
TRUreporting Rally Coverage: Sanford Florida 10/12/20

@00:14:27 president xi of china did us no favor
@00:19:50 we've been beating china we've been
@00:19:54 we were teaching china like they've
@00:31:24 when i locked down china he thought it
@00:31:28 when i locked down china which was in
@00:32:03 escape they allowed it to escape china
@00:34:18 from china
@00:36:22 your jobs to china your

TRUreporting Live Call In Show 10-7-20 "IT'S HABBENING!"

@00:21:11 and china is going to pay a big price
@00:21:14 china is going to pay a big price what

Live Call In Show 10-5 "He's BAAAACKKKK!!"

@00:30:26 china or israel

The President Is Waging Asymmetric Warfare!! Red October Has Arrived "aka" [D5]!! :coded:

@00:10:29 maybe red china right red october
@00:10:36 could they be talking about china as
@00:10:44 china
@00:10:57 china but it was released onto the
@00:11:18 going up against china it could be
@00:11:23 it's china china china remember these
@00:11:34 you name it all have ties to china
@00:11:38 they get money from china they sold our
@00:11:40 country out to china
@00:23:54 investments from china into the fledging
@00:24:00 was vice president and on route to china

TRUreporting Covers The Debate!!

@00:29:17 shayna shinna china shinaway just found
@00:41:25 china china bucks wayne

An Interview With The President Of Noble Gold

@00:03:04 of the world but china has been buying
@00:03:11 years china

TRUreporting Streams The Michigan Rally!! 9/10/20

@00:19:40 to china and other faraway lands
@00:19:52 china and tpp you know that
@00:19:57 joe biden surrendered your jobs to china
@00:20:11 biden wins china wins if biden wins the
@00:24:05 year before the china plague came in we
@00:24:07 have the china plague
@00:24:08 thank you china very much hey lina thank
@00:24:18 china but they didn't stop it from
@00:25:00 belongs to america not to china
@00:25:08 america win china
@00:28:52 defeat the china virus i have a feeling
@00:34:19 get rid of the china virus
@00:39:08 before the plague came in from china we
@00:46:13 i said what about china what about other
@00:57:49 china was flatlining for years and years
@00:58:02 and that's when china became a big

TRUreporting Live Call In Show!! 9/9/20

@00:30:56 like china where they control you by
@00:31:35 which will be china which that's why
@00:31:38 if biden wins china will own the united
@00:32:43 communist china ordeal correct
@00:32:48 than what china
@00:33:01 you can't do anything in china
@00:33:09 get rid of their cell phones in china
@00:36:26 china is going to move right in there
@00:36:31 going to be china
@00:49:11 saudi arabia china we're taking all

TRUreporting Live Call In Show!! 9/8/20

@00:05:05 north carolina jobs to china and other
@00:09:44 by not letting china we put a ban on
@00:09:47 china heavily infected
@00:21:36 china
@00:23:43 doing and what china was doing
@00:27:40 billions of dollars for china from
@00:27:42 china and china's never given us 10
@00:27:45 it's a one-way street with china they
@00:28:32 for by china and i gave you 28 out of
@00:40:59 joe biden's agenda is made in china my
@00:41:53 from china it was very easy
@00:42:37 the way china wants joe biden so badly

An Interview With The President of Noble Gold

@00:10:27 and china are buying it

TRUreporting Live Call In Show 8/26/2020

@00:25:31 so check this out so china fires
@00:25:51 china
@00:25:52 ratcheting tensions in the south china
@00:26:12 china launched two medium-range missiles
@00:26:14 into the south china sea on wednesday
@00:26:20 the south china post reports in a major
@00:28:01 china
@00:28:05 china does not want the neighboring
@00:35:45 but i'm just letting you know if china
@00:35:46 is doing this to us at the china deep

TRUreporting Live Call In Show! 8/14/20

@00:31:48 what is this you know communist china

Mars Needs Children: :Coded:

@00:09:18 russia russia russia never china china
@00:09:20 china
@00:12:59 what's controlling china is their deep

TRUreporting Live Cal ln Show 7/29/20

@00:38:18 mantis mike china is asshole

A TRUreporting Interview: Dr. Charles Ward

@00:15:32 from china india and russia
@00:24:40 was china
@00:25:28 infiltration from uh communist china
@00:29:48 out of china and they were into
@00:30:43 china uh i mean the streets would be

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show 7-18-20

@00:50:49 virus of your propagandist china bs and

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show 7-15-20

@00:42:04 masks from china what could go wrong

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show 7-8-20

@00:45:29 coming out of china showing what looks
@00:47:39 because china is data mining us sure but

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show 7-3-20

@00:41:04 yeah he's got china has got some dirt on

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show 7-1-20

@00:57:58 china in cali i bet i bet

The Hex Of All Hexes! This Is Spiritual Warfare! :coded:

@00:13:37 that maybe china and their leaders were

deleted TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show 6-22-20

@00:33:38 on spanking china for manipulating
@00:33:41 trump out negotiates china putting
@00:33:51 friendly with china
@00:34:13 guess what china releases a virus in the
@00:35:55 do you really think that china is going
@00:36:09 that china will without a single shadow

deleted TRUreporting Live Call In Show With Special Guest KarliQ

@00:36:39 china they're killing the killing
@00:55:07 tock tock it's china they can't get your

deleted Will Don Jr. Be The One To Ask The Question We've All Been Waiting For?! :coded:

@00:19:49 up in beijing china beijing residents
@00:20:00 c v outbreak china reported 40 more cv
@00:20:51 china is locking their country down for
@00:22:18 where china a regional one how long were
@00:22:27 days how long was the remainder of china

TRUreporting Live Call In Show 6-10-20

@00:12:53 this is china jerry from are you
@00:12:57 what part of china don't you lie to me

[their] Gold Offering?! What Does It All Mean?! :coded:

@00:14:19 when china is cracking down on the sale

TRUreporting Live Stream

@00:39:20 especially when china kicked off that i
@00:39:25 sense that i was like china was a
@00:39:28 harvest i think what happened in china
@00:39:31 were so high as they were using china to

deleted Information Warfare: We're In For One Hell Of A Show!! :coded:

@00:10:37 quotes and likely manipulated by china i
@00:25:21 cdc into china as early as january 3rd
@00:25:25 trump banned travel from china while
@00:26:09 china led to the world about what was

deleted The Hive Mind Is Alive And Well!! :coded:

@00:08:51 with china to
@00:09:09 senate china phase 1 usa clawback deal
@00:11:21 19 was china the origin city was
@00:11:34 china on lockdown
@00:15:31 and china weeks after trump's visit
@00:23:43 freedom this is communist china

deleted Are You Serious?! Apple's Update To Support Contact Tracing!? :coded:

@00:12:24 china don't look here at ukraine this is

deleted How Does Elon's Character Play Into This [Movie]?! :coded:

@00:15:02 how do you expose big pharma china

deleted TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show 5/15/2020

@00:21:29 how do you delay the us-china trade
@00:28:43 need to close china travel the narrative
@00:35:29 of you know what china the origin of the
@00:41:14 bringing it to china so that's the
@00:58:20 involved in china you can be sure that

deleted Greta A Virologist?! [GS] A Board Member Of Contact Tracing!! Celebrity Email Hacks! :coded:

@00:11:40 pushing on to us we are not china

deleted Has Another [Boom Week] Finally Arrived?! :coded:

@00:12:48 weon but it looks like it's from china

deleted TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show 5/4/2020

@00:33:04 love camp they love china instead want
@00:51:07 china why would any american politician
@00:51:16 ties to china will be revealed 100% yes

deleted TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show 5/2/2020

@00:27:30 president banned uh travel from china to

deleted TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show With Kate Awakening And Severe Anon!!!!

@00:18:30 china right it's just like you say right

deleted The Words "Light" And "Love" Have More Than One Meaning. :coded:

@00:12:58 bought medical supplies from china and

deleted Wake Em Up Wednesday!!!! 4-22-2020

@00:19:00 they've been using this tech in china
@00:19:47 light post in communist china and now we
@00:20:09 up in communist china i don't want this

deleted TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show 4/20/2020

@00:14:32 president she it's always china is it's
@00:18:13 owned by deep state china right

deleted This Silent War Is About To Go Live! :coded:

@00:12:00 warning us of an invasion china aliens

deleted The Moment We've All Been Waiting For Has Now Arrived! Now Comes The PAIN! :coded:

@00:09:44 about china this is all they're about
@00:11:38 they are china back they hate america
@00:14:10 you ask the grant like that to china the

deleted TRUreporting Live Presser Coverage

@00:31:54 travel from china and thereafter from

deleted TRUreporting Presents: Wake Em' Up Wednesday!!!! With Severe Anon and PolarBear Smack!!

@00:18:41 literally backing china and not
@00:18:49 is this like why are they backing china

deleted TRUreporting Covers The Presser 2.0!!! 4/15/2020

@00:00:44 china before they never gave us ten
@00:20:27 believe that yes country called china
@00:23:07 of china it's been as i say totally
@00:23:10 china centric you take a look at
@00:24:06 been so in favor of china china took off

deleted TRUreporting Covers The Presser 4/15/2020

@00:35:05 suspend travel from china they didn't

deleted TRUreporting Live Podcast And Presser With Special Guest Tommy G Joining Around 6:30pm EST

@00:12:29 contrast china contributes roughly 40
@00:12:49 oppose travel restrictions from china
@00:13:00 china saving untold numbers of lives
@00:13:08 suspended travel from china countless
@00:13:23 kept their borders open to china
@00:17:14 to get medical experts into china to
@00:17:49 been praising china for its so-called

deleted Trade Genius Part2

@00:06:54 chains in china are gone
@00:06:57 china is in big trouble and so anything

deleted TRUreporting Live Podcast / Presser / Call In Show

@00:23:15 all along it was who china china and
@00:23:16 china right now we we see what's going

deleted TRUreporting Live Podcast And Live Call In Show!

@00:16:40 from china trader apps so lutely also

Beyond The Headlines Returns!!

@00:09:11 on i'm german or not i'm china all these
@00:35:45 i heard the theory that china didn't

deleted Wake Em' Up Wednesday!! 4/1/2020

@00:36:41 china mass graves i don't even think
@00:36:51 people that were in china they were all

deleted TRUreporting Live PODCAST and CALL IN SHOW!

@00:41:18 studies china australia and france that
@00:46:50 some china did bomb i don't know what

deleted TRUreporting Covers The Presser 03/25/20

@00:15:06 in coming round to china hantavirus not
@00:25:07 of america the deep state within china
@00:51:58 china with ukraine this is why they're
@00:54:46 chance smuggled it back to china but now

deleted What We Are Up Against Isn't Of Flesh And Bone :coded:

@00:05:26 china trade deals hide biden's dementia
@00:08:20 to note here is that china is now the
@00:10:39 united states would have realized china
@00:11:18 quincy hall is to china what the white
@00:11:27 collections devices every day china
@00:13:13 china you can see it all over his face

deleted Live Podcast And Live Call In Show With Presser 03-23-20

@00:33:45 is the china virus and the protests were
@00:33:51 remember correctly not only in china but
@00:33:58 hospital hotspot right so china released

deleted Trureporting Live Call In Show and Podcast! LETS GO!

