

@00:34:07 sessions appointed him

Q Goes Mainstream AGAIN - Q Digital Soldier Missions Explained

@00:17:15 on monday jeff sessions caught in a

Crimes Against Children = Common Denominator = Mass Population Awakening (FULL EPISODE)

@00:37:52 jeff sessions does it does it fall under

deleted Investigating Austin Steinbart: Part1 - Coincidence or Proof?

@00:21:27 sessions step back in and already is

deleted Rig for Red - Silent Running - WHO IS Q? Controversy

@00:02:13 after sessions appointed him

QAnon - We are Ready, Q! Prepare for the Storm ( and a DEEP DIVE TIMELINE)

@00:27:04 general sessions and rosen stein and you
@00:35:12 jeff sessions involves / andy biggs
@00:35:22 former attorney general sessions and
@00:41:25 president's anger with ag sessions when
@00:41:53 is told to him by sessions notice who's
@00:44:21 people sessions is sitting there telling
@00:44:23 them what to do sessions is one of them

State of the Union. Boomerang. THANKS DOJ!~

@00:18:15 sessions justice department has 27 leaks
@00:19:33 us about ajay sessions on lakers what

The Sky is Falling! Flynn, Huber, Clinton Foundation

@00:03:37 sessions to look into concerns raised by
@00:39:40 revealed by sessions november start hrc

QAnon Post Analysis: Merry Christmas Edition

@00:14:45 why is sessions acting week ig report
@00:14:51 sessions for why why enjoy the show dead

Something BIG is Coming - BIGGER than You Can Imagine

@00:03:10 that decision ag jeff sessions was

Think FLYNN_FISA [ILLEGAL?] "They Will Fight, but YOU are Ready!"

@00:06:23 then october 3rd 2018 sessions meeting
@00:06:37 sessions meeting humor the day prior to
@00:06:45 for fur sessions to bring in all the
@00:07:18 regarding sessions subpoena tomorrow if
@00:07:20 sessions is recused from the russia
@00:07:32 per subpoena two sessions scheduled one
@00:08:36 we're talking about ray of sessions and
@00:12:10 in sessions better than a special

Carter Page's 4 FISA's - GANG of 8 DECLAS = [[[AS]]] "Knowingly."

@00:21:24 dc assigned by sessions with the same

Wray - TRUST BUT VERIFY! Rosenstein and Wray BOTH on Lindsay Graham's Radar Screen

@00:05:57 ag sessions was recused from anything to
@00:19:19 why it okay 787 trust sessions trust ray
@00:19:32 2018 trust sessions trust ray trusts
@00:41:27 special counsel jeff sessions as ag rod

QPosts 3588-3595 11/14/18 - BLACK OP Insertions to Campaign, WH, Aides, Cabinet Confirmed!

@00:00:42 sessions former chairman of the rules
@00:01:28 pete sessions congressman from texas now
@00:07:50 fbi informant have secret sessions been
@00:14:39 trust sessions on october 28th as

Are We Getting Close to Assange Disclosure? Dana Rohrabacher Seen on Capital Hill

@00:21:35 2017 after sessions appointed him

QAnon is Back! Rigged for Red and Ready to Surface!

@00:19:04 since october 28th 2017 after sessions

Qanon Connections to Recent FISA and FLYNN News

@00:20:13 pre-snap strategy sessions use unusally

Sacrifices will NEVER be FORGOTTEN - Role of Gowdy?

@00:12:37 he was playing his part their sessions
@00:15:53 goodlatte gaudí and sessions because
@00:15:56 sessions is definitely he did salat of
@00:17:02 country mr. jeff sessions your
@00:18:03 good luck gaudí in sessions all resigned
@00:18:06 good luck goudy in sessions all resigned
@00:19:06 who did sessions a point in november of
@00:19:14 who was sessions chief of staff that's
@00:19:27 was the chief of staff - sessions
@00:20:08 sessions is ezra cohen watt nick who


@00:26:17 sessions who must approve the firing and
@00:26:36 source more in pipe if sessions and ray
@00:28:17 why did sessions pick our rod rosenstein
@00:29:56 engage huber why did si sessions review
@00:37:34 okay who appointed hubert sessions what

FISA IG REPORT: Coop Witnesses, Singing Birds, and Whistleblowers

@00:20:28 sessions to investigate tapped by
@00:20:30 sessions to investigate abuses has not
@00:29:51 attorney general jeff sessions appoints
@00:30:43 sessions doesn't do that except right
@00:42:15 sessions he was subpoenaed by the house
@00:42:50 request this is to jeff sessions you are
@00:43:30 forget this happened under jeff sessions

The REAL Insurance Policy and it's Ties to JB's CIA Russian Asset

@00:16:26 protocols as planning sessions for osama

"First we F Flynn" then "We F Trump" Boomerang 1 initiated!

@00:37:16 doj under sessions as his national

Powell, Flynn, and the BRIDGE - Ezra Cohen-Watnick THE BRIDGE

@00:35:08 still and so he was he was with sessions
@00:37:51 general jeff sessions now think what we
@00:44:57 jeff sessions and now attorney general
@00:46:05 sessions team a justice department

TRUST WRAY! As the World Turns, We are Watching a MOVIE - WHO are the "Actors"?

@00:27:17 jeff sessions was forced to recuse
@00:27:25 andy mccabe tried to take sessions out
@00:27:27 we know that sessions whose confirmation
@00:28:21 until sessions was confirmed as attorney
@00:28:52 2017 the same day that sessions was
@00:29:05 its original form after sessions was
@00:29:14 sessions while remaining as a us
@00:31:35 those sessions was charged by trump to
@00:32:07 sessions had recused
@00:44:52 appointed on may 24 2018 by sessions as

TRUST GRASSLEY! Billionaire CEO Whistleblower! Stay Tuned...

@00:09:40 i gave attorney general sessions as i
@00:41:22 hunt was jeff sessions former chief of

Deep Dive: Epstein Suicide through the Q Posts

@00:08:51 general sessions appointed hugh hurwitz
@00:31:32 block you from posting so sessions began
@00:31:38 the assist queue sessions began the
@00:31:45 see the light about about sessions okay
@00:32:13 sessions started the epstein
@00:32:28 general jeff sessions expect a lot more

Attacks on QAnon Movement will Increase: Stay the Course

@00:35:45 know two to three hour sessions

5 Buckets of Declas! We NOW Have Plenty of Space #Qanon

@00:10:08 sessions trust ray trusts kansas trust
@00:10:15 trust sessions and ray again here

SPYsa/FISAgate, Epstein,and Lawmaker Targets?

