
RELEASED TO THE PUBLIC: America's Color Revolution, 11.3 Marker, Red Lines

@00:05:12 full-blown soros backed color revolution
@00:05:46 george soros foundation okay that was
@00:06:32 definitely you know the soros is open
@00:07:14 soros fund and foundations groups action
@00:09:42 unfamiliar soros has been in the
@00:09:54 by george soros which means they've been
@00:10:00 soros through his ngo the open society
@00:12:17 note are soros gets to keep his money
@00:13:12 limiting for what soros funds these days
@00:13:24 bulldozer revolution where soros al
@00:13:35 pro democracy when it comes to soros and
@00:14:08 showcasing how soros his tentacles had
@00:14:35 george soros who has built an entire
@00:15:13 washington times in all mr. soros gave
@00:15:37 the financial tether from mr. soros to
@00:16:25 soros sponsored organizations helped
@00:16:53 mr. soros as funding but they also fed
@00:17:37 all funded in part by mr. soros
@00:17:54 washington times article george soros
@00:18:46 funded by george soros it was the
@00:19:08 trustee of the soros funded samuel
@00:34:45 that not only has soros backed color
@00:35:21 george soros okay he's being censored on

Q Goes Mainstream AGAIN - Q Digital Soldier Missions Explained

@00:16:52 soros while we're talking about fake

Ability To See [Clearly] What They've Hid from You for So Long

@00:14:16 george george soros and many others do

deleted Investigating Austin Steinbart: Part1 - Coincidence or Proof?

@00:12:15 special place with george soros during
@00:14:47 special place in george soros which this
@00:14:53 place picked out for george soros and

deleted FREE THINKING: The Aftermath and Q post review

@00:20:48 and obama soros it's got you know soros
@00:21:17 corrupt who owns poll machines soros why
@00:24:42 cerberus madoff and soros sorry about


@00:23:28 george soros he said that he requested
@00:23:53 when george soros calls who races to
@00:24:18 suck fbi probe on behalf of george soros
@00:24:33 bankroll or george soros in an interview
@00:25:19 behalf of george soros who was a close
@00:25:23 george soros asked barack obama to have
@00:26:22 of george soros that's where that comes
@00:26:44 and it says is this who george soros
@00:28:58 this who george soros made hussein

The Sky is Falling! Flynn, Huber, Clinton Foundation

@00:06:06 and then he talks about hrc soros and
@00:06:27 why did soros donate all of his money
@00:29:52 thinking obama soros rothschilds
@00:30:17 soros rothschilds clinton cetera have
@00:30:41 why did soros transfer his bulk public
@00:30:48 pulled by several high ups why did soros

QAnon - The Silent WAR Continues... [Crowdstrike]

@00:01:57 funds everywhere think george soros pays

QAnon Post Analysis: Merry Christmas Edition

@00:30:12 and he the answer is george soros in the

Deconstruction of foreign controlled [intel] US media [+alt] critical (M_OS) Mini Dive

@00:26:13 up when it came to george soros okay so
@00:26:25 is where is george soros here let me
@00:28:25 george soros in the white house correct
@00:29:18 globalist leftist george soros insider
@00:29:27 you're not a globalist leftist soros
@00:30:06 conspiracy theory about george soros to
@00:31:03 soros they do i just like to point out
@00:31:23 history and the trope against mr. soros
@00:31:27 george soros was also created for
@00:40:37 we went over 58 which is soros 59 was

PAIN coming! Think Timing! Q Post Analysis: 3647-3654

@00:09:55 george soros is spending his own money
@00:10:06 and indirectly to george soros

QANON - The DS Players Caught in a Trap & Higher Loyalty to [Y]

@00:26:28 goes both ways george soros hooah
@00:26:51 rothschild and soros i of providence

QPosts 3588-3595 11/14/18 - BLACK OP Insertions to Campaign, WH, Aides, Cabinet Confirmed!

@00:23:42 coincidence when george soros calls deez


@00:29:44 rothschild plus plus soros plus these
@00:38:41 who owns the machine paul soros he's


@00:23:27 right how does george soros fund

[They] are Trying to Start a WAR: SA & IRAN According to QAnon

@00:40:42 i mean the two pluses are soros and the

FISA IG REPORT: Coop Witnesses, Singing Birds, and Whistleblowers

@00:37:05 machines soros what about the voter id

Powell, Flynn, and the BRIDGE - Ezra Cohen-Watnick THE BRIDGE

@00:40:46 yourself into thinking obama soros the

Deep Dive: Epstein Suicide through the Q Posts

@00:15:47 saud rothschild soros focus on the above


@00:09:31 everywhere think george soros pays for

QAnon Baby and the Watch - Worth Remembering (((WWG1WGA)))

@00:29:33 house of saud rothschild soros focus on

Hunters Become the Hunted for Humanity Q+ - Posts 7/10/19

@00:43:03 everywhere think george soros pays free

#ClandestineQ? Antifa & the NWO Featuring: New NEONREVOLT Article

@00:29:50 what happens if soros funding operations
@00:31:55 is fake it was funded by george soros
@00:36:10 george soros pays for antiva out of his

