
10-10: NK Kim Jong Un Cries - Stage Set? Occurrence Prevented?

@00:13:39 three blind eye iran fund and supply
@00:13:58 uranium one fund supply iran
@00:14:54 and blind eye to iran fund and supply
@00:15:05 iran and north korea
@00:18:15 the case with north korea and iran
@00:21:50 asia north korea iran deal russian reset
@00:35:51 and it was a similar story in iran
@00:35:58 the um i'm not going to go into iran you

Nothing to See Here Ep#3 - F BOMBS & CROWDSTRIKE

@00:00:12 right and iran knows that and they've
@00:00:22 iran knows that and they've been put on
@00:02:08 f-bomb he was addressing iran and
@00:03:10 us imposing new iran sanctions that may
@00:04:09 and medical devices to iran saying it
@00:04:56 sliding their little side deals to iran

The REAL Reason for the Targeting of President Trump + Geopolitical Issues

@00:01:14 to do with the iran deal it all has to
@00:02:05 john solomon and he says the iran deal
@00:02:49 gulen and the iran deal and the muslim
@00:04:14 and how it all ties back to the iran
@00:06:29 nor would he excite the animus of iran
@00:13:17 was iran the world has never been the
@00:16:36 are buried on the iran deal uranium one
@00:17:52 breaks silence on russia probe says iran
@00:19:11 cancel the obama era iran nuclear deal
@00:19:22 defend the iran deal and to protect the
@00:19:25 interests of the iran deal
@00:21:28 preserve the iran nuclear deal president
@00:22:26 libya iran the the arab spring egypt
@00:22:44 things about the iran deal that doesn't
@00:22:49 to russia why as soon as iran got the
@00:23:01 from the iran deal a lot of people don't
@00:23:06 at what happened after the iran deal was
@00:23:42 has long been a critic of iran for its
@00:24:17 deep the deal to pay billions to iran
@00:28:41 in preserving the iran deal
@00:28:42 noting moscow sold iran an s-300 missile
@00:28:53 deal allowed an open market in iran here
@00:29:12 iran deal he was sending everybody a
@00:38:37 islamist hiding as a moderate in iran
@00:39:14 that are trying to overturn iran right


@00:05:04 and other hot spots like iran the arms
@00:05:26 because iran is going to be building

Ability To See [Clearly] What They've Hid from You for So Long

@00:35:48 china russia iran serious isis and al

The PEOPLE'S General. Soon!

@00:11:11 and the iran deal and we'll get to that
@00:18:23 the iran nuclear deal

Intel Weaponization: Spies, Lies, and The Press EC, Grassley and More!

@00:33:01 the iran nuclear deal among other things

deleted Investigating Austin Steinbart: Part1 - Coincidence or Proof?

@00:42:15 here with the iran deal i'm gonna be

We got what we needed. There is no step [5]. Thank you for playing. Older Q Connections

@00:19:22 stumble into a conflict with iran and

Betrayal. Bribes. Treason. Justice IS Coming No Matter What!

@00:15:55 of state north korea iran russia china

Burisma Fake News - Area 1 Crowdstrike Connection & MORE...

@00:13:56 for six years from 2006 to 2012 iran
@00:34:43 jenna dodd is talking think iran guys
@00:35:03 them the the iran deal and more okay who
@00:40:17 valerie jarrett direct relayed to iran
@00:40:20 pre and post iran deal future marker

The Sky is Falling! Flynn, Huber, Clinton Foundation

@00:36:33 iran i believe uk australian narrative

[IRAN], Revolution, Hostages 1979. POTUS KNOWS!

@00:00:15 through i'm gonna touch on the iran
@00:07:19 president iran just shot at a unmanned
@00:07:27 republic of iran has been at war with
@00:07:52 by detonated by constructed by iran so
@00:08:05 killed the republic of iran will lose an
@00:08:19 of iran launches a terrorist attack upon
@00:08:50 iran back into the word load ancient
@00:09:01 so you generals in iran might want to
@00:13:34 that's exactly what he's doing with iran
@00:13:47 president trump warns if iran strikes
@00:14:04 salamati president trump warns iran
@00:14:11 he says iran is talking very boldly
@00:14:44 their lives to bring freedom to iran
@00:15:00 interviewed the activists in iran
@00:15:31 in it in iran taxis and buses and public
@00:16:07 iran is bad we asked president trump to
@00:16:16 council of resistance of iran its leader
@00:16:30 iran our life and death is equal we have
@00:20:47 iran and queueing on another clip this
@00:22:11 has hashtag iran so there's lots of
@00:22:18 another person iran is joining the party
@00:23:12 to protect companies and iran this is
@00:23:19 and then iran is this one is about iran
@00:23:25 iran daily right iran should attract
@00:23:57 from june 19th 1555 free iran fight
@00:25:14 report hearings in korea iran next
@00:25:33 with the good people of iran who are
@00:27:09 states iran will never be allowed to
@00:27:51 iran appears to be standing down which
@00:29:30 about this iran is very boldly you know
@00:29:39 warning that if iran strikes any
@00:29:47 the 52 american hostages taken by iran
@00:29:52 and some important to iran he's talking
@00:32:07 minister of iran by popular demand he
@00:32:10 saw that the wealth needed to build iran
@00:32:33 british government britain took iran to
@00:34:12 was forcibly trying to rid iran of islam
@00:34:36 tapes that made their way back into iran
@00:35:41 iran in the us had an extradition treaty
@00:35:48 iran as an indicted criminal the
@00:35:54 shah to iran for trial he had been
@00:36:10 past actions in iran the apology never
@00:36:45 weapons to iran so that iran would
@00:38:11 years the ayatollah khomeini of iran
@00:38:25 days the resentment toward iran lingers
@00:40:44 with iran ian's in madrid during the
@00:40:59 captain iran specialist and top staffer
@00:43:43 you know the president of iran announced

