
Did THEY Use Infiltration Instead Of Invasion?

@00:30:09 forget imran awan who was he the one

Is Exposing Their CORRUPTION A Part Of THE PLAN???

@00:18:02 papers on the democrat i t 8 imran awan
@00:18:32 awan due to technical difficulties but

Is The Media Preparing To PURGE Our Movement?

@00:18:39 awan it scandal and it gives us fox news

Q: 93 Days of Darkness Explained?

@00:27:45 remember the awan brothers from pakistan

Do You Realize How Much THEY Did?

@00:13:53 moochie model dni and nsa awan debbie
@00:17:12 awan brothers you know obviously they

NXIVM Cult Leader Found Guilty On ALL CHARGES...

@00:18:42 awan right the awan brothers were the

FBI releases new info on HRC investigation!

@00:26:32 server that's the whole awan and debbie

"The choice to know will ultimately be yours."

@00:10:25 with the being managed by imran awan and

Truth Behind POTUS Iran Tweet?

@00:29:44 managed by imran awan contained emails


@00:13:00 well the awan brothers were all involved

Q ANON: "PUTIN/U1 will come out post summit."

@00:13:57 crisis mode awan is bigger than you can

Q ANON: "Matters of National Security."

@00:18:22 what did iman awan have in connection to
@00:19:05 out of the the imran awan case because

Q ANON: "The SWAMP is being DRAINED."

@00:04:07 jaime alvey awan agreed to plead guilty
@00:11:46 what happened with this awan dnc server

Q ANON: What Is Happening in Arizona?

@00:25:16 take a thing the awan brothers iran

The Real Reason "Roseanne" Was CanceIIed!!!

@00:13:54 it and it says the awan brothers the

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Use LOGIC."

@00:11:41 awan investigation right this is all
@00:24:35 other nefarious awan brother activities

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Assets in place."

@00:02:15 columbia charging awan and his wife hina

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Define smuggle."

@00:22:28 valerie jarrett awan plus 3 gives a link
@00:23:28 the awan brothers the the imran awan and

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "No name panic."

@00:39:18 than you know one example of many awan q

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "STAY TOGETHER"

@00:09:38 opinion imran awan you will see that he

Q AN0N: Top 10 H.R. CLlNT0N Posts!

@00:15:46 brotherhood the awan brothers and hrc so

Q ANON: Latest New Posts - "For God & Country & (World)"

@00:17:49 interesting now the awan brothers
@00:20:37 awan as well access to his it networks

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@00:01:23 informant awan debbie wasserman-schultz