@00:29:44 that china dumped this on us this is all

deleted TRUreporting Covers The White House Presser 3/20/20

@00:33:14 cases in china we began screening
@00:33:21 restricted travel from china iran and
@00:39:32 successful in doing that with china and

deleted TRUreporting Podcast + Live Call in Show! 3/19/20

@00:37:51 with china i could not agree more mikey
@00:38:20 siding with communist china speaking to
@00:40:37 china on the virus this is actually
@00:40:53 siding with china so as we can see here
@00:41:08 siding with china why because they're
@00:42:33 with china he added again he says

deleted TRUreporting Covers White House Press Briefing 3/19/20

@00:39:31 from china

deleted TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show

@00:53:01 coming out of china and coming out of

deleted TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show

@00:18:42 china they smoke they smoke a lot so uh
@00:19:44 happening to people in china maybe sorry

deleted TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show Press Briefing From White House

@00:20:01 court dates and trump economy china
@00:35:54 about reports from china that something
@00:36:02 borders to china very quickly very
@00:36:49 but we were very very early with china
@00:39:58 plane is being done to get china was

deleted TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show

@00:33:58 said you know even president xi of china
@00:36:28 probably be a lot like china we'd
@00:45:25 online from china but the supply may

Beyond The Headlines With Special Guest ROSEANNE BARR!

@00:09:21 know is it people in china they're
@00:09:38 you know and say in china i i read that
@00:10:35 china no hell no i barely made it out of

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show

@00:24:41 china he's going to take the fall thus
@00:48:33 china
@00:54:41 falling out like in china dying on the
@00:55:56 china recovered and was thrown back into

deleted National Guard Deployed!! What Is About To Take Place?! Swift And Clean!! :coded:

@00:06:01 with a history of travel to china which
@00:06:09 similar to what communist china is doing

deleted Trojan Horse Leading The Charge For A Financial Reset And Arrests?! :coded:

@00:07:34 china in an effort to counter the
@00:07:43 who had recently visited china american
@00:10:19 smoker which might explain why china has
@00:11:58 china and even india for ingredients for

TRUreporting Interviews Bob Kudla From Trade Genius

@00:11:30 it up and part of it is china just went

Treasury Anon Tells Of A Plan To Ruin The Central Banks!! :coded:

@00:07:11 up china cuts off all supply world
@00:07:32 theory of origin but of course china
@00:16:32 worldwide people in china are being put

deleted Feeling Discouraged?! You Won't Be After Listening To This!! WINNING!

@00:23:26 donald trump knows china is the enemy of
@00:27:09 me understands what highway aka china
@00:27:34 go back to china and as we can see here

deleted Truth Shines Light On Who These People Really Are!! :coded:

@00:21:56 right and then in china more red river a
@00:22:01 stunning locals in southwest china

Beyond The Headlines: The Nazi Bell Time Machine

@00:19:58 went right into china lake and all these
@00:26:07 powerhouses like russia china germany
@00:39:12 doing you know even china i mean i

deleted Is The President Foreshadowing The Inevitable!? :coded:

@00:03:32 here mass animal die-off in china do two
@00:03:43 a from zero hedge china deploys for
@00:10:40 here mass animal died off in china due
@00:10:42 to disinfectants a thority say china is
@00:11:03 china state-owned news agency wow
@00:11:16 southwest china that borders who bwe
@00:13:00 bodies china deploys for t-mobile
@00:13:10 while china has come under fire over
@00:13:29 in china and there you go these are the

deleted TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show

@00:15:28 there in china you know
@00:18:27 videos leaking out of china and and and
@00:23:41 no i do not what you say shan in china
@00:31:34 china right now a public pretense in
@00:31:56 getting contained in china are fighting
@00:34:00 that what took place in china to happen
@00:35:28 it's not his money it's china and
@00:51:08 it's pretty much china wants to take
@00:53:28 people this flu in china is that what
@01:01:46 because he you know if china is china is

Do Not Trust What [they] Are Telling You!! :coded:

@00:19:56 my friends and finally speaking of china
@00:20:03 pours out from china death toll 65
@00:20:07 million in china 20 million in the
@00:20:40 taking place in china would have been

The Act Of 1871 Is Being Dismantled By POTUS! Every American Should Watch In Amazement! :coded:

@00:24:39 and our jobs mexico china and other
@00:25:58 trade agreement with china president
@00:26:11 haneda mexico china and japan by more
@00:26:18 the china trade deal europe and the uk
@00:29:34 to china

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show!! Monday January 27th

@00:36:06 thank god you know china china you know

There's More You Need To Understand About Kobe Bryant's Death!! :coded:

@00:10:40 knew about what was going on in china
@00:10:44 china he was looked up to so highly
@00:10:48 has a lot to do with china and there's a

5D Chess Is Going Accordingly, Hence "Castle Clean" :coded:

@00:01:18 viruses to china i think the chinese
@00:01:29 ebola and canepa virus to china my
@00:24:57 lethal viruses to china what what do you
@00:25:16 providers to china wow in a tabletop
@00:25:56 china which has long been suspected as a
@00:26:01 program china strongly denies it makes

