
Trump Warns Shocking Documents About To Be Unveiled!

@00:04:46 000 sealed indictments we know that
@00:05:26 sealed indictments and i found out that

New Ballot Scam Operation Uncovered As Dangerous Rhetoric Continues!

@00:05:37 000 613 sealed indictments
@00:05:44 409 indictments altogether

The Time Has Come! Equal Justice Under The Law - Harvest Is Ready!!!

@00:04:33 indictments look at those sealed
@00:04:34 indictments right there
@00:05:41 indictments

Live 9-4-20 - All Going As Planned!!!

@00:13:23 these chain arrests and indictments that

Sinister Plot Now Revealed - Post Election Dark Civil War Comes To View!!!

@00:18:35 indictments
@00:18:39 indictments and arrests that are going

Militants Call For Blood- As Portland Trump-Supporter Killer Likely ID'd!

@00:04:10 771 sealed indictments we that follow
@00:04:52 indictments that is only the tip

Revealed! USPS Secret Patent Could End Dems! No Wonder They're Freaking Out!

@00:22:46 an eye on wikipedia as these indictments
@00:26:33 for indictments tracking and this is

Haha! Marxists Launch Brand New Weird Panicky Conspiracy Theory!!

@00:09:35 771 sealed indictments look it up

Live Stream 8-14-20 - The Eve Of Indictments Even Closer

@00:50:33 indictments have began
@00:54:12 indictments have begun

Marxist Revolution Takes New Turn- Here's The Shocking Summary!!

@00:05:08 as we are now in the eve of indictments

Wow! Barr Calls Out Marxist Cult - "Secular Religion ... Lust For Power"

@00:09:53 771 sealed indictments these are real

Live Stream 8-7-20 - The Eve Of Indictments!

@00:34:20 771 sealed indictments
@00:34:42 sealed indictments
@00:49:52 indictments

Chilling Censorship Sweeps Nation As ... Antifa Now Detonating Explosives!!!

@00:16:08 mass indictments and this is the

Wave Of Violence Sweeps Nation - Lines Drawn- Body Count Rises!!!

@00:08:24 771 sealed indictments look it up

No Escape!! Meadows Drops Hint About Imminent Justice!

@00:03:55 sealed indictments judgment day is
@00:11:28 the american people expect indictments
@00:11:45 expect indictments
@00:18:25 judgment indictments are coming thank

Live Stream 7-17-20 - The Precipice Draws Near!

@00:17:35 of documents and indictments well and
@00:17:40 documents and indictments in a second

Something Strange Is Growing Nationwide And No One Is Noticing!!!

@00:19:14 indictments on these demons and everyone

Newsom To Release Another 8000 Masked Criminals Into Streets!!! Coincidence?

@00:04:30 176 436 sealed indictments
@00:05:06 176 000 sealed indictments that is what

De Blassio Shocker - Bans All Large Gatherings .... Except BLM!!!

@00:19:33 out indictments
@00:19:50 trying to bring those first indictments

Next Phase Has Begun: Elected Officials Call For Overthrow Of U.S.!!!

@00:06:33 and these sealed indictments all of them

Coordinated? Trump Spells Out Storm - Flynn Surprise Move- Huge Proof!!

@00:08:24 sealed indictments just a little

TRUE Targets Revealed In Epstein Saga As Another Hammer Drops!

@00:11:14 arrests and indictments that have been

Psychology Of Radical Left's Information Control Fully Explained!

@00:07:10 indictments
@00:07:13 years the sealed indictments is at one

Bombshell Strategy Unfolds In Biden Ukraine Corruption Case!!!

@00:18:44 the sealed indictments are all about and

Barr Drops Surprise Bomb On Deep State- All Going As Planned!!!

@00:06:31 plus sealed indictments are ready to be

Full Destruction In Progress- Thugs Empowered, Police Attacked!!

@00:20:23 sealed indictments and everything that

American Revolution 2.0 - All Elements Perfectly In Position! Tick Tock...

@00:07:24 sealed indictments continue to mount you
@00:07:30 sealed indictments is anyone surprised
@00:07:35 sealed indictments satan's california
@00:13:19 demons did this sealed indictments and

Live Stream 6-12-20 - America At War!

@00:11:53 indictments are hollywood celebrities
@00:23:49 sealed indictments right there who did
@00:23:58 sealed indictments yeah this network and

TADA!! W.H.O Drops Coronavirus Bomb - Think 180 Degrees!!!

@00:06:24 one sealed indictments and take a look

Rosenstein Drops Precision Bomb To Russia Collusion Hoax- Sets Stage!

@00:25:38 that indictments have been building yeah
@00:25:42 indictments in other words yeah
@00:26:06 the long list of sealed indictments that

Meanwhile Future Is Proving Past! Logic PROVES How This Will End!!!

@00:19:04 indictments have been building for some

Huge! How Hussein Shadow Presidency Was Outsmarted By Trump Team!

