
Dems To Hold Open Hearing To Censor "Misinformation"- Information Warfare!!!

@00:29:00 here john durham the us attorney

"No Redactions"- Trump Orders Mark Beginning Of The End!

@00:10:54 we know that he hired john durham and

Live Stream 10-2-20 - Something Big Is About To Happen!

@00:34:38 the one that hired durham period shut up
@00:39:38 long over the whole durham thing

New Ballot Scam Operation Uncovered As Dangerous Rhetoric Continues!

@00:19:44 that now they're saying that the durham
@00:20:12 attorney john durham will not release
@00:21:13 durham tell you what you roll yours out
@00:25:32 durham not nsd
@00:25:44 and trying to avoid john durham proving
@00:25:47 that john durham was already
@00:25:52 durham was trying to interview some of
@00:26:00 we know that sessions hired durham and
@00:26:07 everything went to durham
@00:28:01 durham being mentioned
@00:28:11 and john durham is mentioned by that
@00:29:33 we know durham was in position we saw
@00:29:40 things were rolling already durham was
@00:29:44 and then q says durham take over huber
@00:31:08 delaying the release by durham who we

Live 9-25-20 - Brace For Impact!!!

@00:06:43 talking about sessions and durham
@00:07:31 durham sessions
@00:07:34 durham we are now
@00:29:24 durham who's investigating
@00:30:28 durham assumed parts of john huber's
@00:31:28 assumed by john durham this u.s attorney
@00:31:36 i am my name is john durham a hubert
@00:32:20 discuss anything my name is john durham
@00:38:31 durham is coming
@00:39:25 on durham

Warning- Marxist Elite Roll Out New Plot To Influence Election! SMH!!!

@00:21:34 john durham report what can we expect

Boom! Graham "We've Got The Votes To Confirm" - Dems Go Psycho!

@00:28:04 are we talking about the durham pro we

Revealed! Sessions Hired Durham! LOL, Doubters Will Freak Out!

@00:21:25 john durham tapped by who
@00:22:05 durham was tapped
@00:22:40 that sessions appointed john durham
@00:23:51 durham to open
@00:23:56 durham reportedly had his own office and

Militants Call For Blood- As Portland Trump-Supporter Killer Likely ID'd!

@00:26:23 john durham plans to declassify
@00:26:35 durham criminal investigation
@00:27:21 um john durham is looking at it's also
@00:28:04 so you've spoken to john durham then
@00:29:00 i'm coordinating carefully with durham

Did Someone Just Ask The Question? Trump's Answers Causes Meltdown!

@00:14:03 in durham pro yeah but nothing

Live Stream 8-14-20 - The Eve Of Indictments Even Closer

@00:20:35 durham and the storm has begun
@00:32:10 and and uh john durham uh is an

Live Stream 8-7-20 - The Eve Of Indictments!

@00:14:55 durham hired hubert holy people we know

Trump: New Vote-By-Mail Method In Florida Is "Safe and Secure"

@00:20:50 durham report obamacare

No Escape!! Meadows Drops Hint About Imminent Justice!

@00:10:49 on the durham pro time that people

EYES ON! The Sessions-Tuberville Battle- Here's The DECODE!!

@00:07:41 with john durham and all everything
@00:14:47 durham

De Blassio Shocker - Bans All Large Gatherings .... Except BLM!!!

@00:19:02 stories durham probe results may hold
@00:19:14 that durham is feeling pressure to

Barr Drops Surprise Bomb On Deep State- All Going As Planned!!!

@00:16:03 see durham is not the only game in town
@00:16:08 yeah and then cue shows us that durham
@00:16:50 why he was saying durham is not the only
@00:35:47 is saying with the durham investigation
@00:35:52 durham known legal out deployed by

American Revolution 2.0 - All Elements Perfectly In Position! Tick Tock...

@00:04:32 are waiting for durham and ron johnson

With Trump Rallies Set To Resume Tedros Strikes Again!! Coincidence?

@00:21:21 investigating in durham probe calls

Huge! How Hussein Shadow Presidency Was Outsmarted By Trump Team!

