

@00:06:14 and uh talking about huber and how
@00:06:32 huber investigation select parts
@00:08:08 huber investigation that's why it kind

Are THEY Willing To DESTROY Our Republic To Cover Up Their CRIMES?

@00:09:31 john huber was being referenced by cue a
@00:09:34 and john huber was the one who was


@00:03:32 posts first is this huber hammer q post

Are We Engaged In A MAJOR BATTLE Against EVIL?

@00:17:43 don't know john huber and john durham


@00:12:51 just john huber and remember you know

Can We Expose The COUP PLOTTERS Yet?

@00:24:23 report from john huber which apparently
@00:24:32 the investigation from john huber turned
@00:24:41 john huber involved in some of these

Why Would THEY Attack Now?

@00:15:24 huber with or on behind the scenes for
@00:18:19 about huber and the doj don't forget
@00:18:22 huber was investigating the clinton

Is Exposing Their CORRUPTION A Part Of THE PLAN???

@00:19:02 investigation see because huber is going

Are THEY Above The Law?

@00:20:04 told us about the fact that huber was
@00:20:30 knew about huber for as far as the cubit
@00:20:33 what is huber doing cuber john huber the
@00:22:41 was the chain of command followed hubert
@00:22:50 huber you know going after the clinton

Secret Message In IG Report REVEALED?

@00:08:23 take down a president then john huber

Q: 93 Days of Darkness Explained?

@00:11:10 about leaks about huber and clinton

MASSIVE Military Exercises Taking Place Ahead Of WHAT???

@00:03:41 on it barr and huber and dunham are

Is Operation RED OCTOBER Going Live?

@00:04:08 when did huber start november john
@00:04:19 huber can ig disclose evidence and

When Will THEY Ask The Q?

@00:26:55 think hubert think doj fbi

Guess Who They're COMING For NEXT?

@00:13:49 huber i guess he's still helping

Feds Knew Hussein WAS Spying In 2015?

@00:06:56 general is involved and it says huber

THEY Aren't Ready For What Is Happening...SO OBVIOUS!

@00:19:37 for a long time and that huber and all

Panicking Will Only Make Things Much Worse...

@00:14:01 also talk about john huber and his

Did THEY Get The Whole Story Wrong On Purpose?

@00:25:18 behind the scenes john huber with


@00:23:53 ones that have been run by john huber

THEY Thought It Was Coming Last Week...SURPRISE!

@00:04:02 report huber etc house dems used

If You Don't Believe Anything Is Happening...WATCH THIS.

@00:00:06 designated john huber to look into this
@00:06:15 that point that john huber was running
@00:29:51 john huber i think's been working on

THEY have something very serious to FEAR...WE KNOW!

@00:03:44 appointed huber who had direct oversight
@00:03:47 over huber the deputy attorney general
@00:03:52 direct oversight over huber
@00:04:04 us attorney john huber and this tweet
@00:05:14 huber talking about as we discussed and
@00:05:30 whitaker to us attorney john huber
@00:05:37 sessions directing huber to look into
@00:07:04 that go between two huber who was
@00:07:08 sessions down to huber and and
@00:18:40 contact john huber at the us attorney's

Something MUCH BIGGER Is Coming...STAY TUNED!

@00:09:38 attorney john huber from utah who as we
@00:10:19 meeting the huber and office of

How Do You Stop A McCarthy-Style Witch Hunt?

@00:02:42 been working with john huber as in john
@00:02:44 huber who's been working with 400
@00:09:48 there was a clip of john huber giving
@00:10:05 interview of john huber and his staff
@00:11:29 gotta understand john huber and his team

Is #QAnon Exposing The Whole Russia Collusion Hoax?

