
TRUreporting Live Call In Show! 8/14/20

@00:37:01 inspector general michael horowitz

deleted Mike As Vp?! Gates Wants Global Population Injected!! Human DNA In Meat:coded:

@00:20:10 trust ray trust pompeo trust horowitz


@00:18:23 about you have horowitz he's bringing
@00:19:23 that horowitz did only partial of it
@00:26:45 the whistleblower all came out horowitz
@00:28:22 horowitz was asking why was it such a

The Mocking Bird Media And [DS] Will Both Be Destroyed Accordingly, Perfection Takes Time!! :coded:

@00:04:04 the horowitz testimony so i'm bringing
@00:06:35 the iceberg with the horowitz drop right
@00:06:57 horowitz testimony and it's we have to
@00:07:26 horowitz report issued on monday it
@00:07:48 horowitz report all of the information
@00:10:42 as an internal watchdog horowitz
@00:11:00 horowitz did not rule out improper
@00:18:33 airing horowitz talking about the fisa
@00:18:54 are not showing horowitz they are
@00:20:28 horowitz nothing nothing nothing
@00:20:49 horowitz ig report they don't even want
@00:21:01 horowitz says he doesn't know the answer
@00:21:11 looking into everything horowitz does
@00:21:15 horowitz durham and then bar my friends
@00:21:36 get horowitz to say that there is no
@00:22:01 horowitz and several times the decisions
@00:22:27 day could have more info than horowitz
@00:22:34 have much more than horowitz had you

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show!!

@00:19:19 trust horowitz we've been trust told to
@00:20:06 up there at the end because horowitz and

The Complete Breakdown Of The Report!! :coded:

@00:17:20 the report prepared by mr. horowitz and
@00:19:13 source familiar with horowitz ig report
@00:21:06 then we can see here horowitz at least

December Is Going To Be One Amazing Month!! :coded:

@00:04:12 is coming horowitz to testify on the
@00:04:41 12 9 graham said the oig horowitz will
@00:04:51 am aiko horowitz will testify for the
@00:05:04 inspector general michael horowitz will
@00:21:48 horowitz the pfizer report isn't about

Jeffrey Accuser Confirms: A Bedroom Floor Made Of Mattress Foam!? :coded:

@00:08:49 michael horowitz found out the two were

Is The Stage Set For A Drop Of HRC (raw vid 5:5)?! :coded

@00:24:59 general michael horowitz bar has said
@00:25:21 reportedly been in contact with horowitz

The White Hats Have Played The [DS] Once Again!!

@00:19:37 of how the rollout of the horowitz
@00:20:12 pompeo william barr michael horowitz

The FEDS Confirms Epstein Did Not Die In His Cell!!

@00:14:09 general michael horowitz released his
@00:14:23 comey on horowitz referral which that

The Plot Thickens: Epstein's Will Signed Two Days Before "Death" ??!

@00:12:19 director hugh horowitz in response to
@00:12:30 have asked mr. horowitz to return to his

A Lot Of Speculation About Epstein's Suicide! What WIll The Outcome Be?

@00:11:46 inspector general michael horowitz was
@00:13:18 declassification normally flow horowitz

What All Transpired Yesterday Was Incredible! :coded:

@00:02:21 governments the horowitz h rpt will
@00:02:45 h as horowitz co me d-class
@00:02:52 stall horowitz ig report ig report +
@00:03:30 to delay horowitz report absolutely
@00:03:44 horowitz comey d 'class indictments
@00:07:14 of his time the horowitz report equals

What Were [they] Planning On Doing At 8Chan Owner's Home?

@00:06:54 breaking this is bnl news the horowitz

History Is Unfolding Before Our Very Eyes!

@00:00:38 we've got to see is michael horowitz

Assange Jailed For 50 WEEKS!! The Walls Are Closing In On The FISA Abusers!