@00:11:29 the durham report that is where you will
@00:12:19 durham report a marsha i think thermos
@00:37:26 be right after durham and starts

Huge Chess Move! Barr Splits From Trump As Senate Subpoena Vote Looms

@00:11:31 from durham review oh my god i can't
@00:15:42 reminder that what durham is doing with
@00:15:52 they're separating barr from durham

Live Stream Friday 5-15-20 - New Era Coming

@00:14:46 john durham and the you know they're the

Unmasking The Unmaskers- ADNI Grenell Drops Hammer On Flynn's Enemies!!!

@00:18:45 much for durham and he didn't want to be

Live Stream Friday 5-8-20 - American Revolution 2.0

@00:44:55 general and he gave it to durham and

Sources: Schiff About To Have Very Bad Day! Plus- Barr Releases Key Docs!!!

@00:18:10 durham surprise surprise
@00:18:27 documents to the ig and to durham and

Huge! Q-Team Bombs: Authoritarian Politicians Will Be SHOCKED!!

@00:10:17 durham right there trump retweeting
@00:10:19 again david i was junior durham expands

Shocking Unsealed Flynn Docs Set Stage For What Is Coming!!!

@00:10:47 james baker has flipped durham is

Deep State Secret Inside Comms Channels Revealed ... Information War Rages!

@00:05:56 durham as a sign that things are rent

Meanwhile Durham Expands His Team Amid Rumors Of Coming Indictments

@00:17:13 durham adding members to russia probe
@00:17:20 he has added john durham as the punisher
@00:17:33 reports durham recently recruited new

Live Stream Friday 4-17-20 - Time Bomb Overview!

@00:34:19 durham was hired no kidding

Clock Is Ticking- "FISA Lead-In" New Marker - Barr Public Appearance!

@00:22:20 durham and go after bar it doesn't
@00:24:06 durham has subpoenaed and called in
@00:24:16 january 23rd of 2020 durham and think
@00:24:22 cute the durham call for witness thank
@00:24:34 durham start queue operations start five
@00:24:49 start or cute talking about durham part
@00:26:32 when durham comes out of the gate with
@00:26:50 this timetable with durham is real and q

Trump Masterfully Sets Up Media - Demonstrates Hypocrisy To The World!!!

@00:27:31 pain coming durham is the punisher so i

Timetable Revealed! New House Investigations To Precede Full Disclosure

@00:08:34 investigations to bar durham lack of
@00:21:40 go after bar and durham now that will be

Live Stream Friday 4-10-20 - Storm Intensifies

@00:23:40 hashtag bull durham and then thank you
@00:39:37 durham and william bar we're gonna
@00:40:53 everything that bar and durham is saying
@00:42:10 attorney john durham yeah can you tell
@00:47:54 durham issuing grand jury subpoenas and

Bombshell! Timetable Of 'Planned-Demic' To Change Narrative Revealed!

@00:10:56 dark about john durham review top gop
@00:18:03 regarding john durham in this article
@00:18:09 were talking about john durham never
@00:18:22 durham profiled the prosecutor tasked
@00:18:40 what john durham is all about he's the
@00:18:56 durham in the connecticut office of in
@00:18:58 the 1980s picker stained set durham
@00:19:10 so there it is durham is a low-key guy
@00:28:42 durham thinks good versus evil think

Judge Orders Hillary And Top Aid Deposed On Use Of Private Email System!

@00:11:57 john durham is now investigating these

FRIDAY 2-28 The Silent War- Updates

@00:07:04 the first big fish to fall before durham
@00:36:24 happening with the durham investigation
@00:37:06 the fox news that the durham probe will
@00:37:23 speaking to say that john durham has
@00:37:34 right now is that john durham will
@00:38:48 guess we heard just now yeah durham is

Meanwhile ... Ukraine Launches Criminal Proceedings Against Joe Biden!!

@00:18:09 collins he's coming up saying durham

Durham Expands Probe Into Mueller Team Activities - Trump Hints Justice Coming!

@00:11:13 now as you can see john durham is moving
@00:11:35 over like it says here breaking durham

Wow! New Rumor About Barr Will Shock Many... Think: Art Of War!!!

@00:16:58 durham needs to be looking at but

Confirmed: DOJ Has Opened New Probe Into Comey, McCabe, Strzok!!