@00:06:15 sealed indictments judgment day is here
@00:06:23 indictments are in these key states
@00:11:31 have criminal indictments
@00:12:17 criminal indictments coming soon and the

Newly Revealed Docs Expose Shocking Truth Behind Snowden Operation!!!

@00:06:23 sealed indictments on top of every one

Trump Tweet Triggers Trend- The Game Is Now Over- Panic In DC!!!

@00:07:41 from 163,000 469 sealed indictments and
@00:07:52 sealed indictments judgment day is

Huge! Q-Team Bombs: Authoritarian Politicians Will Be SHOCKED!!

@00:09:35 sealed indictments the storm is here

Live Stream Friday 4-24-20 - Systematic Destruction

@00:19:46 sixty-three thousand sealed indictments

Meanwhile Durham Expands His Team Amid Rumors Of Coming Indictments

@00:17:58 indictments to conflict with the
@00:18:35 indictments are in on ten or more of

Trump Hints At Coming Justice For Russia Hoax: "You'll Find Out!"

@00:05:58 indictments you can read you can verify
@00:23:31 indictments
@00:23:31 well the indictments come to pass on

Live Stream Friday 4-17-20 - Time Bomb Overview!

@00:29:01 or 12 indictments but there could be a
@00:29:02 handful of indictments and much more
@00:30:03 folks does it mean that indictments may

Clock Is Ticking- "FISA Lead-In" New Marker - Barr Public Appearance!

@00:26:36 his indictments and it becomes public is

Timetable Revealed! New House Investigations To Precede Full Disclosure

@00:06:50 hundred sixty nine sealed indictments

Live Stream Friday 4-10-20 - Storm Intensifies

@00:28:34 fisa indictments equals start like you
@00:30:33 sealed indictments over a hundred and
@00:42:28 you know with these indictments maybe
@00:42:31 placeholder indictments tracking they're
@00:42:34 in they're tracking the indictments
@00:43:16 positions placeholder indictments
@00:51:44 very likely these indictments that are

Malik Obama Jumps Into Battlefield- Part Of Q Army... As The Clock Ticks!

@00:18:49 talking about fisa fisa indictments
@00:20:34 below here we're fine indictments equal

Dems Launch Brand New Level Of Psychotic Anti-Trump Attacks!!

@00:23:23 indictments hey hollywood celebrities

Trump Spreads Military Across Nation And Fires Intel IG- Nothing To See Here!

@00:06:30 had 157,000 sealed indictments last week
@00:06:36 163,000 469 sealed indictments nothing
@00:06:58 look at these sealed indictments we're
@00:07:10 california sealed indictments twenty

Post 'Time Bomb': Battle For Narrative Rages- Trump Expands Storm!

@00:04:27 sealed indictments 157,000 694 sealed

Live Stream Friday 3-27-20 - Storm Update!

@00:35:11 list of sealed indictments you want to

Military Activation Coming? Q Hints At Suspension Of Habeas Corpus

@00:15:53 proofs and arrests and indictments and

Amid Deployment Of National Guard In 32 States Q Drops Simple Message!

@00:10:08 157,000 694 sealed indictments and don't
@00:10:30 there people 157 plus sealed indictments

Clash Of Narratives Continue Over Virus - The Silent War Continues!

@00:05:22 sealed indictments and there it is folks
@00:27:00 almost 7,000 new sealed indictments

As Hysteria Continues Trump Making Clever Moves To Advance STORM!!!

@00:11:18 indictments and a series of large-scale

Unhinged Biden Unloads On Average Blue-Collar Worker!!!

@00:24:55 us tracking unsealed indictments and q

Boom! Trump Team Taunts With Q Anon Quote - What Will Be Next?

@00:06:54 they're getting ready these indictments
@00:07:31 two sealed indictments it's like a time

FRIDAY 2-28 The Silent War- Updates

@00:37:39 report it'll just lead to indictments
@00:38:09 peaking convene a grand jury indictments
@00:39:14 indictments straight cuz he has the
@00:42:56 indictments all right see what else

Meanwhile ... Ukraine Launches Criminal Proceedings Against Joe Biden!!

@00:23:54 arrests indictments and convictions are

HUGE Wave Of Trump Victories Hit As the Storm Intensifies!!

@00:02:17 indictments that are happening no one

Why No Arrests? Q Walks Us Behind-the-Scenes - Reveals Big Picture!!

@00:02:36 indictments 151,000 sealed indictments
@00:02:49 and the most sealed indictments are
@00:02:56 with 9,000 plus sealed indictments with
@00:03:05 seven hundred plus sealed indictments

Durham Expands Probe Into Mueller Team Activities - Trump Hints Justice Coming!

@00:08:16 indictments we're not playing around

Wow! New Rumor About Barr Will Shock Many... Think: Art Of War!!!

@00:19:49 indictments and federal grand juries
@00:21:47 continuation of the sealed indictments

Confirmed: DOJ Has Opened New Probe Into Comey, McCabe, Strzok!!

