Inspector General

More Spygate Released, Twitter Censors QAnon, and MORE!

@00:27:41 department inspector general has since

Crimes Against Children = Common Denominator = Mass Population Awakening (FULL EPISODE)

@00:30:43 office inspector of inspector general

Do Anons Understand What is About to be Unleashed?

@00:36:43 the doj inspector general identified

FISA lead-in [stage 1 act 1] FISA INDICTMENTS = START (public_justice)

@00:09:51 general counsel james baker refuse to
@00:10:00 by the inspector general was it so they
@00:10:33 inspector general this is getting very
@00:18:10 to a justice department inspector
@00:18:11 general report showed that the fbi team
@00:19:04 interviewed by the inspector general was
@00:22:17 from the justice department's inspector
@00:22:18 general were unmasked and showed the fbi

HRC & GOOG: Up Platt River without a Paddle

@00:41:12 inspector general that the department

We got what we needed. There is no step [5]. Thank you for playing. Older Q Connections

@00:13:28 to congress or to an inspector general

State of the Union. Boomerang. THANKS DOJ!~

@00:13:34 bias found by the inspector general then
@00:14:19 on by the inspector general now if you
@00:35:05 we know the inspector general found that
@00:45:18 inspector general of the intelligence
@00:46:01 filed a complaint with the inspector
@00:46:02 general under penalty of perjury that

The Best is Yet to Come! Truth and Facts will prevail! QAnon Analysis

@00:42:37 were 18 the 18th was the inspector
@00:42:39 general of the intelligence community
@00:43:21 filed a complaint with the inspector
@00:43:23 general
@00:43:54 don't have is the inspector general that

Nunes: "Republicans have an Active Investigation into ICIG Michael Atkinson

@00:00:15 intelligence community inspector general
@00:00:35 this is the inspector general
@00:00:52 community inspector general michael
@00:08:33 doj inspector general michael horowitz
@00:12:16 intelligence community inspector general
@00:15:40 of us interviewing the inspector general
@00:31:09 community inspector general and his
@00:32:31 inspector general that discovered the
@00:37:25 the intelligence community inspector
@00:37:28 general chuck mcculloch having an
@00:37:42 the intelligence community inspector
@00:37:44 general chuck mcculloch sina's
@00:40:57 the original inspector general that

QAnon Post Analysis: Merry Christmas Edition

@00:18:13 most well that the inspector general
@00:18:23 inspector general report details 17
@00:18:32 the way the inspector general michael
@00:18:38 example the inspector general uncovered
@00:19:47 get a wiretap by the way the inspector
@00:19:50 general report also talks about so let
@00:23:48 you can't say oh the the inspector
@00:23:50 general report was a nothing burger yeah

Byron York - Devin Nunes Interview 12-18-19 SO GOOD!

@00:43:12 michael atkinson who's the inspector
@00:43:13 general of the intelligence community

Think FLYNN_FISA [ILLEGAL?] "They Will Fight, but YOU are Ready!"

@00:14:32 james baker the former general counsel
@00:14:39 inspector general and with the federal

Monday Morning w/Joe DiGenova on Comey, FISA, IG, Durham and MORE...

@00:08:05 more on that inspector general report in

Carter Page's 4 FISA's - GANG of 8 DECLAS = [[[AS]]] "Knowingly."

@00:38:25 findings by inspector general whore its
@00:38:45 findings made by inspector general
@00:39:29 fact made by the inspector general here

Wray - TRUST BUT VERIFY! Rosenstein and Wray BOTH on Lindsay Graham's Radar Screen

@00:13:34 comments of the inspector general today

The Public Awakening - Be Ready! QPost Analysis: 3637-3646

@00:14:47 ski inspector general signings of
@00:15:00 last night really a general bar attorney
@00:15:06 general has told his associates he
@00:15:09 inspector general on one key finding an
@00:21:59 bar is not accepting the inspector
@00:22:02 russian investigation but the inspector
@00:22:05 general did not investigate the origin


@00:11:32 inspector general report very shortly

QAnon - Draining the Swamp - It's Going to be BIBLICAL 3608-3624

@00:25:00 inspector general reports we've seen in
@00:44:22 inspector general

What happens when PUBLIC discovers the TRUTH re: [D] party corruption?

