
[DS] Playbook Used Against Them, Think Warp Speed, Looking Glass Was The Signal - Episode 2293b

@00:27:09 medication do we have vaccines for them
@00:27:28 those are the diseases we have vaccines

The Patriots Are Taking Back The Country, The Corn Moon, Rig For Red - Episode 2279b

@00:31:49 the start vaccines not all
@00:32:00 happening vaccines are not for all

Watch The Comms, Playbook Known, The Architect Was Just Exposed - Episode 2278b

@00:17:40 been saying about vaccines
@00:17:53 their vaccines no one should trust it

Patriots Have Known All Along, The Exposure Will Destroy The [DS] -Episode 2271b

@00:19:15 they're working on vaccines they're
@00:19:47 candidate vaccines before asking for
@00:22:09 of the world now the vaccines and this
@00:22:17 so why did he say now the vaccines plus

deleted Message Sent & Received, Time To Reveal The Insurance Policy - Episode 2249b

@00:22:00 vaccines and therapeutics
@00:22:04 is going to make the vaccines
@00:22:15 about uh for vaccines but you have to
@00:23:42 time to test these vaccines
@00:23:48 everyone from vaccines now
@00:24:16 said he's working on vaccines and
@00:24:19 want vaccines can get vaccines people
@00:24:39 do you think it's the vaccines or do you

Panic Has Set In, [DS] Exposes Their True Intentions For All To See, Trap Set - Episode 2235b

@00:13:46 vaccine label changes have made vaccines

Never Seen Panic Like This, It’s Time, This Is Not About Another 4 Year Election - Episode 2229b

@00:20:46 yes there's going to be vaccines they're
@00:20:52 he's mentioning vaccines because
@00:20:54 when he mentions vaccines the stock
@00:21:01 they want the vaccines they don't

It Has Begun, People Are Demanding Change, Do You See What’s Happening - Episode 2226b

@00:09:26 vaccines and therapeutics will soon be

Historic Operation Dismantling The [DS] Forces Completed, Actionable Items 11.4 - Episode 2225b

@00:27:21 word vaccines he says great news on
@00:27:23 vaccines and people went crazy oh my god
@00:27:27 he's going after vaccines but think
@00:27:29 optics why did he mention vaccines think
@00:28:06 fits all but the vaccines are not going
@00:28:14 where he's mentioning vaccines he's
@00:28:29 lot of his tweets he's not for vaccines
@00:29:06 vaccines he talks about autism yes there
@00:29:09 are certain vaccines that are absolutely

Door Opened, [DS] Tricked & Trapped, Operation Legend Active - Episode 2220b

@00:29:04 he's already on the agenda of vaccines

We Were Told The Battles We Would Face, People Are Rising Up For Freedom - Episode 2218b

@00:08:37 that vaccines they won't work you're

Stand At The Ready, Fireworks, Backchannels Are Important, Tick Tock- Episode 2211b

@00:39:11 maybe even vaccines and again it's not

The Hunt Is On, It’s Time, Senate Was The Target - Episode 2197b

@00:08:44 operation warp-speed vaccines

Criminal Referrals Coming, The Wait Will Soon Be Over - Episode 2196b

@00:30:53 vaccines and therapeutics actually

Optics In Place, Alert Readiness Severe/Critical, We Knew This Day Would Come - Episode 2192b

@00:08:19 to be making vaccines mandatory they're
@00:08:22 working on vaccines they're working on

The People Are Watching, They See Clearly, They Are Awake, They Now Know - Episode 2189b

@00:11:28 pandemic is what he tweeted out vaccines
@00:11:55 why does trump mention vaccines with
@00:12:01 opposed the vaccines the mainstream
@00:12:10 on vaccines and therapeutics but i

FISA Is The Start, Think Chess, When Do You Attack The King, Think Optics - Episode 2177b

@00:16:10 against vaccines there's going to be a

Countdown Is A Go, We Are At Week 3 Of 10, Boom Weeks, Incoming - Episode 2176b

@00:18:14 vaccines
@00:19:52 about vaccines oh we need a vaccine oh
@00:20:08 vaccines is that really what he's doing
@00:20:15 medicine therapeutics and maybe vaccines
@00:22:18 with the medicine and vaccines and all
@00:22:47 vaccines i think this whole thing is

We’re Back, You Must Show Them, Only Then Will People Have The Will To Change - Episode 2175b