@00:06:16 indictments that has been happening
@00:08:41 to the sealed indictments they are
@00:11:07 the steel indictments we see that we are
@00:11:12 sealed indictments we were expecting
@00:11:30 indictments you know cuz 144,000 is not

Stone Case Lead Juror's Court Statements Revealed- Unbelievable!!

@00:03:11 have been happening smollett indictments
@00:11:14 all these indictments and everything all

On Cue! Roger Stone Case Triggers Wave Of Firings And Awareness!!

@00:12:01 in all the sealed indictments and yet

Rumors Circulate- Major Arrests Beginning This Week?

@00:07:24 these investigations these indictments
@00:07:27 tracking the sealed indictments and

Graham Outlines Justice Roadmap To Follow Impeachment Trial!!!

@00:10:26 sealed indictments it's happening it's
@00:10:38 unsealed indictments periodically and

Graham Predicts Hunter Testimony- Trump Drops Huge Q Proof At NJ Rally!!!

@00:15:19 sealed indictments like i said it many
@00:15:29 indictments so this is one of those
@00:16:12 indictments have begun there's another

Mystery Leak- Bolton Book Manuscript Submitted to NSC Ends Up At NYT

@00:07:07 getting all these sealed indictments
@00:11:06 this this is the sealed indictments that
@00:11:26 following the sealed indictments when it

Court Docs: Rosenstein Approved Release Of Strzok-Page Text Messages!

@00:06:44 indictments rolling and these grand
@00:11:11 four sealed indictments you can look it

LIVE Jan 17, 2020: Coup Update, Senate Hearing ++

@00:15:43 sealed indictments were up to 144,000
@00:16:45 sealed indictments and maybe they're
@00:29:10 five thousand plus indictments monthly
@00:29:20 monthly okay sealed indictments they are
@00:29:33 indictments being at it means no arrests

Confused Dems In the Dark As Senate GOP Conceal Next Move!

@00:02:33 forty 4844 sealed indictments five
@00:02:53 indictments twenty four thousand eight

McConnell Last Minute Reversal- Now Hinting Trials Are Coming!

@00:02:06 sealed indictments 24 hours ago for the
@00:02:18 thousand more sealed indictments 144
@00:02:26 that is how many sealed indictments that
@00:02:31 indictments that are unseen

Dems Launch Bizarre New Talking Points- Trump Is War Criminal!!!

@00:16:36 hacked think sealed indictments lady and

Future Proves Past- Leftists Send Shocking Direct Messages Of Support For Iran!!

@00:08:36 on these sealed indictments which right
@00:08:51 indictments from when it was like a
@00:08:57 140 sealed indictments most of them are

Anti-Trump Atheist Fall Into Trap- Johnson Amendment E.O. Signed 2017!

@00:06:23 sealed indictments is he one of the
@00:06:27 sealed indictments we do not know but

Surprise! DNC Server "Hack" Mystery Unlocked For Public Consumption!!!

@00:09:56 there 139 915 sealed indictments in
@00:10:03 indictments we're not playing around and

Graham Promises To Call In Everyone Who Signed FISA Warrant... And Others!!!

@00:08:44 hundred and fifteen sealed indictments
@00:08:48 thousands of non sealed indictments a
@00:08:58 sealed indictments especially california

"Incredibly Dangerous" Pelosi New Moves Seals Fate Of Hoax Coup!

@00:12:06 indictments and it's going to be

Justice Schedule Set to Unravel After Dems Farce Impeachment

@00:26:44 of fisa then the indictments there goes
@00:30:48 unsealing 140,000 sealed indictments

As Dems Self Destroy, Coordinated Q Proofs Signal Patriots In Control!!!

@00:07:13 indictments we see that tonight not long
@00:07:16 ago we had 130 4570 sealed indictments
@00:07:27 sealed indictments in just the last 30
@00:07:35 confirm the sealed indictments never in
@00:07:39 sealed indictments so there it is and we
@00:19:29 these sealed indictments everything

Live Stream Friday 12-13-19- Latest Breaking Patriot News!

@00:07:18 130 4570 sealed indictments for the last
@00:07:41 indictments that is what is happening
@00:08:52 indictments are still going up up and up

Barr Doubles Down Post IG Report- Hints At Coming Justice!!

@00:13:33 these indictments and all that all of it

Why Spygate? Question To Be Publicly Answered Soon!

@00:08:52 sealed indictments the number is stuck
@00:09:04 unsealed a bunch of indictments
@00:09:16 sealed indictments that are going to be
@00:09:22 the indictments are in california all

Coup Update- Collins: GOP To Call Schiff To Testify FIRST!

@00:07:47 five thousand sealed indictments two
@00:07:58 seventy sealed indictments that number

FISA Report To Release Dec 9th- As Dems Impeachment Plot Implodes

@00:14:16 indictments revealed that former

Q Returns! Mystery Drop Solved- Damning IG Report Confirmed!

@00:02:10 indictments update it like i said you
@00:02:18 thousand sealed indictments 127 4:07 to
@00:02:27 hundred and seventy sealed indictments
@00:25:52 indictments coming no question mark it's

Rep McCarthy: This Is a "Calculated Coup" Orchestrated By Schiff!!