@00:27:26 you know we know the inspector general

QANON - The DS Players Caught in a Trap & Higher Loyalty to [Y]

@00:40:18 inspector general michael horowitz will

Are We Getting Close to Assange Disclosure? Dana Rohrabacher Seen on Capital Hill

@00:01:26 inspector general report about the fbi
@00:02:31 then the inspector general work is
@00:02:36 independent of the attorney general but
@00:02:41 on the release because the inspector
@00:02:42 general does not have the authority to


@00:02:38 the department's inspector general has
@00:03:13 case a member of the inspector general
@00:04:04 inspector general whistleblower believes

Qanon Connections to Recent FISA and FLYNN News

@00:06:49 coincidence that the inspector general

Remember Romania? And Finalizing FISA, Durham Criminal Investigation

@00:12:08 letter from the inspector general to the
@00:12:59 again michael horowitz the inspector
@00:13:01 general for the department of justice
@00:14:40 inspector general michael atkins
@00:21:01 community inspector general michael

Durham/Horowitz Sets Sights on Senate Intel Committee - A Deep Dive

@00:04:07 call inspector horwitz inspector general
@00:30:30 of inspector general michael horowitz
@00:39:52 department inspector general michael
@00:41:52 the inspector general has also raised

Sacrifices will NEVER be FORGOTTEN - Role of Gowdy?

@00:41:44 blows here's the deal this inspector
@00:41:47 general is a moron when he wrote that
@00:42:12 embarrassment to the inspector general


@00:22:47 the combatant commands the inspector
@00:22:49 general of the department of defense and

FISA (spy) - Flynn - Sidney Powell Makes SMART Move

@00:22:06 community inspector general atkinson

AG Preparing to Deliver Evidence of "DEEP STATE CONSPIRACY"?

@00:20:47 attorney general and also the inspector
@00:20:49 general at the justice department are

Origins of "Muh Russia!" - UKRAINE, CROWDSTRIKE, and a STABLE GENIUS!

@00:04:03 the inspector general for the

The Ukraine Boomerang 2, InQTel, and the Not So Whistleblower

@00:28:54 intelligence community inspector general
@00:29:08 inside the inspector general for the

FISA IG REPORT: Coop Witnesses, Singing Birds, and Whistleblowers

@00:00:10 inspector general horowitz submits his
@00:00:56 inspector general ongoing examination of
@00:03:44 article about it's it's called inspector
@00:03:47 general horowitz is coming and he's got
@00:04:58 the inspector general had been delayed
@00:07:02 expect expect this next inspector
@00:07:05 general report to lay out in great
@00:24:05 the former general counsel of the fbi
@00:24:09 cooperating with the inspector general
@00:24:55 the inspector general huber i g horowitz
@00:26:06 inspector general's on integrity and
@00:26:10 all 73 federal inspectors general he's
@00:27:02 inspector general for the national
@00:27:19 of justice office of inspector general
@00:27:33 rogers the nsa office of inspector
@00:27:35 general works independently within the
@00:29:41 inspector general signals intelligence
@00:30:08 gonna have the report by the inspector
@00:30:09 general and then durham will be able to

"First we F Flynn" then "We F Trump" Boomerang 1 initiated!

@00:11:28 inspector general report released in
@00:35:08 the defense department inspector general

Powell, Flynn, and the BRIDGE - Ezra Cohen-Watnick THE BRIDGE

@00:04:19 with the inspector general grassley just

The REAL Trump Tower SCANDAL!

@00:05:12 of justice inspector general just fired
@00:28:41 important part of the inspector general

TRUST WRAY! As the World Turns, We are Watching a MOVIE - WHO are the "Actors"?

@00:36:56 nsa inspector general and associated
@00:42:15 house office of inspector general had

TRUST GRASSLEY! Billionaire CEO Whistleblower! Stay Tuned...

@00:02:13 the intelligence community inspector
@00:02:16 general chuck mcculloch have an
@00:02:30 the intelligence community inspector
@00:02:32 general chuck mcculloch sina's
@00:06:07 for the intelligence community inspector
@00:06:08 general told congress that this email
@00:07:51 justice inspector general report
@00:35:58 doj inspector general the truth is
@00:38:17 it also means pressure on the inspector
@00:38:20 general to release the ig report on
@00:38:26 inspector general carve-out report
@00:40:29 answered within the pending inspector
@00:40:31 general report there's a lot of sketchy

Deep Dive: Epstein Suicide through the Q Posts

@00:01:20 and the office of inspector general are
@00:07:30 inspector general and he says a former
@00:08:38 michael horowitz who is the inspector
@00:08:41 general and who has a lot of experience
@00:10:35 other inspector general investigation

Attacks on QAnon Movement will Increase: Stay the Course

@00:25:32 inspector general report okay good luck
@00:27:14 also after justice department inspector
@00:27:16 general michael horowitz released a 5 a

PAIN! #NewQ Epstein Placeholder, Connect the Dots!

