
American Priority Conference 2020 Trump National Miami, FL...

@00:07:54 human trafficking specifically around
@00:08:09 there's a lot of money in trafficking

Hunter/Chinese BACKMAIL Exposed? Comey/Epstein/Maxwell Connection? & MORE!!!

@00:09:56 and whether it's weapons trafficking
@00:09:58 uh drug trafficking child sex
@00:10:01 trafficking
@00:14:52 sex trafficking uh rings and maureen was
@00:16:19 as far as sex trafficking and blackmail

Former USAF Intel Asset On Project LOOKING GLASS, HUSSEIN/CLINTON FEUD, & Much More...

@00:30:30 trafficking and sex trafficking and


@00:14:18 trafficking is a pejorative which

How Do THEY Control Our MINDS???

@00:31:22 end child trafficking we want to


@00:15:41 human trafficking and and

What's More DANGEROUS To Our Republic?

@00:03:42 trafficking
@00:20:44 human trafficking and or prostitution

Why Are US Cities Becoming War Zones?

@00:04:59 child trafficking we want people who are
@00:05:02 trafficking and other uh crimes against
@00:07:20 child trafficking want to stop all the

Is A '5th Column' Of SUBVERSIVE AGENTS Infiltrating Our Republic?

@00:13:45 perhaps who is trafficking children
@00:14:49 human trafficking
@00:14:50 human trafficking drug trafficking what
@00:14:51 gun weapons trafficking

Are We Seeing PEACE Through STRENGTH?

@00:24:04 trafficking problem around the world


@00:21:02 trafficking i didn't know that bill
@00:30:06 child sex trafficking if anything crowds

Did THEY Attack The White House Today?

@00:32:25 victim of child trafficking than die

Why Do I Trust The Plan? Because It's Working...

@00:14:54 the child trafficking networks are
@00:21:40 about human trafficking
@00:21:46 end human trafficking day or something

Riot Politics: A Neo-Marxist Insurrection?

@00:26:07 uh trafficking kids another i'll leave a

Does FLYNN Know Where The "Bodies Are Buried"?

@00:33:02 blackmailing the child sex trafficking

Are We Exposing The PUPPETS & Their MASTERS?

@00:00:06 sex trafficking case
@00:08:01 underage sex trafficking in this


@00:13:01 child sex trafficking abroad but more


@00:19:27 facilitating child sex trafficking and
@00:19:29 etc and other types of trafficking

How Do You Circumvent The Controlled Narrative?

@00:16:02 were some human trafficking and

What's Important To Know For FUTURE EVENTS?

@00:26:38 trafficking sharing of ice border patrol

Are You Ready For Our Next Mission?

@00:08:01 weapons trafficking sex trafficking of
@00:08:04 humans illegal drug trafficking and and
@00:21:15 trafficking and pedophilia all of it

What About NXIVM, EPSTEIN, And The SDNY?

@00:15:19 being arrested for child trafficking and


@00:17:14 working at being used for trafficking of


@00:08:44 their hubs for kurt i think trafficking
@00:26:02 trafficking advertising and things by

How Far Do THEY Want To Take This?

@00:07:12 trafficking the body parts and organs of

CLAS 1-99 & NAT SEC THREATS To Our Republic?

@00:27:28 guns and human trafficking and drugs

How Do THEY Secretly Communicate?

@00:05:53 way up through human trafficking and the
@00:14:45 that involves human trafficking human


@00:08:59 incredible network of trafficking

Actionable Intelligence For President Trump About CCP Virus?

@00:19:50 trafficking young women we know that's
@00:20:05 trafficking is very high very dangerous
@00:20:12 the united states so sex trafficking


@00:10:05 of weapons trafficking going on there
@00:13:31 that is involved in human trafficking
@00:13:33 child sex trafficking etc so we know


@00:08:51 in trafficking of humans for a cult
@00:08:57 with the trafficking of weapons which
@00:09:04 in the trafficking of drugs which are


@00:00:58 who are engaged in human trafficking gun
@00:01:00 trafficking drug trafficking all in the

Are YOU Prepared For What Is Coming?

@00:20:42 trafficking the drugs that kill and

Why Would THEY Want To Cause MASS HYSTERIA?

@00:19:35 actual drug cartels the trafficking
@00:20:21 trafficking or engage in other types of

Is The HIDDEN ENEMY Directly Beneath US?

