
Antarctica Plays A Far Larger Role Than We Could Ever Imagine

@00:28:35 did you know there's a rothschild island
@00:28:40 time again rothschild island

Episode 4: TRU History "The Untold Stories" [the Vatican]

@00:47:42 or aka george soros who is a rothschild

TRU History: The Untold Stories Episode 3!!

@00:12:04 uh lionel walter rothschild over the
@00:18:01 and rothschild family bloodlines
@00:18:10 rothschild
@00:24:56 rothschild under the influence of jp
@00:26:02 is already rothschild owned at this

TRU History "The Untold Stories" Episode 2!! With Hosts The Punisher1776 And StoppedAgo!

@00:07:52 some quick rothschild links and that
@00:21:30 that's what rothschild means is red
@00:25:12 rothschild
@00:27:06 house of rothschild
@00:31:38 mayor honcho rothschild financed the
@00:31:49 such as bombshell rothschild we're
@00:32:02 rothschild said
@00:35:41 rothschild

Are You Ready To See How The Federal Reserve Was Created?! :coded:

@00:07:04 the rothschild sank the titanic to set

deleted Are You Serious?! Apple's Update To Support Contact Tracing!? :coded:

@00:12:04 gs and jacob rothschild on the russian

deleted Nanotechnology Connected To Some Very Familiar Names!! :coded:

@00:02:53 the rothschild goldman sachs the us navy
@00:05:44 rothschild jacob rothschild sydney
@00:05:49 and his nm rothschild asset management
@00:06:12 products victor rothschild pilgrim
@00:08:04 rothschild asset management compiled by
@00:08:23 rothschild biotechnology investments
@00:08:26 lord rothschild whitehall think-tank is
@00:09:07 initiative of lord rothschild as an
@00:09:23 directors lord rothschild summarizes the
@00:10:23 the biotech companies that rothschild
@00:10:24 helped fund even acknowledges rothschild
@00:10:37 censorship notably victor rothschild
@00:11:26 owned by nm rothschild asset management
@00:11:44 rothschild stocks listed in the
@00:12:09 rothschild anthony s falchi deborah lea

Beyond The Headlines: Sunday Edition

@00:33:11 that described rothschild as annunaki

Beyond The Headlines Discuss The Georgia GuideStones

@00:35:53 secret well probably the name rothschild

Did You Hear About Canada's Nuclear "incident"?! Let's Begin The Decode :coded:

@00:21:49 of the illuminati rockefeller rothschild
@00:22:46 hierarchy rockefellers rothschild satan

Beyond The Headlines: Time Travel

@00:01:50 was mike rothschild so i was just like

The Time Has Come For A Secret Deal!! :coded:

@00:08:42 against the rothschild banks and rwanda

Joe And Hunter Are Screwed!!! FINANCIAL RESET IMMINENT!! :coded:

@00:19:42 rothschild and bill the illegitimate son

Behind The Illusion: George Clooney Part II :coded:

@00:11:54 marriage to a rothschild you realize

TRUreporting Live Call In Show Monday September 9th

@00:12:33 arm shell rothschild they installed the

Why Was Epstein's Plane Flying To Antarctica While He Was In Prison?!

@00:08:58 interest of wilkins sound a rothschild

An Incinerator On Epstein Island?

@00:07:56 forster de la de rothschild wow lynn
@00:07:59 rothschild right she begged me to meet

TRUMP: The Greatest Actor Of All TIme - A Hypothesis

@00:10:17 rothschild ie they all used his innate
@00:11:23 the rothschild family why was tesla
@00:15:39 he points the rothschild sub down warden
@00:20:55 edison westinghouse jp morgan rothschild

[they] Are Cornered [they] Are Panicking! A Last Ditch Attempt Could Mean Devastation

@00:13:52 defeated rothschild slave emmanuel

We Are WEEKS Away From FISA!! Get Your Popcorn Ready Friends!

@00:02:35 scions of the rothschild banking family
@00:03:11 said in 2015 eric de rothschild sought a
@00:03:23 rothschild was sold by christie's in

POTUS Says: "He Will Replace RBG With Judge Amy Barrett!!"

@00:12:20 rothschild dynasty watch the case open

T.R.U. Reporting 2/27/19 LIVE CALL IN SHOW!

@00:24:12 rothschild husband down down dog because

Tribunals Are Coming Its Official!

@00:21:49 from mike rothschild if you think will


@00:23:59 rothschild control that should be common

2019: The Year Of Bounty For Humanity

@00:02:06 the french branch of the rothschild

The Plan To Eliminate Both Trump And Pence: [Nancy Pelosi]

@00:02:31 cabal merkel germany rothschild cabal

More Undeniable Signs That The Global Criminal Cabal Is Going Down!