Nunes: "Republicans have an Active Investigation into ICIG Michael Atkinson

@00:22:18 right now with iran before we close out
@00:23:20 thought on on iran is this you know
@00:23:23 we're in this position with iran number

QAnon Post Analysis: Merry Christmas Edition

@00:13:30 happened with the iran deal basically
@00:13:35 russia and then funneled to iran so

Think FLYNN_FISA [ILLEGAL?] "They Will Fight, but YOU are Ready!"

@00:37:29 iran deal it's all connected i guarantee
@00:38:47 and the iran deal and all that's

PAIN coming! Think Timing! Q Post Analysis: 3647-3654

@00:09:45 us persons involved think iran think


@00:07:34 of iran
@00:20:46 posts this was about iran reminder iran
@00:24:03 to continue the iran deal as it

[They] are Trying to Start a WAR: SA & IRAN According to QAnon

@00:00:15 trump is ordering new sanctions on iran
@00:00:26 the pressure on iran is mounting today
@00:00:32 proved iran was behind the attacks
@00:00:47 sites he accused iran of acts of
@00:01:09 sanctions on iran and warning of further
@00:02:10 the threat has gone the fact that iran
@00:02:59 funds about the central bank of iran
@00:04:27 with iran it's going to hell doing
@00:05:45 iran it is not one war and i want to
@00:06:23 proxy for iran which is right here
@00:06:51 they're saying no it came from iran so
@00:06:54 what they say iran struck their oil
@00:08:17 gonna give you a little history on iran
@00:17:36 so think sanctions on iran they weren't
@00:18:57 backed by iran means that there's a
@00:18:58 proxy war that's going on with iran and
@00:19:06 flat said it was came it came from iran
@00:19:36 us how desperate iran is it's like
@00:19:45 anyway so an isolated iran we insulted
@00:19:56 we've done the same thing to iran with
@00:20:58 we stand with the good people of iran
@00:21:17 he's speaking to the people of iran at
@00:21:41 it's the bluff once i show you the iran
@00:30:29 embedded in iran right now is iran this
@00:30:38 iran is subdued then north korea will
@00:33:00 allies iran after they captured northern
@00:33:44 accused this rival shiite power iran of
@00:33:47 training and helping arm the rebels iran
@00:37:48 the puppets are iran they're in the

FISA IG REPORT: Coop Witnesses, Singing Birds, and Whistleblowers

@00:40:36 president of iran for a while okay so he

TRUST WRAY! As the World Turns, We are Watching a MOVIE - WHO are the "Actors"?

@00:27:56 that obama named iran iraq libya sudan


@00:08:01 coming collapse atomic iran how the
@00:31:21 strike package leverage why as iran
@00:31:23 protected why as iran funded by the
@00:31:27 what news about iran broke drugs
@00:31:34 which is a a proxy of iran just deal
@00:31:48 hezbollah drug ring to save the iran
@00:32:16 with them lord to protect the iran deal
@00:32:25 down the iran-backed militant
@00:33:02 because we don't want to upset iran we
@00:33:23 for fear of rocking the boat with iran
@00:33:38 problem when the i agree on iran
@00:34:33 weaponization of iran and north korea
@00:34:56 plus iran technique development plateful

Attacks on QAnon Movement will Increase: Stay the Course

@00:12:07 war with iran this is in the news right
@00:12:09 now iran is out there like aah
@00:14:14 iran and north korea and looking into
@00:14:18 of iran and the real true hit it's all
@00:30:53 because the talks between um iran and
@00:31:35 oh okay yeah we trust him but iran warns
@00:32:26 with this iran report just remember who
@00:32:40 iran and he's causing people to show
@00:32:45 this is what's going on and iran keep
@00:32:47 your eyes on iran in north korea north
@00:36:13 warning that a war with iran could be
@00:37:10 iran unveiled new air-to-air missiles in
@00:37:13 tehran state tv and iran semi official
@00:37:26 bomb iran says they'll be mass-produced
@00:37:53 sanctions and that iran must be able to