@00:07:43 occur who appointed and tasked huber who
@00:11:29 able to get john huber and the office of
@00:17:37 huber in utah so let's go ahead and
@00:19:06 utah's us attorney john huber says every
@00:20:48 huber says every one of the prosecutors
@00:21:09 attorney office with john huber but like

The Biggest Political Scandal In Modern History! #FISA #DECLAS

@00:21:07 prepare public for huber says physis
@00:22:42 huber no spelling errors intended mobile
@00:22:56 that's where hubert comes from that's
@00:22:57 why he was doing what he's doing huber

Convicted Felon Set To Testify Before Congress; True or False?

@00:14:47 that inspector or us attorney john huber

Leakin' Liar's Secret Message, Taxpayer Theft, & Much More...

@00:04:24 huber and oh i am sure that's already

Tomorrow's News Today: Want To Know What's Next?

@00:03:03 regarding huber zero do not mistake
@00:03:36 not been one leak out of huber yet and
@00:17:47 connected directly to john huber and the
@00:26:28 report hubert cetera house dems use

Is The 'STAGE SET' For What's To Come?

@00:21:32 huber who was appointed to look at the

Grand Jury Testimony Underway In Several States?

@00:14:20 huber have had several interviews
@00:21:11 john huber and michael horowitz have had

First time in more than 25 years?

@00:10:44 investigation headed by john w huber the
@00:11:47 investigation headed by john w huber the
@00:12:00 us that john huber and his office from

Is the FBI investigating the Clinton Foundation?

@00:12:19 maybe that makes sense why mr. huber was
@00:21:25 huber waited until november the 30th to
@00:23:11 that that mr. huber and his team
@00:23:26 mr. huber that they wanted you to send
@00:24:02 the department of justice mr. huber

Do you still think nothing is happening?

@00:04:54 john huber to empower to investigate the
@00:04:59 foundation mr. huber was joined doj has
@00:05:14 appointed mr. huber was supposed to take

Is this WHY people are panicking?

@00:29:27 about how john huber kind of came into
@00:29:32 ends up with john huber today it goes
@00:29:49 appointed huber how he appointed him
@00:31:49 thought john huber was supposed to
@00:31:52 about that but even though john huber is
@00:32:09 schedule for tomorrow where is hubert
@00:32:57 john huber in them and it's asking his
@00:34:10 all referring back to john huber and
@00:34:15 is basically worth saying where is huber
@00:34:17 it's saying that you know hubert john
@00:34:19 huber is the guy to go to there are that
@00:34:37 you know basically so john huber was a
@00:34:39 right meaning john huber is supposed to
@00:34:48 huber will bring severe pain to dc
@00:34:53 hubert

What is scheduled to happen this week?

@00:07:26 unquote when was huber activated by
@00:07:28 sessions who was is assigned to huber
@00:08:02 this and going forward it says huber to
@00:08:05 huber to reveal active probe actively
@00:08:33 the simple way to put it is huber was
@00:11:07 speaks to the same thing that john huber
@00:11:11 huber is because he's almost politically
@00:13:38 see it but it talks about john huber and
@00:14:31 basically john huber is gonna allude to
@00:30:47 huber and and they're going to sit down

What happens when they lose control and the TRUTH is exposed?

@00:01:04 this as well but in john huber as well
@00:04:32 one was with john huber who's gonna be
@00:18:27 whitaker horowitz huber and rey long
@00:18:36 planned q guys whitaker horowitz huber
@00:19:16 john huber an fbi director christopher r

Did Mueller have a choice in making the recommendation?

@00:12:20 also oversee huber plus office of
@00:12:23 inspector general what cases is huber
@00:24:51 content and dates huber drops first
@00:24:58 huber as portrayed by cue what are the
@00:25:00 odds mathematical probability that huber
@00:25:51 time about john huber john huber and d5
@00:25:56 are obviously connected john huber
@00:26:57 huber has been investigating hillary
@00:28:24 and says one of the odds the huber would

A 'glimpse' into the shadows...

@00:02:28 were supposed to have john huber
@00:26:15 actually was able to work with huber and

The World is about to change.