HRC Arrest On October 22nd 2020? Schumer Talking To An Entity?! Corona Virus! :coded:

@00:18:47 visited wuhan china has been diagnosed
@00:18:50 with the corona virus for china the
@00:19:37 of china have now reported cases the
@00:19:49 in china and guys i don't want to do

The Thread of All Threads: This Must Be Shared And Understood!! :coded:

@00:43:48 european countries russia and china for

deleted Cyrus Parsa: The Existential Threat Of A.I Transhumanism :coded:

@00:02:57 in china for a while as well as big
@00:03:15 truck china and the weaponization of
@00:03:19 the subtitle says how china western ai
@00:07:10 something about this and china is the
@00:07:28 back to china within the corporations
@00:11:53 is not limited to to china hong kong as
@00:11:59 over china
@00:14:24 switched out of america and china and
@00:14:42 mini warehouse across china so what
@00:15:34 states because china was kicking ass
@00:16:49 too much into what's happened in china
@00:21:04 china and and people here preventing a
@00:22:27 in the book china threatens an entire
@00:22:29 world president chopp said china friends
@00:23:00 he says china threatens all the world
@00:23:26 of research in china iran an entire
@00:25:53 i live with the monks in china for about
@00:26:15 you've been to china you should study
@00:27:44 threats of china big tax you know the
@00:29:11 everyone's support against china but
@00:29:20 have taken money from china wow this
@00:29:36 china it's about endangering humanity
@00:33:38 going to china we can't be doing any
@00:33:50 with china for the past three years
@00:34:05 back to china and other places so these
@00:34:33 organ trafficking in china and what that
@00:37:25 cybernetic organisms so china they're
@00:38:43 and to stop stop trump going after china

Beyond The Headlines With TRUreporting And Linda Paris!!! "The Spirit World"

@00:08:14 china late too and people posted that

Gordon Duff's Historic Speech: Talk About "Future Proves Past" WOW!! :coded:

@00:16:34 and now china has offered military to

Why Does Mr. Hanks Want Out?! :coded:

@00:24:16 with china and russia they were selling

TRUreporting And Linda Paris Discuss The 1922 Silent Film "HAXAN" !!!

@00:38:39 chaos in china and uk bad they don't

Global Unrest: Citizens Of Other Countries Want To Follow In The Footsteps Of America! :coded:

@00:05:29 and china which i guarantee you will be
@00:05:41 us-china technology war in risk of


@00:40:46 down and out to china and the ukraine

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show With Special Guest: Whistleblower Zach Vorhies

@00:30:50 of china not for whatever reason that he

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show

@00:16:04 mean you can think about china this is a
@00:18:45 in clinton server to the china relay

The Baby Making Ranch Will Be The Second Chapter Into The [Elites] :coded:

@00:21:24 source the crap in the south china sea

What Actually Took Place In The Gulf Of Aden?! :coded:

@00:04:59 and also china to shut it down or even
@00:08:16 china doesn't like russia and russian
@00:11:15 another such site don we from china
@00:12:13 on ufo research in china said of the
@00:13:08 snowfall in 30 years that's in china and
@00:13:10 then another part in china freezing
@00:14:13 possession and china has taken the

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show

@00:36:19 relationship with communist china and
@00:36:32 doesn't have operations in china mansoor
@00:36:39 engagement in china cynthia thank you so
@00:36:55 china yeah they basically become our
@00:37:32 china and it's been dubbed the ai
@00:37:51 does not have operations in china that
@00:38:46 project has moved its operation to china
@00:38:59 china we are almost free thank you phil
@00:40:30 china what are you doing anyways what's

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show

@00:44:04 in fact i got china we were red telling


@00:15:27 china to the the new world order to the

[they] Could Be Attempting Another JFK Tomorrow In Dallas! :coded:

@00:06:12 probably brought over from china down
@00:11:59 for the economy he's setting china

This Is A Time For War And POTUS Is The Only One Fighting For Us!

@00:16:17 hunter like why did you create in china

Have The White Hats Seized Military Satellites?! :coded:

@00:16:52 control the port from china being

TRUreporting LIVE STREAM-CALL-IN-SHOW With Special Guest Linda Paris From McAllister TV!!!!

@00:38:48 before all of us that china owned
@00:38:52 california and that china owned parts of
@00:39:04 weapons that china was pissed off
@00:39:25 that whole china owned that port there


@00:17:26 countries ukraine china russia australia


@00:37:42 getting 1.5 billion dollars from china

Rudy's Subpoenaed! / Hillary Is Going To Run! / Welcome To Red October!

@00:02:22 china so spare us the sanctimonious


@00:11:40 spies they're talking about china right
@00:13:57 of beijing china he was a spy he's been
@00:31:38 in the news emails yeah crane china you

The White Hats Have Played The [DS] Once Again!!