@00:05:11 were involved in drug trafficking and
@00:05:15 himself human trafficking of children
@00:05:22 trafficking weapons etc so understand
@00:08:01 could that be used for trafficking
@00:08:03 children trafficking guns trafficking
@00:08:06 weapons and or trafficking other illicit
@00:08:30 do the trafficking that we're putting a
@00:19:46 not only stop trafficking of drugs but
@00:27:22 trafficking and especially with respect
@00:27:46 trafficking and women and children also


@00:01:17 this global human sex trafficking trade
@00:04:46 trafficking crackdown paralyzing the
@00:05:34 human sex trafficking and that these
@00:06:12 it's human trafficking sex trafficking
@00:06:14 drug trafficking gun trafficking you
@00:07:44 drug trafficking funding maduro well
@00:08:21 guns to human trafficking and the rest
@00:11:03 about trafficking
@00:11:14 trafficking who is the broker for
@00:12:58 trafficking and sacrifices yet and this
@00:14:07 their trafficking operations this is
@00:16:30 documentary on trial trafficking in
@00:16:32 haiti right child trafficking victims
@00:17:36 human trafficking arrests surging may
@00:17:53 the sex trafficking well the rich and
@00:18:24 telling us that sex trafficking is real
@00:26:59 human trafficking it's also weapons
@00:27:00 trafficking right these are weapons of

Are We In The Middle Of The SILENT BATTLE?

@00:29:09 trafficking rings being busted up but
@00:30:22 human trafficking ring with child sex
@00:30:24 trafficking and then some maybe even

Is Operation DEFENDER EUROPE 20 A Military Exercise Or MUCH MORE?

@00:18:07 trafficking guns trafficking human
@00:18:09 trafficking
@00:18:10 more specifically sex trafficking of you
@00:19:16 been facilitating human trafficking and
@00:19:18 sex trafficking of adults and kids drug
@00:19:22 trafficking weapons trafficking
@00:29:02 for corruption drug trafficking weapons
@00:29:05 trafficking human trafficking sex
@00:29:07 trafficking all of that if you do wrong


@00:20:08 trafficking that's child trafficking
@00:20:10 that ends up being sex trafficking or
@00:20:11 the drug trafficking scourge or all of

Can ANYTHING Stop What's Coming?

@00:06:48 trafficking and human trafficking
@00:11:52 and child trafficking and all types of
@00:22:57 human sex trafficking it's not just the


@00:10:07 globally like human trafficking etc

Did THEY Use INSURGENCY Tactics To Infiltrate Senior Positions?

@00:04:55 crimes money laundering trafficking and
@00:15:42 headquarters in sex trafficking
@00:17:48 laundering theft human trafficking sex
@00:17:53 trafficking you name it now how do i


@00:21:41 drug trafficking weapons trafficking
@00:21:43 human trafficking from two


@00:18:00 arrested in la county human trafficking

Is It Only A Matter Of TIME Before Major Arrests?

@00:05:58 trafficking is quote modern-day slavery
@00:06:28 trafficking and then this human
@00:06:29 trafficking is connected to larger much
@00:06:34 things like child sex trafficking that
@00:07:26 that this issue about human trafficking


@00:23:55 immigration human trafficking and child

How Do THEY Blackmail And Control STARS?

@00:11:40 these child sex trafficking ring or this
@00:11:43 child sex trafficking ring in paris and

FUTURE Continues To PROVE PAST Posts?

@00:17:20 epstein and the human trafficking sex
@00:17:22 trafficking the blackmail the the all of


@00:09:47 child trafficking and child you know

The Beginning Of The END?

@00:14:30 on there as far as human trafficking


@00:10:44 epstein sex trafficking operation that
@00:11:02 after his child sex trafficking
@00:11:09 in bed both with child sex trafficking
@00:11:40 trafficking ring hmm well that's
@00:12:08 trafficking ring from guns child sex


@00:11:23 jeffery hep-c as far as sex trafficking
@00:11:25 and human trafficking and you know human
@00:15:35 investigating sex trafficking claims and

Are THEY Losing Control Of The NARRATIVE?

@00:08:35 involved in the trafficking the the

Are Rogue CLOWNS Infiltrating EVERYTHING?

@00:19:43 human trafficking illegal drug
@00:19:45 trafficking illegal weapons trafficking

Q: 93 Days of Darkness Explained?

@00:14:30 trafficking all that stuff then we would

Why Did THEY Shut Down Every Embassy WORLDWIDE?

@00:11:59 international trafficking and the black

Are WE Dismantling THEIR Global Control Systems?

@00:00:46 their international trafficking whether
@00:06:31 region to open up the trafficking lanes

DC Cult 'The Finders' Exposed By Newly Released Intel?