@00:06:07 getting john durham in place and other
@00:14:20 durham scrutinising john brennan's

FRIDAY 2-14 Week To Remember - The Start

@00:23:13 durham is doing everybody knows what's
@00:26:22 durham maybe my prosecutor maybe he's
@00:27:01 john durham in other words right there
@00:30:43 report john durham continues to focus on
@00:31:02 durham continues to focus on the origins
@00:34:51 gunn mccabe is not cleared in durham
@00:37:16 durham scrutinising john brennan so we
@00:37:30 because we have been told that durham
@00:43:37 playing the game until the durham

Stone Case Lead Juror's Court Statements Revealed- Unbelievable!!

@00:19:41 readers talking about mr. durham appears
@00:20:25 mr durham and his investigators that
@00:20:38 guys part of the durham team no you are

Rumors Circulate- Major Arrests Beginning This Week?

@00:07:21 sacred leash hired john durham to start

"We Caught Them In the Act"- Trump Hints Justice Coming In Acquittal Speech!

@00:15:03 the image of the durham boat and all the

Graham Outlines Justice Roadmap To Follow Impeachment Trial!!!

@00:05:47 durham started his investigation around
@00:27:50 q proof yeah on the left we have durham
@00:28:01 talks about a list durham and rogers
@00:28:42 attorney john durham on multiple

Graham Predicts Hunter Testimony- Trump Drops Huge Q Proof At NJ Rally!!!

@00:22:11 the durham boat check it out folks
@00:22:13 the durham boat is this flat button
@00:22:33 in the beginning think durham start
@00:22:38 so there it is the durham boat was the
@00:22:51 there it is the durham boats another
@00:23:18 boats sure did help potus durham a point
@00:23:53 together that it pointed back to durham

Mystery Leak- Bolton Book Manuscript Submitted to NSC Ends Up At NYT

@00:07:05 john durham and hiring john huber and

BOOM!! Rudy Announces Huge Ukraine Revelations Beginning Now!

@00:21:15 potus bar bar to durham and then q gives
@00:21:32 countries that have armed durham with a
@00:21:47 command and thank you says does durham
@00:22:02 so durham is holding back due to the

Court Docs: Rosenstein Approved Release Of Strzok-Page Text Messages!

@00:06:38 storm hiring john durham in hiring john

Surprise! DNC Server "Hack" Mystery Unlocked For Public Consumption!!!

@00:22:55 bar durham probe as they investigate
@00:24:15 meetings with durham the only way to

Graham Promises To Call In Everyone Who Signed FISA Warrant... And Others!!!

@00:08:20 have john durham he's sounding like you
@00:15:12 and i'm looking at durham to hold people
@00:25:38 and durham what they are doing they
@00:26:45 prior to barr durham hueber release b
@00:31:05 bill barr and us attorney john durham

Live Stream Friday 12-20 Patriot News Breakdown, Analysis!

@00:05:42 out saying you know durham you know
@00:18:28 do we think that john durham and william
@00:19:41 referred that to durham and bar oh in
@00:31:10 prosecutor john durham looking into
@00:32:43 durham probe of russia's of russia
@00:32:53 this is mike rogers mr. durham you know
@00:34:18 been very cooperative durham is saying

Impeachment Coup Counter Strategy Revealed! Dems Won't Like This!!

@00:22:09 then comes back and says durham
@00:22:16 so now durham is discovering deep state

Justice Schedule Set to Unravel After Dems Farce Impeachment

@00:20:13 durham working in secret senate working
@00:23:01 misspellings matter durham in

As Dems Self Destroy, Coordinated Q Proofs Signal Patriots In Control!!!

@00:21:44 statements past week durham public
@00:21:47 statements past week durham starts cute
@00:25:11 that turned out to be john durham and i
@00:25:18 month day and that durham and q public
@00:26:07 durham q says what if other attorney
@00:33:58 the the durham statement came at 1:29
@00:34:03 that all three durham statement the ig
@00:34:48 time when john durham made his statement
@00:34:52 time of durham statement think q durham
@00:35:21 says think of the date that q and durham
@00:35:54 ig report the durham rebuttal and the
@00:36:09 horowitz durham and bar are all in
@00:36:14 team or horowitz durham and bar were

Live Stream Friday 12-13-19- Latest Breaking Patriot News!

@00:35:30 i hope durham can get to the bottom of
@00:40:35 places with mr. durham i mean i'm afraid

Horowitz Gives Dems Hope ... Then Drops Bombshells On FBI FISA Abuse!

