Five Eyes


@00:11:56 very soon new eyes be ready five five we

Does FLYNN Know Where The "Bodies Are Buried"?

@00:28:38 umbrella 702 non 702 five eyes non five

Are THEY Prepared For US?

@00:03:21 important very soon new eyes be ready
@00:03:23 five five we thank you for your service

Do You SEE What Is Happening?

@00:30:11 tarmac meeting fast and furious five
@00:30:13 eyes intel abuse iranian one cash


@00:06:53 five eyes q's post says quote normally
@00:06:58 the five eyes alliance australia canada
@00:07:20 using the five eyes it seems and then
@00:07:57 minimization procedures for cia five
@00:08:00 eyes how does the cia collect
@00:13:38 the clowns the cia to tap the five eyes

What TRUTH Scares THEM The MOST?

@00:13:40 five eyes international spy collective

How Far Were THEY Willing To Go?

@00:17:59 for spy five eyes unofficial five eyes
@00:21:43 for using the five eyes this


@00:12:01 intel five eyes etc to address and


@00:24:22 five eyes and crowdstrike
@00:25:39 these connections with the five eyes in


@00:17:37 classified intel provided five eyes on

How Do WE Know The FUTURE?

@00:14:04 five eyes and we took we had them


@00:14:02 intelligence the five eyes right so

Are THEY Above The Law?

@00:23:18 with regard to the five eyes which is


@00:07:34 senate clowns nsa intel five eyes etc to


@00:06:12 administration through the five eyes

Are THEY Losing Control Of The NARRATIVE?

@00:05:40 non five eyes targeting chann u.s.
@00:09:50 pulling in the five eyes allies to then
@00:11:50 allies in the five eyes and they set it

Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming...

@00:08:57 class events signals intelligence five
@00:09:00 eyes domestic do you believe in
@00:12:22 using of course as we know from q5 eyes
@00:12:25 which is the five intelligence agencies

How Can We USE What We KNOW?

@00:21:32 disclosure of the five eyes material but

Why Are THEY Impeaching Now?

@00:28:00 britain australia new zealand the five
@00:28:02 eyes and how they came out right after

Would THEY Sell Out America's Secrets?

@00:23:18 five eyes buddies who was helping to set

How Did THEY Lose The POWER To Control?

@00:14:18 directed the five eyes australia the

Do You Realize How Much THEY Did?

@00:11:13 the fact that these five eyes
@00:24:52 democrats to prevent disclosure of five
@00:24:54 eyes material regarding nunez non
@00:25:38 five eyes was involved just keep that
@00:27:34 miss sud being basically a five eyes
@00:28:39 the five eyes to set up the president

What THEY Don't Want YOU To See...

@00:23:46 that was manufactured with the five eyes

The PLAN Being Set In Motion...

@00:14:53 cooperation with the five eyes australia

The FUTURE Will Prove The PAST...

@00:08:49 five eyes published by sublet d-class

Global Dominance Is Being RECLAIMED...Power Of Peace!

@00:02:50 these five eyes intelligence
@00:10:43 also you have the five eyes which came
@00:10:48 maybe a predicate before we got five
@00:10:51 eyes before we got put on this path of

Truth To Light. NO SLEEP IN DC.

@00:22:00 look at what the five eyes was involved
@00:22:05 time was at the five eyes the uk and
@00:23:00 five eyes republican party congress

Stay The Course And Trust The Plan...It's Happening!

@00:08:47 the five eyes other the spy agencies of

Will This Be The ONE That Takes Him Down? Not Likely!

@00:12:39 working with the five eyes and he's

Did HUSSEIN Drop THE HAMMER On Political Enemies?

@00:19:33 talking about how the five eyes was
@00:19:38 use of the five ice but there was also

THEY Won't Stop Because THEY Know What Happens...

@00:02:59 law was five eyes established and
@00:03:11 five eyes intel collection what ability

Newly Discovered Evidence Proves We're OVER THE TARGET...

@00:04:27 is all part of the five eyes we've
@00:04:31 five eyes was a collective of countries
@00:04:49 five eyes was basically a tool for each
@00:04:54 country that was a member on the five
@00:06:07 basically using this five eyes

Chinese Spy Attempts Break-In At Mar-a-Lago?

@00:04:41 know five eyes intelligence collection


@00:19:16 was the the whole set up with five eyes
@00:19:37 five eyes stuff that's really the

THEY Thought It Was Coming Last Week...SURPRISE!

@00:05:25 along with using the five eyes which are

Symbolism Will Be Their Downfall...WE KNOW!

@00:17:32 gone to access five eyes classified
@00:17:48 clearance in the five eyes so she was
@00:18:11 obviously if you look at the five eyes
@00:19:15 number four says he references five eyes

Secrets Sold To Our Enemies Can't Buy Safety Forever!

@00:15:53 law we talked about the five eyes on

Is #QAnon Exposing The Whole Russia Collusion Hoax?

