
deleted Investigating Austin Steinbart: Part1 - Coincidence or Proof?

@00:17:47 delta within that 10 days of darkness in

FISA lead-in [stage 1 act 1] FISA INDICTMENTS = START (public_justice)

@00:23:16 intelligence or delta file hmm more on

deleted FREE THINKING: The Aftermath and Q post review

@00:23:38 that delta six or aka d6

The Best is Yet to Come! Truth and Facts will prevail! QAnon Analysis

@00:45:44 delta central standard time all right
@00:45:53 delta they posted a first q posted then

The Shot Heard Around the World. The GREAT AWAKENING. Rudy to testify?

@00:44:47 what's the delta the delta is the time
@00:45:01 conjunction 30-second delta and it
@00:45:36 a 30-second delta okay it's exactly 30
@00:45:39 second delta 30 seconds between the time

QAnon - The Silent WAR Continues... [Crowdstrike]

@00:20:00 five minutes later a five-minute delta

Something BIG is Coming - BIGGER than You Can Imagine

@00:12:18 on a zero delta let that sink in and

PAIN coming! Think Timing! Q Post Analysis: 3647-3654

@00:13:37 potus twitter 0 delta exchanges fake
@00:21:57 that and then 0 delta exchanges on all

The Public Awakening - Be Ready! QPost Analysis: 3637-3646

@00:24:11 identification delta is minus 1 this
@00:24:30 minute delta between the q post and
@00:25:26 delta and it's proof of keo alright
@00:25:33 says less than one minute delta i wish i
@00:26:39 delta okay this is a what i found on h
@00:28:09 two-year delta for
@00:33:58 so two year delta on the justice marker

Y Flynn? Targeted and Silenced for a REASON - QPost 3625-3636

@00:43:23 being at camp david the one your delta

Stealth Bomber and Covert Operations in DC - BE READY!

@00:30:36 command which includes the army's delta

You have been prepared for what is about to take place! The Great Awakening

@00:35:20 time zero delta is what they're saying
@00:35:24 there's a zero delta there and trump is
@00:35:52 it's the zero minute minute delta again
@00:36:05 that zero delta or the zero minutes

"Meet IG" Crumbs are Being Dropped and Missed. A Puzzle within a Puzzle.

@00:13:52 delta there all right now it says a

Prepare for March Madness! The Power of the PEOPLE

@00:44:42 delta and i mean zero minute with the
@00:45:12 anan makes a you know a delta thing here
@00:45:16 0 delta with q and before potus by 7

DON'T MISS THIS ONE: What 'set up' 'insurance' file was created?

@00:09:39 pq proof a zero delta
@00:10:01 delta and that's why q says we are far

Planned long ago. Within the next 21 days BIG BIG BIG HAPPENINGS are going to take place.

@00:26:18 it had a zero delta with a q post from
@00:26:51 delta he says just another day at the

Big Name Coming? Nobody is safe. These people are sick!

@00:26:04 just took a delta flight to 643 from

Something Big Coming! ByeBye Dan, Why Do We Make Things Public?

@00:09:56 okay new potus tweet one minute delta
@00:10:09 it says one minute delta and this
@00:10:16 one minute delta really is a zero minute
@00:10:18 delta if you think about it if we don't
@00:10:29 zero delta's q and if you zero delta
@00:11:12 consider that a zero minute delta with
@00:17:46 minute delta alright so um yeah that's a
@00:18:07 zero delta okay post 2780 hmm

This will never happen again. Transparency & Prosecution the ONLY WAY FORWARD

@00:44:57 brings up in 2702 one-minute time delta

SOTU Preview, National Security, and Bill Priestap's Replacement

@00:19:14 twitter 0 delta exchanges said that
@00:21:28 tomorrow one-year delta matters of

Qanon - Where is @Snowden & [RBG]? MKUltra Mind Control, [AS] CIA 01/07/2019

@00:02:20 one year delta matters of national
@00:02:42 security and the one-year delta is that
@00:03:09 exactly a one-year delta and this is a

QAnon - Public Awakening = Game Over #NewQ through #2585

@00:10:17 delta exchanges and if you remember back
@00:10:24 post at the 0 delta at the same exact
@00:28:51 he says plus a 17-minute delta between
@00:29:16 so in the 17-minute delta so he's got
@00:29:22 says plus 17 minute delta between tweets

Qanon - Julian Assange to appear in US Secret Court on Tuesday?