@00:02:00 billion from china while negotiating
@00:02:02 with china would i be sitting here but
@00:02:31 directly from china specific date 12
@00:02:37 china there's evidence that are another
@00:02:50 the bank of china and the third partner
@00:03:36 son john kerry stepson the bank of china
@00:17:13 china for almost two billion dollars


@00:13:02 taking 1.5 billion dollars from china
@00:13:13 from china and then just uh you know in
@00:14:50 right they had china they had ukraine
@00:32:30 it says bitin china very important
@00:36:14 china remember the pictures taken
@00:40:28 about china you're talking about the

A Complete Breakdown Of #CrowdStrike :coded:

@00:07:35 ukraine russia china venice or venezuela
@00:07:56 and we would be at the hands of china
@00:08:59 want him bowing down to china and bowing
@00:15:24 to you okay so facebook darpa cia china
@00:15:30 intel to china via crowdstrike
@00:16:02 social media hillary sold intel to china
@00:16:21 in ukraine and it was also sent to china
@00:16:59 in it this was again china trying to
@00:17:12 country china jumped on it this isn't on
@00:17:15 china this is on our world this is on
@00:17:36 manufacturing subcontractors in china
@00:17:52 executing this kind of attack china
@00:18:36 army in supermicro china spies appear to
@00:18:53 more we know again china china china
@00:20:37 lose clowns revealed in china / other
@00:22:21 says china was granted access to
@00:23:05 last year we see that chant china was
@00:23:24 non msm china hacked hrc server all's it

Joe And Hunter Are Screwed!!! FINANCIAL RESET IMMINENT!! :coded:

@00:00:51 negotiating with china china and the kid
@00:01:17 background with china
@00:01:59 just ukraine it's ukraine and china and
@00:15:56 in saudi arabia italy and india china
@00:16:41 saudi arabian china trade war could
@00:18:11 among russia china iran and turkey the
@00:22:58 china will become the world's leading


@00:38:28 his son with china will bring them down

Do You Know Who Greta (Climate Change) Thunberg Is? :coded:

@00:12:26 russia occasionally in china sometimes

We Will Not Go To War Under This Administration :coded:

@00:02:09 here from summit news china warns trump
@00:02:21 trust china do we trust saudi arabia
@00:05:48 i highly respect china warrants trump
@00:06:03 china has warned president trump that he

-2030- The Agenda For Sustainable Development :coded:

@00:06:16 you would punish china for dumping
@00:06:22 they're busy sucking up to china but
@00:12:29 china red cross society slush fund can't
@00:18:09 company in china dr. zhao is the ceo of

TRUreporting Live Call In Show Monday September 9th

@00:03:29 china overseas they're going to
@00:47:27 supposed to be leaving china and coming
@00:47:39 out of china we definitely do everyone

The Biggest Investigation Into A Modern Day Company Is About To Take Place :coded:

@00:06:03 people why are they over in china had

Board Owner Jim Watkins Shows His Support For America And For 17!

@00:13:56 including el salvador guatemala china

DEAD Center Dorian :coded:

@00:09:36 can look at china lake there's a naval

POTUS Calls Us Special People For A Reason But The C_A Doesn't Want Us To Know Why!?

@00:05:19 people's republic of china guys this is
@00:14:18 outside of china and the experimental
@00:16:05 research institutions in china including

World Banking Internment Camps / Epstein Prison Cell Cameras Broken?? :coded:

@00:00:50 china would have concentration camps and
@00:02:52 says here instead of challenging china
@00:03:01 of china so they can invest in xingyang
@00:04:36 it has been reported that china is also
@00:06:20 system china released a white paper on
@00:07:39 china does it become clearer who he is
@00:15:23 china enslaving humanity right it's all

Proof That Trump Has Made World Leaders Submit!

@00:05:32 history the culture in china is about
@00:05:42 since founding of modern china there's a
@00:11:16 reason all those new china tariffs

Can The US Military Legally Seize Control Of Google Twitter And Facebook? :coded:

@00:12:49 communist china why are they there why
@00:14:45 powers china etc try looking at the
@00:19:07 china tariffs the fed google all a part

Trump Is Going After [DS] In China!! :coded:

@00:01:33 force us companies to leave china my
@00:01:37 friends a ton is going on with china as
@00:01:47 people in china a lot of people to
@00:02:06 companies that are overseas with china
@00:03:11 businesses to leave china citing a
@00:03:38 saying that he is saying china is on the
@00:04:00 china there's a faction that is still in
@00:04:02 china and that would be the communist
@00:04:12 planet much lower than china and why
@00:04:29 state of china not necessarily the
@00:05:10 presidential powers china etc try
@00:05:58 enormous amount of business with china
@00:06:04 china this cheap furniture these just
@00:06:21 let's be honest china is deflating guys
@00:06:31 necessarily taking out china he's
@00:06:52 china and their hard-working people but
@00:06:54 from the deep state that runs china well
@00:07:38 trump's tariff war china has already
@00:07:53 confrontation again this is not china
@00:07:56 this is the deep state within china but
@00:08:12 state of china and the united states
@00:08:27 because china deep state of china has
@00:08:40 american jobs over to china overseas and
@00:08:46 went under this isn't china this is the
@00:08:53 china warned that the united states
@00:09:14 businesses to pull out of china on
@00:09:31 alternative to china including bringing
@00:09:40 don't need china and frankly we would be
@00:10:04 china your clothes your furniture your
@00:10:37 analyst at the center for china and
@00:10:56 emotional side while china is more calm
@00:11:05 china would be his most recent
@00:12:53 putting china on that level but they're
@00:13:25 with a country like china would be a
@00:13:44 american sovereignty china is not doing
@00:14:47 china has become for his presidency in
@00:15:49 a billion people within china they need
@00:16:40 state out of china it's all taking place

Painting Of Bill Clinton Wearing A Dress Surfaces! :coded:

@00:10:57 china a nation they couldn't be
@00:12:38 in communist china this is what they
@00:12:49 communist form of china right he

People All Over The World Are Awakening! Not by Coincidence! :coded:

@00:03:04 china here right china is the big dog up
@00:04:51 china for prosecution and what takes
@00:04:54 place in china during prosecution oh you
@00:05:36 intro video china has deployed military
@00:05:52 china global tv network a news agency
@00:06:11 china these are the people who are a
@00:06:17 mainstream media in hong kong china
@00:08:50 caution that if china intervened in hong
@00:08:58 china took place in july of 1997 so
@00:09:10 intimidation from china the people of
@00:09:23 infiltrate that are communist china
@00:09:30 people of hong kong since 1997 china has
@00:09:47 hong kong china is suppressing them one

A Lot Of Speculation About Epstein's Suicide! What WIll The Outcome Be?