Plane, M Temple, and IG Posts = Witness Qanon Posts 07-11-19

@00:16:33 that iran and you've got you've got it

Hunters Become the Hunted for Humanity Q+ - Posts 7/10/19

@00:00:16 jong-un iran and putin whoops drop my
@00:00:22 kim jong-un iran and putin whoops drop
@00:00:27 jong-un iran and putin whoops dropped my
@00:00:33 jong-un iran and putin whoops drop my
@00:33:51 jong-un iran and putin whoops drop my
@00:33:57 kim jong-un iran and putin whoops
@00:34:01 offered to kim jong-un iran and putin
@00:34:07 is offered to kim jong-un iran and putin
@00:34:18 north korea iran poop
@00:34:20 russia kim jeong-hoon iran and putin
@00:34:35 could have something to do with iran an

Stable Genius Alert: POTUS moves with China, NK, SK, and Japan - What's really going on

@00:10:31 due to the dems a lot iran north korea
@00:10:38 russia china iran north korea this is
@00:14:48 iran is blowing up our ships and the you
@00:18:03 a lot of these factions iran you know we
@00:18:09 them their dear leaders of iran we
@00:18:20 of iran in 1953 and again in 1979 and
@00:18:46 iran and the leaders there he's talking

All the Presidents Men (BHO) Treason!

@00:19:36 control leverage over iran today potus
@00:19:40 the end of the iran deal may 28 een
@00:19:50 suicide watch the deal kept iran quiet

Dana Boente's Many Key Trump Admin Positions

@00:07:52 order 13224 nations iran iraq libya

Scope Memo Unveiled, OH boy! Big trouble now...

@00:27:21 general whether it was iran-contra

It was SPYING! Panic. Q calls out FAKE MAGA AGAIN!

@00:38:37 in iran the the fbi rewarded deripaska

Deep Dive: Rep. Jerry Nadler DEEP STATE ACTOR

@00:44:53 on iran now if anybody in the world

Who has the 'real' control? AskTheQ T[-1]

@00:29:29 that's what became the iran-iraq war and

Vault 7 - Potus Opened Door of all Doors: JA: Keystone, Magic Wand, Angelfire

@00:15:35 fbi agent captured and iran okay so

Prepare for March Madness! The Power of the PEOPLE

@00:27:44 cash to iran why wasn't congress

Planned long ago. Within the next 21 days BIG BIG BIG HAPPENINGS are going to take place.

@00:19:58 iran it could be something to do with


@00:18:26 say iran but i say iraq okay you guys
@00:25:32 replicate in iran how much money cash
@00:25:34 was sent to iran ok one two three
@00:28:48 didn't know about iraq i knew about iran
@00:29:00 familiar guys think a think think iran
@00:29:04 the iran deal okay
@00:37:16 iraq why not replicate in iran you know
@00:37:21 iran so it's just disgusting all the way
@00:39:32 iran over its human rights records okay

A Traitor’s Justice. Phase III. Panic in DC. RATS EVERYWHERE

@00:13:57 rhenium one and iran well was edward

Deep Dig: The Importance of CHINA CHINA CHINA in the Q Posts

@00:26:35 affiliate in iran and one of its

Nancy No Trip, Ohr, McCabe, AS Liar, Project Cassandra

@00:44:13 of rocking the bow with iran and a

Qanon - Where is @Snowden & [RBG]? MKUltra Mind Control, [AS] CIA 01/07/2019

@00:43:08 someday reign iran deal paris accord

QAnon - Elf on a shelf, Google Fire, Oversight Committee Hearing

@00:14:45 enemy iran exporter of terrorism they

QAnon - MONDAY! 11/11 WW Unified Waves, John P. Carlin, EU Riots

@00:39:28 that they were that iran was gonna bomb
@00:39:37 to uh to russia you know iran would bomb

QAnon - Let the Unsealing Begin, Let the Declas Begin! WWG1WGA!

@00:00:24 you know iran is next and which should

QAnon - Power Belongs to the People! #WWG1WGA! #NewQPosts

@00:16:28 iran environmental pact so then it gives
@00:17:37 right because it was talking about iran
@00:17:39 iran is next remember it'll be resolved
@00:17:44 this from the iran deal who controls the
@00:18:47 iran deal as it's currently stands it's

QAnon Returns! Mathematically impossible or every detail planned?

@00:21:21 i mean someone could argue iran could be

Ep#6 - The Shady MSM Saudi Arabia Narrative, Oleg Deripaska US Assets Seized, and Soros Funded Stalk

@00:10:39 against iran and curtailed the religious
@00:28:09 to the iran-contra scandal being one of
@00:28:39 now why is the iran connection important
@00:29:28 they were involved in the iran hostage
@00:29:56 considering the iran consider the
@00:29:58 iran-contra story that would not go away
@00:36:11 who was captured and iran two years

Qanon - Feinstein threatens Murkowski? Delay, Delay Delay! Q update

@00:29:12 iran mostly iran so i don't know what

QAnon - Truth to Power, IG, Huber, NSA and Q&A

@00:40:40 canada and i'm assuming iran perhaps or

QAnon - "The Football", They are Scrambling, Buckle UP!