@00:09:11 127 407 sealed indictments and i expect
@00:09:39 indictments are coming from california

#EpsteinCoverup Gains Momentum- Something Big Is Coming!

@00:05:08 know that these seals indictments are
@00:05:14 these indictments these sealed
@00:05:17 indictments are usually updated the

Schiff, Pelosi EXCLUDED From ISIS Raid Briefing to Save American Lives!

@00:08:20 hundred seven sealed indictments this is
@00:08:38 with the most sealed indictments they're

Brilliant!! GOP Strategic Counter-move Forces New Focus, Narrative Shift!

@00:19:34 one of the seals indictments 100% and

Convoys of Trucks Seen Emptying Obama-Biden-Linked Former Ukrainian President's Palace!

@00:06:50 indictments we have all throughout the
@00:06:57 indictments are happening globally and

Caught On Camera! Ilhan and Lover Disguise Exposed At Anti-Trump Riot!

@00:11:19 hundred and seven sealed indictments the

Graham Opens Investigation, Giuliani to Testify- Gowdy Joins Legal Team!

@00:17:45 indictments and hearings one of these

Groundhog Day!! Dems Roll Out Another "Whistleblower" 1 Week After Transcript!!

@00:08:21 week yeah let's go to the indictments
@00:08:26 thousand 407 sealed indictments it's

Nancy's Secret Strategy Exposed With Brilliant Trump Counter-move!

@00:17:41 have like 300,000 sealed indictments if

NYT Admits,Video Proves Schiff Lied! Attempted Coup Implodes!!!

@00:02:22 indictments and now yeah let's take a
@00:02:42 indictments one hundred and twenty seven
@00:02:48 indictments and we know we're the
@00:02:53 sealed indictments right here with all

Report: Adam Schiff Linked to Huge Ukranian Arms Dealer!

@00:08:10 indictments on cue mat dot of which
@00:08:19 120 1,848 sealed indictments and don't
@00:08:25 indictments this whole process all these

Live Stream Friday 9-20-19 - Patriot News

@00:57:17 indictments showing you what is
@00:59:37 indictments we're not playing around and

New Lawsuit: Mueller Helped Cover Saudi Involvement In 9/11!

@00:07:30 sealed indictments there it is ladies
@00:07:36 indictments that is what the number is
@00:07:48 and seventy-three demons has indictments
@00:08:03 848 sealed indictments that does not

Graham Submits 9 Point Declas Request to Barr- Trump Tweets On Same Topic!

@00:04:54 indictments arrests and d-class will

"The Worst is Still to Come" - Former FBI Assistant Director

@00:10:29 indictments that doesn't doesn't do it
@00:12:16 thirty sealed indictments this is not a
@00:12:26 link to this cue map sealed indictments

Global Warming Top "Scientist" Loses In Court- Refuses to Provide His Evidence!!

@00:04:54 hundred and thirty sealed indictments
@00:05:09 indictments are coming in and they're

Special Report: Epstein Found Dead!

@00:05:08 and nine thousand sealed indictments and

The Desperation to Stop Q Anon Reaches Psychotic Levels!

@00:07:40 thousand 346 sealed indictments and

Wow! The Real Russia Collusion Finally Seeding Into Public Conscience

@00:17:15 found and mr. molars indictments the

Checkmate!! Q Challenges Schiff, Comey and Co. On Mueller Hearing

@00:11:10 sealed indictments are on the record
@00:11:22 indictments will be unsealed or being
@00:17:09 indictments let's do it again right

New Bombshell Court Docs Reveal Path Of DNC Emails- Dems Will Freak!

@00:26:00 six sealed indictments that's an
@00:26:02 additional 6,000 plus sealed indictments
@00:26:08 about that the sealed indictments are

Q Sheds Some Light On the NYC Mystery Blackout ... Coincidence?

@00:04:10 indictments we know that nothing can

Beyond Epstein! Q Offers Explosive Clues On What Is Coming Next!

@00:08:20 indictments we shall see this guy and we

Wow! Major Q Clues On Damage Coming: It's All Happening!

@00:05:00 a lot of sealed indictments are coming

THEY'RE BACK! Explosive New Q Drops Detail Upcoming Events!

@00:04:11 they're unsealing indictments because we
@00:04:31 indictments were unsealed it's happening
@00:14:57 many indictments right when blackmail no

The Avalanche Begins! Epstein Arrest Carries Nuclear Capabilities!

@00:08:34 seven hundred and ten sealed indictments
@00:08:54 indictments and we're seeing it happen
@00:09:03 steel indictments are coming from fast
@00:11:42 indictments get unsealed right yeah

Epstein Case Bombshell, RBG Surprise, Trump Drops 180 Degree Bomb and More!

@00:07:01 amount of sealed indictments that are in
@00:24:03 indictments what's happening and then

MOAB Detonates ... Insiders Drop Bombshells!!

@00:04:06 sealed indictments it's happening folks
@00:04:18 indictments are you listening chippy

The Real Reason ICE Raids Were Delayed 2 Weeks ... No He Didn't!!