@00:14:09 reportedly china penetrated clinton's

A Subtle Message In Plain Site To The Movement?!

@00:13:03 coming from china by escalating in the
@00:13:44 evacuations from china it is worth
@00:14:07 products are a result of china not
@00:14:16 absolutely china has been getting away
@00:14:31 china play by the rules and i agree
@00:14:34 trump's new china tariffs carry rewards
@00:14:59 china was increasingly confident of
@00:15:22 podcast after speaking with china
@00:15:25 china is going is losing a ton of money

China Lake California Earthquake: The Mystery Is Unfolding

@00:02:25 and it says from the national aws china
@00:02:46 information the na ws china lake is
@00:12:01 nevada and china lake where they have a
@00:16:02 programming done at china lake
@00:16:12 western us was done at china lake
@00:16:52 china lake were for the most part human
@00:18:28 connected to china lakes research and by
@00:18:44 implemented at china lake was color
@00:19:20 programming site like the one at china
@00:19:38 china lake facility in california near
@00:19:42 into the china lake nwc aka knots
@00:19:51 children in the china lake have been
@00:21:55 china lake naval research base and are

These People Are Monsters :coded:

@00:06:16 the kill box that is the narrative china

What All Transpired Yesterday Was Incredible! :coded:

@00:18:19 deal with china coincidence draining the

What We Are Witnessing Is NOT A Natural Occurrence :coded:

@00:14:58 station china lake there are responsible
@00:15:12 base in china lake there are no
@00:30:31 southern california china lake weapons
@00:31:45 number 15 china lake mind control and
@00:31:58 taking place at china lake mind control
@00:32:11 weapons base at china lake it was at the

This Historic (walk) Has So Much More Meaning To It Than Most Think! :coded:

@00:06:51 china agreed to make unspecified new

Angela "KURU" Merkel :coded:

@00:11:38 in china and i just did that the video
@00:11:41 over china and how they basically
@00:11:59 china despite repeated police crackdowns

Harvesting Can Be Lucrative: China

@00:02:33 china dissidents in prison are being
@00:03:51 saying he fled china fearful of the
@00:05:33 tourists in quote who come to china are
@00:05:51 in china multiply that number times the
@00:07:07 china cost the life of an innocent human
@00:08:38 underway china is not ridding itself of
@00:09:59 opposite effect in china it has
@00:10:03 people in recent years china has gone to
@00:11:09 six years only in china do organ tear
@00:11:23 even arrived in china something that can
@00:11:32 organ transplant in china cost the lives

McAfee Has Taken The Gloves Off! Dead Man Switch Ready To Be Activated!

@00:10:57 imports exports praise from china mx
@00:22:19 us and compared with the eu china how
@00:22:28 example china is violating paris accord

This Half Chan Post Got Real

@00:09:58 tariff relief request for china made
@00:10:18 request for china made buick suv the
@00:10:46 important or related to made in china

[they] Are Cornered [they] Are Panicking! A Last Ditch Attempt Could Mean Devastation

@00:16:30 the us-china trade war yes pentagon
@00:16:35 the trade war to let china hammer us
@00:17:19 case with china absolutely not also even
@00:17:22 if manufacturing should move from china
@00:18:10 china and promised to keep up the fight

Memes / Assange / Abramovich / Censorship

@00:19:26 tough on china president donald trump
@00:19:30 to win with china

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show

@00:11:53 video on china and russia just getting

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show

@00:30:40 moving all their car production to china
@00:30:56 there everything is going to china it's
@00:42:56 was coming out of china that would have
@00:43:06 in china or it could have been in the

The Target Is On The Back Of The DeepState And The American People Are The Firing Squad!

@00:15:23 aboard ship ships from china to long
@00:15:26 beach port which is owned by china
@00:15:53 that china has sent without detection
@00:16:23 information to allow china to bring in

Paul_Serran Thread: Global Trafficking SpiderWebs

@00:02:18 closed china closed russia closed cuba
@00:07:57 state hub access in china was also


@00:33:09 after that they flew over to china as
@00:33:22 similar ponzi scheme type deal in china
@00:33:25 so they have the ukraine in china this

POTUS Says: "He Will Replace RBG With Judge Amy Barrett!!"

@00:19:47 my friends breaking china announced on

F.B.I. anon Unleashed!?

@00:06:20 south china sea the philippines taiwan

12 YUUUGE BombShells In One Week: But, "Nothing's Happening?

@00:26:08 pleads guilty to spying for china former
@00:26:29 china hansen retired from the us army as
@00:27:10 to china he knew the information he

3/20/19 T.R.U.reporting LIVE CALL IN SHOW!

@00:14:56 north korea china and the united states

QFS: The Off World Monetary System That Will Protect Our Assets From The Deep State!

@00:01:06 money initiated by russia and china i
@00:01:09 agree i believe that russia china


@00:28:52 you like china some web and told by
@00:29:53 was from china that he got indicted he
@00:29:57 was one of the patents for 5g from china
@00:31:13 guy that got indicted from china he was


@00:12:35 getting kickbacks to china and we charge
@00:13:16 now we're negotiating with china they
@00:21:13 country do you think china would be
@00:22:45 india china
@00:23:46 what china and other countries do

"Faux Buddy Fight" : The Real Reason Why A Deal Wasn't Signed In Hanoi Vietnam!