@00:20:24 interview with the iran times ellison
@00:25:02 time and he was a supporter of the iran

QAnon - DOITQ, EAS Alert, Collective Attacks, Panic in DC

@00:28:40 shia dominant iran that's exactly right

QAnon - CIR LIVE CHAT @ 7pm EST w/KatieG

@00:09:41 perhaps it was an iran weapon depo we
@00:44:05 i think because of his ties to the iran

QAnon - WAPO CIA TOOL, Ohr & Weissman

@00:27:35 war conflict against russia x iran
@00:42:07 the iran cuted for okay so that was the

QAnon - China Hacked (not) HRC Server = America For Sale

@00:16:50 north koreans iran of which china has

QAnon - Watch Iran - Something Incredible is About to Happen! 8/29/18

@00:00:11 iran post with you so this will be the
@00:00:13 iran thread that's in my trello and i'm
@00:00:45 iran have the power fight for your
@00:01:51 right so 1947 is an article about iran
@00:02:43 born she's born in iran when did valerie
@00:04:04 particularly plane land outside of iran
@00:05:28 opening-up iran to the outside world and
@00:07:59 was she born iran and when did jared
@00:11:11 regarding iran risked the welfare of the
@00:11:51 was working over there in iran and it
@00:13:41 particular plane land outside of iran to
@00:16:25 there iran deal and funny billions into
@00:16:46 on iran so far but just keep in mind you

QAnon - Treason, Huber Interviews, Cooperating Witnesses 8/29/18

@00:15:32 iran the coup basically the insurance

QAnon - No Name Q Proof - LIVE 8pm EST - Every Dog Has Its Day

@00:28:10 tarmac iran north korea uranium one fbi

QAnon Firewalls, Q Trilogy, NG Deployed to Gitmo

@00:10:10 were on their side for the iran-iraq war

V Pool - Red Shoes Edition Feat. Podesta Art, AC, Kauders

@00:05:00 russia and a lot of coverage of iran but

Welcome to THE SWAMP. We, THE PEOPLE, are the CURE. 8.12.2018

@00:33:37 ballistic missile fired by iran-backed
@00:36:46 trying to tell us is that possibly iran
@00:37:33 read you about the houthis and iran back
@00:37:54 eyes on on iran so the last time the big
@00:38:10 iran is next so i'm just saying from
@00:39:20 out of iran and perhaps they would blame
@00:39:40 gonna be connected to iran i'm almost

QAnon - MSM $160mm Slush Fund to Counter Conservatives 8.8.16

@00:03:59 cause war with iran fake potus will

QAnon - Why I believe in Q? Perry #QStories #WeAreQ #8

@00:02:07 arabia and iran is next and i think

QAnon - Testimony #4 Mike #QStories #WeAreQ

@00:05:28 with iran and other places around the

QAnon - Breaking: Trump offers to meet with Iranian President Rouhani, without preconditions

@00:00:28 iran and the headlines are trump offers
@00:00:47 i would certainly meet with iran if they
@00:01:20 you spoke a bit about iran today and
@00:01:24 you could tell us what you think iran
@00:02:43 meet with iran if they wanted to meet i
@00:02:48 but i ended the iran deal it was a
@00:03:33 he's willing to talk with iran to iran
@00:03:52 on with iran on new nuclear agreement
@00:03:57 meet with that iran with iran with
@00:04:00 without preconditions iran as a nation
@00:04:17 he'll meet with iran without
@00:04:32 meet with iran leaders just 10 days

QAnon - LIVE 9PM EST - The message must bypass the MSM.

@00:30:24 rent uranium one iran human trafficking

QAnon - 9PM EST Live Review of Latest Q...He's baa aack

@00:04:48 iran was ventured mentioned in the past
@00:43:00 stated in the past were i the iran is
@00:43:05 different contexts but you know iran is

QAnon - Q&A @ 4PM EST TODAY - Have your questions ready!

@00:50:20 9/11 iran-iraq war iran-contra mueller's

QAnon - Ask yourself - is this normal? NO IT IS NOT!

@00:16:28 which ended with the free iran gathering
@00:19:15 gave iran everything it wanted including
@00:19:36 change in iran well because we installed


@00:19:59 oh okay the next one is about iran july
@00:20:09 iran who are currently battling their
@00:20:48 just look up iran regime you know 1979
@00:21:25 q's messages and iran so it's pretty
@00:21:31 the good people of iran who are
@00:21:57 that's that one iran still keep that in

QAnon - It's Time - Shift in Tactics! #WINNING

@00:00:36 distract ig report hearings korea iran
@00:01:48 distraction iran next regime in trouble
@00:02:04 ongoing with iran with the iranian
@00:02:23 regime change i think for iran it's like

QAnon - What Will This Week Bring? Shock and Awe?