@00:37:16 that these vaccines are going to be
@00:37:35 vaccines some people don't want them
@00:37:56 trump is saying that the vaccines
@00:38:15 vaccines well do you remember when he
@00:38:54 think about vaccines why does he keep
@00:38:57 talking about vaccines because the press
@00:39:05 repeat vaccines we can't open up until
@00:39:09 vaccine is needed so he's using vaccines
@00:39:48 he's going to use vaccines as the reason
@00:39:57 for vaccines and other drugs will be
@00:40:12 they're not just looking at vaccines
@00:40:51 well i feel about vaccines like i feel

“The Days Of Globalists Have Come To An End”, A New System Is Being Born - Episode 2175a

@00:01:38 from vaccines to the economy and we know

The People Are About To Find Out What Treason Looks Like, [Obamagate] - Episode 2171b

@00:10:28 of vaccines because
@00:10:40 and he was asked about vaccines and he
@00:10:45 vaccines and kovat 19 he says i do
@00:11:04 vaccines like i feel about tests this is

Knock, Knock, The [DS] Has You, Time To Wake Up, Flynn Exonerated, Pain - Episode 2168b

@00:27:20 documentary about vaccines and in this

Targets Have Been Painted, Treason Doesn’t Pay Well In The End - Episode 2167b

@00:11:29 they identified 14 possible vaccines for
@00:11:35 head with therapeutics and vaccines
@00:11:49 board with the vaccines trump's on board
@00:12:48 just because he mentions vaccines

The Time Is Coming, The People Need To Be Shown, The Revolution - Episode 2166b

@00:21:41 this is for vaccines in the way you

Boom Week Ahead, It’s About To Break, Enjoy The Show, For Humanity - Episode 2164b

@00:24:38 need vaccines it's funny they hit trump

Times Up, Be Ready, All The Walls Are Falling Down On The [DS] - Episode 2161b

@00:41:45 patented vaccines and other things trump

The People Need To See & Learn The Truth, Timing Is Very Important - Episode 2157b

@00:18:20 was in charge of the vaccines rick

[DS]/MSM They Know What’s Coming,The Entire Event Is Going To Be Turned Upside Down - Episode 2155b

@00:25:05 want a vaccine now vaccines take a very
@00:25:10 vaccines now what's very interesting
@00:25:20 they create the vaccines remember

It Was A Scam, "You Will Find Out What I Am Going To Do", Tables Are Turned - Episode 2153b

@00:01:50 many other agendas like vaccines taking
@00:17:44 with vaccines now the montana daily
@00:27:47 vaccines is gonna be pushed away now

[DS] Has Been Blocked, [Renegade] Is On Deck, The First Will Send A Shock Wave - Episode 2151b

@00:02:07 vaccines removing the rights of the
@00:36:04 need vaccines yes we need all this but

Facts Will Be Presented, We Are Ready, Think Barr, Durham FISA - Episode 2149b

@00:23:30 the flu vaccines gone if this is shown

Bigger Than You Can Imagine, [F] Black Sites Are Being Closed - Episode 2146b

@00:01:23 down to push their agenda with vaccines

Soon The World Will Understand, The Truth Will Shock The World - Episode 2143b

@00:26:21 think about vaccines think about
@00:29:06 in vaccines remove the people's rights

deleted The People Must Be Shown First, They Must Understand, Then The Arrests - Episode 2141b

@00:25:13 16 year plan vaccines the mainstream

Stay Vigilant, News Unlocks, Pain Coming, Godspeed - Episode 2139b

@00:13:18 do he wants mandatory vaccines he wants
@00:14:47 they're talking about vaccines and all

We All Knew, Durham, No Report, Just Indictments, Panic WW - Episode 2109b

@00:17:37 vaccines including leading ones of the

Senate Trial Created A Trap, [DS] Didn’t Even See It Coming - Episode 2084b

@00:20:16 started developed the vaccines and then
@00:21:58 vaccines

[CB] Push Just Backfired, Patriots Saw It Coming, Economic System Protected - Episode 2084a

@00:10:44 that there's vaccines ready to go they
@00:10:50 they have vaccines on the ready and

The Economic Education Begins, Breaking the Control Of The [CB] - Episode 1814a

@00:12:53 start vaccines not all tobacco opioids

It’s Happening, Senate Activated, Update To Countdown - Episode 1810b

@00:30:01 vaccines and they're doing many other

The Wall Is Much More Than Just A Wall - Episode 1537b

@00:13:07 cancer vaccines are bad but not all of
@00:13:30 these vaccines they've been messing with
@00:14:19 vaccines he's gonna be going after food
@00:14:36 enough and when we talk about vaccines

Just When You Thought Everything Was Going To Be Fine, This Happened - Episode 1215b

@00:20:24 medically with vaccines with global

The Conflict Between The Elite And Trump Is Like A Ticking Time Bomb Ready To Go Off - Episode 1189b