@00:17:38 sessions and
@00:24:36 had to be sessions at the time okay now

Stealth Bomber and Covert Operations in DC - BE READY!

@00:17:49 jeff sessions and who was his chief of
@00:23:44 early like sessions why did mccabe try
@00:23:47 to take sessions out so this is all
@00:32:43 adviser for sessions jeff sessions and
@00:32:46 we know jeff sessions started all of
@00:33:40 to sessions through flynn well now he's
@00:35:44 the attorney general sessions at the
@00:36:01 general jeff sessions according to a
@00:36:37 sessions on counterintelligence and
@00:36:55 sessions is broadly viewed in the
@00:40:50 assigned directly to sessions by potus
@00:40:59 security adviser to sessions who briefed
@00:42:28 attorney general jeff sessions had
@00:45:56 counterterrorism adviser to sessions the

QAnon Baby and the Watch - Worth Remembering (((WWG1WGA)))

@00:31:42 said sessions is what got this started

Plane, M Temple, and IG Posts = Witness Qanon Posts 07-11-19

@00:16:29 stuff about sessions and the fisa and

Hunters Become the Hunted for Humanity Q+ - Posts 7/10/19

@00:31:08 respondent says sessions began the
@00:32:22 sessions well so yes and there you go
@00:32:28 and it says the anon says trust sessions
@00:32:40 trust sessions so i never if i don't
@00:45:46 attorney general jeff sessions expect a

QAnon - New Q! What does it mean? BE PREPARED for GOD AND COUNTRY

@00:08:47 severe pain to dc sessions force the

IT'S HAPPENING! Durham's Scope, Huber, and the Freedom Caucus

@00:03:44 mentioned by a letter by jeff sessions
@00:04:21 this up but turley sessions appointing
@00:04:37 sessions sent a letter to the house
@00:05:10 jeff sessions appointed prosecutors
@00:05:25 back to sessions ok this was from them
@00:05:31 actual ag letter by sef jeff sessions
@00:05:41 is jeff sessions talking now to who's he
@00:08:15 dc sessions forced release name of huber
@00:08:22 when i just showed you where sessions
@00:10:57 assigned by sessions with the same
@00:17:48 outside dc assigned by sessions with the

The Silent Ones, Operation Charlemagne NEONREVOLT Part 1

@00:31:15 screenshots of my sessions key logs and

Did you catch the BOOM? DC in PANIC!

@00:09:33 if sessions is recused from russia probe
@00:09:44 probe per subpoena two sessions one
@00:10:00 sessions has testified it's probably
@00:10:27 new york times sessions subpoena mccabe

Dana Boente's Many Key Trump Admin Positions

@00:07:35 general jeff sessions was forced to
@00:07:40 sessions whose confirmation hearings
@00:08:30 position until sessions was confirmed as
@00:08:59 same day that sessions was sworn in as
@00:09:10 so after sessions was confirmed but they
@00:09:14 general reporting to ag sessions while
@00:10:42 service with the doj although sessions
@00:11:12 investigation as sessions had recused
@00:22:39 may 4th 2018 by sessions as the interim

Scope Memo Unveiled, OH boy! Big trouble now...

@00:35:41 general jeff sessions on march 2nd 2016

1st and 10 @ the 50 = Predictable and Prepared

@00:06:40 sessions does that surprise you that

This Can NEVER Happen to a President Again!

@00:36:09 former attorney general jeff sessions
@00:38:41 sessions announced he brought in huber

Largest Pre-planned and Coordinated Propaganda Event in History

@00:21:06 create endless sessions and he used in
@00:21:25 sessions over the past 24 hours and if

The LEAD IN, Ukraine, RC, These People are SICK!

@00:38:12 now thanks to sessions and others they
@00:40:57 about sessions dropping the hammer the

The Real Panic Comes in the Form of A Last Resort

@00:34:15 it was installed after sessions

Who has the 'real' control? AskTheQ T[-1]

@00:45:26 sessions that had never been on earth


@00:12:43 insurance installed post sessions

Promises Made - Promises (soon to be kept) Let Freedom Ring! REUPLOAD

@00:02:20 installed after sessions post sessions
@00:02:36 sealed indictments count post sessions
@00:08:39 post sessions departure and whitaker's
@00:08:43 post sessions department after session
@00:09:09 sessions he's saying well do do unicorns

You have been prepared for what is about to take place! The Great Awakening

@00:01:05 trump but sessions to or during the
@00:01:08 sessions probe was another unprecedented
@00:02:10 just trumpet sessions too and he says
@00:02:24 general jeff sessions after senate
@00:02:28 allegations senate sessions perjured
@00:02:37 sessions had in fact met with the
@00:02:47 during the sessions probe was another
@00:03:47 justice department eight two sessions
@00:04:14 you know sessions was also looked into
@00:04:21 under the rug basically sessions senate
@00:04:38 sessions or rosenstein hmm i don't know
@00:04:45 sessions targeted because he was a point
@00:04:51 humor sessions who directs who has had
@00:04:57 oversight over humor sessions the da j
@00:05:07 of over hueber sessions there were no
@00:05:12 traitors within the fbi doj sessions do
@00:06:38 sessions okay so we got with that that's
@00:08:43 sessions target targeted investigation
@00:09:39 official letter from sessions to huber
@00:09:50 mr. huber this is from jeff sessions in
@00:13:08 attorney general sessions has directed
@00:16:18 this letter from jeff sessions they're
@00:16:42 sessions are requested to look into the
@00:41:45 scrutinize the transaction sessions
@00:44:05 signed by jeff sessions he added oh this
@00:44:22 conceal sessions and whittaker shouldn't

"Meet IG" Crumbs are Being Dropped and Missed. A Puzzle within a Puzzle.

@00:08:59 sessions informed congress in his letter

'War-like' Posture Activated? Thank you for playing.