@00:42:30 iran money not security nuke development
@00:42:53 and then this is one from iran on a fry
@00:43:13 business and iran us sanctions not only
@00:43:18 in iran but also bar foreign firms that
@00:43:29 announced fresh sanctions on iran which
@00:43:51 returning to the news or maybe iran will

QAnon - IG Report Today, Did you witness the stage being set?

@00:03:35 can see here that he's tagging iran and
@00:05:01 has hashtag iran so there's lots of
@00:05:07 this mm-hmm another person iran is
@00:05:23 going on in iran just amazing so that's

QAnon - False Agendas, RR with FIVE EYES in a PANIC

@00:06:46 is safer iran developments q so yeah i
@00:07:06 we took control iran next cue and i made
@00:10:14 strength's cut we took control iran next
@00:11:27 up departure why the world is safer iran
@00:11:36 he leaving early because of iran
@00:11:41 iran warns europe that time is running
@00:12:05 iran will take the next steps with
@00:12:26 iran urges north korea not to trust
@00:12:29 trump and iran sporn by u.s. angrily
@00:12:40 that's why he's leaving early iran
@00:13:02 developments in iran he's saying okay
@00:20:36 1454 eu sanctions iran leaders of eu
@00:20:45 people /world iran deal orchestrated for
@00:21:41 asks us to spare its companies from iran
@00:22:01 based companies over iran yeah fat
@00:22:48 allegedly gave iran access to the us

QAnon - Unsealed Weiner SEARCH WARRANT NOT a Sealed INDICTMENT

@00:15:41 that iran and the eu are in and how you
@00:15:58 will iran expose the name of corrupted
@00:16:06 well iran expose the name of corrupt

QAnon - 11.11Provided as Strategic Marker - Now Comes the Pain

@00:00:48 reread crumbs regarding iran and i have
@00:01:32 transferred to iran four routes five
@00:01:54 closed large deals and iran post deal
@00:02:00 york times iran nuclear trump business
@00:02:16 panicking about the iran deal pull out
@00:02:43 companies rushed to invest in iran what
@00:02:53 quickly to invest in iran after it
@00:03:19 trump pulled out of the iran agreement
@00:03:20 with iran many companies had already
@00:04:06 iran to eight i mean this is crafter the
@00:04:27 moving in after the iran deal went
@00:05:43 panic about panicking about the iran
@00:05:51 make good on their end of the deal iran
@00:05:56 iran is going to start naming names if
@00:07:02 the drops about iran so if you click on
@00:07:09 single drop that mentions iran it's 21
@00:07:14 mentioned iran and it looks like this
@00:07:29 little murky on what's going on and iran
@00:07:58 strategic intel iran who what deal was
@00:08:03 done with iran under barack obama see
@00:08:20 a uranium how did iran obtain uranium i
@00:08:35 on a private plane to iran money i mean
@00:08:59 iran okay so it's there for you and you
@00:14:27 ler that's one that these are all iran
@00:14:29 iran related companies okay airbus right
@00:15:05 nuclear iran dot-com / ib r and what
@00:15:26 with with them iran yeah and then and
@00:15:51 business with iran 3m and if it doesn't
@00:17:36 iran and then you can match them against
@00:19:37 out because someone in iran has
@00:20:08 the posts about iran you can see when
@00:20:42 trading with iran and don't put pressure
@00:20:51 negotiations to make the i - tag iran
@00:21:12 iran a lot looking forward to finding
@00:22:27 iran so then an anon says nuke inspector
@00:22:35 days after the i deal with ideal iran
@00:26:56 for iran is gonna be glorious 2018 is
@00:45:39 public think is iran in north korea oh

QAnon - EVIL lost control / leverage of Iran & We ALL Make Mistakes

@00:01:16 iran and syria the houthis just you know
@00:01:23 going on the iran deal stuff like that
@00:02:15 leverage of iran which means you know
@00:02:21 was coming out of the iran nuclear deal
@00:02:24 potus took control of iran today with
@00:02:49 the deal kept iran quiet so why suicide
@00:03:00 people to to iran and what's really
@00:03:08 meaning keep potus in the iran deal
@00:04:00 the p5 plus one that negotiated the iran
@00:05:20 on july 14th between iran the p5 plus
@00:05:51 out that it wasn't even signed by iran
@00:06:37 this is from 2015 iran never sign a
@00:06:54 with iran was never signed and is not
@00:07:24 deal with iran the j pos
@00:07:37 political commitments between iran the
@00:08:06 sanctions if iran does not meet its
@00:08:19 secret iran deals there are no secret
@00:09:02 secret side deals between iran and the
@00:09:08 accompany the main onion iran nuclear
@00:09:10 deal agreed last week between iran and
@00:09:25 iran nuclear program were revealed
@00:09:41 in addition to allowing iran to keep its
@00:10:00 only does this violate the iran nuclear
@00:17:05 posts this art this link to iran daily
@00:18:14 perhaps so raza tom had to visit iran i
@00:18:26 slated for an upcoming visit to iran to
@00:20:45 been in iran i mean right in 2017
@00:22:41 iran confirms reef kerry meeting in new

Review Time with QAnon + NY AG Roadblock Gone!