@00:07:36 believe that we have russia china north

T.R.U. Reporting 2/27/19 LIVE CALL IN SHOW!

@00:34:04 to speak with because china have deals
@00:34:11 then the china sea and us and with us

T.R.U. Reporting Live Call In Show 2/26/1019

@00:41:26 friend russia china china and all those
@00:43:13 china talking to russia as for no matter
@00:44:14 china turkey syria all that stuff like

T.R.U. Reporting Live Call-In-Show 02/25/19

@01:13:42 china just threaten us with venezuela

Inside The (Q-Group) Circa 2013?! Future Proves Past!

@00:09:24 republic of china it has a strong
@00:10:19 a year ago welcome to china snowden

TRUreporting LIVE 2/16/2019

@00:27:19 is q tracking in china that was
@00:28:56 china they don't look like the the

2019: The Year Of Bounty For Humanity

@00:07:58 neo-cons while pressuring china for a
@00:11:08 new article that points out that china

More Undeniable Signs That The Global Criminal Cabal Is Going Down!

@00:10:53 already used against china more than one
@00:11:01 earthquakes not just in china but also
@00:11:06 for china to do ie the massive unloading
@00:11:41 coordinating with china in order to
@00:11:43 defuse tensions in the south china sea
@00:11:49 china rhetorics are only meant to assure

Hey Everyone Q's Back!! Lets Chat It Up!!

@00:25:19 china made those threats we took our
@00:25:20 aliens out of the south china sea of an
@00:25:50 and china and they may be either a quick
@00:25:56 back up a horrible china taiwan war or
@00:26:10 on on the taiwan china

I Hope This Makes You Feel More Optimistic About 2019 And "The Plan". #WWG1WGA

@00:10:21 china stocks negative 25% german stocks
@00:12:31 compromised we can continue china
@00:12:52 china any questions that's why i love

Does The Term "Keystone" Refer To A Back-Channel Communication System?

@00:03:46 imagine russia china north korea or any
@00:07:17 was liaison to china then became cia
@00:08:12 hangzhou china next week with a

Call In Show 803-399-0044 Lines Open At 100 Likes!

@00:55:06 the south china north china sea is

Deep State Arrests Imminent !

@00:04:41 south china sea during the time prior
@00:05:02 right inside china instead and this
@00:05:47 indeed the ongoing us-china trade war is

Live Call In Show! Phone Lines Open When The Stream Hits 100 Likes!!

@00:45:19 china north korea you know in their use

The Clock Is Ticking. [D] Day, Patriots. We Will Have Our Country Back!

@00:10:00 paris is burning and china is way down

Decoding The 2019 Economist Cover [Symbolism] Will Be Their Down Fall!

@00:02:37 disruptions from ai in china could 2019
@00:05:39 number or hashtag china much it looks

Live Call In Show 803-399-0044 Phone Line Opens At 100 Likes!

@00:28:09 china which i did a video back in 2012
@00:28:12 about how china is buying nebraska utes

A Secret War Occurring Since The Death Of George H. W. Bush?!

@00:03:37 ambassador to china whose brother handed
@00:03:44 that the us and china are also heading
@00:04:05 their treasonous ties to china back in
@00:04:19 of china including a sca in the korean
@00:04:30 george bush senior provided china with
@00:04:39 technology to china was to make china
@00:07:54 and the rest even in places like china
@00:09:25 and get china india and the rest of the
@00:11:06 china dumping swift in
@00:11:35 name by the way means for china to sell
@00:11:50 the unit to china

12/9 - Call In Show 803-399-0044 Phone Line Opens At 100 Likes!

@00:43:42 going into the south china sea and again

"Two Ex-Presidents Will Be Taken & Three WIll Be Shaken" - Mark Taylor

@00:12:14 chong queen china hyatt reg regency
@00:12:33 china so on a stuff going on in china
@00:12:42 25:18 honestly it seems that china is a
@00:12:47 i agree china wants to crush us and so
@00:13:03 look here russia don't look here china
@00:13:08 don't focus on china we're 43 minutes of
@00:13:22 distraction don't focus on china right
@00:13:26 china let's go up so anonymous right

Rothchild's Stepping Down. A New Era To Begin! Praise KEK!

@00:05:33 the us and china also remember that
@00:08:43 peaceful and friendly return to china is

Call in Lets Talk California Fires, Qanon ETC...803-399-0044!

@00:28:17 china because the europeans like silk

Call In Stream 803-399-0044 #TRUreporting

@00:43:36 she was china was supposed to be
@00:45:37 of the republic of china her front man

California Fires Are Quite "Suspicious" To Say The Least!

@00:16:56 russia china india and the united

This TimeLine Is So Crazy! Its Being Altered By White Hats!

@00:22:56 border-crossing welcome to china


@00:03:18 china is launching their own moon what


@00:29:56 off with as a proxy war with china not

Is Hillary Clinton Dying?

@00:13:14 rothschild saudi arabia big tech china
@00:19:17 kong i believe i know it's in china so
@00:19:56 a port city in southeastern china gang
@00:20:09 represent the china china right
@00:20:23 this is straight treason google in china
@00:20:26 google china censored dragonfly look
@00:20:29 here russia do not look here china yeah
@00:20:33 nobody focus on china i've heard
@00:20:36 china no one talks about china so the
@00:20:52 kill box roads to china are being closed
@00:21:02 said that he will eliminate china and

Taking Back Control For The American People!!