@00:05:56 thousand sealed indictments we know that

Timed Detonation! State Dept Drops Bombshell- 23 Violations In Hillary Emails!

@00:21:46 indictments by far is coming from this

Long Process Of Public Awakening Officially In Progress- See For Yourself

@00:12:58 right here are the sealed indictments
@00:13:08 comments is proof sales indictments up

"A Lot Of Whistleblowers" Now Emerging! Avalanche Has Officially Begun!

@00:08:41 indictments are on their way
@00:10:24 believe indictments are on their way it

You Won't Believe What the NYT Did This Time! (Plus Big Picture Review)

@00:25:20 sealed indictments yes ladies and

(GULP)...Things Just Got Even Worse For the Deep State ...

@00:14:58 obtained 206 count indictments from a

Who's Really In Control? Frustrated Dems Are Finding Out!

@00:06:39 we're seeing these indictments happening
@00:06:43 sealed indictments and a lot is
@00:06:47 indictments every day on this channel

Dems Subpoena Talk Ignored... As REAL Storm Approaches!!

@00:10:49 sealed indictments sealed indictments
@00:10:54 unsealed indictments that are all gonna
@00:20:39 into the 90,000 plus sealed indictments

Boom! Everyone Is Sounding Like Q Anon As Mayor Arrested, Judge Indicted!

@00:07:04 indictments and all the resignations all
@00:15:14 indictments there's going to be grand

The 'Trump Card' Begins to Play Out As Nadler Chases Thought Crimes

@00:08:06 plus sealed indictments that are are in

Assange Dramatic Arrest! Here's the Behind the Scenes Breakdown

@00:16:14 indictments and the real charges are all

Judgment Day Closing In: Nunes Prepares First 8 Criminal Referrals!

@00:14:34 over 90,000 plus sealed indictments on

Will Fake News Media Take the "BAIT"?? STORM Summary For Starters

@00:08:24 to 90,000 plus sealed indictments that

Is Christopher Steele Being Extradited to U.S. From U.K. As We Speak?

@00:17:27 indictments coming q obviously trawling

Mueller Report Submitted- "No New Indictments"- Let the Panic Begin!

@00:06:31 knew no new indictments and there it is
@00:07:50 releasing these sealed indictments maybe
@00:08:10 there will be no more indictments really

The Shocking Reality Of Mueller Report Is Coming- Trump EO and More...

@00:16:49 indictments and again i want to remind

Q Goes Into Full Offensive Mode ... Hits Targets In All Directions!

@00:09:21 birger indictments our precedence
@00:15:02 more serious indictments and convictions
@00:32:28 of the 90,000 sealed indictments there

Trump, Q Team Deliver More Proofs, Direct Message to Patriots!

@00:21:30 are sealed indictments for all the new
@00:21:35 indictments these are people that are

Booom!! THE Bombshell Q Proof the Deep State Doesn't Want You to See!

@00:20:17 we have over 92,000 sealed indictments

Q Anon: "Press Conference Coming? They Will Claim Political Attack"

@00:13:02 insurance indictments regarding evanka
@00:13:14 those indictments as opposed to this

First Wave Of Unsealed Indictments- Did Q Anon Just Drop a Major Clue??

@00:13:19 indictments installed prior to
@00:13:27 sealed indictments installed posts
@00:13:33 assumptions sealed indictments count
@00:13:38 indictments count pre whitaker
@00:13:47 for the sealed indictments that these
@00:13:51 by muller the sealed indictments post
@00:13:57 then the sealed indictments between the
@00:19:35 of the first several indictments will
@00:21:38 first several indictments will bring

These Latest Q Drops Will Leave Snowden Sleepless

@00:19:17 muller sealed indictments installed
@00:19:33 they can says sealed indictments
@00:19:46 assumption sealed indictments count dc
@00:19:49 sealed indictments count post sessions
@00:19:53 departure sealed indictments count pre
@00:20:01 indictments before and after sessions

Dawning Of New Era Is Upon Us: "Today They Are Learning the Truth" -Q Anon

@00:11:31 now over 90,000 plus sealed indictments
@00:27:02 indictments coming like we talked about

Q Drops Carpet Bomb Of Revealing Information- More Mega Proofs!!

@00:07:07 sealed indictments that they cannot stop
@00:37:51 indictments showing you that they are
@00:37:57 indictments as of the end of february

Q "Mass Infiltration" Drop Decoded- As Storm Rolls Into High Gear!

@00:13:59 sealed indictments think about it what

"Prosecution and Transparency ONLY Way to Save Our Way of Life"

@00:16:13 we have 78852 sealed indictments up from
@00:17:43 what the sealed indictments are all

5:5 - Dems Show Their Cards In Huge Way At SOTU!

@00:25:59 people we had sealed indictments not
@00:26:10 indictments but tonight we could see
@00:26:11 that these sealed indictments are back
@00:26:19 more sealed indictments and the ball
@00:26:23 these sealed indictments so you know are
@00:26:36 indictments none of these states come
@00:26:40 indictments in california thirteen
@00:26:50 the sealed indictments this is the real
@00:27:08 have that many more sealed indictments

Dems Response to Border Crisis?... Release ALL Child Traffickers INTO US!!!!