@00:31:10 remember that 3360 inspector general
@00:31:42 inspector general report he says worth
@00:32:13 disappointed with when the inspector
@00:32:16 general report was released right but
@00:32:28 the inspector general touched on the
@00:39:58 that it was the inspector general

IG Horowitz Reportedly Nears End of Probe into FISA Abuse

@00:00:10 progress of the inspector general report
@00:00:33 discussion with the inspector general
@00:00:42 inspector general horowitz last week we
@00:01:41 inspector general is going to be right
@00:07:45 surrounding the pending inspector
@00:07:48 general reported to fisa abuse that's

Whistleblowers and Mueller Witnesses

@00:17:07 concluded consistent with the inspector
@00:17:09 general act and other applicable federal

IT'S HAPPENING! Durham's Scope, Huber, and the Freedom Caucus

@00:15:17 see in you know the first inspector
@00:15:20 general of the nsa etc as well as

CitizensIReport News Flash! IG Report Update

@00:01:01 inspector general report released
@00:01:39 office of the inspector general all
@00:04:20 inspector general initiated this

Did you catch the BOOM? DC in PANIC!

@00:03:49 the former general counsel of the fbi
@00:03:54 cooperating with the inspector general
@00:06:49 general counsel the fbi as turns has
@00:06:53 cooperating with who the inspector
@00:06:56 general and with the federal grand jury
@00:07:01 inspector general but who hoover can and
@00:14:27 inspector general michael horowitz in

Backstabbing CLOWNS & The Dispute over the ICA

@00:03:45 those in congress in the inspector
@00:03:51 the inspector general reported mr.
@00:04:05 inspector general investigation the
@00:04:13 inspector general's don't normally have
@00:40:34 caused the inspector general to have to

Is the Comey Report the next BOOM? TRUTH TO LIGHT. NO SLEEP IN DC.

@00:03:44 course the inspector general's report on
@00:03:49 attorney-general that will look into
@00:10:44 department of justice's inspector
@00:10:46 general fearing its investigation of
@00:18:33 inspector general michael horowitz who
@00:19:18 obtained that the inspector general had
@00:20:14 justice inspector general fearing its
@00:21:23 think that the inspector general had
@00:21:40 to the inspector general now this to me
@00:22:25 inspector general report this week
@00:22:27 because now the inspector general has

Joe D - Mike S. Rodgers - ITS HAPPENING! 4/25/19

@00:27:45 7 2016 the nsa inspector general george
@00:43:01 certifications carlin knew the general
@00:43:13 inspector general report on purpose and

Dana Boente's Many Key Trump Admin Positions

@00:15:06 nsa inspector general and associated
@00:20:53 office of inspected of inspector general
@00:25:44 appropriate to let the inspector general
@00:25:55 the inspector general finds that i did

Scope Memo Unveiled, OH boy! Big trouble now...

@00:32:47 began and all of a sudden the inspector
@00:32:51 general was like here's peter struck and

Spy/LeakGate Origins PART 1

@00:05:09 inspector general michael horowitz was
@00:05:26 attorney general jericho eric holder
@00:05:31 limitations on the inspector general's
@00:08:41 inspector general back in 2015 to have
@00:09:12 changing the way the inspector general
@00:09:33 the inspector general all the way back
@00:10:01 every inspector general and our
@00:10:51 inspector general empowerment act the
@00:11:04 inspector-general empowerment act into

This Can NEVER Happen to a President Again!

@00:07:29 inspector general and passed on to huber
@00:07:45 on between the inspector general and the
@00:08:37 and the inspector general every you know
@00:35:32 inspector general michael horowitz

Promises Made - Promises (soon to be kept) Let Freedom Ring! REUPLOAD

@00:22:33 justice department inspector general to
@00:28:54 this is in the inspector general report

You have been prepared for what is about to take place! The Great Awakening

@00:14:41 department inspector general sent a

"Meet IG" Crumbs are Being Dropped and Missed. A Puzzle within a Puzzle.

@00:09:13 informed the chairman that inspector
@00:09:14 general michael horowitz who was working
@00:15:31 meeting with ig which inspector general
@00:15:38 the inspector general the ig of the

Big Name Coming? Nobody is safe. These people are sick!

@00:03:05 hand-picked inspector general

Superbowl Will Look Like a Puppy Show! You are the News NOW WW!

@00:10:06 investigative summary by inspector
@00:10:09 general horowitz back in january end of


@00:30:30 no one in congress a special inspector
@00:30:32 general office the department of defense
@00:32:10 did stuart bowen the special inspector
@00:32:13 general for iraq reconstruction analyzed
@00:33:22 inspector general believes the opposite
@00:36:56 inspector general for iraq closed in

This will never happen again. Transparency & Prosecution the ONLY WAY FORWARD

@00:35:26 the inspector general for odie and i

What Are They Afraid Of? People Coming Together & Thinking For Themselves? 2/11/2019 Update

@00:20:45 that they're not expecting the inspector
@00:20:48 general report until he said april june