@00:14:23 targeted under five eyes what legal
@00:14:30 reporting oversight regarding five eyes
@00:17:02 five eyes organization at the behest

The Biggest Political Scandal In Modern History! #FISA #DECLAS

@00:10:55 from a member of the five eyes alliance
@00:11:31 authorized five five eyes view plus
@00:11:52 five eyes and now you have george
@00:12:18 the five eyes it says avoid us data
@00:12:23 fisa not public five eyes uk australia
@00:12:59 five eyes was working with these people
@00:13:47 help of the five eyes in the hussein
@00:21:38 intelligence white house five eyes
@00:28:46 law was five eyes established design to
@00:28:56 logs exists to monitor five eyes intel
@00:29:04 classified level five i offshore data

Leakin' Liar's Secret Message, Taxpayer Theft, & Much More...

@00:05:04 five eyes as far as spying on president

What about the so-called 'evidence' already seen?

@00:28:09 senate cia nsa intel five eyes etc to

Tomorrow's News Today: Want To Know What's Next?

@00:27:27 using this five eyes intelligence

Why Are They Pushing This Story Now?

@00:21:23 helper and most all of all the five eyes

Should we be spying on ourselves?

@00:16:56 power do five eyes allies buckle and
@00:18:51 power do the five eyes alleys buckle
@00:18:55 what you're talking about the five eyes
@00:18:56 what were they doing the five eyes was
@00:18:59 just a way for all these five countries
@00:25:32 to department or outsource to five eyes
@00:25:44 avoid us law was five eyes established
@00:25:57 five eyes intelligence collection what
@00:26:02 classified level five eyes officer data
@00:30:25 outsourced to the five eyes i'm willing
@00:30:28 to bet it was outsourced to the five
@00:30:29 eyes because there's no way to track
@00:30:50 the whole five eyes thing just basically
@00:31:10 five eyes intel collection probably not
@00:31:45 her the five eyes intelligence because
@00:31:51 go look at the five eyes that clearance

Do you believe in coincidences?

@00:05:35 involvement of the five eyes in the uk

What if the above could be proven?

@00:20:29 acts public placeholder five eyes public
@00:22:28 with five eyes being made public as we

Q Anon | Election Day Drops...

@00:22:09 they used the five eyes the foreign

"Eyes On, VIP Patriots! The World Is Watching."

@00:14:23 either say you know five five eyes on
@00:14:25 vip patriots or our eyes are everywhere
@00:14:27 patriots or five five eyes on or we see
@00:18:07 watching so god bless you guys and five
@00:18:10 five eyes on the world is watching this

Q Anon | This is why the Swamp is freaking out!

@00:27:09 and new zealand the five eyes basically

Q Anon | Judge K Welcomed Aboard...

@00:28:05 be important very soon new eyes be ready
@00:28:08 five five we thank you for your service

"Anons are months ahead of the news." This Is Why!

@00:05:37 from a member of the five eyes alliance
@00:06:12 that official channel five eyes nunez
@00:07:48 with the five eyes intelligence sharing
@00:08:00 five eyes network which is already
@00:08:03 the five eyes is a secret intelligence
@00:13:02 government but with this five eyes uk
@00:17:21 the five eyes avoid us data collection
@00:17:26 public five eyes uk australia
@00:18:27 channels of the five eyes to collect

Q Anon | Unbelievable Texts Show Shocking Details!

@00:10:16 down or mi6 sis five eyes this is the

Q Anon | We are not alone?

@00:17:23 interesting to know that the five eyes
@00:21:13 key response billionaires 187 five eyes
@00:22:37 five eyes that's a question to ask right

Q Anon "Alice & Wonderland"

@00:18:06 intelligence agencies through the five
@00:18:07 eyes connections meaning other like the

"There is a price we will not pay."

@00:24:30 five eyes example1 fake news blast
@00:26:13 or unlocks uk foreign intelligence five
@00:26:15 eyes not uk foreign intelligence unlocks
@00:26:41 agencies through the five eyes then who

Q Anon Follower Exposes Plot Against President Trump.

@00:07:28 house five eyes republican party
@00:08:54 agencies white house five eyes

"All for a conspiracy? Enjoy the show."

@00:03:30 the five eyes agencies including the

"Who is supplying feed? Who is financing?"

@00:09:40 work together with the five eyes in


@00:13:33 us intel white house five eyes relic and

"No Flags/No Logs/No Records"

@00:19:26 the five eyes alliance australia canada
@00:20:18 it's saying talking about the five eyes

Top Security Clearances Removed?

@00:17:36 reread the five eyes avoid us data
@00:17:40 facade not public five eyes uk australia
@00:18:16 it says the reread five eyes the five
@00:18:20 eyes of the five intelligence agencies
@00:20:06 not public is five eyes and the united
@00:20:14 meetings so the five eyes uk because he
@00:20:32 five eyes and they planted these seeds
@00:20:44 said five eyes here uk australia potus

Q ANON: "The depth of THEIR TREASON is unimaginable."

@00:14:31 intelligence the the five eyes even they

Q ANON: "We have the server."

