TRUreporting Live Call In Show "Red October Is Here" 10-2

@00:32:50 gitmo
@00:33:02 and you go to gitmo or
@00:47:10 i um uh so the gitmo are you
@00:47:57 in gitmo i'm not gonna say that and i
@00:48:21 than gitmo i'll say that

The Final Nail In The Coffin Right Before The Election!? :coded:

@00:04:57 justice to send them to gitmo to get

Unboxing And Live Call In Show 8/5/20

@00:51:10 goes to gitmo
@00:52:48 get their free ticket to gitmo just like

deleted TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show 5/8/20

@00:35:42 good you're all gonna go to a gitmo this

deleted Executive Order To Activate All Armed Forces!? Brace For Impact The Storm Has Arrived!! :coded:

@00:10:29 trial and thrown into gitmo and then

deleted WAKE EM' UP WEDNESDAY LIVE!!!! 4/29/2020

@00:09:06 you're going to be going to gitmo

deleted TRUreporting Live Podcast Starts At 6:00pm EST *KeK* With The 500 Likes!!

@00:12:32 a nice bed for you and gitmo and you're

deleted Wake Em' Up Wednesday!! 4/1/2020

@00:43:24 homeless or gitmo love you tracy from

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show

@00:18:19 you're gonna go to gitmo either way and


@00:17:06 they're gonna be in gitmo and then

We Are Witnessing A Slow Death of The [D] Party!! :coded:

@00:01:26 that they're doing renovations on gitmo


@00:41:04 gonna be thrown in gitmo

The Complete Breakdown Of The Report!! :coded:

@00:07:16 people are going to see gitmo they will

"17" Gives Another Proof That We Are In fact Watching A Movie!! :coded:

@00:12:48 gitmo if which is will where they will

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show

@00:45:00 we don't know who's in gitmo you can't
@00:45:09 to gitmo holding up q sont you you know
@00:45:54 they're escorted and driven to gitmo you


@00:33:24 he's at gitmo right now that's from
@00:48:52 think that gitmo is the way to go what


@00:14:28 know you know or get put in gitmo

Proof That Trump Has Made World Leaders Submit!

@00:11:34 went to gitmo for trump mcconnell is

Can The US Military Legally Seize Control Of Google Twitter And Facebook? :coded:

@00:05:30 gitmo tribunals has 17 been using the
@00:11:44 are now active at gitmo omc website
@00:11:49 being held at gitmo har 23 9 1401 allows
@00:11:54 any us citizen to be tried at gitmo if

Update/Status: I’m guessing You’ve Heard The News...

@00:00:59 sounds good yeah optics he's in gitmo i
@00:03:35 know hey he's still a lot he's in gitmo

A Subtle Message In Plain Site To The Movement?!

@00:09:32 in a nutshell antifa equals gitmo and
@00:12:06 tifa to gitmo right because we're

HRC's I.T Tech's House Got Raided Last Night! YUUUGE!!

@00:10:23 jury of his peers or maybe even gitmo

Neon Revolt: Tracking The Maltese Phantom and Spy Gates Crown Connections!

@00:31:07 thrown into gitmo this article should

We Are WEEKS Away From FISA!! Get Your Popcorn Ready Friends!

@00:14:12 or thrown into gitmo for the rest of

The Target Is On The Back Of The DeepState And The American People Are The Firing Squad!

@00:01:12 treason and thrown in to get mail gitmo

T.R.U. Reporting 3/12/19

@00:51:48 everything from the tribunals at gitmo

Are You Ready For March Madness?!

@00:15:46 gitmo final for the final gallow whoever
@00:23:29 headed to gitmo i'm loving every second

Why Is Jerome Corsi Enabling The Covering Up Of [Seth Rich] Murder?!

@00:12:08 puerto rico and also happening at gitmo

February 24th TRU Reporting Live Call In Show

@00:59:51 gitmo
@01:00:01 that said he was in gitmo
@01:00:18 he should be in gitmo though what that


@00:31:40 in there gitmo what is going on who's
@00:31:54 people over to gitmo probably high-end
@00:58:13 yeah trials are going on in gitmo

TRUreporting LIVE 2/16/2019

@00:26:37 hell yeah i'll be a gitmo reporter so

Why Is 30th Day Of The Government Shutdown Significant?! The Tides Are Turning!!

