
@00:05:29 there's a deep state here the cia in the
@00:05:32 united states there's a deep state in

Could Trump and Qanon be DeepState? Nahhhhhh!

@00:01:19 trump is against the deep state type of
@00:03:06 whole deep state cabal
@00:03:30 deep state number three here the deep
@00:03:31 state really wants depopulation so
@00:03:49 to be dying from it so if trump was deep
@00:03:53 state he would actually try to drum up
@00:04:07 if he was actually deep state he would
@00:04:27 happening if trump was actually deep
@00:04:29 state so in general i think we should
@00:05:12 indoctrination bors the the deep state
@00:05:17 told us that the deep state has had a 16

deleted Operation Defender Europe Theory | Qanon

@00:02:08 and what if they the deep state tried to
@00:02:30 root out the deep state that has most of
@00:02:50 it's actually an invasion of the deep
@00:02:52 state there so how do you invade an ally
@00:03:26 thirty days between 311 and 411 the deep
@00:03:29 state will be taken out globally all at
@00:04:00 deep state has many assets in northern

Important events before and during Qanon

@00:00:15 bush funeral the state funeral where the
@00:00:19 pieces of paper to various deep state
@00:02:24 things that's you know makes the deep
@00:02:27 state what it is so that's my my video

Why is 17 related to Qanon?

@00:00:00 about how q uses code how the deep state
@00:00:03 uses code and actually the deep state is
@00:00:21 deep state the white hats the black hats
@00:00:26 represent different things or the deep

What? The Internet Might Go Down? Qanon

@00:01:40 engineered by the deep state at the
@00:03:42 arrests of deep state facilitators
@00:06:28 actually see videos of the deep state

Why is Spygate and DECLASS important to Qanon ? Amazing Video

@00:00:39 the deep state the rogue elements of the

Who is the Deep State? Qanon

@00:00:04 white hats and who is the deep state or
@00:01:42 the deep state is who the cabal is who

What is the origin of the Q Operation?

@00:02:36 the deep state elements through
@00:02:57 there cleaning out the deep state
@00:03:49 in a process of cleaning out the deep
@00:03:52 state elements domestically and abroad