@00:13:04 huber inspector general michael horowitz
@00:13:53 happening with huber and horowitz so i
@00:14:12 our comps huber faces two-way street q
@00:14:36 huber spices and it's a two-way street
@00:14:53 huber john huber has been doing behind
@00:15:21 panic regarding huber why has the fisa
@00:17:02 panicking about huber and the reason the

Who's working to save himself?

@00:01:51 person who leaked huber clinton
@00:04:03 and humor huber you will pay all pay the
@00:04:15 doubting sessions in huber what's been
@00:04:19 we've talked about how john huber was
@00:04:49 huber activities no further details
@00:06:13 but huber has not directly interviewed
@00:06:18 appointment of huber by sessions and
@00:06:22 sessions in huber are following standard
@00:06:31 sessions but hubert ability to prosecute
@00:07:08 sessions shouldn't be trusted why huber
@00:08:01 ex coincidence verse huber start but
@00:08:31 he's insinuating that huber is helping
@00:09:42 huber to whistleblower monday cue hops
@00:22:00 huber thing and that's why i think he
@00:22:57 assigned to john huber the utah us

Who controls the past controls the future...

@00:08:30 though it's mr. huber who's coming to
@00:08:37 mr. hubert it's a us attorney john huber

Nothing can stop what is coming.

@00:02:07 improper activities quote mr. huber with
@00:02:53 sessions appointed huber last year to
@00:03:26 committee thinks it's time huber gives
@00:05:39 this hearing to go over what john huber
@00:06:35 are banking on the fact that john huber
@00:06:39 general and the us attorney john huber
@00:19:03 request why inspector general huber can
@00:19:31 committee by john huber on december 5th

Why do [OPTICS] matter so much?

@00:12:24 coaching the sealed indictments huber

What if the above could be proven?

@00:28:54 john huber and michael horowitz this is

They are freaking out! Here's why...

@00:07:49 john huber all right so that's one thing
@00:07:57 to note is that john huber was obviously
@00:08:10 the scenes huber has been conducting
@00:08:30 to place somebody like john huber
@00:08:34 counsel because somebody like john huber
@00:09:04 saying who is huber who reconfirmed
@00:09:06 huber who originally appointed huber
@00:09:11 charge to hubert resources provided to
@00:09:13 huber who is horowitz mandate charge to
@00:15:15 you know huber is definitely the guy
@00:15:28 reconfirmed hubert hoover huber
@00:15:35 partisan optics it's because john huber
@00:16:27 the mandate charge to huber the
@00:16:29 resources provided to huber yeah the
@00:16:31 mandate i think was given to huber
@00:17:31 michael horowitz and john huber with
@00:23:56 huber possibly says the world is

Q Anon | "Do you understand why?"

@00:05:39 what we talked about with huber and

"Eyes On, VIP Patriots! The World Is Watching."

@00:13:32 sessions and huber and horowitz you know

Q Anon Exposes The Inside Story Of What's To Come...

@00:08:16 inspector general works with huber
@00:11:09 office with huber are going over all

Q Anon | New Clinton emails have been released...

@00:01:56 talk about john hubert meeting with jeff
@00:02:10 huber and jeff sessions are where
@00:03:08 meet with you guests at john huber to
@00:03:15 know that john huber michael horowitz
@00:03:17 you have john huber who's the us
@00:03:55 says sessions meeting huber the same day
@00:03:59 huber the day prior to and then it gives
@00:06:01 working with huber and horowitz to put
@00:17:11 sessions huber and horowitz so you guys

Q Anon | This is why Jimmy is freaking out!

@00:08:05 it gives us these three guys john huber
@00:09:04 it's john huber the us attorney

Q Anon | We are not alone?