@00:01:04 previously jeff sessions chief of staff
@00:01:11 trump houses sessions and apparent
@00:01:14 response to sessions recusing himself
@00:07:49 sessions by design he was his chief of
@00:07:54 whitaker two sessions without whitaker
@00:08:02 attorney general sessions and all his

Prepare for March Madness! The Power of the PEOPLE

@00:15:37 attorney general sessions has been doing
@00:15:59 appointed and tasked huber sessions who
@00:16:03 appointed and tasked the oig sessions
@00:16:07 who was ag sessions zero leaks none zero
@00:16:38 sessions to bar all right we had we had
@00:17:49 attorney general sessions that set the
@00:26:11 sessions been underway how could this be
@00:26:42 secret sessions been under way probably

LL - The Deal of a Lifetime? **FF** Anti$a, LL

@00:04:12 schedule his sex sessions were never


@00:22:30 17 sessions is now accused and

Something Big Coming! ByeBye Dan, Why Do We Make Things Public?

@00:14:32 law why did you recommend two sessions

Blockade End, Good to Go, Dark to Light #2678-2681

@00:09:08 about how sessions revealed that huber
@00:11:10 general jeff sessions is looking into

Whitaker's 5 Mins, Huber Confirmed, Burr says no collusion, Jim Jordan on RR Memo

@00:11:26 was because of general sessions recusal
@00:12:54 of mr. sessions recusal gave
@00:23:15 by attorney general sessions to conduct

Recusal Coming? Adam Schiff Meets with Simpson/Fusion GPS

@00:03:41 hey how'd that work out for sessions he

SOTU Preview, National Security, and Bill Priestap's Replacement

@00:16:16 assigned directly to sessions by potus
@00:16:23 security adviser to sessions who briefed

Trump Prepares the Battleground - PROSECUTION Phase

@00:12:52 jeff sessions was always going to have
@00:13:04 why there was simply no way sessions
@00:13:28 of those plotters who targeted sessions
@00:13:54 over the next phase while sessions is
@00:14:15 prosecutions because like sessions he's
@00:14:27 given cover stories sessions is
@00:22:53 up and sessions covered it up and he was

Deep Dig: A July 2017 Important Timeline and a Few Days in May

@00:26:58 sessions recommending his firing rod
@00:37:03 the guy that sessions they tried to take
@00:37:05 sessions out with him why he had to

Leak Trap Set for Buzzfeed? AS proven LIAR, Nunes talks FUSION GPS

@00:05:19 he's not like jeff sessions who was

Nancy No Trip, Ohr, McCabe, AS Liar, Project Cassandra

@00:40:46 attorney general jeff sessions brings
@00:41:21 sessions announced that he was
@00:41:30 sessions came under some criticism for
@00:41:39 sessions himself acknowledged this while
@00:44:55 in january 2018 sessions announced the
@00:45:06 so he on october 15 20 18 sessions
@00:45:25 lebanese hezbollah okay sessions
@00:45:36 sessions singled out hezbollah for

Lights On! Grand Jury Testimony In Several States = Brennan Perjury!

@00:13:14 had to be sessions at the time all right
@00:13:26 about sessions and raise session excuse
@00:13:29 if sessions and ray rdc swamped deep
@00:14:17 why did sessions pick our r everybody
@00:14:47 is why did sessions secretly engage
@00:14:50 huber why does sessions reveal huber
@00:15:04 jeff sessions said there was twenty
@00:16:50 should listen to such general sessions
@00:17:32 sessions what he did is he essentially
@00:17:56 fbi might be implicated sessions has
@00:18:22 march 29th 2018 the letter that sessions
@00:20:36 what effectively what what sessions did
@00:23:30 recent revealed by sessions november
@00:26:51 are saying but sessions but sessions but
@00:43:57 huber who was tasked by cessnas sessions

Qanon Returns! EO Active, McClatchy Lies, Antifa No Go Zones, 01/05/2019

@00:04:56 mission did sessions publicly announce
@00:04:59 regarding leaks widest sessions make
@00:06:55 sessions out so it's gonna be whitaker

The "Go Betweens" The Biggest 'ACCURATE' Conspiracy

@00:47:30 departure intel sessions departure law
@00:47:56 like they had like sessions had a
@00:47:58 problem with with you know sessions and

QAnon - Elf on a shelf, Google Fire, Oversight Committee Hearing

@00:20:17 assigned by sessions with the same
@00:21:01 dc sessions forced released
@00:21:04 sessions forced release of the name

QAnon - Deep Dive #2562 NXIVM, Clinton Foundation, Come[y] #fastandfurious

@00:33:34 current attorney general jeff sessions

Qanon - Whitaker - Scaramucci Play, No leaks leads to Raid? Huber - Clinton Foundation

@00:24:40 attorney general bill sessions now jeff
@00:24:42 sessions named a year ago what have you
@00:28:47 huber activated by sessions right around
@00:32:51 and then remember sessions always said
@00:35:39 his letter back in march sessions was
@00:36:45 in his letter back in march sessions was
@00:37:02 march of this year sessions revealed
@00:40:53 attorney general jeff sessions appoints
@00:41:54 sessions revealed that they were already

QAnon - MONDAY! 11/11 WW Unified Waves, John P. Carlin, EU Riots

@00:18:18 then talking about sessions and huber
@00:18:52 analysis on this yeah we've got sessions

CF Whistleblower, GHWB & Comey Owls & Y's 322, The China 8, Monday!

@00:06:49 doubted sessions in hubert you will all
@00:07:07 to all those who doubted sessions in
@00:07:14 behind the scenes and that sessions
@00:08:36 about everybody saying that sessions
@00:09:23 happening fire sessions but huber
@00:31:23 to do it all right and the sessions was
@00:31:36 sessions because sessions can has a lot

BREAKING: FBI Raids Protected Whistleblower on Clinton Foundation

@00:06:59 who at that time was jeff sessions come

Ep#10 - Assange Update - Who is Craig Murray and Why is Mueller not Mentioning Him?

@00:03:26 resignation of jeff sessions and his

Panic at the DC Disco - RR, Mueller, Maggie D5 is Around the Corner!

@00:24:38 sessions last week of course he did he

Ep#9 - Mini Maga Update - Jim Jordan, Grassley, Election Fraud, Mattis, Whitaker and much more..

@00:02:27 whitaker to the post mr. sessions
@00:04:22 sessions was consistent with the vacancy

QAnon - Let the Unsealing Begin, Let the Declas Begin! WWG1WGA!

