
Live Call In Show 10-5 "He's BAAAACKKKK!!"

@00:34:31 where is durham where is durham where is

The President Is Waging Asymmetric Warfare!! Red October Has Arrived "aka" [D5]!! :coded:

@00:09:59 is over if barr and durham do not
@00:10:07 guys i think that the durham report is
@00:14:35 proves present u.s attorney john durham
@00:14:49 durham who is named
@00:16:34 durham drop so
@00:17:41 the durham report who else had a state
@00:17:57 durham red october who just turned 96

Justice Is Coming For The Righteous Ones! :coded:

@00:20:36 until bar and durham really clean it up

TRUreporting Live Call In Show 9/11/20

@00:23:17 the durham report
@00:23:44 drop about the durham report tomorrow

TRUreporting Streams The Michigan Rally!! 9/10/20

@00:11:55 going to come from the durham report

TRUreporting Live Call In Show!! 9/9/20

@00:34:27 we have durham we have bar

Evil Lurks In The Shadows And The President Intends To Expose It! :coded:

@00:18:36 john durham it is all going to be coming

[they] Have Lost Control! The Age Of Enlightenment Is Upon Us! :coded:

@00:12:38 against comey in the durham inquiry that
@00:14:01 of the durham investigation we are
@00:14:11 by durham and was told that he was not a
@00:14:21 durham which durham could quickly
@00:15:41 the durham report that show the fbi's
@00:16:11 in anticipation of the likely durham
@00:16:14 are this this has to be done if durham
@00:16:20 bill and john durham could go down as

TRUreporting Live Call In Show! 8/14/20

@00:19:13 from durham england welcome aboard my

The Final Nail In The Coffin Right Before The Election!? :coded:

@00:04:34 g bar on the durham probe it could be
@00:15:07 on the durham
@00:18:20 on the durham probe which is coming
@00:18:32 hopes attorney john durham who is
@00:18:56 the durham probe
@00:19:59 he went on to say that hopes that durham
@00:20:26 saying bill barr and durham have a
@00:21:34 durham
@00:21:41 bar tab durham to look into the origins
@00:21:54 not releasing any report by durham

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show 7-18-20

@00:34:03 durham coming out until we get these 53

deleted The Hive Mind Is Alive And Well!! :coded:

@00:19:40 durham

deleted This Thumbnail Speaks For Itself!! It's Habbening!! :coded:

@00:09:52 coming it will be durham then it will be

deleted A Gift From The [RedCross] Incoming?! :coded:

@00:07:18 ìin durham is on deck guys he is on deck

deleted TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show 5/4/2020

@00:50:06 coincidences there are none john durham

deleted TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show 5/2/2020

@00:45:41 durham
@00:45:46 durham now believes the corrupt actions
@00:46:00 durham
@00:46:12 durham is expected to wrap up his

[DS] Comms Have Been Varified By 17!! An Amazing Thread By IET!! :coded:

@00:00:18 by durham will show conclusively that
@00:23:29 to relay the intel to durham and
@00:23:39 durham on this leaving trump out of it

deleted Durham Adds Violent Crime Agents To Investigation!! Gavin's Twitter Symbol!? :coded:

@00:00:42 john durham expands investigative team
@00:02:47 durham he's gonna expand investigative
@00:02:52 attorney john durham has expanded his
@00:04:23 sources cited by cnn durham who has been
@00:04:41 reports said durham requested witness

deleted Wake Em Up Wednesday!!!! 4-22-2020

@00:22:18 investigation of us attorney john durham
@00:22:41 attorney durham and do you think he will
@00:24:08 longer reviewed by durham fall into that

deleted This Silent War Is About To Go Live! :coded:

@00:00:56 all know that durham has been
@00:11:10 in quotes the durham boats then we take
@00:11:18 durham on the lou dobbs show that

deleted TRUreporting Presents: Wake Em' Up Wednesday!!!! With Severe Anon and PolarBear Smack!!

@00:17:49 about to do it but remember durham john
@00:17:52 durham be for bar so we already think

deleted TRUreporting Call In Show

@00:08:53 area that i believe durham has been

deleted What We Are Up Against Isn't Of Flesh And Bone :coded:

@00:06:26 if us attorney john durham secretive
@00:06:41 interview published monday that durham
@00:07:22 reported that durham was on pace to

Threads For All You Naysayers Out There! All Hands On Deck! :coded:

@00:08:52 john durham is going to bring bigger
@00:11:18 with durham we can see it is all about
@00:13:30 then durham and bar exposing clowns the

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show

@00:33:50 investigation in durham and right ray's
@00:34:31 connection with durham as far as giving
@00:42:00 move on to with durham and the ig report

5D Chess Is Going Accordingly, Hence "Castle Clean" :coded:

@00:13:13 delaware delaware river using durham
@00:13:16 boats right durham knew john durham in a
@00:13:26 durham boats hashtag 17 2019 trump leads
@00:13:33 led by a durham probe do you understand
@00:13:45 hussein's forces led on durham boats
@00:13:47 look at this a durham boat washington
@00:13:50 crossing the delaware river the durham
@00:14:47 did help potus speaking of durham