@00:05:10 intra federal agencies huber horowitz
@00:05:35 attorney john huber to leadership
@00:05:46 sessions and john huber started working
@00:06:30 of course but huber has not directly
@00:06:40 sessions and huber are following
@00:06:49 fire sessions but huber ability to
@00:07:44 coincidence verse huber start but
@00:08:47 horowitz and huber and why is that
@00:10:59 to helping john huber and michael
@00:11:33 so huber horowitz torch it's saying that
@00:11:41 huber the us attorney's a prosecutor
@00:12:49 that are working with hubert horowitz

Q Anon predicted this would happen...#DeclasFISA

@00:31:51 dc sessions in huber weekend meetings
@00:31:53 now you guys remember john huber he's

Q Anon | "Follow the connections."

@00:04:14 november 2017 when you've had john huber

Q Anon | "CLOCKWORK. What are the odds?"

@00:08:00 john huber michael horowitz and 470

Q Anon | "The more you know..." ; )

@00:19:53 who disbelieve that john huber is
@00:20:30 huber hasn't interviewed everyone and
@00:20:33 you know but sessions in huber a
@00:21:27 right this is but huber has not directly
@00:21:31 the appointment of huber by sessions and
@00:21:35 says but sessions in huber are following
@00:21:48 hubert ability to prosecute in impanel
@00:22:50 verse x coincidence verse huber start
@00:23:29 not as good as having john huber with
@00:24:13 that they're saying well huber didn't or
@00:24:17 it says huber is not directly

Q Anon "Alice & Wonderland"

@00:02:42 ag appointed us attorney huber nine
@00:02:46 vice a false application huber has not
@00:02:49 interviewed ors huber has not
@00:03:17 to proof that huber has been
@00:03:35 bruce or with john huber so that being

Q Anon "Do you believe actual 'polls' were taken?"

@00:00:35 back to huber then we're gonna talk
@00:03:17 huber and what's been going on with his

Q Anon: "What agency did @Snowden work for originally?"

@00:23:46 huber and how that didn't that wasn't
@00:23:55 huber being discussed now what if the
@00:24:00 drop that name why is huber being
@00:24:02 discussed now why is hubert all the
@00:24:09 discussed by right or left hubert did
@00:24:14 hubert did not blank he were did not
@00:24:20 sessions playing who does huber work
@00:24:29 transcripts be released huber + ig + 470
@00:26:58 huber they're saying he did an interview
@00:27:16 going to be hubert michael horowitz and

"Who discovered the link to HRC's server(s)?"

@00:08:53 cooperating with john huber and michael
@00:10:10 john huber hasn't either even though
@00:10:11 huber was tapped by sessions to
@00:11:06 attorney john huber will be the top
@00:11:17 into john huber spice abuse
@00:11:26 interviewed by huber or moeller bruce or
@00:11:43 how effective a us attorney john huber
@00:12:31 muller and huber doing if they are not
@00:13:30 that he wants huber to contact his
@00:13:42 interviewed by huber and it was based on
@00:13:50 know if huber has already interviewed
@00:14:15 or been interviewed by john huber and
@00:14:23 or hasn't been interviewed by john huber
@00:15:55 huber so the next one here is gives us
@00:17:58 interviewed by you know john huber well
@00:18:00 if john huber is working with four


@00:19:48 john huber is actually working on that
@00:31:05 huber or q and that's exactly what they
@00:31:20 explain what john huber is doing behind
@00:32:25 john huber who's been he's the us
@00:32:36 huber would be would be for him to
@00:32:54 washington that john huber is working on
@00:34:37 hubert has everything q so this one i
@00:36:27 huber has everything q so what i have to
@00:36:29 wait and see what hubert comes out with

President Trump's Epic Troll of MSM + Deep State?

@00:20:22 diligently with huber how do you think
@00:21:10 special counsel investigation huber and

Q Anon - The Great Awakening

@00:17:46 john huber and michael horowitz and that

Who Hacked Q ANON?

@00:13:54 but who is john huber

Q Anon Follower Exposes Plot Against President Trump.

@00:08:23 foundation built huber no spelling

"Who is supplying feed? Who is financing?"