@00:04:05 it sessions that could no longer be
@00:05:04 role of goudy role of sessions well we
@00:05:10 committee and set the role of sessions
@00:05:16 gowdy in sessions all resigned goodlatte
@00:05:19 gowdy in sessions all resigned so who
@00:05:22 did sessions a point in november 2017
@00:06:03 horowitz or sessions
@00:06:13 have directly sent to jeff jeff sessions
@00:07:29 right who was sessions chief of staff
@00:09:54 directly to sessions by potus ezra cohen
@00:10:07 sessions into with this defense that's
@00:10:14 two sessions
@00:19:26 sessions

Ep#8 - Never Forgive Obama, Fisa Declas Coming Soon, Whitaker on Immigration, Voter Fraud, Grassley

@00:04:46 general mr. sessions a fine point as we
@00:04:57 sessions is forced out as attorney
@00:05:08 the legalistic meme that sessions was
@00:05:23 appointment well mister sessions did
@00:12:27 sessions which were you know these fisa
@00:23:59 the whole sessions whittaker thing it's
@00:27:25 second about said jeff sessions
@00:27:31 talks about jeff sessions replacement on
@00:28:13 sessions getting the boot
@00:28:22 united states and even for jeff sessions
@00:30:04 diminutive mr. sessions matt has worked

Qanon - Red October, Red Line & FISA Brings Down the HOUSE, Sessions FIRED

@00:02:04 jeff sessions my inbox blew up with
@00:02:08 trust sessions what's going on katie g
@00:02:13 sessions even jim walked in and he's
@00:02:15 like what's up with this trust sessions
@00:02:35 like whoa sessions resigned like i
@00:02:50 find where it says trust sessions means
@00:04:10 it says that true that trust sessions
@00:04:16 that sessions was going to be in this to
@00:24:45 country mr. jeff sessions your
@00:24:54 jeff sessions is out he resigned at the
@00:25:04 says in 24:53 so we've got jeff sessions
@00:25:38 prior to potus regarding sessions thank
@00:26:07 general jeff sessions at the department
@00:26:14 attorney general jeff sessions for his
@00:26:57 potus potus thanking sessions for your
@00:29:04 gaudí has to say about sessions okay
@00:29:10 let's talk more about the sessions
@00:33:03 sessions and said we think reluctantly
@00:33:46 zero with sessions because he said no so
@00:35:16 just sessions leaving and in the in the
@00:36:38 just jeff sessions and rod rosenstein so
@00:37:46 jeff sessions so i think we can trust
@00:37:50 jeff sessions he had he had a point he
@00:40:12 ousting of sessions or rosenstein
@00:40:31 jeff sessions plans to take over
@00:41:00 over since sessions recused himself
@00:41:12 sessions chief of staff as his temporary
@00:41:16 abruptly ousting sessions oh boy

QAnon - Power Belongs to the People! #WWG1WGA! #NewQPosts

@00:08:47 sessions also important to remember so
@00:08:50 huber horowitz huber and sessions are
@00:08:55 sessions whywould sessions he may
@00:09:07 reports directly to sessions important
@00:10:21 know yes sessions can be called it in
@00:10:31 the doj would do and sessions you know

QAnon Returns! Mathematically impossible or every detail planned?

@00:15:53 sessions every battle is won before it's

Qanon - VIP Anon, the Signifier, Trump Trolls Ryan

@00:22:11 kind of go over sessions and hueber
@00:22:20 we got to remember too that sessions has

Qanon - Where is Q? What is Jeff Sessions doing lately?

@00:01:41 least from jeff sessions doj there could
@00:02:24 sessions would even risk creating the
@00:11:46 out sessions out so he's now that use of
@00:11:57 sessions i know there's all kinds of
@00:12:05 sessions being the stealth bomber and he
@00:12:11 like swat the fly of jeff sessions he's
@00:12:36 and i think sessions is about to you
@00:13:01 14th 2017 he says jeff sessions were
@00:13:13 that and then we've got jeff sessions
@00:14:40 sessions appoints rosenstein to lead
@00:15:16 4th it was to jeff sessions i mean it
@00:19:24 sessions but i do go into the rosenstein

Mind Blowing Double Standards and the Curious Case of Rod Rosenstein

@00:10:42 attorney general jeff sessions an
@00:11:18 sessions and christopher rea so we'll
@00:24:45 mentions huber and sessions and what
@00:24:48 they're doing and how sessions was
@00:25:01 subpoenaed from jeff sessions himself
@00:40:52 could well be the case with sessions
@00:41:01 because sessions are appointed many
@00:41:17 ago thursday sessions flew out and met
@00:41:30 that in addition to that sessions the
@00:42:12 names has not talked about this sessions
@00:42:30 state attorney general jeff sessions on
@00:42:51 sessions appoints who rosenstein to lead
@00:43:00 attorney general jeff sessions said on
@00:44:15 we know what jeff says jeff sessions
@00:44:35 it's about sessions it's got sessions in
@00:46:38 never bring any of you know sessions
@00:46:45 sessions has also met with some supreme
@00:47:30 may when sessions came out and said told

Documents in the Sessions Subpoena from Chairman Goodlatte? What are they? Pastor Bronson Freed!

@00:07:54 sessions attorney general jeff sessions
@00:10:06 jeff sessions attorney general of the
@00:10:15 it has jeff sessions been unrenewed we
@00:10:22 sessions has already met with several
@00:10:31 wasn't this one was to jeff sessions not
@00:10:40 subpoenaed sessions to appear at the
@00:34:50 sessions recusal he remains in charge of

Qanon - How do you navigate around? USE A STEALTH BOMBER

@00:35:15 starts talking about sessions so i
@00:35:17 wonder if sessions is going to be the
@00:35:23 officials uh sessions
@00:35:27 sessions out which he did and he gives
@00:35:35 sessions senate confirmation vote not it
@00:36:18 experts are saying but sessions ii

QAnon - Crowdstrike, Free Beacon, Shell Co's, Arrests Coming?

@00:31:53 sessions taking his oath of office yeah

QAnon - Feinstein Investigated? Sessions Unrecuse? Explosive Testimony!