Italy & "Crown" Connections NeonRevolt Part 2

@00:21:05 the soros family there was it was
@00:31:31 only george soros contributed more than

Greg Craig, Ukraine, Neon Revolt Part 1

@00:24:44 first you have the soros funded orange
@00:24:56 being the cia soros backed guy where
@00:25:04 imagine that which is when soros and the
@00:25:34 about the soros believed to be behind
@00:25:39 party wins elections right soros is
@00:26:06 just weeks after soros is international
@00:26:14 soros open society foundations in
@00:26:26 soros the businessman to literally
@00:35:43 literally going to a soros backed org
@00:37:44 george soros funded think tank attacks

MAXIMUM Transparency - Indictments Coming - These People Are Stupid

@00:12:55 soros is pulling her strings hashtag
@00:15:59 lance kim fox soros backed prosecutor
@00:16:07 soros and because i don't want to read
@00:16:32 donor george soros part of it part of an

Vault 7 - Potus Opened Door of all Doors: JA: Keystone, Magic Wand, Angelfire

@00:16:21 times and bruce soros involved or

SOTU Preview, National Security, and Bill Priestap's Replacement

@00:16:54 mr. soros q yeah because he's a foreign

Qanon - Where is @Snowden & [RBG]? MKUltra Mind Control, [AS] CIA 01/07/2019

@00:07:22 thank you mr. soros and then we get the

Qanon Returns! EO Active, McClatchy Lies, Antifa No Go Zones, 01/05/2019

@00:08:08 george soros pays for an tifa out of his

The "Go Betweens" The Biggest 'ACCURATE' Conspiracy

@00:02:05 cabal families saudi arabia george soros

QAnon - Public Awakening = Game Over #NewQ through #2585

@00:31:48 mr. crew soros q so we know we know
@00:31:52 soros is heavily involved in the caravan

CF Whistleblower, GHWB & Comey Owls & Y's 322, The China 8, Monday!

@00:19:50 why did soros replace why what family

Qanon - Boom, Boom, Boom - Something is Happening and POTUS Pointing

@00:18:58 soros funding a migrant caravan heading

QAnon - Power Belongs to the People! #WWG1WGA! #NewQPosts

@00:13:18 drops regarding soros and taxpayer
@00:13:30 just do a little search on soros to kind
@00:13:39 obama soros roth clinton is such i have
@00:13:43 why did soros transfer his bulk public
@00:13:59 ups why did soros a sudden okay i just
@00:14:09 george soros go why can it be used by
@00:14:39 puppet masters and soros is listed as
@00:15:00 plus and then plus plus plus is soros
@00:16:10 okay but soros controls organizations of
@00:16:55 soros takes orders from p so if you go
@00:17:16 soros takes orders from p you have no
@00:18:04 none how does george soros fund

QAnon - CONSTANT Attempts to SILENCE Q and Our Movement Will FAIL

@00:21:10 at election time soros us backed ngos

Qanon - VIP Anon, the Signifier, Trump Trolls Ryan

@00:05:46 soros related perhaps in the kill box
@00:07:33 different things i think soros was noted

Migrant Caravan Invasion Update & Channel News

@00:19:41 caravan than soros i mean really i mean
@00:20:02 liberal billionaire george soros
@00:20:25 for soros to fund the caravan because it
@00:20:33 is paying for this than george soros to
@00:20:55 had the other one soros funding border
@00:20:58 so leftist billionaire george soros or
@00:21:06 leftist billionaire george soros is
@00:21:24 are funded by george soros is open

Ep#6 - The Shady MSM Saudi Arabia Narrative, Oleg Deripaska US Assets Seized, and Soros Funded Stalk

@00:00:35 soros funded group arrested for battery
@00:01:04 george soros was arrested tuesday after
@00:01:57 this david brock guys george soros
@00:03:26 donor is the liberal billionaire soros
@00:03:33 soros is still involved with the group

QAnon - New Narrative, Wrap Up Smear, Crimes Against Children, Justice K confirmed!

@00:38:53 cute told us that plus is soros it's a

Qanon - Feinstein threatens Murkowski? Delay, Delay Delay! Q update

@00:28:38 your uh soros the rothschilds and saudi

QAnon - Media Leakers, Panic in DC, with PANIC COMES....

@00:42:48 we know here he's talking about soros
@00:42:50 cuz plus plus equals soros and those can

QAnon - DOITQ, EAS Alert, Collective Attacks, Panic in DC

@00:19:06 rothschilds or george soros for that
@00:19:08 matter it's probably george soros

Qanon - Halper, Ohr, DOD Whistleblower

@00:38:00 clinton foundation soros tenaya saudi
@00:38:51 one soros chairman of soros fund

V Pool - Red Shoes Edition Feat. Podesta Art, AC, Kauders

@00:37:33 soros back to group and then there's a
@00:37:34 link here soros ran us foreign policy on
@00:38:47 prostitution he also worked with soros

QAnon - Live 10PM EST - Posts 1785-1799 Fishing is fun!