@00:01:23 how human trafficking and the
@00:16:29 about human trafficking or trafficking
@00:16:36 charged in federal human trafficking
@00:29:17 broader global trafficking syndicate
@00:29:26 they're trafficking i'm not talking
@00:29:46 human trafficking sharing of ice border

Are THEY In Danger Of Losing It ALL?

@00:20:09 illegal drug trafficking cash and
@00:21:45 illegal activities from drug trafficking
@00:21:47 human trafficking and the rest so
@00:22:20 trafficking lanes and shutting down the

MASSIVE Military Exercises Taking Place Ahead Of WHAT???

@00:07:40 when it comes to human sex trafficking

Are THEY Desperate Enough To Keep IT Going?

@00:08:10 ohio child sex trafficking sting has
@00:15:46 against human trafficking so be an

Did THEY See The Insurance File?

@00:17:53 ohio human a human trafficking stings
@00:18:03 human trafficking sting that was
@00:18:13 human trafficking problem in ohio with a

What Does The KEYSTONE Mean?

@00:00:49 involved in child sex trafficking that
@00:12:56 sex trafficking rings these people are
@00:13:01 trafficking rings we're not making it up
@00:14:24 trafficking and they're trying to tell
@00:17:31 in an international trafficking ring for
@00:17:34 human trafficking sex trafficking of
@00:22:02 trafficking which they could use to

Did The STORM Hide A Sinister Plot Against US?

@00:03:34 as far as trafficking goes we've had
@00:03:37 thoroughly that there are trafficking
@00:03:51 trafficking and human trafficking

Did The STORM Hide Strategic Covert Ops?

@00:20:06 a trafficking hub here's a 2015 article
@00:20:12 quick trafficking trip from broward
@00:20:52 trafficking center that we had to

Comey's Commie Coup & The World's Largest Hedge Fund?

@00:11:51 companies sex even for child trafficking
@00:16:47 trafficking and the most disturbing

Is The STORM A Precision Strike Against THEM?

@00:22:25 enterprises or trafficking networks or

Do You Still TRUST THE PLAN Is Happening?

@00:23:27 child trafficking and epstein child
@00:23:29 trafficking and now what is this this is
@00:27:13 you have sex trafficking of kids and

How Are THEY All Connected?

@00:18:32 fidel castro and child trafficking so
@00:19:32 was something to do with trafficking

Obama's FBI Used CEO As SPY To SETUP Russia Hoax?

@00:11:46 trafficking women through modeling

What Are THEY Afraid To Talk About?

@00:09:26 trafficking sex slaves then it got into
@00:09:29 epstein and then more sex trafficking

How Much DEEPER Does This All Go???

@00:01:06 allegedly trafficking and abusing
@00:21:28 trafficking if that makes sense it's a
@00:29:30 trafficking task force so this is

The Beginning Of Their Downfall...

@00:17:41 money trafficking children under the
@00:18:19 and human trafficking criminal

Does Epstein Scandal Go To VATICAN CITY???

@00:00:55 trafficking how is it all connected well
@00:21:07 human trafficking in the modern-day
@00:24:02 of human trafficking and help us to
@00:24:09 freedom hashtag and human trafficking

How Do You Get Ahead Of A Story?

@00:17:16 how they were trafficking with these

SECRET FBI Raid On Epstein Island REVEALS...

@00:00:13 jeffrey epstein this sex trafficking


@00:07:37 sex into sex trafficking for sex i


@00:05:35 of engaging in the sex trafficking of
@00:11:49 indicted on child sex trafficking with
@00:17:37 with this sex trafficking child sex
@00:17:40 trafficking ring which is going to look

Elites EXPOSED By Newly Released Epstein Court Docs...

@00:17:06 being used for human trafficking mexican
@00:17:47 sex trafficking such as ritual occult

When Will THEY Realize IT'S OVER?

@00:13:24 abuse and trafficking and and look it's
@00:20:11 human sex trafficking sex cult that that
@00:20:15 trafficking child trafficking sex
@00:20:17 trafficking that jeffrey epstein's
@00:20:57 just six satanic stuff cult trafficking
@00:21:01 human trafficking and all of that so

Billionaire Victoria's Secret Founder Disavows Jeffrey Epstein???

@00:08:34 human trafficking or a cult ism or
@00:22:44 and arrested for sex trafficking of

TRUTH About The MEDIA & The FBI?

@00:08:02 trafficking we're talking about his

When Will THEY Ask The Q?