@00:11:29 therapy sessions notated as undefined so
@00:11:50 with friendly friendly therapy sessions
@00:15:40 attorney jeff sessions at the justice
@00:16:08 sessions join the utah law enforcement
@00:16:16 he is with you with huber and sessions
@00:16:27 jeff sessions sitting right there some
@00:16:33 then jeff sessions talking thanking
@00:16:48 violent crime the sessions delivers
@00:18:26 sessions meeting huber the same day as
@00:18:29 the potus alert sessions meeting huber
@00:19:26 honorable jeff sessions attorney general
@00:22:59 be understood so sessions meeting hueber
@00:33:49 sealed and timed regarding sessions
@00:34:57 per subpoena two sessions scheduled one
@00:35:22 sessions to unruh keys himself which
@00:43:49 think he's gonna be sessions is not
@00:44:40 read carefully which we did sessions

Ep #4 - Kavanaugh Hearing, Mistaken Identity? Rosenstein Meeting with POTUS

@00:19:14 officials jeff sessions dana buente and
@00:29:29 sessions for all of the president's
@00:30:24 after that's when sessions will you know

Rod Rosenstein Called to the WH and the Kavanaugh Circus

@00:06:16 sessions has to fire rosen stein it's
@00:07:51 does not sessions can actually save his
@00:07:53 job after all sessions has been through
@00:12:52 you know i just said sessions can save
@00:13:00 jeff sessions even understand why he has
@00:13:28 sessions this president should not have
@00:13:41 going on jeff sessions is probably still
@00:14:11 sessions is gone it's over if he gets
@00:14:22 you were jeff sessions you would get
@00:14:33 ordered two sessions to fire rosenstein
@00:14:45 sessions is an idiot and rosen stein is
@00:14:54 in in jeff sessions and the crook rod
@00:14:57 rosenstein if sessions doesn't get this
@00:16:02 presidency and sessions has to see that
@00:25:20 kelly and jeff sessions and maybe they'd
@00:35:48 could be happening one sessions could be

[RR] Tried to Set Up POTUS, Trump Sees Q VIP, Remain CALM and QAnon

@00:43:25 persuade attorney general jeff sessions

QAnon - Truth to Power, IG, Huber, NSA and Q&A

@00:34:20 sessions appoints utah us attorney john
@00:34:36 castle in dc but sessions but sessions
@00:34:39 but sessions should have points to the
@00:34:57 appointment of humor by sessions and
@00:35:02 not true but sessions in huber are
@00:35:11 be happening fire sessions but huber
@00:35:36 but potus is attacking sessions via
@00:35:42 potus democrats left love trust sessions

Panic in DC and in the MSM! Ep #2

@00:24:55 jeff sessions and strock was forced to
@00:25:59 sessions to examine republican claims of
@00:26:06 russian nuclear agency sessions quietly
@00:26:26 letter that jeff sessions sent back to
@00:27:15 sessions moved it out of the doj and

QAnon - FISA DECLAS and Current Q Posts LIVE

@00:11:36 activate sessions outside the kill box
@00:18:12 in dc sessions and hueber weekend
@00:18:26 panic in dc sessions and hueber weekend
@00:19:32 it means perhaps last weekend sessions
@00:24:00 you were right panik in dc sessions
@00:24:17 court authority approval so sessions
@00:24:44 jeff sessions unruh q zhing himself now
@00:25:34 sessions woo right they are on more than

Episode #1 Obama Admin was Genesis of Russia Hoax, FISA Declassified

@00:11:44 sessions and all that okay

QAnon - Media Leakers, Panic in DC, with PANIC COMES....

@00:17:56 trump attacks sessions okay so it's all
@00:40:23 sessions in flynn targeted for immediate
@00:40:25 removal recusal sessions senate
@00:41:10 supporting sessions left defending
@00:41:12 sessions strategic advantage of course
@00:41:25 this like all no sessions is gonna do it

QAnon - @Jack, NP, No Name Replaced, SC, Clinton Girls

@00:02:14 sessions must love him now same thing
@00:05:22 sessions was not telling us to
@00:06:30 doesn't answer jeff sessions is my hero
@00:06:54 know must do it declassify sessions made
@00:18:55 and it had to be done by sessions so
@00:19:59 jeff sessions to stay on as attorney
@00:20:57 abc 15 airs oh trump last sessions trump
@00:21:00 last sessions trump last sessions trump
@00:21:02 last sessions the hill
@00:21:06 attorney general sessions and all the
@00:21:15 sessions for criminal charges imperiling

QAnon - CIR LIVE CHAT @ 7pm EST w/KatieG

@00:03:38 sessions i'm not sure jeff sessions
@00:05:21 sessions must love him now same thing
@00:19:05 of whom voted for jeff sessions must

QAnon - Darpa, Goog FB, SCIFS and Seal Team 6 Spec Op

@00:09:58 advice type stuff - jeff sessions right
@00:10:03 so he's bringing up sessions and he's
@00:12:17 sessions according to a person familiar
@00:12:24 justice department advising mr. sessions
@00:14:49 sessions so we can be confident about

QAnon - HRC/Alice in Bloody Wonderland, The Setup, Keys to the Kingdom

@00:18:50 jeff sessions and christopher rea on
@00:36:03 there's little jeff sessions back there

QAnon - WAPO CIA TOOL, Ohr & Weissman

@00:33:55 the anti sessions remove fire nothing
@00:34:09 not he were did not sessions did not
@00:34:11 sessions did not when will sessions will
@00:34:13 sessions who does huber work with
@00:34:21 general sessions specifically in his 470
@00:35:17 the stage for four sessions it's a game
@00:36:14 here in session session sessions if
@00:36:30 like sessions leave sessions alone don't
@00:40:46 four to be gone jeff sessions isn't

QAnon - Treason, Huber Interviews, Cooperating Witnesses 8/29/18

@00:45:37 jeff sessions to investigate well
@00:48:54 grassley to jeff sessions i believe yes
@00:48:57 dear attorney general jeff sessions and

Qanon - Halper, Ohr, DOD Whistleblower

@00:17:41 attorney general sessions somebody's
@00:35:23 the doj sessions fbi ray nsa i guess i

QAnon - No Name Q Proof - LIVE 8pm EST - Every Dog Has Its Day

@00:16:38 coming soon did everybody see sessions
@00:16:40 today right here you can see it sessions
@00:24:25 then it explains why sessions echidna
@00:25:21 yes sessions is doing his job okay let's
@00:25:45 name huber and huber works for sessions
@00:25:49 okay he just said i mean sessions just
@00:26:40 march 29 letter from sessions but he's
@00:27:38 week until may sessions public attack
@00:28:33 out of my screen trust sessions trust
@00:28:45 infamous turley sessions utah federal
@00:29:01 find ig when des sessions step back in
@00:29:05 already is why did sessions secretly
@00:29:09 engage huber why did sessions reveal
@00:35:02 revealed by sessions november start hrc

QAnon Firewalls, Q Trilogy, NG Deployed to Gitmo

@00:31:15 again of sessions i'm sorry of huber
@00:32:34 sessions okay i guarantee you or the

QAnon - Haiti Edition, NBC and The More You Know...