Blockade End, Good to Go, Dark to Light #2678-2681

@00:16:52 i'll give it to the inspector general
@00:18:15 asks inspector general to review amid
@00:18:47 inspector general i mean you can even
@00:19:13 therefore the inspector general has been
@00:20:09 say okay inspector general we don't need
@00:20:59 okay i'll give it to the inspector
@00:21:01 general to make sure it's not gonna
@00:21:07 so it's still with the inspector general
@00:21:12 together are gonna say no here inspector
@00:23:39 inspector general hmm oh ig report will

Q-"We never left. It is Time To Return Publicly" - Mueller Probe and RR END, SDNY

@00:01:01 huber the inspector general horowitz

Whitaker's 5 Mins, Huber Confirmed, Burr says no collusion, Jim Jordan on RR Memo

@00:22:09 in this body and in the general public
@00:22:11 the spec of the office of inspector
@00:22:14 general is currently looking at the
@00:22:54 in this body and in the general public
@00:22:56 the spec of the office of inspector
@00:22:59 general is currently looking at the

SOTU Preview, National Security, and Bill Priestap's Replacement

@00:34:42 with the inspector general i still
@00:35:44 inspector general uncovered those

Trump Prepares the Battleground - PROSECUTION Phase

@00:03:52 inspector general michael horowitz
@00:04:06 the other day the inspector general is
@00:04:47 i've given it to my inspector general
@00:21:39 inspector general horowitz okay and
@00:22:05 gate inspector general horowitz and etc

Deep Dig: A July 2017 Important Timeline and a Few Days in May

@00:44:32 inspector general knew of every single
@00:44:57 they help the inspector general okay
@00:45:17 they being the inspector general okay

Lights On! Grand Jury Testimony In Several States = Brennan Perjury!

@00:16:36 the attorney general said is that he is
@00:16:41 with the inspector general within the
@00:17:09 inspector general who has already made
@00:17:34 combined the powers of the inspector
@00:17:36 general with the powers of a line
@00:18:07 the inspector general still has the
@00:20:33 with the inspector general okay so now
@00:21:10 inspector general horowitz and huber
@00:23:58 inspector general email investigation
@00:26:28 his at his grips through the inspector
@00:26:36 doesn't have that inspector general does
@00:29:52 the former general counsel of the fbi
@00:29:57 cooperating with the inspector general
@00:30:33 with the inspector general and with the
@00:30:54 my name is rob storage i'm the inspector
@00:30:56 general at the national security agency

News Update: Leak Wars? Woah Nellie!

@00:18:52 justice department's office of inspector
@00:18:54 general struck and paige sent other text

Boom! RBG, Lisa Page, John Carlin Future Proves Past

@00:13:37 before inspector general michael
@00:22:28 information from the inspector general
@00:22:54 inspector general and those get
@00:23:00 inspector general of the intelligence
@00:23:28 intelligence community inspector general
@00:24:39 community inspector general chuck
@00:24:55 intelligence community inspector general
@00:28:11 the intelligence community inspector
@00:28:13 general which then he warned fbi

POTUS wants NP as Speaker! Keep Calm Trust the Plan. New Flynn Evidence

@00:17:26 of inspector general could review them a

QAnon - Public Awakening = Game Over #NewQ through #2585

@00:30:40 the the inspector general gave him

QAnon - Deep Dive #2562 NXIVM, Clinton Foundation, Come[y] #fastandfurious

@00:32:46 formerly the inspector general of the
@00:32:55 independent role as inspector general
@00:33:12 edwards was a compromised inspector
@00:33:14 general who was not exercising real
@00:44:58 subcommittee found that dhs inspector
@00:44:59 general was influenced in his review of

Qanon - Whitaker - Scaramucci Play, No leaks leads to Raid? Huber - Clinton Foundation

@00:17:03 because the the inspector general was in
@00:29:02 inspector general acting attorney
@00:32:27 the inspector general to release report
@00:37:20 asked the department's inspector general
@00:37:27 department inspector general michael
@00:37:35 ongoing investigation the inspector
@00:37:37 general has now confirmed that he has
@00:38:26 how about a nice game of chess inspector
@00:38:37 the inspector general on integrity and
@00:40:13 inspector general's counsel of inspector
@00:40:16 general on integrity and efficiency huh
@00:40:38 inspector general and the

QAnon - MONDAY! 11/11 WW Unified Waves, John P. Carlin, EU Riots

@00:45:57 inspector general horowitz on what was

CF Whistleblower, GHWB & Comey Owls & Y's 322, The China 8, Monday!

@00:10:02 inspector general has been acting in the
@00:10:34 so we know the inspector general has

BREAKING: FBI Raids Protected Whistleblower on Clinton Foundation

@00:00:50 inspector general that's inspector
@00:00:52 general horowitz was informed that the
@00:04:16 justice department inspector general
@00:05:16 director doj inspector general michael
@00:10:10 know about this inspector general

Haitian Protests Against the NARCO Deep State - NO MSM Coverage

@00:09:36 trey gowdy sent inspector general whore
@00:10:35 honorable michael horowitz inspector
@00:10:36 general the us department of justice it

QAnon - Let the Unsealing Begin, Let the Declas Begin! WWG1WGA!