@00:16:56 probably trafficking the weapons in
@00:25:44 trafficking child sex trafficking and
@00:28:06 happening with human trafficking and a

Guess Who They're COMING For NEXT?

@00:24:24 international child sex trafficking ring
@00:24:40 on charges of child sex trafficking yes
@00:24:59 international child sex trafficking
@00:25:18 elites that are trafficking children

Secret Black Ops & FBI Raids Uncovering TRUTH?

@00:22:51 for you know global human trafficking
@00:22:55 and drugs and weapons trafficking so
@00:23:34 of human trafficking and help us to
@00:23:47 trafficking and i would definitely agree
@00:24:48 trafficking a lot of these stories are
@00:25:03 end human trafficking so hopefully we

How Did THEY Lose The POWER To Control?

@00:18:15 trafficking i mean if it's black money
@00:25:55 was about human trafficking and human

Do You Realize How Much THEY Did?

@00:19:14 trafficking matters website where we
@00:19:17 have the 2018 federal human trafficking
@00:19:46 trafficking cases who represents
@00:20:56 human trafficking cases coming from this

Mysterious Occultism Will Be THEIR Downfall...

@00:10:52 they were trafficking women according to
@00:15:34 brutal form of people trafficking saying
@00:15:54 on to say she said that trafficking for

NOTHING Truly Is What IT Seems...

@00:04:43 trafficking
@00:14:36 child sex trafficking case so judge

The Choice To Know Will ALWAYS Be YOURS...

@00:10:56 far as child sex trafficking is
@00:13:27 for some sort of child sex trafficking

Secret Military Operations Cause PANIC IN DC?

@00:11:32 sex trafficking of children possibly
@00:17:09 pedophilia child trafficking satan

Why THEY Can't LIE Anymore...Stealth Moves?

@00:17:24 trafficking globally and an occult and

Will Symbolism Be Their DOWNFALL?

@00:17:25 the trafficking of young children and

Why Are THEY Panicking In DC?

@00:07:56 you'd be trafficking children out of i

POWERful People Connected To Mysterious Island?

@00:22:59 trafficking of minor children and

THEY Never Thought She Would LOSE...

@00:07:15 of sexual misconduct and trafficking and
@00:14:29 abuse of in human trafficking and things

When Does A Bird Sing? WATCH NYC & CA!

@00:04:05 child sex trafficking so why why is this
@00:11:20 charges of human trafficking and and and
@00:17:42 involving minors and sex trafficking
@00:18:00 trafficking so this is really really a
@00:18:32 under new charges of sex trafficking and

Do You Believe In COINCIDENCE? Mathematically Impossible?

@00:18:16 trafficking and you know having a

Think THEY'RE Untouchable? THINK AGAIN!

@00:08:18 doing these evil things with trafficking
@00:19:45 the the trafficking of people humans
@00:22:55 wrote a book called trafficking and she

The Choice To KNOW Will Be Yours...

@00:33:47 accused of human trafficking and rench

Sensitive Deep Sea Fiber Optic Network Attacked?

@00:15:33 with trafficking women too


@00:00:48 of child sex trafficking in new york and
@00:02:01 trafficking we're gonna take a look
@00:02:54 trafficking and this is a story from fox
@00:03:20 charged with sex trafficking
@00:03:45 sex trafficking dozens of minors in new
@00:04:47 of sex trafficking of minors and one
@00:04:51 trafficking of minors which could put
@00:05:11 trafficking officials and the fbi
@00:07:52 talk about sex trafficking of minors
@00:21:10 for child trafficking and satanic abuse
@00:24:22 trafficking is real q and this picture

Massive EarthQuake Strikes Southern California...

@00:07:56 trafficking and human trafficking
@00:07:58 especially sex trafficking as far as

Mysterious NYPD Deaths Connected To LIFE INSURANCE?

@00:15:29 silsbee trafficking scandal this is
@00:17:20 trafficking of minors and women of
@00:17:46 human trafficking and this is literally

Everything THEY Won't Tell You On TV...

@00:03:30 international human trafficking child
@00:04:18 national emergency in human trafficking
@00:04:34 persuade you that human trafficking is
@00:06:26 trafficking networks to be prosecuted

Deep Sabotage From The ENEMIES WITHIN?

@00:07:25 network of trafficking that they they
@00:07:31 trafficking drugs they trafficking
@00:07:33 weapons they trafficking more
@00:09:23 human trafficking weapons trafficking
@00:09:25 drugs trafficking and all other types of
@00:09:28 illicit material trafficking so what is
@00:09:41 to shut down these global trafficking
@00:09:48 depend on these trafficking lanes to
@00:12:04 this global trafficking network that was
@00:12:23 important because the human trafficking
@00:12:25 and the drug trafficking and and and

Mysterious Explosion Near Billion Dollar Drug Bust...