@00:05:39 sessions edition referrals for criminal

CF, Haiti, Spy Ops, and FISA Comfy? #Qanon 8.10.18

@00:04:48 sessions arkansas trip includes a little
@00:06:30 for the one about jeff sessions being in

QAnon - LIVE 9PM EST - The message must bypass the MSM.

@00:30:13 convert link think sessions open
@00:30:50 of them jeff sessions vows to trump's
@00:31:30 down on leakers jeff sessions the

QAnon - LP Keep your promise. When does a bird sing? 7/28/18

@00:01:03 think logically cuz sessions publicly
@00:01:12 immediately transpire sessions challenge
@00:01:20 immediately demonstrate that sessions
@00:01:37 attacks to remove sessions given his
@00:01:57 why is this important why did sessions
@00:02:03 attacking sessions nope
@00:02:34 believe potus would allow sessions and
@00:04:00 potus would allow sessions in rr to run
@00:04:25 threatening our our sessions can
@00:04:35 is on their side sessions has to be on
@00:04:41 left because huber reports to sessions
@00:04:50 sessions will defend huber's work the
@00:04:52 left has been has seen sessions defend
@00:12:36 1716 thank you jeff sessions
@00:12:44 top thank you jeff sessions opinion

QAnon - 9PM EST Live Review of Latest Q...He's baa aack

@00:04:05 he reports to sessions directly and i
@00:05:59 two sessions the server is signed sealed
@00:09:51 two of the honorable jeff sessions the
@00:15:08 sessions yeah thanks mm-hmm all right so
@00:23:41 sessions appoint cuber what is let me
@00:23:58 sessions center said he's going to stay

QAnon - 2016 FISA App Released...Here we go....

@00:41:05 sessions so this guy's going to come

QAnon - Q&A @ 4PM EST TODAY - Have your questions ready!

@00:38:00 same question what is up with sessions
@00:38:07 sessions is you guys don't understand
@00:38:18 anybody q's told us to trust sessions
@00:38:31 sessions is sessions is a good actor yes
@00:38:57 can only tell you to trust sessions
@00:39:19 i started trusting sessions when he

QAnon - Blackmail and Dead Woman, theFBI/DOJ, RR, RM, Epstein, SR Witness

@00:42:12 sessions again i'm one of these ones and
@00:42:16 that so joy's asking me sessions
@00:42:20 sessions
@00:42:42 see jeff has sessions come to up come to

QAnon - Ask yourself - is this normal? NO IT IS NOT!

@00:10:42 lee sessions using utah federal
@00:11:13 letter from attorney general sessions


@00:12:27 sessions like you know you know related

QAnon - Scope & Size biggest in history! Trump Official Fired HAS TIES TO NXIVM

@00:32:19 sessions has also said us attorney john
@00:34:06 terally sessions 20 he lists it over and
@00:34:17 critical sessions and for congress in
@00:41:47 particular interview sessions and those

QAnon - What Will This Week Bring? Shock and Awe?

@00:38:29 attorney general jeff's sessions

QAnon - Snowball [[RR]] IG Report Reaction and Huber Deep Dive

@00:09:40 will need to be circumvented sessions
@00:09:54 history but for trump in sessions to
@00:11:59 six vote while his boss sessions only
@00:12:40 gets out trump in sessions will have to
@00:16:12 succession process trump and sessions
@00:22:19 is the article that he turley sessions
@00:24:21 good what it says but sessions set a

QAnon - IG Report Today, Did you witness the stage being set?

@00:05:48 why it's because huber and sessions
@00:07:12 attorney general jeff sessions decision
@00:07:51 creates a problem for sessions and

Qanon - Missing Letters, Rogue Missles? What is coming?

@00:38:52 jeff sessions came to rosa stein's

QAnon - Dark to Light, RR, ES, Missing Letters 4BOOMs! 6.12 part 1

@00:21:56 basically sessions has to be back in

QAnon - False Agendas, RR with FIVE EYES in a PANIC

@00:16:31 that early sessions using a utah federal
@00:17:14 sessions huber are are fired
@00:18:44 general staff session jeff sessions
@00:19:32 stick of winning sessions huber can
@00:19:34 report directly to sessions rr is out

QAnon is Back! Another 187 PLOT FOILED! Fly RR Fly

@00:13:53 it's not sessions right according to cue
@00:13:55 it's not sessions so just interesting

QAnon - Leaker James Wolfe: The Bigger Story Behind the Indictment *RE-UPLOAD*

@00:07:47 sessions said back in november we intend
@00:15:37 attorney general said jeff sessions to

QAnon - Goodlatte Directs Criminal Investigative Attention to HUBER

@00:05:09 sessions did a point united states
@00:07:12 general jeff sessions in march well he

QAnon - IS BACK! Week to Remember, IG Report

@00:03:32 general jeff sessions town hall has

QAnon - Spygate Update: Trey Gowdy WT..? Obama Angle

@00:28:55 jeff sessions and rod rosenstein makes
@00:29:20 oh my goodness it suggests sessions and
@00:35:48 had the trust sessions post but it talks
@00:35:50 about trade gap trust sessions and that

QAnon - Big Day for the Swamp! And the Dunce Widdle Donnie Wemmon

@00:02:35 general jeff sessions is not permitted
@00:03:00 sessions is recused making the issue
@00:12:57 perhaps either jeff sessions unruh cues

QAnon - It's Happening! The Flood is Coming, and the Gang of Moles

@00:00:32 turley sessions using utah federal
@00:02:04 as well sessions added in his letter
@00:02:17 professor and he says i think sessions
@00:02:21 general sessions on on this one sessions

QAnon - Unsealed Weiner SEARCH WARRANT NOT a Sealed INDICTMENT

@00:22:28 jeff sessions said that they would hand
@00:23:21 sessions to provide the records who this
@00:23:45 sessions trust rae trust kansas which is
@00:23:56 about sessions using utah federal
@00:24:03 john huber was appointed by his sessions

QAnon - SIS good? Ask PS - EO Coming Soon to a Theater Near YOU!