@00:09:36 these indictments sealed indictments

Graham Demands Answers From FBI On Stone Raid Tactics - Sets Deadline to Respond

@00:14:22 indictments that we talked about a few
@00:14:27 the unsealed indictments and you know
@00:15:28 indictments but say what you will and

Breaking: Major Voter Fraud Uncovered In Texas- Trump Says Problem Nationwide!

@00:12:10 indictments number is going down meaning
@00:12:13 these indictments are being unsealed q
@00:14:25 indictments a few weeks ago and look

Trump Grounds Pelosi's Flight!- Ginsburg Suddenly "Fighting for Her Life" and More

@00:05:00 sealed indictments 73,000 plus right and

Senior Trump Official Drops Explosive Anonymous Op-ed!! Trump Tweets Link!

@00:12:22 indictments and all this you know round

Trump Post Signals New Era As Irrelevant Chucky Blabs Away

@00:05:51 thousand four hundred sealed indictments
@00:05:59 sealed indictments so the number
@00:06:06 december more sealed indictments yeah

As "The Plan" Rolls On In 2019 Which Group Are YOU In?

@00:09:37 watching those sealed indictments keep

"On Q!"- House GOP Probe Ends- Baton Handed to Whitaker, Wray At Buzzer!

@00:04:44 400 sealed indictments
@00:05:02 indictments that are reported up until
@00:05:17 the sealed indictments are probably a
@00:06:09 indictments or are they beginning to

Did Q Tell Us All We Needed to Know BEFORE 2018 Began?

@00:05:12 sealed indictments something like that

Trump Supporters Agree With Schumer!!! ... 2007 Speech ...

@00:04:45 sealed indictments right there you can
@00:04:53 thirty-five unsealed indictments and 125

Q New Drops- "The Clock Is Ticking ... When Will the 1st Alarm Ring?"

@00:19:17 indictments we retton we we showed that

Brand New Anti-Mueller Russia Conspiracy "Report" Suddenly Surfaces!!!

@00:04:24 and we have all these sealed indictments

Nunes to Submit Proposal For New "Transparency Type of Office"- Great Idea!

@00:08:43 the 63 thousand plus sealed indictments
@00:23:50 indictments

Q Drops Holiday Carpet Bomb- Huge Q & A Explosive Revelations!!

@00:12:51 sealed indictments our carter letting
@00:12:54 indictments are coming and then last
@00:16:06 maybe one of the sealed indictments and

"Lots of sealed indictments"- Fox Starting to Sound Like Q Anon!!!

@00:27:30 indictments hash thank you anne on sarah
@00:28:34 agree lots of sealed indictments john
@00:28:36 lots of sealed indictments i have very
@00:28:49 indictments says sarah carter we believe

France "Yellow Vest" Revolt- The Beginning of the End of Globalization is Here!

@00:06:40 when i brought up the sealed indictments
@00:06:45 there were 60 3228 sealed indictments
@00:06:58 sealed indictments right there you can
@00:07:03 indictments in the month of november and
@00:07:18 we have 6000 plus unsealed indictments
@00:07:24 indictments so stick that right there

Reviewing the Bush Funeral Oddities- Was this Normal?

@00:03:14 what over 67,000 sealed indictments or
@00:03:20 sealed indictments and a lot more
@00:03:22 unsealed indictments and it's all

And the Callsign For Air Force One Is ... Q "0" = Q + !!!! Another Checkmate!

@00:26:05 maybe you are unseal indictments start

Clinton Foundation Whistleblowers Deliver Hundreds of Pages of Evidence!

@00:02:18 of them are sealed indictments a lot of
@00:11:17 mueller to bring indictments for
@00:11:26 yeah we're gonna bring indictments you
@00:11:38 friend indictments are coming sir they

Did This Recent Bongino Talk Pass the Q Test? Let's Examine

@00:22:29 manafort indictments but there it is and
@00:24:15 let's release all the sealed indictments

Trump: Mueller "One Sided... Phony Witch Hunt... Ruining Lives"!

@00:05:02 know the sealed indictments and all
@00:23:22 with the unsealing of the indictments

Chief Patrol Agent: Women & Children "Purposely Pushed to Front" Before Attacks

@00:15:37 indictments so really no one should

As Criminal Probe Continues Snipes Suddenly Declares "Time to Move On"

@00:03:30 indictments and all the human
@00:15:34 eight thousand sealed indictments and
@00:15:53 indictments and you have the alternative

And the Next "Conspiracy Theory" That Is "NOT Happening" Is ...

@00:01:31 these cases these indictments all these

What's the Big Deal With 11-11? Here's the Answer!