@00:16:14 corrupt deals like iran exactly they are

QAnon - New Phase JUSTICE. JK Traitor, New Board, Your Fired!

@00:26:44 iran important context for future news
@00:27:50 collude with iran and then here's the
@00:28:44 program the iran deal
@00:29:11 is in new york and it's not in iran
@00:29:19 iran with the iran deal facing its
@00:29:39 criticized the pact it's a deal the iran
@00:30:40 view the iran nuclear deal as a factor
@00:30:58 vienna that involved iran and six world
@00:31:02 lifted sanctions in return for iran
@00:33:27 regime to make sure iran is complying
@00:33:42 sanctions and negotiate the iran nuclear
@00:36:07 information about john kerry and iran is

QAnon - China, Russia, Others Coordinating w/Potus to Eliminate NWO?

@00:05:15 people are worried now that iran is
@00:07:17 that iran is needs to be freed that's
@00:08:30 to go to war with iran all of a sudden i
@00:15:07 really worried about iran and and israel
@00:15:42 iran okay and then and then it says iran
@00:15:53 potentially iran so or i'm sorry israel
@00:19:33 and iran needs to be freed they're there
@00:19:50 to see the people in the streets of iran

QAnon - The Plot to NUKE America and Blame Russia SUM OF ALL FEARS

@00:10:47 it had something to do with iran but i
@00:14:10 defined the terms of the iran nuclear
@00:14:44 the iran nuclear deal so here's the main
@00:14:48 this iran will export all about 300
@00:14:54 eight tons of low enriched uranium iran
@00:14:57 for a sorry one iran will sacrifice
@00:15:16 non-proliferation treaty iran will
@00:15:32 republic of iran and here is the actual
@00:15:38 iran deal text and if you search the
@00:15:45 what if iran created a classified
@00:16:01 take what if out iran created a
@00:16:58 european union russia iran north korea
@00:17:01 syria pakistan iran next did the usa
@00:17:28 armenia to iran iran to other route
@00:19:45 on this there will be a war between iran
@00:20:24 foreign state supplied uranium to iran /
@00:22:57 iran and their nuclear capabilities this
@00:23:28 later iran syria kicks off a nuke hrc
@00:23:36 that uranium to iran syria wink-wink
@00:24:16 trace it back to them we attacked iran
@00:25:23 dramatic news about iran monday night
@00:25:34 program that iran has been hiding for
@00:26:19 have no place in iran security and
@00:26:43 you one thing iran lied big-time
@00:26:54 iran intensified its efforts to hide its
@00:26:57 secret nuclear files in 2017 iran moved
@00:29:26 iran plus uranium one connection where
@00:30:13 union asia north korea iran deal russian
@00:30:33 win the election why was the iran deal
@00:31:07 names all these countries iran deal why
@00:31:11 north korea / iran why what does it mean
@00:32:04 real deal about iran or i'm sorry about
@00:32:29 said iran would be next so let's keep


@00:09:04 north korea iran russia china mexico

QAnon - MUST SEE! What will the texts reveal? MOAB or precursor?

@00:00:58 says iran is next it's a marker reread
@00:01:01 so he wants us to reread the iran post
@00:01:13 signaled to iran and then its class
@00:02:48 that are happening and the iran deal is
@00:03:09 to iran especially look at what they're
@00:03:18 place in the middle east iran is behind
@00:04:10 signaling to iran yeah this class and
@00:05:06 iran deal or the iran nuclear deal okay
@00:05:13 iran and the p5 plus one five permanent
@00:05:56 section 211 a of the iran threat
@00:06:08 transportation of goods to and from iran
@00:06:14 any other shipping service to iran
@00:07:32 the iran deal has been they've broken
@00:08:35 talking about he's signaling to iran
@00:08:58 the deal to remain in the iran deal you
@00:09:25 the revolving fund where iran has the
@00:09:43 money is basically we pay iran money
@00:17:00 he changes his mind about iran huh since

QAnon - Red Cross, UBL Exchange, Armenia is Free

@00:21:57 reminder iran is next marker and then
@00:23:12 hundred fifty billion dollars to iran
@00:23:17 just like with north korea iran is clown
@00:23:22 tech to iran to use as worldwide nuke
@00:25:08 iran deal as it is currently so i
@00:25:20 going to agree to the iran deal so and
@00:25:26 billion dollars to iran with no
@00:25:31 just like with north korea iran is clown
@00:25:36 tech to iran to use as a worldwide
@00:27:30 missiles to iran brokered by pelosi
@00:27:33 clowns etc we give money to iran to buy
@00:28:24 anyone clowns ran north korea and iran
@00:28:30 my god north korea sold missiles to iran
@00:28:38 money to iran to buy the missiles so the
@00:32:00 korea iran all that stuff oh my lord
@00:36:45 armenia to iran iran to any other
@00:39:06 iran you know what i mean is being freed
@00:42:57 korea's chains cut now armenia then iran
@00:43:36 iran any other rogue nuclear states and
@00:44:34 well yeah and i don't think iran as you
@00:45:57 this is the red cross red cross iran red

#QAnon - Real vs Actual, IG Report, Potus Tweets Tarmac WOW!

