Linda Smith

Enjoy The Show :coded:

@00:01:44 made in connection to death of linda
@00:01:47 colin smith also we see here were two
@00:03:37 former arkansas state senator linda
@00:03:39 colin smith was found shot to death in
@00:03:48 on the scene the body of linda colin
@00:03:51 smith was wrapped in a blanket
@00:05:30 connection to the death of linda colin
@00:05:32 smith according to a statement from the
@00:05:40 arkansas state senator linda colin smith
@00:05:43 arrest in linda colin smith homicides
@00:06:03 state senator linda collin smith rebecca

McAfee Has Taken The Gloves Off! Dead Man Switch Ready To Be Activated!

@00:12:46 republican arkansas state senator linda
@00:12:48 colin smith who was found murdered in
@00:13:45 home the day after colin smith and the
@00:13:48 murder of colin smith are connected
@00:13:50 linda colin smith was primary sponsor of

Lets Catch Up With The News :coded:

@00:09:30 linda colin smith arkansas arkansas are