@00:08:09 barr and us attorney turney john durham
@00:08:21 durham to do that

Barr Doubles Down Post IG Report- Hints At Coming Justice!!

@00:02:35 we saw right away john durham and

The Details Are In- Durham Enters- Let the Show Begin!!

@00:10:19 right here it says here durham and a
@00:12:24 durham coming out of the gate saying
@00:15:34 forward to the durham report which is
@00:17:40 talking about both bar and durham issued
@00:19:10 durham is coming out saying what he's
@00:20:49 campaign i mean we had john durham now
@00:21:40 report from john durham here it is john
@00:21:42 durham coming out for the sake of
@00:21:47 why would durham do this you know you
@00:22:31 durham is saying this investigation has

Why Spygate? Question To Be Publicly Answered Soon!

@00:29:22 soon yeah with the durham report coming

Trump Special Meeting With AG Barr, Staff Delays Flight 45 Min!!

@00:18:19 cooperating doj bard durham class one

Q Returns! Mystery Drop Solved- Damning IG Report Confirmed!

@00:08:41 bar basically to appoint john durham
@00:08:52 criminal investigation in that durham
@00:17:09 day durham initiated and we believe it
@00:17:16 famous crime family did durham target
@00:17:35 abuse investigator john durham this is
@00:17:48 durham target we see that it's a cia so
@00:19:14 durham cube had predicted this way back
@00:19:22 because john durham is on the scene just
@00:27:58 don't forget that they hired john durham

Rep McCarthy: This Is a "Calculated Coup" Orchestrated By Schiff!!

@00:09:32 durham and all these different players

Live Stream Friday Nov 8, 2019- Latest Breaking Patriot News- Judgement Day Coming!

@00:30:43 reports coming they know the durham

Nunes: Schiff Will Be FIRST Witness Called By GOP to Testify!

@00:22:53 find out who hired john durham and the

Live Stream Friday Nov 1, 2019- The Storm Is Here! Patriot News and Updates

@00:19:57 durham and all these people are doing

Forced Into the Light: Pelosi, Schiff Nervously Proceed With New Moves!

@00:21:50 baran durham investigation will let the

Schiff, Pelosi EXCLUDED From ISIS Raid Briefing to Save American Lives!

@00:19:35 representative shift durham probe into

Live Stream Friday Oct 25, 2019- The Storm Is Here! Patriot News and Updates

@00:13:53 with john durham
@00:16:19 durham report and my remember the hueber
@00:18:58 durham investigation is a witch-hunt or
@00:23:34 first we learned that durham probe is

HUGE! Durham Probe Now a Criminal Investigation, Hillary Quickly Hints At Run

@00:06:34 durham who has subpoena power he has the
@00:08:46 attorney durham has the ability to

SURPRISE! New Narrative: Brennan is Victim of Trump's "Quest For Vengeance"

@00:13:38 investigation bar in durham the federal
@00:14:51 emerging focus of barred durham

Barr Expands Probe, CIA Actors Lawyer Up- Brennan, Clapper Deposition Coming!!

@00:11:49 us attorney john durham has found
@00:13:01 involves like i says down here durham
@00:14:10 tapped durham to conduct investigation

Convoys of Trucks Seen Emptying Obama-Biden-Linked Former Ukrainian President's Palace!

@00:13:02 up phone phones obtained by durham have

Truth and Art TV Live Stream Friday 10-18-19 - Latest Bombshell Patriot News and Updates

@00:50:58 special investigator john durham who
@00:51:34 blackberry's thanks to john durham this
@00:54:30 likely the durham and the hueber report

Caught On Camera! Ilhan and Lover Disguise Exposed At Anti-Trump Riot!

@00:09:46 you have the bar investigation durham we

DOJ: Defense Official Arrested For Colluding With NBC News!

@00:04:50 john durham as we talked about yesterday
@00:07:51 durham expanding his investigation you

Graham Opens Investigation, Giuliani to Testify- Gowdy Joins Legal Team!

@00:21:38 breaking john durham expands his
@00:21:46 2017 and this guy durham looks like he's

Nancy's Secret Strategy Exposed With Brilliant Trump Counter-move!