@00:11:38 expanding schedule of necessary vaccines
@00:11:50 idea to buy and sell vaccines while
@00:11:53 deciding how many vaccines the
@00:13:01 it sells about 4.6 billion of vaccines
@00:13:17 vaccines it changed in 1989 why did it
@00:13:59 vaccines well they got this law passed
@00:14:30 see this is why they're pushing vaccines

Electors Are Now Being Threatened Before They Meet On Dec 19th - Episode 1131b

@00:11:16 vaccines he sent it over to japan to

The Elite Are Ready To Create Chaos Across America - Episode 1083b

@00:01:48 that vaccines have very harmful effects
@00:02:02 vaccines and she goes through the entire
@00:05:21 their vaccines your you can't make the

CDC Is Now Deploying Rapid Response SWAT Teams - Episode 1073b

@00:04:07 the funding for the vaccines if they're

US Government Agenda, Provoke, Provoke and Provoke - Episode 1071b

@00:03:30 and the solution will be vaccines we see

The US Government Just Militarized The CDC - Episode 1069b

@00:04:04 microcephaly we need vaccines and that's

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1067

@00:09:09 they've been producing vaccines and we

During A National Emergency Will You Be Able To Get Your Everyday Supplies? - Episode 1062b

@00:04:02 to get their funding for vaccines and we
@00:07:14 hoax to get vaccines and maybe to use
@00:08:24 what the vaccines must contain that

Hacked Documents Shows Obama/Soros Behind The Refugee Crisis In Europe - Episode 1055b

@00:07:27 are going to be infected the vaccines
@00:07:34 getting their vaccines and we know from

China Enters Into The Middle East Arena - Episode 1050b

@00:02:56 government to create vaccines and who
@00:04:28 for vaccines to have people vaccinated

Obama Authorizes 30 Days Of Bombing - Episode 1039b

@00:03:00 industry vaccines and maybe declaring a

The US August Event Has Begun, Be Prepared For More - Episode 1037b

@00:03:22 the idea that we need vaccines for it

The Ceasefire Agreement Is A Ruse To Launch The Next Plan In Syria - Episode 892b

@00:01:13 course to push vaccines i mean this was
@00:01:24 accepting more vaccines we can make the

US Now Looking To The Coalition To Fund The Their Proxy Wars - Episode 891b

@00:01:17 companies create vaccines but this whole

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 887

@00:06:56 to push vaccines we see that facebook

Banks Now Preparing For Emergency Scenarios - Episode 886b

@00:02:09 vaccines that our children are going to

US Government Using Propaganda To Convince The World Its Time To Go Into Libya - Episode 883b

@00:06:46 vaccines on the people and it looks like

Indicators Are Flashing Red, Be Prepared For A False Flag Event - Episode 882b

@00:01:34 already they're calling for vaccines
@00:02:32 vaccines have poisons in them chemicals

The World Is Now 3 Minutes To Doomsday - Episode 880b

@00:05:02 vaccines they want to scare everyone and

FBI Sets Up Checkpoints, Surrounds Area, Prepares For An Armed Conflict In Oregon - Episode 878b

@00:12:09 vaccines i mean brazil right now is
@00:13:53 create vaccines and vaccinate every

US And Saudi Arabia Are Building An Army To Invade Syria - Episode 843b

@00:27:49 vaccines as well they've been ramping up

Ground Operations Being Planned In Syria Which Will Redraw the Map of the Middle East- Episode 744b

@00:02:46 vaccines now listen if you want to put
@00:03:17 about vaccines where they say oh they do
@00:03:55 1986 now vaccines are so safe why do
@00:04:04 several negative outcomes of vaccines
@00:04:08 than the disease's these vaccines are
@00:04:33 vaccines including mmr influenza
@00:04:58 affected by vaccines so if vaccines are

The Build Up To War Continues, Keep An Eye On Ukraine & Syria - Episode 738b

@00:01:29 vaccines and i don't talk a lot about
@00:01:30 vaccines but i thought this was
@00:02:32 the vaccines to be mandatory senator ed

US Government Is Now Ready To Start Phase II, Operation Remove Assad - Episode 733b

@00:00:47 now i just want to talk about vaccines a
@00:01:05 know something we need to make vaccines
@00:01:07 mandatory and it's not just the vaccines
@00:02:48 goes into your body gmos vaccines and
@00:03:35 these vaccines of course they say no

US Government Is Flat Broke And The Fall Out Will Not End Well - Episode 731

@00:28:29 link genetics and merck vaccines
@00:28:35 vaccines now coming out getting ready