@00:15:46 they might be trafficking some drugs
@00:23:33 talk about here the 2019 trafficking in
@00:23:43 and it talks about trafficking human
@00:23:45 trafficking and you guys should read
@00:23:53 global report on human trafficking and
@00:24:02 examples of how human trafficking varies
@00:24:31 trafficking where at one time in foster
@00:24:45 human trafficking and child abuse and we

NXIVM Cult Leader Found Guilty On ALL CHARGES...

@00:01:44 occultism mexican child trafficking so
@00:01:48 this is literally trout trafficking
@00:02:17 guilty of trafficking child porn
@00:05:10 sex trafficking trial of nexium cult
@00:09:42 know involved in sex trafficking and and
@00:12:12 human trafficking arrests up saudi
@00:12:21 human trafficking one of the think this
@00:13:03 trafficking that's happening and we're
@00:13:31 the the human sex trafficking rings that
@00:14:00 porn offences guilty of sex trafficking
@00:14:02 or human trafficking and so much more

How Far Will WE Go For OUR Country?

@00:06:24 mainstream media with human trafficking
@00:06:26 and sex trafficking in our country when

Mysterious NYC Crash Leaves Unanswered Questions...

@00:17:03 order to combat human trafficking and
@00:17:54 has been charged with human trafficking

Why Is Nobody Talking About THIS?!?

@00:00:45 trafficking rings in the state of
@00:03:18 closing in on a child trafficking ring
@00:13:05 yourself the clinton silsbee trafficking
@00:13:48 accused of trafficking women and minors
@00:14:17 with human trafficking in the caribbean
@00:16:03 involved in human sex trafficking ring

Feds Knew Hussein WAS Spying In 2015?

@00:22:56 human trafficking operations which you

Those [GOOD] Who Know Cannot Sleep...

@00:04:44 human trafficking sacrifices yet worst
@00:07:13 getting into human trafficking and the
@00:07:22 the human trafficking works with regard

What THEY Won't Tell YOU!

@00:14:03 it there's there's sex trafficking going
@00:14:05 on there's human trafficking going on
@00:14:07 there's drug trafficking going on but

Stay The Course And Trust The Plan...It's Happening!

@00:20:09 child trafficking all this stuff that we
@00:21:00 do back to the human trafficking and it

MISSION To Keep It All Secret FAILED?

@00:02:42 of trafficking sex trafficking abuse and
@00:14:00 they were involved in sex trafficking

Hollywood Actor's Mysterious Death Leaves More Questions Than Answers...

@00:14:48 trafficking / abuse syndicate and and

Hollywood Hills Mansion Uncovers UNBELIEVABLE SECRETS...

@00:11:44 bringing in all this human trafficking
@00:11:46 drug trafficking and other really really
@00:12:12 human trafficking and the drug
@00:12:13 trafficking and apparently weapons
@00:12:16 trafficking that's that small arms
@00:12:18 trafficking because that's probably how
@00:14:03 human trafficking drug trafficking
@00:14:05 weapons trafficking that to me is really

Will This Be The ONE That Takes Him Down? Not Likely!

@00:02:42 main hubs for not only human trafficking
@00:02:45 and drug trafficking in to the united
@00:05:04 other yes human trafficking yes
@00:05:06 drug trafficking yes a incredible

We Already Know What Is Coming Next...

@00:00:16 trafficking kate spade and nancy pelosi
@00:03:41 human trafficking we've talked about the
@00:03:51 funneling in human trafficking from
@00:04:55 to basically trafficking human
@00:04:59 trafficking for for prostitution and it
@00:06:49 with this human trafficking and the
@00:06:50 trafficking of illicit things into our
@00:07:12 human trafficking stings that have been

The Greatest Show Most Will Never See...IT'S HAPPENING!

@00:18:52 crimes to maximum child sex trafficking
@00:19:04 human trafficking m.i.a

The Truth About The Latest Swamp Purge...

@00:16:30 trafficking that may be related back to

Did THEY Get The Whole Story Wrong On Purpose?

@00:12:11 enslaving women and human trafficking

Chinese Spy Attempts Break-In At Mar-a-Lago?

@00:11:52 people and and trafficking in humans so

Hangout Session w/ Craig from JustInformed Talk

@00:10:16 trial child cat trafficking ring or how
@00:10:21 trafficking i don't know um i'm sorry if

Why Are We Being Watched By EVERYTHING?