@00:08:39 to pins talked about china yesterday and
@00:09:45 from china is that president z is really
@00:10:03 china steen's masters but cabal is
@00:11:37 democratic nominee of beijing china in

"Are You Ready To Be Apart Of History"?!

@00:08:58 china used a tiny chip to if to
@00:09:23 manufacturing subcontractors in china
@00:10:06 china which by some estimates makes 75%
@00:10:24 army in supermicro china spies appear to
@00:10:50 with china i really hope not

Trump To Take Things Into His Own Hands! #KEK #Qanon #WWG1WGA

@00:28:21 trade war with china has the benefit of
@00:28:31 dimon who lobbies for china may be

"The Fight Is Real, The Time Is Now."

@00:16:39 every us president since china have

A Labor Day Packed With Vital Information!

@00:28:55 macau china this is the true power

NATIONAL PREPAREDNESS MONTH [QAnon: August 31st - September 2nd]

@00:27:25 better than china now but let's just

Snow White 7 Is Now Offline. Package Complete. Have a Nice Day.

@00:09:38 china it could be the middle east we
@00:27:17 china next move better be by the fbi doj

8-28-18 TRUreporting Live Stream

@00:58:35 which people think are ufos to china
@00:58:38 google the china had a large amount of

Latest Q-Anon Posts !!

@00:02:54 north korea access closed china closed

POTUS Tweets "5 of 5" !! Does This Mean An "ALL GO" For High Profile Arrests?!?

@00:10:39 china iran the economy and much more

Another Comet PingPong! But This Time Were Dealing With Doughnuts!?

@00:11:39 people's republic of china use this

This Is Not A Game. Humanity Is At Stake! -Q

@00:20:07 darpa china china china q who recently
@00:20:17 occurred in china re facebook new york
@00:20:19 times business facebook china why did
@00:20:21 china suddenly reverse course the more
@00:20:28 china said to quickly withdraw approval
@00:20:47 somebody get to china just trying to

HollyWood Is Being Exposed Day In And Day Out! Alot Of Information And Evidence!

@00:06:32 and president zee of china i believe and

You Wont Believe Whom Peter Strzok’s Family Is!! PLUS More Proof Of JFK Jr!!!

@00:20:41 are focusing on china as it's the
@00:20:45 films so we've all known that china does

Going Live Like I Promised! One Of My Favorite Conspiracies - Gulf Of Aden!

@00:03:22 the us russia and china the countries
@00:03:33 russia and china sending their
@00:06:15 russia and china u.s. traditional foes
@00:06:19 such as russia and china also rushed
@00:07:34 and china and north korea and blah blah
@00:07:48 i'm not talking about a russia and china
@00:08:54 the president of china and kim

Let’s chat!

@00:29:55 china japan america the eu sent all

SB2- Decodes Exactly What Went Down At JFK Airport!!

@00:03:52 foreign countries china in this case to
@00:05:02 and then we see this is foxconn in china
@00:07:32 also cia russian mask hack same as china
@00:11:46 seven deep state operative in china or
@00:14:09 electric parts from china and the air

"Fist Pumps And False Flags" By: NEON REVOLT

@00:29:58 forget the shipment of phones from china

George Soros Detained?! / Latest Q-Anon / Can We Trust Horowitz?

@00:21:48 china appear to have launched a nuclear

The Real Meaning Of The Summit Meeting?! / MEMES

@00:14:35 to china for a face-to-face with
@00:14:47 china was the middleman you don't
@00:14:55 says why did kim travel to china live
@00:14:59 from china conference call live or live
@00:15:02 from china trump who else was at the
@00:15:11 versus secured call us china north korea

#WhereAreTheChildren / SerialBrain2 / MEMES

@00:03:01 upcoming north korean summit in china a
@00:04:30 with north korea china or south korea
@00:04:59 2nd the big reveal pallets apple china
@00:24:26 china and south korea on remaining

"The Missing "I." Satellite, Iridium, And The Importance Of Secure Comms." By: NEON REVOLT

@00:07:17 been so one-sided in favor of china for
@00:08:49 in from china and
@00:12:25 f9 falcon 9 china further explore q

Q-Anon Posts May 2nd-4th / JetBlue / Apple HQ / No Name / Savannah GA

@00:12:32 in apple cities in california china and
@00:19:42 china phones are they back a back door

HRC 5:5 / Who Is PD-ANON / New Comet Ping Pong Image

@00:00:28 intriguing no i'm gonna talk about china
@00:14:04 check in on this right here that's china

Twitter Injection / Friday The 13th / Friend From Abroad / Mark Zuckerberg

@00:20:44 don't think i don't think china russia

Trump Calls Out Mccain / Latest Q-Posts #804-810 / Gun Grab / Distraction

@00:04:19 in china other 2010 in the kill box 187

I Go INDEPTH Into Today's Q-Anons (MK-Ultra Postings) "Incredible".

@00:41:23 in china cost-saving why is president of
@00:41:28 china and russia why why is russia being
@00:41:39 can china do to denton's okay because
@00:41:41 russia and china know everything about
@00:43:29 through the cracks get back into china

Releasing of memo!!! Is this the end of Hillary Clinton and her DNC cronies?!

@00:20:38 with russia and china and all hell would

State of the Union/ The magnitude of this Memo being released! #Releasethememo

@00:03:16 he was in china i mean this is how