@00:14:19 delta c 25 26 secured floor is yours
@00:15:17 delta flight
@00:15:25 delta flight from you know the c

QAnon - Crowdstrike, Free Beacon, Shell Co's, Arrests Coming?

@00:25:00 zero delta that is first first q posted

[RR] Tried to Set Up POTUS, Trump Sees Q VIP, Remain CALM and QAnon

@00:06:56 delta so an anon says a ten minute delta
@00:29:16 delta cuz this was posted at the exact
@00:29:26 17 seconds apart 0 delta meaning 0
@00:29:55 delta 0 minutes 17 seconds between each

Qanon - How to LURK on 8 Chan - A Mini Tutorial

@00:02:17 especially if there's a delta going on
@00:17:52 delta with the devin nunez information
@00:18:22 1-minute delta when i try to write down
@00:21:29 1-minute delta which i don't see
@00:23:52 1-minute delta or the nunez edition so
@00:24:18 delta right now this is a thread on just
@00:25:18 know we had that one minute delta so
@00:26:58 is the one minute delta that captured it
@00:30:21 the delta graphic now thanks baker so we
@00:30:46 nasty but one minute delta q 24 potus 25

QAnon - "The Football", They are Scrambling, Buckle UP!

@00:26:12 one-minute delta right there and then
@00:27:30 the one minute delta so that's pretty
@00:28:00 and then one minute delta they're both
@00:28:27 one with the delta and the tweet okay so

QAnon - Media Leakers, Panic in DC, with PANIC COMES....

@00:03:12 update and it gives a zero delta in the
@00:03:15 kill box that's a zero delta all right
@00:03:17 zero minute delta meaning that this is
@00:03:19 usually there's five minute delta 1
@00:03:21 minute delta type thing but meaning the
@00:04:04 239 so he's so he's saying 0 delta well
@00:04:41 delta to encourage the anons this was at
@00:04:57 at the same time zero delta zero minutes
@00:07:53 delta would have complained about a 10
@00:07:55 millisecond delta obvious answer was lag
@00:09:01 how about a zero delta to encourage the
@00:09:05 zero delta so you can't make this up

V Pool - Red Shoes Edition Feat. Podesta Art, AC, Kauders

@00:08:58 society chai delta theta which is also

QAnon - The World is about to Change! #AskTheQ #TryHarderMSM

@00:33:22 day and he says potus 1 q 0 delta they

QAnon - LIVE 9PM EST - The message must bypass the MSM.

@00:32:56 2-minute delta meaning two minutes after

QAnon - LP Keep your promise. When does a bird sing? 7/28/18

@00:21:54 chatter cute delta he says warning to uk

QAnon - What Will This Week Bring? Shock and Awe?

@00:27:45 he's got the 7 delta means seven-minute
@00:27:47 delta word for word 7 + 7 potus how many
@00:28:08 12:55 p.m. ok and 7 delta so here let's
@00:28:29 delta for today because word for word

QAnon - McMaster Father 187 - CA - Scott Pruitt EPA

@00:01:07 coincidence delta engine fire
@00:09:02 original post about delta engine fire
@00:10:59 alright so delta jet makes emergency
@00:11:06 yesterday a delta jet departing from the

#Qanon - This board in the coming months will be spread & discussed across ALL PLATFORMS.

@00:19:17 delta so the q team and the delta maybe
@00:19:41 delta alright maybe we have part of the
@00:19:45 delta force you know talking to us as
@00:20:44 full text delta stringer
@00:20:54 about the delta stringer but if you just
@00:21:45 delta stringer strap in boys if you
@00:22:17 read it it's signed again q comma delta

#Qanon Julian Assange WikiLeak Dump, 24 Suspects, and Weiner Insurance File

@00:05:56 terminal delta delta f terminal seats c