@00:21:54 with child trafficking human trafficking

THEY Can't AFFORD To Tell The Truth...SO WE WILL!

@00:25:30 trafficking and and and all of that evil


@00:16:03 trafficking ring so this is literally
@00:18:36 human sex trafficking type resort where

Unsealing 'Career-Ending' Documents Has THEM Scared...

@00:10:10 trafficking or child sexual abuse or
@00:26:37 trafficking

Did POTUS Vaporize The Secret Societies College Pipeline?

@00:04:18 not just about sex trafficking one well

The Biggest Political Scandal In Modern History! #FISA #DECLAS

@00:05:51 silsbee and human trafficking so you

Something BIG Is Coming Soon...Why Now?

@00:25:38 human trafficking cases each year in
@00:26:01 uk these vietnamese child trafficking

Can Wire Transfer$ Really Sway "Patriot's" Opinions?

@00:03:43 engaged in baby sex trafficking rings
@00:03:53 he say baby sex trafficking rings this
@00:04:06 trafficking rings
@00:05:09 trafficking rings so look you know this

Tomorrow's News Today: Want To Know What's Next?

@00:33:30 they're fighting human trafficking

President Trump's State Of The Union Address (#SOTU) + MORE...

@00:02:54 trafficking the crackdown on the
@00:19:02 with the trafficking in persons unit of
@00:19:08 to focus on is human trafficking and how
@00:19:12 trafficking and human trafficking
@01:02:29 international sex trafficking elvin says

Are We Still Trusting The Plan???

@00:10:12 trafficking in the history of the world

Who Is The PuppetMaster?

@00:12:11 human trafficking like you have never

Grand Jury Testimony Underway In Several States?

@00:22:36 like human trafficking does it go into
@00:29:49 trafficking order still stands which it
@00:30:01 no international human trafficking ring

President Trump: "THEY HAVE GONE CRAZY!"

@00:01:18 have human trafficking you're gonna have
@00:05:28 human trafficking you have drugs you
@00:14:01 human trafficking and drug

Q Anon | RBG Resigning? China & NK Meet w/ US? & More...

@00:23:26 drugs and the human trafficking and all

President Trump Warns Our Enemies Against This...

@00:15:20 know not only human trafficking drugs

Anons can play this game all day long...

@00:13:41 drugs are pouring in human trafficking
@00:18:17 security gangs drugs human trafficking

The clock is ticking. When will the 1st alarm ring?

@00:12:52 the human trafficking and and the child
@00:13:13 a stand against human trafficking you
@00:13:23 to stop human trafficking you know they

The World is about to change.

@00:09:20 trafficking crimes that kind of stuff

"U.N.-American Speech"

@00:30:20 smuggling and trafficking is not humane

Q Anon | We are not alone?

@00:08:04 trafficking arrests surging nothing to

Q Anon | "Coming 'VERY SOON' to a theater near you."

@00:13:25 like with this human trafficking what's

Q Anon | "We serve at the pleasure of the President!"

@00:03:35 for it to end human trafficking right
@00:03:37 says why now human trafficking arrests
@00:03:54 human trafficking and this was a very
@00:04:11 trafficking human traffickers and other
@00:04:31 trafficking signing the executive orders

Q Anon | "CLOCKWORK. What are the odds?"

@00:08:58 drug trafficking so i must be a drug

Q Anon | "The more you know..." ; )

@00:20:08 trafficking to you know i would say all
@00:23:14 trafficking arrests surging it says
@00:25:01 and speaking of trafficking q says what
@00:25:04 about the trafficking or a surging i act

Q Anon "Alice & Wonderland"

@00:28:16 would you know human trafficking you
@00:29:54 trafficking in saudi arabian it goes
@00:31:26 about these child trafficking child
@00:37:44 trafficking or some kind of child abuse

"No name returning to headlines."

@00:12:20 facilities vary from human trafficking

President Trump's Epic Troll of MSM + Deep State?

@00:20:53 the trafficking cases nexium or whatever
@00:20:57 trafficking arrests over 5,000 into june

Q Anon & POTUS Expose Deep State Cover-Up?

@00:34:07 abusing children trafficking children or

Q Anon Confirmed on POTUS Twitter Again?

@00:24:55 trafficking to laugh at the fact that
@00:25:54 human trafficking that has been proven
@00:26:07 trafficking children for abuse to laugh

Q Anon - The Great Awakening

@00:10:12 stop human trafficking which was

Q Anon: "These people are stupid."