@00:14:28 closed-door sessions with clapper

QAnon - Who Knows Where the Bodies are Buried? Rudy, Erik, Flynn

@00:26:08 laptop and then sessions is out of the
@00:26:28 think jessica jeff sessions is getting
@00:29:04 sessions does it does it fall under the
@00:48:21 attorney jeff sessions in january and
@00:49:23 general jeff sessions appoints richard
@00:49:41 sessions when i became attorney general
@00:49:48 general jeff sessions since then this

QAnon - 11.11Provided as Strategic Marker - Now Comes the Pain

@00:28:57 sessions what departments must be clean
@00:33:03 called the trust sessions edition so i
@00:33:17 sessions and what he's doing really
@00:33:26 attorney general sessions names
@00:33:36 jeff sessions revealed on thursday that
@00:33:47 years rounds uh according to sessions

Review Time with QAnon + NY AG Roadblock Gone!

@00:04:52 jeff sessions who must approve the
@00:04:57 sessions reread doj org change open
@00:05:44 so if sessions and ray are dc swamp deep
@00:08:29 and sessions was like split i think
@00:09:03 both appointed by sessions
@00:09:06 why did sessions pick rr and this anon
@00:11:26 sessions is getting ready to drop the
@00:12:52 sessions to investigate the fbi
@00:13:39 why did sessions secretly engaged huber
@00:13:52 why did sessions reveal huber timing is
@00:14:26 woodstick you know what jeff sessions
@00:17:33 the sessions vote was fifty two forty
@00:19:47 it's attorney general jeff sessions
@00:20:26 signed by jeff sessions just february
@00:26:14 see just sentence sessions move into
@00:26:30 imagine if if if sessions drops the
@00:28:54 what jeff sessions is to the country so

QAnon - New Phase JUSTICE. JK Traitor, New Board, Your Fired!

@00:12:38 rosenstein in sessions and stuff like

QAnon - Mueller on/off Team? Time will tell. Who are We Talking To?

@00:39:28 rosenstein sessions muller yeah so this
@00:41:24 did sessions recuse why what are those

QAnon - Precursor, MOAB Still Incomming, Renegade, Evergreen

@00:00:30 an article linking to jeff sessions
@00:13:11 general sessions think google gmail

#QAnon - What Has Mueller Really Found? WOW

@00:23:14 happened yesterday with jeff sessions
@00:24:45 sessions makes an announcement yesterday
@00:25:12 thinking caps on if jeff sessions has
@00:25:27 some prosecutable material and sessions
@00:26:06 him on sessions i'm telling you there
@00:30:57 would sessions be on the case i mean i'm
@00:31:00 not gonna get into a pro ante sessions
@00:31:11 russian collusion why his sessions still
@00:32:46 obama's former lawyer sessions won't
@00:32:59 but-but sessions didn't recuse him on it
@00:42:13 sessions will not recuse himself i
@00:44:55 for that's why sessions has come out and
@00:46:41 why is sessions not recusing himself
@00:46:51 not the target right now sessions didn't

QAnon - Red Cross, UBL Exchange, Armenia is Free

@00:27:54 after the epa he uh sessions immediately
@00:29:27 sessions when he first came in off into
@00:48:07 set of secret sessions been underway how

QAnon - McMaster Father 187 - CA - Scott Pruitt EPA

@00:16:48 sessions investigating slush fund used
@00:25:29 sessions back in 2017 i don't know but i

#QAnon - Real vs Actual, IG Report, Potus Tweets Tarmac WOW!

@00:10:06 sessions is public attacks some of this

QAnon - Did Snowden Drop a Post on 8 Chan? Anons think so

@00:13:23 that's added up to mr. sessions is
@00:14:38 sessions now all right and then the next

#QAnon - Chongqing/Tuesday, FB, Syria, Iran, RR TRUST

@00:20:42 report sessions public attack rod
@00:46:13 11:22 trust sessions trust ray trusts

QAnon - Live Q Post Updates 1061-1076 April 7

@00:05:41 report sessions public attack robberies

#QAnon - April Awan Arrests, Tip Top Tippy Top Shape

@00:10:54 sessions using utah federal prosecutor
@00:11:52 sessions but i know there's a guy in
@00:12:45 this is the guy that that sessions has
@00:15:06 sessions subsequently appointed humor
@00:15:15 reform act so so sessions reappointed
@00:15:56 and reappointed by sessions why the
@00:16:12 sessions all right next and this is just
@00:16:19 to early sessions appointing utah
@00:19:05 what specifically was jeff sessions
@00:19:36 general jeff sessions will recuse
@00:23:32 in the kill box ig report sessions
@00:25:01 going to come out sessions is gonna go
@00:45:35 gonna be sessions some jeff sessions is

QAnon - You Elected US to Keep You Safe. WE will NOT Fail.

@00:08:41 that's why i think sessions is rough
@00:08:53 sessions isn't moving but i can't prove

#Qanon - Fire in the Hole, We are talking to YOU

@00:45:24 easier to see jeff sessions exposed q
@00:45:31 sessions agent of the clowns in america
@00:45:56 saying like i'm mad at jeff sessions
@00:45:59 horrible things about jeff sessions like

QAnon - Live Stream with Katie G

@00:16:21 informations don't trust sessions if you

#Qanon - Boom Boom! Snowden, Pompeo

@00:07:10 trust sessions it's in the plan alright

#Qanon - The Plan, We Have More Than We Know

@00:19:38 everybody's screaming sessions gonna do
@00:25:23 information attorney general sessions on
@00:31:59 have secret sessions been underway how
@00:33:35 dennis montgomery secret sessions has
@00:45:19 sessions
@00:45:22 sessions is quietly doing behind the

#Qanon - March Madness! Spirit Cooking, Angela WHO?

@00:26:53 sessions as appointed someone outside of

#Qanon - Deal Made, Clowns Out, Strings Cut!