@00:05:32 army no huber no that's inspector
@00:05:36 general horowitz horowitz has four
@00:06:42 horowitz the inspector general who was
@00:06:44 horowitz inspector general mandate to
@00:38:28 let's see the inspector general it just

Ep#8 - Never Forgive Obama, Fisa Declas Coming Soon, Whitaker on Immigration, Voter Fraud, Grassley

@00:07:03 referrals by the doj inspector general
@00:34:05 inspector general at the justice
@00:34:20 all these documents to the inspector
@00:34:21 general the justice department first now

Qanon - Red October, Red Line & FISA Brings Down the HOUSE, Sessions FIRED

@00:42:06 and put it in the hands of inspector
@00:42:08 general horowitz and huber for right now

Qanon - VIP Anon, the Signifier, Trump Trolls Ryan

@00:20:47 the fisa report from the inspector
@00:20:48 general supposed to come out i think

Qanon - Where is Q? What is Jeff Sessions doing lately?

@00:06:52 department omb or the inspector old
@00:06:54 inspector general and/or ethics office

Documents in the Sessions Subpoena from Chairman Goodlatte? What are they? Pastor Bronson Freed!

@00:17:51 time of the inspector general report
@00:18:05 claimed the inspector general report
@00:40:10 talked about to the inspector general

QAnon - Feinstein Investigated? Sessions Unrecuse? Explosive Testimony!

@00:33:01 james baker the former general counsel
@00:33:08 inspector general and with the federal

Ep #4 - Kavanaugh Hearing, Mistaken Identity? Rosenstein Meeting with POTUS

@00:24:06 michael horowitz who is the inspector
@00:24:08 general the internal affairs for the us
@00:27:52 makes a world a sense the inspector
@00:27:55 general is gonna put out this report

Rod Rosenstein Called to the WH and the Kavanaugh Circus

@00:05:50 the inspector general some time to
@00:18:25 department's office of the inspector
@00:18:26 general has been instructed to
@00:28:44 release therefore the inspector general

[RR] Tried to Set Up POTUS, Trump Sees Q VIP, Remain CALM and QAnon

@00:03:13 james baker the former general counsel
@00:03:20 inspector general and with the federal
@00:12:18 cooperating with the inspector general
@00:32:31 therefore the inspector general has been

QAnon - Truth to Power, IG, Huber, NSA and Q&A

@00:30:08 the inspector general for the justice
@00:30:12 inspector general's on integrity and
@00:30:18 the council inspector general integrity
@00:30:23 of all 73 federal inspector generals
@00:30:27 inspectors general think yesterday what
@00:31:27 the inspector general on chant integrity
@00:32:40 to department info regarding inspector
@00:32:42 general's huh counsel of inspector
@00:32:45 general on integrity and efficiency yeah
@00:33:01 efficiency general office in the in
@00:33:09 inspector inspector general whose
@00:33:15 or section 8 g of the inspector jet
@00:33:51 inspector general investigator remember
@00:36:48 is working inspector general - inspector
@00:36:51 general which is awesome k 2011 is rod

Panic in DC and in the MSM! Ep #2

@00:24:44 inspector general running wiretaps on
@00:26:16 inspector general it appear
@00:27:01 of justice and the fbi inspector general

QAnon - "The Football", They are Scrambling, Buckle UP!

@00:15:17 intelligence community inspector general

QAnon - Thomas Drake/Bill Binney, Fake Maga Posobiec, More FISA

@00:02:55 the us defense department inspector
@00:02:57 general to investigate the nsa for
@00:03:27 defense inspector general about the

QAnon - DOITQ, EAS Alert, Collective Attacks, Panic in DC

@00:01:41 department of justice inspector
@00:01:43 general's report because this inspector
@00:01:44 general actually referred him himself

QAnon - @Jack, NP, No Name Replaced, SC, Clinton Girls

@00:27:41 the office of inspector general u.s.

QAnon - China Hacked (not) HRC Server = America For Sale

@00:04:51 intelligence community inspector general
@00:05:21 the intelligence community inspector
@00:05:23 general chuck mcculloch having an
@00:05:39 inspector general chuck mcculloch sin is
@00:08:16 intelligence community inspector general
@00:08:56 community inspector general who did all
@00:13:08 community's inspector general and told
@00:14:00 the state department's inspector general
@00:30:58 inspector general and then there's a
@00:31:20 inspector general that discovered the
@00:35:15 intelligence community inspector general

QAnon - No Name Q Proof - LIVE 8pm EST - Every Dog Has Its Day

@00:35:42 about this he's saying the inspector
@00:35:44 general is acting as the fbi because the
@00:35:50 inspector general remember we've only
@00:36:00 of things from the inspector general and
@00:36:04 once we get the redacted inspector
@00:36:06 general report the unredacted and the

QAnon - Haiti Edition, NBC and The More You Know...