@00:19:53 interviewed by us attorney john durham
@00:20:04 interviewing with john durham blah blah
@00:20:10 going to be interviewed by mr. durham as

"It's a COUP!"- Trump Spells It Out For ALL to See!

@00:12:29 durham is investigating the origins of
@00:17:04 barr and us attorney john durham meet
@00:18:28 and it says an us attorney john durham

Barr, Durham, Foreign Leaders Cooperate, Prepare Evidence!

@00:01:37 barr and durham and all that they want
@00:10:49 john durham the us attorney general the
@00:11:12 durham met senior italian government
@00:11:20 the italians to assist durham according
@00:12:29 trying to block bar and durham and

Solomon Drops 450+ Pages of Docs Implicating Biden and Son Corruption!

@00:08:02 durham investigation they know it's

"The Worst is Still to Come" - Former FBI Assistant Director

@00:16:16 attorney john durham whether comey and
@00:16:53 says here but beyond that mr. durham and

Comey Report Likely Released Today! IG Will Refer For Federal Prosecution!!!

@00:17:12 durham bar report on what are the
@00:18:14 and the durham bar report and the

King Size Illegal Immigration Loophole Officially Closes Today (8-21-19)!

@00:11:09 and in the bar and durham investigations

From Unhinged to Dangerously Crazy- Dems Push For Civil War

@00:23:10 joad the jennifer saying durham
@00:23:31 says here right durham has been asked to
@00:23:40 saying here and now durham is being

THE PLAN: Ruining Paradigms- Driving Left Into Psychosis!

@00:22:41 attorney durham is done with his job and

MSM Actually Admits Trump-Q Anon Good Relationship- Focus Is On Antifa!

@00:11:42 breaking durham investigators have
@00:12:26 i can report absolutely that the durham

Comey Just Got Some Good ... AND Really BAD News...

@00:09:18 durham yeah come on back comey nice try
@00:10:04 john durham those investigations are
@00:11:29 short period of time john durham has
@00:11:53 geneva eventually durham is focused on a

The Stage Is Set! GITMO Awaits!

@00:20:31 that's because durham is progressing

Russia Hoax Finally Over- And the Dems NEXT MOVE IS ...

@00:22:38 pass d class of dots durham news
@00:23:01 gonna go down name says durham news said

Wow! The Real Russia Collusion Finally Seeding Into Public Conscience

@00:14:54 the attorney general and john durham are

Q Sprays Ammunition In All Directions!! "Patriots In Control"

@00:16:59 general and rogers meeting yeah durham

Did Trump Drop Bigly Q Proof At Celebration? Plus RBG Update!!

@00:09:55 john durham to lead a separate
@00:09:59 spy gate uh what mr. durham oh we have

"A Lot Of Whistleblowers" Now Emerging! Avalanche Has Officially Begun!

@00:08:38 bar durham began their investigation
@00:09:01 john durham are actually working to
@00:09:11 bar and now durham rolling out into the
@00:09:40 general bar and john durham are willing

New DOJ Letter Reveals "Broad Scope", Massive Expansion Of Spygate!

@00:09:04 of john durham spygate investigation

"This is straight up fiction"- Gaetz, Jordon Go Nuclear On Dean Side Show

@00:14:55 have durham john tharam he's working on

The Look Of Defeat! As Trump Triumphant In Mexico Border Deal and China!

@00:20:26 what if the arrival of john durham is

BAD News For Dems- Durham "Very Dialed In" On Russia Probe Origins!

@00:15:53 coming us attorney durham vet quote very
@00:16:09 durham you go after hussein hey mister
@00:16:38 handled by durham there goes one of your
@00:17:12 prosecutor john durham to investigate
@00:17:24 and durham are working closely with cia

Comey Turns On Brennan As Circular Firing Squad Continues!!

@00:14:52 attorney john durham yeah the stealth

CIA, DNI, FBI Jump Into Spygate Probe ... Avalanche Begins!!

@00:10:41 interagency effort right there durham
@00:11:11 recently oh durham he's deep state oh
@00:11:44 special prosecutor john durham to
@00:12:34 keep going us attorney john durham began
@00:12:54 said yesterday john durham us attorney

(GULP)...Things Just Got Even Worse For the Deep State ...

@00:07:41 name is john h durham yeah the united
@00:09:30 this john durham another stealth bomber