@00:01:52 at 11 o'clock last night draw sessions
@00:02:21 second he says d trust sessions boom q

#Qanon - BOOM! MAKE IT RAIN - March 3rd posts (PART 1)

@00:15:44 sessions acting weak y ig report no
@00:15:52 appointed by sessions for why why enjoy
@00:16:41 why is sessions acting weak why ig
@00:16:46 saying there's no leaks because sessions
@00:17:19 ig appointed by sessions for and if you
@00:17:26 just a second for it to pull up sessions
@00:17:57 sessions for investing the fisa abuse
@00:18:54 we either have to jeff sessions is in a
@00:19:06 just imagine jeff sessions all of a
@00:19:40 the exact same jeff sessions cannot have
@00:19:47 can't fire jeff sessions because then
@00:20:09 and sessions won't be able to act on
@00:20:53 and then sessions can say based on this
@00:21:11 it's never it would never work sessions
@00:21:54 down sessions is getting ready to act

It's ALL Theatre - Quite Frankly #Qanon

@00:00:10 sessions is he trustworthy there's got
@00:00:55 on sessions and what we're going on
@00:09:15 going after jeff sessions i'm dumbstruck
@00:09:44 attorney general jeff sessions and
@00:10:15 eyebrows says why is ag jeff sessions
@00:11:19 theater with jeff sessions continues
@00:13:30 trump sessions horowitz are still
@00:13:38 war with sessions his own attorney
@00:13:40 general this sessions guy he never
@00:13:58 sessions and horowitz are doing the ig
@00:14:36 declared war on trump and sessions you
@00:15:23 because trump and sessions have
@00:15:30 sessions engaged in a criminal
@00:18:00 quote i'm conspiring with sessions to do

Qanon - YOU ARE WATCHING A MOVIE Getting Trump Trolled

@00:00:24 general sessions i'm just gonna go over
@00:11:45 sessions so there's the first one and
@00:12:01 general stuff jeff sessions asking the
@00:13:31 public shaming of jess sessions is
@00:13:39 jess sessions is shameful i mean yeah so
@00:14:08 on oh look how did great sessions from
@00:14:21 easy attorney general jeff sessions
@00:14:28 the daily caller sessions response to
@00:14:46 sessions attorney general sessions very
@00:16:38 sessions out rod rosen saying would
@00:17:38 jeff sessions or maybe he's just in over
@00:18:39 these same reports that sessions has
@00:19:11 would be if jeff sessions were to be
@00:20:31 and sessions is a jerk and the president
@00:21:14 sessions and the inspector general
@00:23:17 i mean i'm even gonna tell you sessions
@00:29:56 trust sessions okay i increasingly have
@00:30:20 trump is trolling the media sessions
@00:30:29 why would sessions even sign up for this
@00:31:27 know that that jeff sessions affirms
@00:31:37 jeff sessions held a press briefing to
@00:31:45 general sessions if the fisa court
@00:31:57 sessions affirms the fisa court abuse by
@00:32:48 sessions is not news this is exactly
@00:32:57 sessions affirms ig horowitz is not
@00:33:10 abuse secondly ag sessions has
@00:33:21 such the response from general sessions
@00:35:17 and i believe that sessions is going to
@00:35:27 who is sessions gonna be if they
@00:36:18 on on sessions those are gonna be the
@00:36:44 trump knows it sessions knows it
@00:36:50 our sessions and horowitz are gonna be

#QAnon Returns in the Middle of the NIGHT Livestream (Edited) #followthewhiterabbit

@00:09:06 here says attorney general sessions u.s.
@00:09:59 wait we need sessions to prove himself
@00:10:36 sessions forms a u.s. cyber task force
@00:11:24 so yesterday oh my god sessions forms us
@00:11:32 sessions on tuesday announced he would
@00:14:37 of course sessions he recused himself he

#Qanon - Was Snowden Truly Acting on His Own? Nothing is as it appears. #Assange #Snowden

@00:28:38 jeff sessions saying that his arrest is

#Qanon - Heart Attacks, U1 Informant, Shanghai Windows

@00:21:15 fbi informant have secret sessions been

Qanon, Threats, Disinfo Be careful what you wish for #Qanon

@00:20:32 is trust sessions enjoy the stuff show
@00:20:38 sessions trust sessions again and i know
@00:20:59 so trust sessions and then you can read
@00:22:34 sessions at the doj f ray at the fbi
@00:22:54 dealing with leakers sessions is and it
@00:23:13 made he said attorney general sessions
@00:23:40 sessions you're seeing ray and they're
@00:25:42 memo reinstate sessions authority memo
@00:26:32 sessions on all this and i think it's
@00:27:13 think sessions will be able to just


@00:09:34 base we can sessions and we'll be able
@00:09:48 here it says will sessions drop the
@00:10:12 will sessions drop the hammer one of 22
@00:10:22 narrative memo reinstates sessions
@00:11:32 him it's gonna have to be sessions this
@00:12:23 um rod rosenstein well sessions has
@00:12:48 they i wish they were just sessions will
@00:13:38 sessions is going to reinstate himself
@00:13:45 sessions drop the hammer okay and that's
@00:14:31 sessions we are going to see at some
@00:14:34 point jeff sessions is going to have to
@00:15:40 sessions has got to do something i
@00:15:42 really feel like it's gotta be sessions

#Qanon Nailed it! Trey Gowdy Leaving Politics #followthewhiterabbit #thestorm

@00:02:23 from q and it said trust sessions tg

#QAnon -Rosenstein Out?#FakeNews Narrative Change, Nation on Alert

@00:32:16 sessions recused himself so if there's a

#QAnon Obama Administration's Brazen Plot to Frame Trump and Exonerate Hillary

@00:10:34 house in closed sessions about what

#Qanon - Stop taking the sleeping pill, resignations, updates

@00:42:30 sessions and tell community okay so the
@00:42:43 sessions nunez republicans are sore

#QAnon Texts, Lies, and Secret Societies #followthewhiterabbit #thestormishere

@00:10:50 this that sessions announces the doj

#QAnon - LIVE 8PM EST - The 16 Year Plan to Destroy America #followthewhiterabbit #thestormishere

@00:06:10 all right so will sessions drop the
@00:06:18 sessions and i've even said it myself
@00:06:38 and himself included but will sessions
@00:06:56 narrative memo reinstate sessions
@00:07:08 three emergence of jeffrey sessions at
@00:17:25 this memo comes out they've sessions and

#QAnon - Trey Gowdy, False Flag?, Vegas Witnesses #followthewhiterabbit #thestormishere

@00:03:51 get okay so trust sessions tg departure
@00:04:56 such trust sessions and the way that q i
@00:05:13 to the top and sink trust sessions what
@00:05:23 see and that sessions has already

#Qanon Weekend Update Jimmy and Katie G 7:30 EST

@00:04:47 talking about sessions jason oh i know

Eric Holder's Red Line? #qanon #draintheswamp #followthewhiterabbit

@00:01:25 what era what what sessions is now okay

#Qanon Top FBI Officials Subpoenaed by House Judiciary #draintheswamp #followthewhiterabbit

@00:05:38 jeff sessions is our attorney general
@00:15:13 at this point jeff sessions should start
@00:15:22 jeff sessions the attorney general says