Live Call In Show 9/28/20

@00:53:00 rbg

deleted Mike As Vp?! Gates Wants Global Population Injected!! Human DNA In Meat:coded:

@00:17:51 when we think of rbg when we think of

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show

@00:29:51 the lefty supreme court judges there rbg

"17" Gives Another Proof That We Are In fact Watching A Movie!! :coded:

@00:14:21 gonna be rbg i mean she died six months

December Is Going To Be One Amazing Month!! :coded:

@00:06:43 constitution then rbg who is in my
@00:07:20 roberts and rbg oh my god it may come in
@00:16:46 happen roberts will be out and then rbg


@00:52:14 what i was thinking is that you know rbg

Three Major Headlines Are Flooding The Narrative! What Are they Bracing For!? :coded:

@00:09:10 the supreme court i don't know if rbg is
@00:09:38 out get rbg out we throw in two more

T.R.U. Reporting Live Call In Show 2/26/1019

@00:49:09 on the lighter side where where's rbg
@00:49:20 thank you for the super chat yeah rbg my

T.R.U. Reporting Live Call-In-Show 02/25/19

@01:05:35 rbg is in the queue posts let's check
@01:06:05 rbg i hear hanoi is educational whoa

Tribunals Are Coming Its Official!

@00:05:46 come on the hood up no hood rbg in my

[RBG] Seen Alive At Airport?! Latest Q Postings! Whistle Blower Article On CF

@00:02:43 rbg still not seen there definitely


@00:48:09 rbg that's what she tried to inflict on
@00:55:42 rbg gets thorns absolutely

TRUreporting LIVE 2/16/2019

@00:29:37 rbg is warm food i talked about that
@00:32:15 radio that rbg showed up at the supreme


@00:14:03 said q you did not see rbg at walmart
@00:14:07 he saw the ghost of rbg yeah he does

TRUreporting LIVE STREAM 9-26USE -18

@00:20:36 rbg is dead absolutely every time i post

Why Is 30th Day Of The Government Shutdown Significant?! The Tides Are Turning!!

@00:02:28 resume her famous rbg workout that

What If This Puerto Rico Trip Is For "Tribunals" For 30 Democrats And 109 Lobbyists?!

@00:01:10 rgb ruth rbg ruth bader ginsburg special

Live Call In Show! Open Forum! Be Respectful!

@00:20:10 the vacancy for rbg will be as big as

Live Call In Show! Phone Lines Open When The Stream Hits 100 Likes!!

@00:26:44 this mean this means that rbg the i like

"A Call To Arms! The Roaring Majority! " By: NEON REVOLT

@00:09:00 rbg antonin scalia 187 clown black