@00:01:53 review huber something big is about to


@00:14:34 huber no spelling errors intended mobile

"Direct comms come in many different forms."

@00:04:39 fully recuse from who does hubert
@00:04:44 cena sidestepped regarding hubert chain
@00:08:12 directly report to so hubert directly
@00:08:17 suppose it would be normal for a huber
@00:08:22 investigation huber is conducting or one
@00:08:28 obviously we call that hubert go to
@00:09:45 the scenes with huber being one of the
@00:19:59 ahead but it just talks about john huber
@00:20:09 huber to oversee some other
@00:21:09 about huber and jeff sessions working

"Something BIG is about to DROP."

@00:00:57 with huber and the investigation into
@00:02:01 we say who does huber report to directly
@00:02:29 huber responds and direct is directed by
@00:02:50 with huber has a staff of 470
@00:02:52 investigators giving huber access to
@00:11:11 christopher rain john huber so you have
@00:11:15 fbi and the us attorney mr. huber and
@00:13:04 this is what jeff or john huber has been
@00:13:13 napolitano kind of explains why huber
@00:24:53 then redacted and now huber is

Top Security Clearances Removed?

@00:15:47 seals broken arrests why was huber made

Q ANON: "Matters of National Security."

@00:27:06 ongoing huber dormice is awake in jeff

Q ANON: "The SWAMP is being DRAINED."

@00:08:40 huber and inspector general michael
@00:11:55 started his investigation and john huber
@00:15:45 huber and inspector general michael

Q ANON: "We rather enjoyed this one."

@00:00:56 working for john huber and inspector

Q ANON: "Ask yourself - who is filing the indictments?"

@00:18:07 justice john huber and michael horowitz
@00:18:44 access to what john huber is putting
@00:41:39 who are at the disposal of john huber

Q ANON: "Info shared highly sensitive."

@00:40:00 about what's going on with huber he's


@00:13:27 horowitz and john huber the us attorney

Q ANON: "What a wonderful day."

@00:02:31 reference to huber non-public clinton
@00:02:35 connected reference to huber f+ fbi
@00:02:41 reference to huber what about doj text
@00:02:54 house tarmac reference to huber rod
@00:07:59 push to of huber regarding above scope
@00:10:35 attorney shawn huber is investigating
@00:10:40 to these in actions noting that huber
@00:10:59 united states attorney john huber
@00:11:58 charlie says the use of john huber gives
@00:12:06 rosenstein which is critical huber is
@00:12:15 investigate huber has been investigating
@00:12:48 working with huber has a staff of 470
@00:12:50 investigators giving huber access to
@00:13:11 on quote then huber can act on any of
@00:13:28 judges as possible huber and horowitz
@00:13:39 huber is a lawyer from deep red utah not
@00:13:50 team of huber and horowitz who are
@00:14:09 huber and horowitz both were both
@00:14:34 john huber to work with michael horowitz
@00:14:57 huber and horowitz first of all have
@00:16:26 that that huber and horowitz have four

Q ANON: "Not all are awake. Obtain Name."

@00:46:26 when did huber start november john
@00:46:43 hubert can inspector general disclosed
@00:47:44 they were the bridge when did huber
@00:48:25 hubert


@00:06:37 us attorney john huber can use

Q ANON: "What is coming?"

@00:33:24 out when huber starts basically levying


@00:23:47 fbi cleanse vital as primary hubert

"Attack[s] anticipated. Coordinated?"