@00:00:01 using the five eyes intelligence sharing
@00:02:56 official channels from which the five
@00:02:59 eyes which is the uk new zealand
@00:05:53 five eyes will be extremely important
@00:08:14 the five eyes alliance australia canada
@00:08:42 five eyes to conduct its business
@00:11:23 authorized five eyes view + document
@00:12:07 clearance because she was in the five
@00:12:08 eyes apparently and by holding that
@00:13:08 official product of five eyes listen
@00:13:33 the five eyes intelligence services and
@00:14:25 partnership with what's called the five
@00:14:28 eyes agreement five eyes agreement
@00:14:50 passed from five eyes through the five
@00:14:53 eyes channels to our government and
@00:16:36 to the five eyes and the five eyes

Q ANON: "Trust yourself. Public awakening."

@00:01:59 going to be very important some new eyes
@00:02:04 service q alright so basically five five

Q ANON: "Abandon ship! Hussein staff talking."

@00:26:01 very soon new eyes be ready five five we
@00:26:06 going to be new eyes covering this this
@00:26:13 five-five is like the the symbol they've

Q ANON: Latest New Posts - "Expect A LOT more."

@00:21:29 basically have all these the five eyes
@00:22:21 five eyes at the uk let's say it was mi6

Q ANON: Latest News - "June ETA." "SR connect to DNC."

@00:25:02 thing is i i guess one of the eyes the
@00:25:05 five eyes which be the united states
@00:25:06 branch of the five eye and the nsa and a

President Trump Calls Out Former CIA Director's Lies!

@00:18:49 was referring to nine eyes that would
@00:18:51 another a broader expansion of the five
@00:18:55 eyes intelligence agency where it
@00:19:33 this about the five eyes that they're
@00:20:03 posts here this is reread the five eyes
@00:20:07 public dossier fisa not public five eyes
@00:20:38 about how the the five eyes are gonna be
@00:22:12 it was the five eyes with the uk and

"We are everywhere Anon. Q"

@00:10:27 hillary was in new zealand five eyes not
@00:20:48 five eyes so that's what they're talking
@00:20:58 meeting with the five eyes trying to

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Explore further."

@00:17:09 authorized five eyes view + document
@00:23:27 is very interesting this is five eyes
@00:23:52 clearance with the five eyes now for
@00:23:54 five eyes works it's a non-governmental
@00:25:32 past q so obviously she's using the five
@00:25:35 eyes against q and they're against trump
@00:25:44 hints about the five eyes for quite some

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "What are they hiding?"

@00:15:55 part of the five eyes why is this
@00:29:54 zealand part of the five eyes why is
@00:30:05 going on with the five eyes for those of
@00:30:07 you don't know is the five intelligence
@00:30:30 make up the five eyes intelligence
@00:31:16 weakest point of entry for the five eyes

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Question everything."

@00:32:47 from the dossier part of the five eyes

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Listen carefully."

@00:00:03 the global spy racket known as the five
@00:00:05 eyes hi i'm craig and welcome to just
@00:02:56 five eyes this is the justification that
@00:04:18 and talking about the fact that the five
@00:04:20 eyes have produced no evidence and it
@00:04:30 something to the effect of the five eyes
@00:04:44 up the five eyes he just is bringing it
@00:05:16 partnership with what's called the five
@00:05:19 eyes agreement five eyes agreement
@00:05:41 pass from five eyes through the five
@00:05:44 eyes channels to our government and
@00:06:34 saying the five eyes didn't find any
@00:06:51 about with the five eyes which is the
@00:08:29 was no five eyes intelligence product
@00:14:21 product five eyes so listen carefully
@00:14:27 five eyes it was an unofficial product
@00:14:29 of the five eyes which is referring to

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Trap card played..."

@00:23:33 on citizens the five eyes spying on

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "WRAYs OF LIGHT."

@00:03:22 ends with five exclamation points now
@00:03:28 big and we need to keep our eyes focused

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Distraction."

@00:05:36 and why also is five-five defined eyes
@00:05:41 five eyes and q says not a coincidence
@00:06:01 the five five and the five eyes being
@00:06:08 them saying that all five are here

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - TARMAC DEAL

@00:31:28 now the next one it says reread the five
@00:31:32 eyes avoid us data collection laws
@00:31:38 dossier fisa not public five eyes uk
@00:32:24 conspiracy where the five eyes if you
@00:32:27 guys don't know who the five eyes are
@00:32:30 the five eyes are an intelligence ring
@00:32:51 five eyes is basically a group of
@00:33:06 what q's getting into here with the five
@00:33:08 eyes he's saying that okay excuse me my
@00:33:17 the five eyes working when potus went to
@00:33:51 you know insertions to get the five eyes

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Public interest shift."

@00:09:57 have the the five eyes and the global

Q ANON: Latest New Posts - "For God & Country & (World)"

@00:13:56 talking about australia's part of five
@00:13:58 eyes okay and q says in response that's
@00:14:04 five eyes is very important it won't be
@00:14:12 it explains five eyes in a nutshell and
@00:14:18 five eyes is basically a group of
@00:14:41 now what are the five eyes you know
@00:16:29 programs jointly operated by the five
@00:16:31 eyes the following list includes several

Q ANON: Latest New Posts - "24HRS to respond. He did, smartly."

@00:08:58 weapons in the nsa's and it's five eyes