@00:06:41 classy here's the inspector general

QAnon - Reason why we needed to go mainstream prior to the EVIDENCE being dropped.

@00:13:26 coleman is remembering the inspector
@00:13:28 general report where it was noted crimes
@00:13:57 department justice inspector general
@00:17:22 matters them directly asked inspector
@00:17:24 general horowitz whether the two
@00:17:34 reported nevertheless the inspector
@00:17:35 general refused the reply so it's not

QAnon - LP Keep your promise. When does a bird sing? 7/28/18

@00:13:09 justice department's inspector general

QAnon - 9PM EST Live Review of Latest Q...He's baa aack

@00:10:12 of the andy mccabe inspector general
@00:10:15 report so the inspector general had

QAnon - It's Time - Shift in Tactics! #WINNING

@00:05:34 submitted to the inspector general to to
@00:06:43 inspector general michael horowitz over
@00:09:14 inspector general it's crazy it's crazy

QAnon - Scope & Size biggest in history! Trump Official Fired HAS TIES TO NXIVM

@00:06:42 inspector-general we will find out
@00:10:29 meetings and then this is the inspector
@00:10:32 general reporting it's like the live
@00:15:43 justice department inspector general
@00:25:37 attorney general letter loretta lynch
@00:25:42 the invest inspector general michael
@00:30:46 inspector general report release it
@00:32:49 in cooperation with the inspector
@00:32:51 general to review certain prosecutorial
@00:46:03 inspector general horowitz on what was

QAnon - What Will This Week Bring? Shock and Awe?

@00:00:08 inspector general coming up today at 2

QAnon - POTUS is not going through this for nothing! 6.15.18

@00:26:01 that's gonna be the inspector general of
@00:26:03 the house yeah it's a separate inspector
@00:26:06 general so inspector general the house
@00:33:19 deal request why inspector general huber
@00:35:42 request why because the inspector
@00:35:45 general and huber were working on it
@00:38:33 inspector general has been doing the
@00:41:47 inspector general report for public
@00:42:38 justice inspector general report for

QAnon - Snowball [[RR]] IG Report Reaction and Huber Deep Dive

@00:00:22 the inspector general report just a
@00:00:53 pissed off about the the inspector
@00:00:56 general report believe me i wasn't kind
@00:02:24 inspector general report it's part of
@00:03:45 inspector general report was released to
@00:08:55 knew when this inspector general report
@00:20:12 into why the hood why the inspector
@00:20:15 general said there was no bias okay it's
@00:27:32 inspector general michael horowitz to
@00:27:49 inspector general has now confirmed that
@00:28:12 department's office of inspector general
@00:28:56 jurisdiction if the inspector general
@00:29:09 clear the inspector general has the
@00:29:22 general and the deputy attorney general
@00:29:26 inspector general may also may under
@00:35:32 and in cooperation with the inspector
@00:35:35 general so i mean we don't know what is
@00:35:38 going on between the inspector general

QAnon - IG Report Today, Did you witness the stage being set?

@00:07:23 inspector general with a prosecutor who

QAnon - False Agendas, RR with FIVE EYES in a PANIC

@00:18:54 justice inspector general with a
@00:20:06 already been referred to humor inspector
@00:20:11 general fines fbi doj broke law clinton

QAnon - Goodlatte Directs Criminal Investigative Attention to HUBER

@00:00:32 inspector general michael horowitz
@00:01:34 inspector general has examined thousands
@00:03:41 prosecute the inspector general doesn't
@00:04:29 inspector general there to answer our
@00:05:16 by the inspector general he does have
@00:05:21 referrals for the inspector general can
@00:06:11 matters beyond what the inspector
@00:06:13 general does all right we'll talk more
@00:06:38 the cue ssin so in saying inspector
@00:06:42 general michael horowitz has found
@00:12:09 inspector general referred andrew mccabe
@00:12:16 inspector general oh ig has referred

QAnon - Senate Investigators Suspect FBI Documents Were Manipulated

@00:06:43 i look to come out in the inspector
@00:06:45 general report but it's it's how he he
@00:23:52 inspector general is going to note these

QAnon - Sen. Grassley RE: Flynn and the Kettle of Fish

@00:07:46 clinton foundation and the inspector
@00:07:48 general was like ah he did that for his
@00:08:57 inspector general horowitz this is june
@00:09:04 dear inspector general horowitz this is
@00:09:11 grassley - inspector general horowitz on
@00:16:06 release the inspector general report
@00:16:18 it if we and if we get a lame inspector
@00:16:20 general report which i don't expect that
@00:16:37 praying that that the inspector general