@00:10:33 huber truly called it brilliant quote
@00:11:24 that huber is conducting a full-fledged
@00:11:31 counsel to investigate huber has been
@00:13:28 has ordered huber to team to quote team
@00:13:53 with huber has a staff of 470
@00:13:55 investigators giving huber access to
@00:14:56 then huber can act on any of those
@00:14:59 matters as a us attorney huber has a
@00:18:41 huber has full authority and we're
@00:19:51 necessary because huber quote
@00:20:51 but huber for some reason does not bring
@00:21:05 asked if hubert horowitz status as obama
@00:22:08 that huber and horowitz make a great
@00:22:22 to have huber a person who can impanel
@00:26:52 and likely both support john huber huber
@00:27:04 really explain because huber is not part
@00:27:18 appointing huber who was the power who
@00:27:37 huber and horowitz who are already five


@00:15:38 talking about huber talking about the

Q ANON: Latest News - "Flood is coming."

@00:11:03 john huber and has been tasked by jeff

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "It failed."

@00:23:30 prosecutor from utah john huber right
@00:23:33 what is important about john huber well
@00:24:25 where he talks specifically about huber

"We are everywhere Anon. Q"

@00:17:30 huber who is going to be filing charges

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Why are we here?"

@00:07:28 trust horowitz trust huber q now q told
@00:07:53 and trump huber and we're gonna go over
@00:07:56 huber in more detail here coming up so
@00:08:18 that's telling us to look at john huber
@00:08:23 huber appointed by remove by reappointed
@00:08:28 history books q so huber as i know it he
@00:08:57 reform act and huber was rinat nated
@00:09:35 necessarily why huber out of the
@00:10:02 huber really quickly that huber was
@00:10:07 one more time just to be clear huber was
@00:10:40 will by reappointing john huber and then
@00:11:02 wanted to talk about huber in more
@00:18:52 we were going to talk about huber again
@00:19:18 potential criminal misconduct to huber
@00:19:22 what we were talking about is huber who
@00:21:13 know asking john huber us attorney to


@00:09:20 are the powers of huber inspector
@00:09:27 about how huber was named as a
@00:12:08 sessions and huber is and with the

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Watch what happens [-30]."

@00:04:27 regarding inspector general and huber
@00:04:29 says who appointed huber sessions what
@00:08:37 read what the inspector general huber
@00:08:49 john huber appointed by removed by
@00:08:57 and the next huber post is talking about
@00:09:06 attack but it's saying why was huber
@00:09:16 references huber another time
@00:09:25 trust huber q so humor is gonna be in
@00:09:30 my opinion huber is gonna have some of
@00:09:57 have to look back at huber who appointed
@00:09:59 hoover it was set hubert sessions what

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Use LOGIC."

@00:04:30 is huber define inspector general when
@00:04:39 did sessions secretly engage huber why
@00:04:42 did sessions reveal huber timing is
@00:18:27 huber and kind of staying out of it but
@00:22:52 general and john huber are actually one
@00:35:23 define single shooter now huber is
@00:35:32 name of john huber now who is john huber
@00:35:44 right now so john huber is the one who's
@00:36:35 media so my hope is that huber is one of
@00:37:01 sessions is working with huber behind
@00:37:14 why did sessions secretly engage huber
@00:37:17 why did sessions reveal huber timing is
@00:37:23 timing of revealing huber but i know

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Question everything."

@00:25:33 are the powers of john huber and
@00:26:07 prosecutor the toria that john huber the

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "It's everywhere."

@00:03:14 scandal using people like john huber and

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "FBl burning midnight oil."

@00:08:05 horowitz trust huber q so i even asked
@00:09:03 pompeo trust horowitz and trust huber

Q AN0N: New Latest Posts - "Distraction."

@00:01:24 over or huber made public why now

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Not planned but necessary."

@00:27:13 arrests why was huber made public why

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "STAY TOGETHER"

@00:08:15 huber what is the the significance of
@00:08:54 so apparently john huber i got this

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "TRUST SESSl0NS."

@00:11:34 sean he's a us attorney named john huber
@00:12:34 bring in a guy like john huber and what
@00:12:38 can john huber do well john huber can
@00:14:33 us attorney huber has full authority to
@00:15:07 made public john huber appointed by
@00:15:32 john huber he was appointed by jeff
@00:21:05 why was huber made public why now