@00:16:03 63,000 seals indictments as we speak and
@00:16:19 fifty-four non sealed indictments and on
@00:16:31 twenty six sealed indictments and a lot
@00:16:44 where the most indictments are the
@00:16:46 sealed indictments ohio pennsylvania new
@00:17:29 out these sealed indictments for
@00:18:29 indictments involve parking tickets if
@00:19:15 it'll give you the sealed indictments
@00:19:30 indictments
@00:20:14 sealed indictments and confirm this
@00:20:21 on the sealed indictments you'll see
@00:24:48 indictments this indictment tracking

Patriots Calm Confident as Left Sinks into Unhinged Panic War Mode

@00:05:28 sealed indictments which i'm gonna do
@00:05:33 indictments are verifiable easily
@00:05:38 not to mention 5500 unsealed indictments
@00:05:44 indictments see other than that jeff
@00:13:00 indictments yeah and a lot more you know

Trump Sends Epic Confirmatory Gestures to Q Army!

@00:04:14 thinking sealed indictments yeah i don't
@00:08:05 indictments yeah and is there anybody
@00:18:18 indictments yeah tell us something we

GOP Lawmakers Want Huber to "Appear Before Congress"!!!

@00:18:01 indictments but remember q has told us

Bombshell! Indicted Leaker Linked to Mueller Team! Another Leaker Sentenced

@00:22:15 indictments and mass arrests were seeing

US Official Arrested, Charged With Leaking Manafort Docs to Buzzfeed

@00:11:56 indictments or shut down this farce of
@00:12:29 pressure to produce more indictments or

1 Week After Shocking Doc Revealed- Google CEO: China is "Important For Us"

@00:18:33 indictments in the sealed and all these

Q Powerful Reminder of What End Goal of Storm Looks Like

@00:03:20 sealed indictments over 50,000 plus some
@00:03:26 sealed indictments and we have all kinds
@00:03:29 of executive orders unsealed indictments

Bizarre Online Anti-Trump Conspiracy Theories Pick Up Steam

@00:33:59 indictments we know that there are over
@00:34:02 71,000 non unsealed indictments
@00:34:07 and over 4,600 unsealed indictments we

MSM: Trump-Sessions Relationship "Damaged Beyond Repair"

@00:04:08 happening all these indictments all
@00:05:29 know that are under sealed indictments
@00:07:34 52,000 seals indictments and now in this

Shocker! Antifa Thugs Take Over Portland, Harass Those Who Disobey!

@00:05:23 indictments arrests tribunals gitmo

Q Firm Reassurance [CHANGE IS COMING]

@00:05:22 50,000 sealed indictments human
@00:05:40 71,000 nan sealed indictments tons of

Booooom! Trump Confirms Q Anon to VIP Anon!!!

@00:17:58 nothing burger indictments

Feinstein Office, Ford Attorneys Now Under Investigation!

@00:09:19 over 52,000 sealed indictments and we
@00:09:25 have over 4,600 unsealed indictments and
@00:09:30 71,000 non sealed indictments
@00:09:33 indictments that were never sealed and

GOP Senators Doxxed- IP Address Traced to Maxine's Office!

@00:04:36 indictments waiting in the wings we have

Circus Update PLUS- What Did Q Mean By "N" In NWO?? Big Review!

@00:05:20 indictments it's about

Q Anon Q & A Response: "Moon LandingS Are Real"

@00:09:59 there 50,000 plus sealed indictments

New Lisa Page Bombshell Testimony Will Paralyze Trump Haters!!!

@00:16:00 the 50,000 plus sealed indictments you
@00:19:43 because these nothing berger indictments

The Timing of This Creepy New TV Series Should Deeply Disturb You

@00:01:57 indictments we have military tribunals

Nationwide Emergency Alert System Test Planned

@00:08:06 indictments but it's all happening folks

Q Anon On Emanual Not Seeking Re-election: "Add to the List"

@00:27:28 events and these indictments and then
@00:27:33 indictments were based on a false
@00:28:16 difference as the sealed indictments

Kathy Griffin Tweets Support For Sessions! ... Popcorn?

@00:25:36 sealed indictments across the u.s. so

New Clergy Sex Abuse Investigations Spread Across US!!!

@00:43:33 he's saying why would sealed indictments

Storm Resumes? Former CDC Head Arrested In NYC!!

@00:25:38 sealed indictments this is the ceos that

Q Anon Flashback: "Resistance Will Be Dealt With Swiftly"

@00:07:54 sealed indictments get revealed and
@00:16:22 sealed indictments is well above 45,000

Q Forgotten Reminder: POTUS ZERO Risk of Impeachment!

@00:23:54 these indictments were about to be
@00:24:01 was gonna announce his indictments but

Q Reveals Plan for Justice As Sessions Drops Major Hint!!

@00:27:22 indictments and then q shows us three
@00:27:54 seek indictments and get results for

Q Army Rises to Occasion As We Move From Darkness to Light!

