
T.R.U. Reporting Live Call In Show 2/26/1019

@00:49:34 awan brothers i guess they had a third

This TimeLine Is So Crazy! Its Being Altered By White Hats!

@00:13:28 that's the one one of the awan brothers

Is The United Nations Responsible For Financing This Massive Migrant Caravan?!?

@00:04:44 who what is the awan group where do they

T.R.U Reporting Live Stream

@00:05:20 yeah the awan brothers dunno so after

HollyWood Is Being Exposed Day In And Day Out! Alot Of Information And Evidence!

@00:04:42 server managed by imran awan contains

This "Missing Server" Will Inevitably Be The Downfall Of Evil In America

@00:03:04 the awan brother that got picked up on
@00:16:32 reconcile so you know the awan brothers

Fourth Of July Podcast! Alot Going On!!

@00:00:26 awan brothers on tonight's true
@00:19:24 the awan brothers if you're not familiar
@00:19:37 this for a little bit okay the awan
@00:20:40 that the awan server houses hillary's