@00:01:28 iran next trust the plan april showers
@00:04:35 iran is next trust the plan okay so he's
@00:07:19 thinking the date versus actual iran
@00:10:19 here's the tarmac iran north korea

#QAnon - Syria Strike, Disinformation is REAL

@00:05:41 from iran feeding us and i mean from
@00:11:04 you know you got iran iran is next
@00:11:07 remember that iran is next this is gonna
@00:11:13 comments from iran this is what we want
@00:13:56 iran okay
@00:14:28 taken over by shiites from iran so it
@00:15:08 iran so it's very murky over here it's
@00:17:53 i promise you that iran is involved and

QAnon - Did Snowden Drop a Post on 8 Chan? Anons think so

@00:20:11 this may be trying to bait iran because
@00:20:13 iran supposed to be next okay so hang in

#QAnon - Chongqing/Tuesday, FB, Syria, Iran, RR TRUST

@00:19:10 report april ninth iran threat to
@00:19:24 on right now as to draw out iran that's
@00:20:13 we've talked about syria iran california
@00:20:47 huber a one tarmac iran north korea

#QAnon - Mother of all Post Dumps - Posts 996-1028

@00:05:07 persian that she's from iran and then

#QAnon - April Awan Arrests, Tip Top Tippy Top Shape

@00:23:50 arrests a one tarmac iran newton north

#Qanon - Fire in the Hole, We are talking to YOU

@00:08:27 union russia iran north korea syria
@00:08:37 goodness iran is next 700 billion dollar

#QAnon - Russia, Expelled Diplomats and Trump - What is going on?

@00:20:20 making peace with iran okay and let me
@00:20:30 president trump will use to get iran and
@00:20:50 process trump we used for the for iran
@00:21:04 last week q said that iran is next on
@00:21:10 the post iran next rt days after rt
@00:21:19 and be boom q okay so iran is a boom all
@00:21:27 iran i believe we do trump has signaled
@00:21:33 in place to negotiate with iran
@00:21:44 incompatible on their views toward iran
@00:21:52 iran was one of the main reasons for the
@00:21:58 dealing with iran and it shows he's
@00:22:06 with iran the same way he got north
@00:22:40 he knows that syria and iran are proxies
@00:23:51 the problems in his own country iran and
@00:25:48 putin to bring iran and syria to heel
@00:25:54 iran and syria to the negotiation table
@00:28:14 on the agenda russia no war no iran next
@00:28:21 as iran and that's the q post that we
@00:29:21 iran next trump put pressure on
@00:29:53 said iran syria
@00:31:13 isis iran and even the coming arms race

#QAnon - WE are GETTING THE WALL, the STAGE is set

@00:14:25 that's how come he could give iran all

#Qanon - Boom Boom! Snowden, Pompeo

@00:04:15 so iran is next and we know we know that
@00:04:23 in post 890 iran next a tougher nut to
@00:04:48 strings cut we took control iran next so
@00:04:51 we sort of know that um iran is next in

#Qanon - The Plan, We Have More Than We Know

@00:06:15 iran-contra handle in it you know it ran
@00:41:38 oops alright so that's about the iran

#Qanon - March Madness! Spirit Cooking, Angela WHO?

@00:02:32 iran for the cash infusion that we gave
@00:03:08 basically he's tying the iran deal where
@00:09:31 most of the refugees were from iran iraq

#Qanon - Deal Made, Clowns Out, Strings Cut!

@00:09:07 could we took control iran next cue and
@00:10:38 control iran next woo q alright so and
@00:11:06 about iran next a tougher nut to crack q

#QAnon Division - Controversy WHO is Q Talking To?

@00:22:19 against at whatever russia iran north

Qanon - Was or Is Ruth Bader Ginsberg in Hanoi this week? Latest Q Posts

@00:01:27 156 a.m. operation merlyn tech iran
@00:01:34 north korea and iran deal funding deals
@00:01:37 with iran and north korea t cells
@00:02:35 provide iran with a flawed design for
@00:02:42 nuclear weapons program or to frame iran
@00:04:04 the tech to iran and north korea past
@00:04:07 from iran to north korea so the next
@00:04:14 that long ago so then it provided iran
@00:04:28 on the iran north korea new clients and
@00:04:40 then iran deal was provided the funding
@00:04:50 billion more in cash to iran after the
@00:05:05 lord money was funneled from iran to
@00:05:13 thing says iran funds t-cells terror
@00:05:24 iran gives north korea funding north
@00:05:27 korea's deadly partnership with iran and
@00:05:29 this talks about their funding iran had
@00:05:31 oil iran had cash north korea had
@00:05:36 an ideal match and then north korea iran
@00:05:42 our nuclear pals iran in north korea

