Pizza gate

Q Goes Mainstream AGAIN - Q Digital Soldier Missions Explained

@00:02:13 repeat you know pizzagate satanic
@00:10:08 pizzagate conspiracy you mean that guy
@00:29:08 pizzagate hello
@00:30:45 facts about pizzagate specific facts
@00:36:53 pizzagate goes way back and it includes

Betrayal. Bribes. Treason. Justice IS Coming No Matter What!

@00:22:55 of the pizza gate thing which is a real
@00:23:20 that's why it's called pizza gate plus
@00:23:24 pizza parlor because the because the
@00:23:33 the pizza place so people just blow it
@00:23:36 pizza gate these people think you know
@00:23:44 hashtag pizza gate yeah pizza
@00:23:48 oh pizza gate is a real thing okay and
@00:28:39 is just pointing out that pizza gate is
@00:28:41 real and the highlight is pizza gate and
@00:28:50 this cheese pizza part alright that it

PAIN coming! Think Timing! Q Post Analysis: 3647-3654

@00:23:12 victim of the pizza gate conspiracy i

“Nothing to See Here!” with Jim and Katie G - Episode #1

@00:06:19 pizza gate that have led to have it to
@00:33:47 pizza gate emma you know it's crazy


@00:09:02 about wheels up but before i do pizza
@00:09:06 gate is directly connected to the
@00:09:50 to pizza gate
@00:30:44 sparked a pizza gate theory i mean it's

Hunters Become the Hunted for Humanity Q+ - Posts 7/10/19

@00:03:44 the pizza gate under the pizza gate

This Can NEVER Happen to a President Again!

@00:15:50 pizza gate super pac okay come on now
@00:15:56 tenure with a group founded by a pizza
@00:15:57 gate conspiracy theorist was short-lived

Who has the 'real' control? AskTheQ T[-1]

@00:11:55 because this is you know the pizza gate

Garbage Files, B*TCHes & Unicorns: Whistle While You Work

@00:35:14 someone wants to yell at you about pizza
@00:35:16 gate you just give them this article all

DON'T MISS THIS ONE: What 'set up' 'insurance' file was created?

@00:14:17 and the clinton foundation with pizza
@00:14:19 gate was disgusting because it's not
@00:14:25 you know that pizza gate just killed us

Big Name Coming? Nobody is safe. These people are sick!

@00:15:36 all the pizza gate digging that's going
@00:28:49 on pizza gate that's kind of like
@00:29:06 minutes long but it's all about pizza
@00:29:08 gate and exposure of pizza gate it's
@00:41:25 okay and the one for the pizza gate

Blockade End, Good to Go, Dark to Light #2678-2681

@00:02:40 pizza gate conspiracy theory came to

Boom! RBG, Lisa Page, John Carlin Future Proves Past

@00:07:49 pizza gate over nowhere you know and i

QAnon - Public Awakening = Game Over #NewQ through #2585

@00:12:10 victim of pizza gate conspiracy theory

Qanon - Boom, Boom, Boom - Something is Happening and POTUS Pointing

@00:19:20 flat earth and pizza gate and things

V Pool - Red Shoes Edition Feat. Podesta Art, AC, Kauders

@00:17:29 following the wikileaks pizza gate
@00:26:48 investigated pizza gate to any degree
@00:42:02 there if you've studied pizza gate for

QAnon - Haiti Edition, NBC and The More You Know...

@00:17:17 related to pizza gate okay so it says
@00:17:23 some as pizza gate did not begin with
@00:33:36 pizza and i mean it could have been
@00:33:38 easily called pasta gate i mean it just
@00:33:41 so happens that it was a pizza joint

QAnon - Live 10PM EST - Posts 1785-1799 Fishing is fun!

@00:09:14 volunteer was about the guy in the pizza
@00:09:17 gate email steyr and then he replies to

QAnon - The World is about to Change! #AskTheQ #TryHarderMSM

@00:25:17 know imagine a volatile mix of pizza
@00:25:20 gate infowars and satanic panic of the
@00:27:05 pizza gate and the guy yeah oh it's just
@00:29:01 pizza gate slash accusing actors of

QAnon - LIVE 9PM EST - The message must bypass the MSM.

@00:25:20 and on pizza gate conspirator of course
@00:25:22 they always like to tie it to pizza gate

QAnon - 9PM EST Live Review of Latest Q...He's baa aack

@00:17:19 sent in like they did with pizza gate i
@00:29:17 and pizza gate or pizza conspiracy of
@00:29:20 course they always hook it to pizza gate
@00:29:26 pizza gate but guess what you won't get
@00:29:28 any takers because pizza gate is real
@00:29:35 in or some dumbass went into that pizza

QAnon - June ETA for JA/SR, Twitter "Insiders" and Roseann

@00:18:34 pizza gate a while ago this is why some
@00:18:37 people that are big pizza gate like
@00:18:47 forget that wikileaks also said pizza
@00:18:49 gate wasn't real so i think julian
@00:19:32 they deny pizza gate and they also did
@00:19:36 main piece of gate guy is gleefully
@00:19:46 must be pizza gate must be faked - then
@00:24:20 pizza gate on trump tweeted steve

QAnon - Who Knows Where the Bodies are Buried? Rudy, Erik, Flynn

@00:02:55 queueing on a new pizza gate stop pizza
@00:03:27 the storm is the new pizza gate only

QAnon - WE FIGHT! Conspiracy no more - FREEDOM!

@00:03:27 been talking about pizza gate and then


@00:12:28 fomenting the so called a pizza gate
@00:14:04 because of the pizza gate comment hard

QAnon - Live Q Post Updates 1061-1076 April 7

@00:03:43 question hey jack no pizza gate bought
@00:04:02 they're so you can expect possibly pizza
@00:04:05 gate push bot push on twitter
@00:21:36 they're gonna be doing the pizza gate
@00:21:48 with the stupid pizza gate theory again

#QAnon - LIVE UDATE - Backpage, Epstein, Obama Pics

@00:21:07 spear on pizza gate which don't let

#QAnon - April Awan Arrests, Tip Top Tippy Top Shape

@00:04:30 queueing on a pizza gate style

#Qanon - WINK Confirmed by Q - New POSTS LIVE

@00:23:07 and the pizza gate pedo gate stuff it

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@00:07:59 left-wing pizza gate oh did i say that

#QAnon - Possible False Flags, POTUS Comments what?, Suspicious Death

@00:36:40 familiar with pizza gate and pentagon

#Qanon Weekend Update Jimmy and Katie G 7:30 EST

@00:49:19 friend over there that talks about pizza
@00:49:21 gate quit being so mean to the a times