QAnon - The Real Reason Comey was "Defiant" and "Insubordinate"

@00:01:03 inspector general michael horowitz also
@00:14:56 this and if the inspector general report
@00:32:32 when this inspector general report comes
@00:35:45 don't care if the inspector general
@00:36:11 not report on the inspector general

QAnon - IS BACK! Week to Remember, IG Report

@00:01:21 probably until we get the inspector
@00:01:24 general report and i have a couple
@00:01:56 inspector general report well i know
@00:02:11 inspector general report about the fb
@00:03:50 including doj inspector general michael
@00:15:09 we're going to get the inspector general
@00:23:08 what's coming up for the inspector
@00:23:10 general what we can expect and that um
@00:23:48 already have to the inspector general we

QAnon - Spygate Update: Trey Gowdy WT..? Obama Angle

@00:11:36 reviews of the inspector general report

Sickened FBI Agents Ready to Testify #QAnon

@00:10:14 department of justice doj inspector
@00:10:17 general report on how the fbi handled

Qanon - E-mails Show FBI Brass Discussed Dossier Briefing Details With CNN

@00:03:05 inspector general for reportedly lying
@00:08:06 wonder if they came from the inspector
@00:08:08 general like the missing okay i digress
@00:12:45 of office of inspector general micro
@00:13:03 general inspector general investigative
@00:13:21 and broaden the general public awareness
@00:13:24 why would inspector general horowitz

QAnon -Undeniably [on purpose] verified ourselves - Inside Source

@00:03:30 inspector general of the vatican police
@00:03:54 dr. domenico gianni the inspector
@00:03:57 general of the vatican's police instead

QAnon - Unsealed Weiner SEARCH WARRANT NOT a Sealed INDICTMENT

@00:00:54 get a feeling are the inspector general
@00:25:21 inspector general will declare fbi doj
@00:27:01 inspector general will declare fbi doj
@00:27:11 inspector general report may rule that

QAnon - SIS good? Ask PS - EO Coming Soon to a Theater Near YOU!

@00:42:30 inspector general report but it's 250 or

QAnon - Who Knows Where the Bodies are Buried? Rudy, Erik, Flynn

@00:13:37 mccabe told the office inspector of
@00:13:41 inspector general that during october

QAnon - 11.11Provided as Strategic Marker - Now Comes the Pain

@00:28:51 cuber the inspector general and us
@00:35:54 all of this including the inspector
@00:35:56 general is taking care of some of it
@00:36:57 the inspector general something that our
@00:37:00 inspector general is not very strong but
@00:37:24 inspector general wouldn't have the same
@00:38:26 possible the inspector general actually

Review Time with QAnon + NY AG Roadblock Gone!

@00:13:07 of 22 investigations defined inspector
@00:13:11 general in the united states the office
@00:13:12 of inspector general is a generic term
@00:14:50 well that's the inspector general but if

QAnon - Mueller on/off Team? Time will tell. Who are We Talking To?

@00:24:56 the focus because inspector general
@00:25:08 donald trump on july 20th 2017 inspector
@00:25:13 general horowitz gets the page and
@00:26:29 interviewed by inspector general
@00:26:56 in the inspector general's report july
@00:26:58 2017 mccain denies again to inspector
@00:27:01 general horowitz july 20th 2017 horowitz
@00:27:12 fbi investigators in inspector general
@00:27:38 flynn inspector general with interviews
@00:28:39 that's how inspector general horowitz
@00:29:37 knowing inspector general horowitz
@00:36:27 warrant occurred and third inspector
@00:36:30 general michael horowitz gained
@00:41:28 of huber inspector-general horowitz so

#QAnon - What Has Mueller Really Found? WOW

@00:04:13 mean the inspector general report by
@00:04:19 operator right right the inspector

QAnon - MUST SEE! What will the texts reveal? MOAB or precursor?

@00:11:40 located by the inspector general between
@00:15:46 the inspector general found them this is
@00:16:02 located by insert by inspector general

#QAnon - Syria Strike, Disinformation is REAL

@00:19:47 was the doj inspector general releases
@00:19:59 inspector general department us
@00:20:17 come out this inspector general report
@00:22:35 of this information but the inspector
@00:22:38 general concluded that he did so not
@00:24:13 this ig section this inspector general
@00:24:32 and then ultimately with the inspector
@00:24:34 general as well so it was a pattern and
@00:27:52 inspector general horowitz release of
@00:27:57 the inspector general report i look for
@00:28:09 all the inspector general report at one

QAnon - Did Snowden Drop a Post on 8 Chan? Anons think so

@00:47:11 that's not inspector general it's

#QAnon - Report Today April [A] [A]rrests [A]wan

@00:00:37 to an inspector general's report after
@00:00:39 the house inspector general determined