@00:34:18 headline with 46,000 sealed indictments

What Does Panic Look Like? We Are Seeing This Now

@00:20:01 an update on the sealed indictments
@00:20:08 indictments there you go and there's a
@00:20:17 new sealed indictments in the month of
@00:21:21 there are 45,000 sealed indictments

Boom!! Trump Points to Q Cutout As Q Trolls MSM w/ New Hashtag

@00:08:00 actual court cases actual indictments

Here We Go Again- "Something BIG is About to DROP" 7-29-18

@00:28:40 to fifty thousand sealed indictments no

Confirmed! Historic 11-11 Military Parade On Schedule- Thousands Will March!

@00:12:30 these sealed indictments check it out
@00:12:57 and these indictments eventually were
@00:27:11 indictments that all the stuff that
@00:27:28 not going public the indictments were
@00:27:42 two days away from the these indictments

"Keep Your Eyes On the Ball"- Did Q Smash It Out of the Park Again?

@00:27:11 happening like these sealed indictments
@00:28:06 the indictments began and all these

Next STORM Casualties: Rosenstein, Social Media Giants!

@00:06:38 historic 40,000 plus sealed indictments
@00:13:45 indictments you have you could believe

Early Q Post Reveals THE "Biggest Inside Drop ... EVER"

@00:09:41 thousand sealed indictments record
@00:09:44 numbers of indictments record numbers of

Early Q Crumb Reveals MS13 Central Role in Deep State Plans!

@00:29:40 future indictments to plead what yeah to

Q Opposition Panicking As Great Awakening Continues

@00:04:58 40,000 plus sealed indictments and my

Q Mops Floor With Trolls- Very Impressive Stuff!

@00:13:46 these 40,000 plus sealed indictments and

Awan Strategic Plea Deal Set to Bury Deep State Rats

@00:01:41 sealed indictments we have record
@00:14:50 indictments are sealed this is some kind

YIKES!!! Huge Hole Surfaces In Lynch-Bill Tarmac Meeting Claims

@00:04:54 all the seals indictments that blew away

Sessions Unleashed- Team Of 470 Returns 40,483 Sealed Indictments!!

@00:15:31 it is people the indictments are all
@00:15:47 indictments you can check this link out
@00:16:22 indictments yeah these indictments
@00:17:29 could get 40,000 plus sealed indictments
@00:18:03 think sealed indictments think
@00:19:08 all those sealed indictments possible

It's Finally Happening!-"Grand Jury In Place?"

@00:10:57 criminal indictments why did the intel

Glorious!! Sessions Checkmate Strategy Unfolding!

@00:09:54 whether to hand down indictments for

Q 6-11-18: "You are watching a scripted movie "

@00:10:51 seek indictments and get results for

"Trust Sessions" Proven Right AGAIN As Storm Rolls On

@00:07:21 indictments are coming up so jeff
@00:11:15 as criminal indictments prepared and i

Q Drops Bombshell Eric Prince 2016 Interview On NYPD-Weiner Laptap!

@00:13:29 timely indictments i believe i know and
@00:14:54 indictments coming down the pike very

UPDATE: The War On Q Fully Analyzed

@00:47:38 sealed indictments reminding you how
@00:48:10 criminal indictments are brought forth

"What You Are About to Learn Should ... SCARE You" - Q

@00:06:49 sealed indictments removed / resolved so
@00:21:34 sealed indictments and all the ceos that

Sessions "Brilliant" Move Silences Attackers! Q Drops 4-2-18

@00:05:13 bring charges seek indictments and get

Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide!!!!!!

@00:41:03 in the thousands of sealed indictments
@00:41:45 indictments and all the stuff we see all

The Truth Behind the Anti-Q Anon Attacks Revealed- Help Spread!!! 2-17-18

@00:21:00 sealed indictments following q and on

Q-Anon Revelations, Trump-Era Awakening Explained As 2017 Concludes

@00:03:26 indictments revealed and again as always
@00:04:01 nevada indictments that were unsealed of
@00:27:08 all these indictments and maybe that

Apocalyptic Ending to 2017 As Trump's Storm On Deep State Rages On

@00:24:39 indictments to take down the kazarian
@00:25:24 sealed indictments as more and more of

Who Will Survive Trump's Storm? Here's the Answer 12-10-17 Podcast #22

@00:12:28 sealed indictments and counting sealed
@00:12:32 indictments which can be looked up in

Trump Goes Nuclear On Deep State- The Storm is Here! 12-3-17 Podcast #21

@00:18:27 saying up to 4,000 sealed indictments
@00:20:51 the arrests all the indictments reveal

Trump's "Storm" Has Begun! Here's the Evidence- 11/19/17 Podcast Episode #19

@00:08:17 condition that the indictments are
@00:08:24 hundreds of sealed indictments all over
@00:24:35 all these arrests and sealed indictments

Paradigm Shift is Here- Pray... The Swamp is Draining! 11/11/17 Podcast Episode #18

@00:21:31 numerous reports of sealed indictments
@00:35:22 all these indictments the secret
@00:35:26 indictments who knows what's really

Did Trump Just Admit Deep State In Control Of DOJ?- 11/4/17 Podcast Episode #17

@00:18:34 run out these indictments and everybody
@00:18:48 indictments this week completely