#Qanon - Flynn, FISA, EO's, FREEDOM DAY #thestormisuponus #followthewhiterabbit

@00:04:49 9/11 okay go back to iran-contra where

#Qanon - Drug Cartels, Superpredators, Who is the real criminal racist? #followthewhiterabbit

@00:01:40 help the iran-contra and they brought in
@00:06:09 the media as iran-contra this

#QAnon - Kneading Bread, Skull & Bones Kerry #followthewhiterabbit #thestorm

@00:16:08 iran-iraq war you know you had the

#QAnon - LIVE 8PM EST - The 16 Year Plan to Destroy America #followthewhiterabbit #thestormishere

@00:12:43 korea class one two three blind eye iran
@00:13:23 iran north korea plus reduce us capacity

#QAnon - Trey Gowdy, False Flag?, Vegas Witnesses #followthewhiterabbit #thestormishere

@00:10:29 that were doing that and he named iran

#Qanon New Drops, Matlock, Panama,1000 Arrests on Drudge #followthewhiterabbit #Q

@00:15:23 it's actually referring to iran so he's
@00:15:43 thousand protesters arrested in iran as
@00:15:58 indictments it has to do with iran the

#Qanon Connection to Whacked Pakistan Spy Ring #followthewhiterabbit #thestormishere

@00:01:02 also throws iran but we'll get to that
@00:01:06 about the iran protests time for a
@00:01:22 little bit so you know iraq and iran
@00:01:27 right cradled in between iran and
@00:16:43 you know supporting the uprising in iran
@00:18:27 the barack obama iran deal okay this is
@00:18:32 rings there the iran deals going on they
@00:18:38 iran it's insane like they said it's the
@00:27:38 ok so iran i apologize for my stumbling

#QAnon - Connection to Iranian Protests #followthewhiterabbit #thestormishere

@00:00:07 update on the iran protest situation and
@00:00:26 so iran protests how trump can strike a
@00:00:36 twitter at the irate hashtag iran
@00:01:10 east iran also lost one comfortable
@00:01:23 and iran protests here are the kids at
@00:02:31 a shiite community iran is mostly
@00:02:53 the end of the arab spring where iran
@00:03:11 overthrow iran because we control them
@00:03:50 iran decided to do this the people of
@00:03:52 iran we didn't support them and i have a
@00:03:57 iran but i'll get there so let's just
@00:04:26 iran where said of criticizing him is a
@00:05:26 that the good people of iran won't
@00:05:48 good people of iran won't change and
@00:07:22 that okay let's listen the iran protests
@00:07:45 states being the issue inside of iran
@00:07:54 hashtag iran protests here to discuss
@00:07:59 coordinator for the iran nuclear
@00:08:28 understand the domestic politics iran
@00:08:36 road but isn't any effect inside iran
@00:09:59 in iran he didn't call for the ayatollah
@00:10:19 these protesters in iran out to dry why
@00:10:28 united states for protests inside iran
@00:10:38 inside iran it's very thin right now we
@00:10:43 of the politics of iran to play this
@00:10:54 it didn't work back then iran only
@00:11:53 iran clearly our allies in israel would
@00:12:50 was i did a search on iran on github
@00:12:56 for iran so if you want to do this
@00:13:16 so the first time q talked about iran
@00:13:39 intel iran what deal was done with iran
@00:14:49 helping us with iran who is the enemy i
@00:15:16 iran and uranium one is tied together
@00:15:28 how did iran obtain uranium through the
@00:15:35 cash and wire to iran supposedly for
@00:15:52 how many planes carried cash into iran
@00:15:55 did all land and iran and he goes three
@00:16:09 and iran got uranium so basically the
@00:16:21 iran the central bank of the islamic
@00:16:23 republic of iran so they're saying he's
@00:16:26 making a point that iran has central
@00:16:50 asia iran north korea it's all connected
@00:16:53 iran deal why is this relevant reread
@00:16:56 the drops on north korea and iran and
@00:17:13 one canada europe asia iran north korea
@00:17:35 canada europe asia iran north korea so
@00:17:41 these countries mainly to get it to iran
@00:17:43 and and iran gives it to north korea
@00:18:13 doesn't put iran but he's saying iran
@00:18:33 iran connection we're just starting to
@00:18:45 right but consumer iran and viral pacs
@00:19:18 regime change in iran and how our the
@00:20:05 the control of iran back to the people

#QAnon Redpilled - A Mini Documentary #thestormishere #followthewhiterabbit

@00:11:53 surprise iran-contra and more bridging
@00:27:33 the what was called the iran-contra
@00:28:09 other people involved in iran-contra
@00:44:43 iran-contra affairs