#QAnon - April Awan Arrests, Tip Top Tippy Top Shape

@00:13:32 conjunction with the inspector general

#Qanon - Fire in the Hole, We are talking to YOU

@00:29:58 doj inspector general investigates

#QAnon - WE are GETTING THE WALL, the STAGE is set

@00:16:14 inspector general received ninety eight

#Qanon - BOOM! MAKE IT RAIN - March 3rd posts (PART 1)

@00:17:33 doj inspector general to probe fisa
@00:17:43 on by the inspector general
@00:18:08 okay why is the inspector general doing
@00:18:37 the inspector general even though he
@00:20:04 come from the inspector general who is
@00:21:56 when the inspector general report is

It's ALL Theatre - Quite Frankly #Qanon

@00:10:19 asking the inspector general to
@00:10:38 isn't the inspector general and obama

Qanon - YOU ARE WATCHING A MOVIE Getting Trump Trolled

@00:12:01 general stuff jeff sessions asking the
@00:12:03 inspector general horowitz to
@00:15:55 well you know the the ig the inspector
@00:15:58 general who's begun this investigation
@00:21:14 sessions and the inspector general
@00:21:21 lots of controversy around the inspector
@00:21:23 general you got to remember something
@00:22:33 inspector-general horowitz i know all
@00:24:49 piece right now on inspector general
@00:25:10 february doj inspector general michael
@00:25:15 greatest inspector general in us history
@00:25:25 something inspector general say obama
@00:25:39 independent inspector general
@00:25:47 read but between inspector general trey
@00:26:07 inspector general investigate oh yeah i
@00:26:17 of inspectors general with a memo so it
@00:26:20 infected all odd state inspector
@00:26:24 inspector general as well and you can
@00:29:43 i think the inspector general was
@00:31:30 inspector general review of fisa court
@00:32:05 attention to the inspector general
@00:32:14 has to go to inspector general or a
@00:33:34 inspector general horror with is already
@00:34:26 doj inspector general michael horowitz
@00:35:09 inspector general reports coming and
@00:36:16 inspector general and he keeps picking

Qanon, Threats, Disinfo Be careful what you wish for #Qanon

@00:27:10 inspector general report coming so
@00:36:48 been released to any of the inspector
@00:36:50 general it might just be stuff the nsa


@00:05:04 is the inspector general report paper

#QAnon -Rosenstein Out?#FakeNews Narrative Change, Nation on Alert

@00:36:20 something that the inspector general is

#QAnon Obama Administration's Brazen Plot to Frame Trump and Exonerate Hillary

@00:01:29 inspector general is doing at the
@00:23:25 by the inspector general who at that

#QAnon - Kneading Bread, Skull & Bones Kerry #followthewhiterabbit #thestorm

@00:27:21 office of the inspector general us
@00:27:27 doj oh i g offer inspector general

#QAnon Texts, Lies, and Secret Societies #followthewhiterabbit #thestormishere

@00:02:36 inspector general to the intelligence

#QAnon - Trey Gowdy, False Flag?, Vegas Witnesses #followthewhiterabbit #thestormishere

@00:05:55 the attorney you know the inspector
@00:05:57 general will you know whatever so i just
@00:13:12 because the inspector general report is
@00:13:38 inspector general of the united states
@00:14:24 we're going to get a decent inspector
@00:14:26 general report and because trump is
@00:15:12 attention off of the inspector general
@00:15:18 the inspector general stuff and i know i
@00:15:28 the inspector general report if it's

9PM EST -LIVE Indictment U1, Haiti, Hawaii, and More #Qanon #followthewhiterabbit

@00:31:00 the inspector general report that we're
@00:31:28 inspector general report actually thank
@00:32:27 birthday is the inspector general report

#QAnon - Future Shows Past: SpaceX, Drain the Swamp, Pedogate

@00:16:23 inspector general of the department of
@00:29:24 15 18 the date that the doj inspector
@00:29:26 general is expected to turn over 1.2

#Qanon Connection to Whacked Pakistan Spy Ring #followthewhiterabbit #thestormishere

@00:09:29 there's an inspector general report

Eric Holder's Red Line? #qanon #draintheswamp #followthewhiterabbit

@00:11:49 inspector general for the united states
@00:12:10 department of justice inspector general
@00:12:22 public that the office of inspector
@00:12:25 general will initiate a review of
@00:12:40 under section 8 e of the inspector
@00:12:41 general act the review will examine the
@00:13:17 well the inspector general's
@00:13:20 see what the inspector general says and

Did the FBI pay Christopher Steele? Jim Jordan #qanon #draintheswamp

@00:05:03 and our inspector general is doing a
@00:05:48 have an inspector general has 500