@00:02:09 rothschild both died obviously but it
@00:03:06 rothschild banking dynasty doesn't own
@00:06:49 rothschild incorporated mr. kimmel was a
@00:07:55 rothschild jesuit banking empire the
@00:08:25 umbrella controlled by the rothschild

Has Ruth Bader Ginsburg Died? [Think Optics]

@00:05:16 lord rothschild in 1961 she and her
@00:05:58 rothschild with the winner's trophy

A Reboot Of Western Civilization Is Being Planned For 2019! [Financial Reset]

@00:09:14 rothschild dupont iowa sake and other

Decoding The 2019 Economist Cover [Symbolism] Will Be Their Down Fall!

@00:03:48 by one lynn forester de rothschild of
@00:04:23 inch of the rothschild family the
@00:05:08 rothschild a 61 year old lawyer

A Secret War Occurring Since The Death Of George H. W. Bush?!

@00:09:36 warming rothschild faction here excuse
@00:09:42 warming rothschild faction here pentagon
@00:12:43 the french branch of the rothschild
@00:12:55 israeli rothschild stooge crown prince

Rothchild's Stepping Down. A New Era To Begin! Praise KEK!

@00:01:23 1769 that mayor rothschild the founder
@00:01:32 alexandre de rothschild has been forced
@00:01:55 rothschild financial control in
@00:02:47 with the rothschild connection downplays
@00:04:39 reduced rothschild influence in japan
@00:05:25 rothschild banker french slave president
@00:06:34 now that his rothschild bosses are
@00:07:06 married to a alexandra de rothschild and
@00:07:15 rothschild son-in-law japanese
@00:13:07 their rothschild puppet masters to

Do You Truly Believe We Are At War? PART 1

@00:05:16 mike rothschild who literally just
@00:05:42 connected to the actual rothschild
@00:06:37 rothschild about four days ago

California Fires Are Quite "Suspicious" To Say The Least!

@00:04:04 vice-chairman of rothschild incorporated
@00:04:23 is a vice chairman of rothschild

Is Hillary Clinton Dying?

@00:13:14 rothschild saudi arabia big tech china

The Fall Of The Khazarian Mafia #ProjectBlueBeam #TheGreatAwakening

@00:03:47 rothschild family have open lines of
@00:04:34 with nathaniel d rothschild who lives a
@00:13:39 rothschild family had been in contact

Kavanaugh Smear Campaign / [RR] Meeting With POTUS

@00:07:46 posted yesterday about mahal rothschild

A Labor Day Packed With Vital Information!

@00:07:28 breathing linda rothschild q says catch
@00:08:04 pacer and rothschild q says many of them
@00:16:38 so david rothschild tweets

Show This To Your Normie Friends & Family!

@00:08:19 the rothschild vein the catholic church
@00:25:13 this word right nikki hilton rothschild

You Wont Believe Whom Peter Strzok’s Family Is!! PLUS More Proof Of JFK Jr!!!

@00:11:55 rothschild i believe ex-wife was hung

JFK Jr. Assassination Anniversary (Q=17) (Q+=18) Coincidence?

@00:01:22 royal elites rothschild formula global

Let’s chat!

@00:13:07 colors if that rothschild estate whoa

#WhereAreTheChildren / Latest Q-Post / Planned Parenthood

@00:09:20 rothschild lp so right here yeah lynn
@00:09:25 rothschild mathieu bronfman yeah and
@00:09:41 rothschild so cmx is garbage right the
@00:15:34 for mayor is a rothschild a kid think of
@00:23:37 jonathan rothschild is the mayor of
@00:25:40 jonathan rothschild is the mayor of

#WhereAreTheChildren / MEDIA BLACKOUT!!! / SHARE THIS!!!

@00:08:02 rothschild mayor rothschild she came to
@00:08:17 there's a rothschild who owns or who is
@00:11:33 washington dc but rothschild now 55
@00:11:44 so for the last 14 years rothschild has
@00:11:57 homeless but rothschild graduate from
@00:12:52 rothschild noticed that his paternal
@00:13:31 trafficking bronfman rothschild

34 Bishops Resign Over Sex Abuse / MEMES / Mole Within Trump Campaign Exposed

@00:14:50 about at the rothschild parties what
@00:21:46 rothschild family and the holy see of

Q-Anon Postings / George Soros / Edward Snowden / EPIC

@00:17:43 soros support rothschild support saudi

Q is back! #Releasethememo NewsWeek Raid, CNBC Plants Bomb! Confused? Ill explain!

@00:04:34 rothschild i believe so then that proves