The Next Phase For The Push Into Syria Is Now Taking Place - Episode 727

@00:18:03 vaccines you name it they will control

US Government Is Ready To Push Agenda To Remove Assad From Syria - Episode 717

@00:14:44 vaccines are we know what chemicals are
@00:14:55 vaccines but what's really interesting
@00:15:14 vaccines the bill eliminates medical
@00:15:29 form of mandated vaccines that are not
@00:16:49 create these vaccines we're starting to

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 687

@00:00:55 companies and vaccines and if you are on

EU Orders 11 Countries To Enact Bail-In Rules Within Two Months - Episode 684

@00:22:10 ago i talked about mandatory vaccines
@00:22:24 eliminate exemptions from vaccines a
@00:24:24 that vaccines really don't protect

U.S. May Retaliate With Real Weapons If Cyber Attacked - Episode 667

@00:15:22 now i normally don't talk about vaccines
@00:16:12 things in the vaccines that are not
@00:16:14 supposed to be in the vaccines it's
@00:17:36 in the vaccines or in the foods that

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 657

@00:05:49 vaccines immigration you name it they're

U.S. Fascist Government Wants Complete Control Over The People - Episode 641

@00:22:51 don't talk about vaccines pretty much at
@00:23:33 and force more controversial vaccines on
@00:24:11 vaccines are filled with a lot of
@00:24:38 vaccines where they're tracking those

U.S. Warns That Americans In The Middle East Might Be Attacked By Al-Qaeda - Episode 505

@00:19:17 vaccines for the population with no
@00:19:25 vaccines and drugs thus moves forward
@00:20:20 unproven and toxic drugs and vaccines

False Flag Coming To The U.S. And The Government Is Now Putting Out Warnings - Episode 504

@00:17:27 out vaccines within months compared with
@00:17:57 to push and fast-track these vaccines
@00:31:29 up so people beg for the vaccines to the

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 502

@00:07:36 their vaccines indemnified where they're
@00:07:43 these vaccines and it seems like the

Canada's False Flag Event Used For Different Agendas - Episode 500

@00:17:17 companies are creating vaccines and of
@00:17:52 ebola vaccines they don't want to be
@00:17:59 vaccines or if you become down with
@00:18:13 three experimental vaccines it is likely
@00:18:51 the vaccines in a matter of months
@00:20:04 in other vaccines that you take one

Government’s Secret Black Book On How Individuals Are Placed On The Terrorist List - Episode 499

@00:23:53 lot of these vaccines are actually
@00:24:13 trying to fast-track these vaccines they
@00:24:23 these vaccines they fast-tracked them
@00:24:32 careful about these vaccines because it

Is The Ebola Crisis The October Surprise? - Episode 494

@00:06:07 vaccines and we're going to have to see

U.S. Chemical Weapons Mysteriously Appear In Iraq - Episode 493

@00:07:13 there's many other agendas like vaccines

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 490

@00:02:44 their programs for vaccines usually a
@00:03:41 this is about vaccines becoming
@00:03:49 about mandatory vaccines and he brought
@00:04:02 other vaccines mandatory and we see it
@00:04:28 date in your vaccines and it looks like
@00:05:46 what's in these vaccines we don't even
@00:05:57 these vaccines okay now in nigeria we

Will Ebola Be Blamed For the Collapsing Economy? - Episode 489

@00:30:10 experimental vaccines and they're pretty
@00:30:16 overdrive to get these vaccines out
@00:30:31 just pretty much use the vaccines on
@00:30:37 in these vaccines so far they've been
@00:30:48 these vaccines work or not and so far
@00:31:07 don't know what's in these vaccines we

Boots On The Ground, Army Is Deploying A Division Headquarters To Iraq- Episode 475

@00:11:45 vaccines they're saying these really

Preparing For War On Lies To Cover Up The Economic Collapse - Episode 471

@00:21:08 the people in these countries vaccines

ISIS Targeting White House For The Next False Flag Event - Episode 469

@00:14:08 illusion that it was vaccines the wildly

Are The Riots In Ferguson Part Of The U.S. Agenda For Martial Law ?- Episode 440

@00:42:44 don't know what's in these vaccines we

Propaganda Warning: Terror Groups Could Be Building An “Ebola Dirty Bomb” - Episode 433

@00:35:35 you know given vaccines and just is it's

High Probability Of An Event In August While Congress Is On Vacation - Episode 432

@00:39:36 how many vaccines have we created that
@00:39:46 only created vaccines that cure bacteria

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 431

@00:22:54 vaccines we don't know the after effect
@00:23:02 vaccines almost like when we saw the