@00:06:40 and human trafficking but then also used
@00:07:34 trafficking and child abuse aspect now

Who Hacked Q ANON?

@00:34:14 trafficking sharing of ice border patrol
@00:37:33 yeah exactly so uh human trafficking we


@00:08:54 trafficking and haiti and it's really

The Truth About Trump and Russia...

@00:00:05 trafficking hotline tonight q gives us
@00:00:08 the number to national human trafficking
@00:32:00 actual national human trafficking

"Who is supplying feed? Who is financing?"

@00:30:33 trafficking haiti corruption etc and

"Something BIG is about to DROP."

@00:31:40 clinton ran a child sex trafficking ring

Top Security Clearances Removed?

@00:13:30 its involvement with drug trafficking

Truth Behind POTUS Iran Tweet?

@00:04:43 trafficking rings they're exposing the


@00:17:13 money laundering drug trafficking

Q ANON: Pictures Prove #QANON w/ President Trump.

@00:13:46 human trafficking syndicates and work

Q ANON: "They are sick."

@00:36:43 human trafficking the coyotes who take

Q ANON: "Abandon ship! Hussein staff talking."

@00:12:43 trafficking children it is evil if

Q ANON: "(Undiscovered) facts emerge?"

@00:16:46 trafficking and sex trafficking and all

Q ANON: "Full moon coming."

@00:13:34 deals with the child trafficking all the


@00:36:22 sickness of human trafficking and

Q ANON: Latest New Posts - "Expect A LOT more."

@00:28:08 trafficking operation and it's not just

Q ANON: What Is Happening in Arizona?

@00:04:44 of human trafficking going on in these
@00:07:21 child trafficking camp so they've been
@00:10:09 reads this slavery and human trafficking
@00:10:14 act 2015 slavery and human trafficking
@00:12:45 trafficking kids with the help of casa
@00:15:58 trafficking that's the important thing
@00:21:23 of connection to human trafficking child
@00:21:25 trafficking so guys please try to
@00:24:17 trafficking code language this is all

Q ANON: Anti-Trump FBI Agents Texts Revealed...

@00:30:20 sex trafficking rings that were found or
@00:30:30 who were inside of a sex trafficking

Q ANON: Latest News - "BOOM."

@00:00:06 the recently uncovered child trafficking
@00:10:58 of this child trafficking camp now a lot
@00:14:51 child trafficking camp and please go
@00:15:53 mexican border and human trafficking and

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - DAY 1 of "A WEEK TO REMEMBER."

@00:00:11 of child trafficking camps and their
@00:04:09 trafficking camp and we're going to talk
@00:16:16 tucson at the child trafficking camp
@00:17:12 child trafficking cells and other things
@00:19:59 trafficking camps basically and that
@00:22:57 that is dealing with child trafficking
@00:23:49 trafficking going on at that port from
@00:25:00 managing human trafficking that i can't


@00:00:07 trafficking camps and they may have
@00:17:50 in human trafficking and what they found
@00:20:21 camp linked to child sex trafficking and
@00:23:00 trafficking and drug trafficking and
@00:23:03 human trafficking that comes into the

"Attack[s] anticipated. Coordinated?"

@00:33:31 children in real life and trafficking


@00:07:29 involvement in a child sex trafficking

What is Q ANON & The Great Awakening?

@00:07:19 trafficking all the way down i mean into
@00:18:31 trafficking rings that need to be

Q ANON: Latest New Posts - "Enjoy the show."

@00:29:15 comes to sex trafficking and child abuse

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "It failed."

@00:13:20 fighting human trafficking and i want to
@00:13:26 obviously working on human trafficking
@00:13:51 on human trafficking and we need to get

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Be prepared."

@00:41:25 sex trafficking and child sexual abuse
@00:41:44 abuse and child trafficking that's going

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Mistake or on purpose?"

@00:28:51 of child trafficking and child sex abuse

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - Did Q Try To WARN Us???

@00:16:37 childhood and human trafficking
@00:16:41 the human trafficking coordinator i

"We are everywhere Anon. Q"

@00:31:10 trafficking or something to that effect

Q AN0N: Latest Posts - "This is not a game."

@00:22:56 with the child trafficking they have to

Q ANON: Latest New Posts - Prince exposes "Insurance File".

@00:17:58 was arrested in sex trafficking scheme
@00:24:29 trafficking pedophilia i wonder where

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Watch what happens [-30]."

@00:07:08 trafficking and sacrifices yet worst

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - The truth of the deal.