@00:03:58 general michael horowitz is expected to
@00:04:24 horowitz announced last march that his
@00:06:26 recently met with horowitz and offered
@00:06:59 he horowitz knows how big this is trump
@00:08:15 fusion gps is smearing horowitz and

We Are WEEKS Away From FISA!! Get Your Popcorn Ready Friends!

@00:00:23 at weeks not months and the horowitz

Lisa Page Is About To Sabotage A Huge Portion Of The Deep-State Players!!!

@00:03:31 transcript to epoch epic x ig horowitz
@00:07:15 came from an oig source horowitz
@00:07:20 with horowitz and trump approval this is

I Hope This Makes You Feel More Optimistic About 2019 And "The Plan". #WWG1WGA

@00:02:59 sessions who burr horowitz rea military
@00:03:46 horowitz to do genuine investigation of
@00:03:55 horowitz recommends let ray do his thing
@00:03:58 act innocent and helpless horowitz find
@00:04:25 hoover once investigations both horowitz
@00:05:27 horowitz and sessions have been cleaning

The Countdown Has Begun! December 17th Is The Igniter! Amazing Thread From VOAT!

@00:04:08 trapper cd text messages van horowitz on

"Two Ex-Presidents Will Be Taken & Three WIll Be Shaken" - Mark Taylor

@00:00:56 justice and michael horowitz have been

4Chan Anons SCAM [Michael Avenatti]!! Proving He Is A DeepState Lawyer!!

@00:10:41 was his uh mike pompeo trust horowitz

All Signers Of FISA Document Are Under Grand Jury Investigation!!

@00:10:31 truss horowitz and trust gowdy to

DECLAS of FISA Will Put An End To The Swamp!

@00:04:01 attorney general horowitz was tasked to

The Media's FF Setup?! And Hillary's SECOND Server?! By: NEON REVOLT

@00:39:37 they tried to hide this from horowitz
@00:39:51 server from horowitz and he and

"When I Was 18 People Called Me..." By NEON REVOLT

@00:16:55 inspector general horowitz on what's
@00:19:48 are not stupid horowitz explains some of
@00:20:33 according to horowitz otherwise it would
@00:20:51 database existed according to horowitz
@00:20:53 so that's what i'm saying is horowitz on

George Soros Detained?! / Latest Q-Anon / Can We Trust Horowitz?

@00:00:14 horowitz on tonight's true reporting hey
@00:06:08 cooperation with horowitz so could be
@00:08:06 general michael horowitz who was working
@00:08:49 hoover and horowitz can't accomplish
@00:09:12 and horowitz who already have five
@00:09:26 horowitz were both appointed to their
@00:19:32 horowitz
@00:22:55 inspector general horowitz on what is
@00:23:37 is he lying can we trust horowitz i am
@00:23:48 know about horowitz yet if you want to
@00:24:18 horowitz says two of the three unnamed

"A Call To Arms! The Roaring Majority! " By: NEON REVOLT

@00:04:38 michael horowitz on thursday releases a

Harvey Weinstein Arrested / Anon Decoding / Summit Meeting, Theatrical? / MEMES

@00:16:49 michael horowitz whose report is now

Tonights Q-Drops / "IT'S HAPPENING! / Vatican Collapse / SerialBrain2 /

@00:11:46 protected by horowitz screen here is the

34 Bishops Resign Over Sex Abuse / MEMES / Mole Within Trump Campaign Exposed

@00:11:28 horowitz phibes fbi doj broke law and
@00:11:34 ig horowitz has found reasonable grounds

Latest Q Drops / Bill Gates Gets Trolled?! / Iran / Five Eyes

@00:11:37 investigation into leaks horowitz

#RELEASETHETEXTS / Latest Q-Anon / A Dropping Of the Hammer Finally?!

@00:02:22 inspector general michael horowitz so is

I discuss a Minneapolis Dirty Bomb?! Building the Gallows for traitors!

@00:10:45 michael horowitz he's been investigating