@00:33:34 stein yeah he's a he's a soros related

QAnon - LP Keep your promise. When does a bird sing? 7/28/18

@00:37:02 know soros sells twitter facebook apple

QAnon - Ask yourself - is this normal? NO IT IS NOT!

@00:36:20 george soros i mean there's lots to find

QAnon Proof #2 POTUS Tweets MagaPill Website with Cover Article About Q 11 25 17

@00:05:53 that says george soros the vatican and
@00:06:37 financier george soros and the vatican

QAnon PROOF #1 POTUS TWEET, +++, AND the Saudi Arabian Purge 11 6 17

@00:00:30 roth trials are the soros let's go ahead
@00:03:26 rothschild six plus plus soros six plus
@00:03:53 rothschild two pluses soros one plus
@00:04:24 saudi arabia rothschild soros

QAnon - June ETA for JA/SR, Twitter "Insiders" and Roseann

@00:21:26 chelsea soros clinton and then she

#QAnon - Resources, Website Upgrade, Channel Update with Katie G

@00:06:42 everything here's all about george soros

QAnon - 11.11Provided as Strategic Marker - Now Comes the Pain

@00:13:06 george soros spacex yeah interesting

QAnon - China, Russia, Others Coordinating w/Potus to Eliminate NWO?

@00:20:05 of soros but actual organic you know


@00:06:27 six plus plus soros plus so if you've
@00:06:32 ever doubted before soros is one plus

QAnon - MUST SEE! What will the texts reveal? MOAB or precursor?

@00:01:57 also refer to soros so i think it it's
@00:02:02 masters it's been used with soros it's

QAnon - Red Cross, UBL Exchange, Armenia is Free

@00:23:43 soros fund worldwide counter events who
@00:25:48 department was funding soros via slush
@00:25:56 it wasn't even soros his money that he's
@00:29:14 left-liberal stuff for soros that's you
@00:29:32 george soros all those leftist and tifa
@00:40:22 of them and soros and theirs and saudi
@00:41:23 yeah george soros oh look the puppets
@00:41:30 soros so and then of course we're
@00:43:06 read pakistan roth's soros banks

QAnon - McMaster Father 187 - CA - Scott Pruitt EPA

@00:21:15 supporting some soros domestic programs

#QAnon - Syria, JFK Jr., Situation Room 1077-1084 (edited)

@00:28:38 soros voting machines in her favor true

#QAnon - Mother of all Post Dumps - Posts 996-1028

@00:25:56 the family saudi arabia soros

#QAnon - Russia, Expelled Diplomats and Trump - What is going on?

@00:30:06 soros groups here he is also teaching

#Qanon - The Plan, We Have More Than We Know

@00:20:45 obama soros roth's clinton's etc have
@00:37:12 his thinking realize soros clinton obama
@00:44:03 soros fit in all right so that's there's
@00:44:29 know rothschild soros an tangent it's

#Qanon - March Madness! Spirit Cooking, Angela WHO?

@00:28:19 pos control our country realize soros
@00:29:25 godspeed patriots ps soros is targeted

#Qanon - Fiddler, Intruder, Suicides March 4 Posts (PART 2)

@00:16:22 organically it was george soros funded

#Qanon - Was Snowden Truly Acting on His Own? Nothing is as it appears. #Assange #Snowden

@00:21:39 as george soros rockefeller foundation

#Qanon - Heart Attacks, U1 Informant, Shanghai Windows

@00:09:52 then here you go chuck schumer soros
@00:11:17 soros so it all has to do with all that

#Qanon 666, Black Forest, Rothschilds, TREASON! #followthewhiterabbit

@00:11:17 soros transfer of wealth absolutely
@00:11:20 dobie freed it has no money so soros is
@00:11:32 soros puppet rothschild puppet marriage
@00:11:37 soros clinton i was never able to prove
@00:11:46 related to soros like by he's the nephew

#Qanon - Stop taking the sleeping pill, resignations, updates

@00:19:54 hrc hillary clinton gs george soros and
@00:20:36 absolutely maybe not george soros so

#QAnon - Kneading Bread, Skull & Bones Kerry #followthewhiterabbit #thestorm

@00:18:08 old georgie soros shows his face at
@00:18:17 george soros on thursday took aim at
@00:18:29 world nick yeah you think bro soros said
@00:19:52 george soros is he's right there he's
@00:20:59 brought down we want george soros we
@00:22:25 see george soros out at gitmo and

#QAnon Mystery Posts - Donna, George, and Todd? #followthewhiterabbit #thestormishere

@00:03:23 soros to pre-program voting machines
@00:04:04 with soros later this week for some pre
@00:15:16 words such as dogs or loose soros or

#QAnon is Back - "HIGHEST Level Intel Drop EVER"? #thestormishere #followthewhiterabbit

@00:33:23 that be george soros that's also a movie
@00:34:03 potus suffer from the soros loser bots