@00:19:29 dark world of human sex trafficking so

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "What are they hiding?"

@00:34:19 their pedophilia and child trafficking

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Use LOGIC."

@00:12:25 this is like child human trafficking
@00:41:52 human trafficking and the funds

Q AN0N: UPDATE - Re: Latest New Posts

@00:19:20 child sex trafficking that's going on so

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Question everything."

@00:22:33 trafficking so and satanism


@00:07:43 drops regarding human trafficking
@00:10:35 trafficking we can only hope that would

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "State dinner."

@00:11:08 a sex trafficking case where she's
@00:11:16 trafficking child sex trafficking so
@00:13:47 and the sex trafficking i believe but
@00:14:55 message saying the human trafficking is

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Learn the TRUTH."

@00:10:45 been charged with sex trafficking of
@00:10:53 conspiracy to commit sex trafficking of
@00:11:05 trafficking so that's very sad and sick

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Define smuggle."

@00:00:09 for human trafficking globally hi i'm
@00:15:29 human trafficking rings to do these sick
@00:20:39 from human trafficking and and defunding
@00:21:38 human trafficking executive orders that

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "The world is watching."

@00:04:44 about how human trafficking has become
@00:04:56 look at human trafficking is worse than
@00:05:32 involved with human trafficking would

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "H0NEYP0TS."

@00:00:08 human sex trafficking hi i'm craig and
@00:08:25 sex trafficking now it's been revealed
@00:08:52 child trafficking reports involved
@00:10:00 of the suspected child trafficking

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "RR problems."

@00:26:02 trafficking the the sex with kids

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Not planned but necessary."

@00:07:11 trafficking these kind of things they're
@00:15:54 has broken up trafficking rings in high
@00:16:44 breaking up high-level sex trafficking
@00:16:59 sex trafficking rings and that trump is

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "F0CUS 0N FRlENDS (2)."

@00:00:04 sex trafficking hi i'm craig and welcome
@00:19:29 knowingly facilitate sex trafficking of
@00:19:42 trafficking this all kind of piggybacks
@00:21:21 this this ugly evil sex trafficking and
@00:21:24 human trafficking and globalist
@00:29:02 we looking at here trafficking in plain

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "B00Ms en route."

@00:12:38 quote from her has broken up trafficking

Q AN0N: Latest New Post - "M0NEY. P0WER. C0NTR0L."

@00:19:37 that this has to do a sex trafficking

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "TRUST SESSl0NS."

@00:19:38 human rights of human trafficking

Q AN0N: New Latest Posts - [FACEB00K, AMAZ0N, G00GLE]

@00:12:08 women using them in sex trafficking

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "/GA/ is terminated."

@00:04:56 trafficking charges he he brands women
@00:11:15 trafficking obviously but how does it

Q ANON: New Latest News - Trump Inspects Wall, Speech to Marines! Q = 17th Letter!

@00:19:55 about human trafficking and the big
@00:20:06 human trafficking agents and it's
@00:20:29 human trafficking in this modern age
@00:20:38 this modern human trafficking is worse

Q ANON: Latest New Posts - "...the deeper we go."

@00:08:47 backer backer for human trafficking well

Q ANON: Latest New Post - " a way to escape."

@00:16:47 black male pedophilia human trafficking

Q ANON: Latest New Posts - Trust The PLAN

@00:27:49 cheryl about trial trafficking dangers
@00:27:51 in haiti right so trafficking fears as
@00:28:15 earthquake raising fears of trafficking
@00:29:14 and age of five years ago trafficking
@00:29:36 trafficking in haiti was an existing
@00:30:26 trafficking the cases were documented by
@00:34:11 human trafficking operations being

Q ANON: New Latest Posts - "We Are Everywhere"

@00:30:05 the track human trafficking things like

Q ANON Posts from Day 1: (10.28.17)

@00:35:21 trafficking so you have to understand

Q ANON: New Latest Posts..SECRET INTEL

@00:06:59 camps human trafficking narcotics
@00:20:28 donations for anti-trafficking purposes

Infowars Zach / Zack Reveals Plot Superbowl LII FF Plot!!

@00:05:14 trafficking and arms and sex slaves here

Q Anon Mysterious Deaths Expose Secret Purge of Enemies -

@00:07:47 human trafficking sex trafficking
@00:08:24 human / sex trafficking violations that
@00:10:21 human sex trafficking operation out of
@00:10:35 it says pedo ring human trafficking at

Globalists Warned War Powers of President! Q Anon Bombshell Latest Newest Post

@00:02:27 are engaged in human trafficking and