Did You Hear About Canada's Nuclear "incident"?! Let's Begin The Decode :coded:

@00:09:00 municipal board okay's plan for durham
@00:09:15 durham going live durham going live
@00:09:22 you right durham
@00:09:44 way to october 24 2000 19 durham
@00:10:10 noted that durham started in the same
@00:10:37 of you from november 13 2019 john durham
@00:11:04 month day durham initiated what famous
@00:11:08 crime family did durham target as we can
@00:11:15 famous crime family that durham targeted
@00:13:31 can see here durham has been working
@00:13:48 down here john durham looking into xca
@00:14:52 east of toronto in durham region
@00:14:55 development of durham live right this is

We Are Witnessing A Slow Death of The [D] Party!! :coded:

@00:10:55 john h durham 129 and then the justice
@00:11:16 john h durham all at 1:29 p.m. and what
@00:11:40 durham 129 p.m. eastern standard time


@00:19:28 durham that's why potus is like hey

The Mocking Bird Media And [DS] Will Both Be Destroyed Accordingly, Perfection Takes Time!! :coded:

@00:00:07 let's not forget john durham the us
@00:06:29 us attorney john durham just like potus
@00:06:39 durham and potus has said that he can't
@00:21:07 this is exactly my friends why durham is
@00:21:15 horowitz durham and then bar my friends
@00:21:18 in the durham investigation the durham
@00:22:21 slander us attorney durham an ag bar

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show!!

@00:18:53 his report and then durham kind of
@00:19:21 trust rhea durham trust all these people
@00:19:53 know blah blah blah and then durham
@00:20:11 durham does obviously no correct durham
@00:20:41 quote i can't wait for durham to bring
@00:29:57 durham disagrees with predication you
@00:30:13 no wonder durham disagrees with his with

The Complete Breakdown Of The Report!! :coded:

@00:00:55 forward to the durham report which is
@00:17:03 release bull durham just disagrees with
@00:17:11 of the us attorney john h durham i had
@00:22:20 here john durham disagrees with the doj
@00:22:23 ig report conclusions durham is the one
@00:22:32 would durham feel compelled to

December Is Going To Be One Amazing Month!! :coded:

@00:09:41 it all comes out next year with durham
@00:22:00 durham are handling the criminal

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show

@00:26:20 campaign initiated month / day durham
@00:26:26 durham target also spearheaded mob
@00:26:36 agency did durham target how are the
@00:26:43 what abc agency did durham yeah so see a
@00:28:20 initiated month date durham initiated

Project Veritas Is Going To Drop Evidence On Epstein [wille] Be Released Tomorrow?! :coded:

@00:11:04 durham was not appointed by ag bar
@00:11:07 durham served as an interim us attorney
@00:11:18 posting president trump nominated durham

Is The Stage Set For A Drop Of HRC (raw vid 5:5)?! :coded

@00:02:08 focus of durham probe shifts toward the
@00:10:17 times focus of durham probe shifts to
@00:10:30 durham the us attorney tasked with
@00:13:01 the meetings that durham and attorney
@00:13:15 her that durham is now very interested
@00:13:30 that barn durham gathered new evidence
@00:14:14 durham had in quote not requested
@00:14:34 york times article durham has already
@00:14:41 interviews shows that durham review
@00:15:20 knew durham from his time as an fbi
@00:15:23 agent in connecticut where durham was a
@00:15:47 durham or his team yet questioned or
@00:15:54 widening scope suggests that durham has
@00:16:06 nbc news reported that durham has
@00:16:32 that durham has also requested to talk
@00:16:46 have said that durham has found
@00:17:15 interviewed by mr. durham as part of
@00:17:22 what he has been finding durham has
@00:24:44 durham focused on the event leading up
@00:25:17 within the doj even so durham has
@00:25:41 to assist durham with the direction and

Will The Democrat Party Even Exist After The 2020 Election?! :coded:

@00:15:45 investigator john durham appear hot on
@00:15:57 as if bar durham

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show With Special Guest RedPill78

@00:30:17 and durham and these these guys are not

The Timeline Of Events That Show Why [they] Are Melting Down Publicly!!

@00:04:29 friday in the bar and durham
@00:08:01 us attorney john durham who was tapped
@00:08:16 of the bar durham investigation
@00:08:27 claims that the durham investigation in
@00:11:23 durham investigation was heading a ca
@00:11:57 later in the call lauren durham had also
@00:12:43 details showing that bar and durham are

The White Hats Have Played The [DS] Once Again!!

@00:19:40 attorney's john durham and john hoover's
@00:20:14 john huber and john durham time to do

POTUS Retweets Another Proof?! :coded:

@00:14:56 fbi and the doj durham was appointed by

This Is Not A Game. Humanity Is At Stake! -Q

@00:17:26 special prosecutor john durham has