@00:19:18 here gitmo 2.0 sitrep we have an
@00:19:25 shown on the nbw board no log fit gitmo

What If This Puerto Rico Trip Is For "Tribunals" For 30 Democrats And 109 Lobbyists?!

@00:03:59 they spend the rest of eternity in gitmo

Pelosi & Schumer's Video: Pre-Recorded? Green Screen? Clones? "We Are Watching A Movie"

@00:08:16 happened and they are sitting in gitmo
@00:29:37 and gitmo it is expected that the fed
@00:29:51 gitmo events will now begin to occur at

Hey Everyone Q's Back!! Lets Chat It Up!!

@00:39:42 having any happening at gitmo why are
@00:39:48 certain amount of people to go to gitmo

"What Makes A Great Movie?" GOOD ACTORS.

@00:14:41 is going on at gitmo guys we see the

I Hope This Makes You Feel More Optimistic About 2019 And "The Plan". #WWG1WGA

@00:23:38 into gitmo panic in dc is obviously

What Actually Took Place In The Skies Of NYC?!

@00:10:45 cavanaugh 53 to 47 gitmo bring back gold

High Ranking Cabal Members Haven't Been Heard From! No Tweets, No Posts, NOTHING!

@00:13:53 in place check gitmo ready check supreme

Live Call In Show 803-399-0044 Lines Open At 100 Likes!!! ReeeeEEEEEEEE!!!!!

@00:03:14 gitmo barges
@00:28:48 and then sending them to gitmo to a safe
@00:39:31 being moved to gitmo

Call In Show 803-399-0044 Lines Open At 100 Likes!

@00:09:33 gitmo ready check supreme court check

Call In Show 803-399-0044 Lines Open At 100 Likes!!

@00:34:01 enough like gitmo or we got or whatever

Live Call In Show! Phone Lines Open When The Stream Hits 100 Likes!!

@00:11:04 military being moved to gitmo in my
@01:28:47 at gitmo in order to be able to receive

Call In Show 803-399-0044 Phone Lines Open When The Stream Hits 100 Likes

@00:46:09 gitmo and charges for that's true jeremy

FBI Attempted Assassination On Trump Revealed In Missing Text Messages!!!

@00:09:30 them right down to gitmo i wanted to

This Is Real. We All Know It Is. Don't Let [Them] Discredit Us. #WWG1WGA

@00:18:42 funding that's in regards to gitmo

12/9 - Call In Show 803-399-0044 Phone Line Opens At 100 Likes!

@00:14:13 gitmo is open for business

"Two Ex-Presidents Will Be Taken & Three WIll Be Shaken" - Mark Taylor

@00:20:12 time gitmo baby so we see here trump was

Live Election Coverage! #TheGreatAwakening #MAGA #KEK #TRUreporting

@00:05:51 satanists get arrested thrown in gitmo

The Day Before We Officially Take Back Our Country!

@00:15:56 muller at gitmo yeah yes diane yes it

Is The United Nations Responsible For Financing This Massive Migrant Caravan?!?

@00:09:47 the punisher hashtag pain hashtag gitmo
@00:13:11 pretty interesting to look at gitmo


@00:21:32 in gitmo great question

Dehumanizing MEME

@00:00:18 gitmo actual real witches conjuring over
@00:01:12 ago there's a reason for the gitmo
@00:01:41 provide the human fodder to fill gitmo

Is A Red Wave Or Red Tsunami Approaching?

@00:15:53 send them to gitmo get them fired take

TRUreporting LIVE STREAM 9-24-18

@00:40:34 want to work at gitmo - i want to work

MEMES / Hurricane Florence / James O'Keefe / Big Week Ahead / WWG1WGA

@00:09:32 is gitmo in cuba the united states first
@00:09:52 right there so do you see decode gitmo

Hurricane Florence Geo-Engineered? To Cover Fisa Declassification?

@00:09:46 arrests and gitmo be basically be assure

A Labor Day Packed With Vital Information!

@00:02:15 be thrown in gitmo for the rest of

Harvey Weinstein Arrested / Anon Decoding / Summit Meeting, Theatrical? / MEMES

@00:15:12 gitmo or they're gonna be put in front

Discussing Latest Q Anon / Obama's Strange Portrait / Ruth Bader Ginsburg Is Pure Evil!

@00:07:35 force base and straight to gitmo and now

SuperBowl False Flag?!! / Q-posts!

@00:25:33 gitmo but he's in but he's not getting