
It's Your Funeral - Stand up now

@00:10:11 twitter

Cuties and Useful Idiots

@00:08:57 this person ram at ram rants on twitter
@00:10:38 by the way i had asked that my twitter
@00:10:42 i put it out on twitter if anybody had
@00:11:05 he dm'd me he said twitter just locked
@00:35:24 twitter made a similar stronger sweep

Fact Check: TRUE! The Cabal is Panicking

@00:06:18 trending on twitter
@00:17:50 twitter at least facebook i can't

Who Do You Trust

@00:13:18 posting things on twitter that if you
@00:35:45 people speaking and twitter took it down

Charities and Mind Control

@00:25:33 um here she is on twitter at realcathy

Way Fair Questions Need to Be Asked

@00:09:18 on twitter
@00:12:14 this video jack twitter

Is This Torture?

@00:34:50 this comment i saw on twitter these
@00:36:08 on twitter on twitter i said what do you

deleted Attack of the Updates (& Note to Contributors)

@00:06:11 twitter had an old interface that people
@00:06:17 twitter and it is terrible many many
@00:06:28 the old twitter and twitter actually

Never Appease a Tyrant

@00:00:54 through her twitter feed
@00:04:11 twitter

BOOM! Guess Who is Calling the Shots on Human Experimentation?

@00:00:40 means that they have a twitter account
@00:00:56 christine grady's not even on twitter

YES! African Leaders Stand Up! Tanzania & Madagascar

@00:21:52 i guess you could follow me on twitter

BARDA Whistleblower Links to Health Mafia

@00:24:08 find me on bit shoot and on twitter i'm

MORE Public Health Mafia Connections

@00:15:22 on twitter maria said her own she sent
@00:16:46 campbell sent me this on twitter i was

The Global Health Mafia Protection Racket

@00:39:09 on twitter at 99 free mind i know i said

A Tale of Two Futures

@00:06:30 no house he's on a bit of a twitter

Beware the Contact Tracers

@00:15:31 clinton video on twitter and people are

To Serve Man - The Lie Of Philanthropy

@00:05:34 all along someone on twitter said the
@00:15:22 underscore internet one from twitter for


@00:00:00 i've i've had it with twitter i probably
@00:00:46 announced that i was quitting twitter
@00:07:37 quitting twitter anyway not youtube not
@00:22:03 quitting twitter because i am once again
@00:33:19 stay in the twitter ghetto where we all
@00:42:52 so sayonara twitter exchanges for as

The 7-step Recipe For Creating Vaccine Demand

@00:01:45 twitter sent me this article from the

RFK Speaks Out, PEPFAR gets deeper. BOOM info

@00:30:20 twitter was suppressing it when i went

Real World or Simulation

@00:13:34 fifty-eight that the twitter bio of
@00:14:06 twitter accounts were boosting this
@00:29:01 and youtube creators and twitter
@00:30:22 i'm also found on twitter and bitch

Not So Trusted Voices

@00:11:38 know how easy it is for twitter to put
@00:13:27 twitter might be a lie huh absolutely
@00:16:48 and here's get maples twitter account
@00:22:59 19 and he's already released twitter
@00:28:24 on the radio and on twitter and in blog
@00:35:21 to twitter in hopes that i will lose my

Qster and Flynn and 4th Generation Warfare

@00:16:46 hack of the associated press twitter
@00:33:05 flynn follows me on twitter and i have

We Are Being Played - Introducing PEPFAR & Birx

@00:45:37 mind on twitter thanks a lot for being

Event 201 Pandemic Marketing

@00:07:31 facebook amazon microsoft and twitter

deleted Homo Sorosensus

@00:22:54 also have a twitter account where i'm
@00:23:00 twitter that's my handle there if you

Now This is a Killer App

@00:18:08 that twitter thread this is the first

We're in a Marxist Revolution

@00:36:09 just said on twitter i said
@00:39:55 constitutional crisis twitter coming
@00:40:23 amazon that's bezos microsoft twitter
@00:49:00 your interactions on twitter the gifts

Cracking Your Skull

@00:32:38 also you can follow me on twitter i'm at

The Coincidences Just Keep Coming

@00:20:38 and at 99 free mind on twitter alright

Monolithic Conspiracy

@00:45:49 address my twitter account name and i

Breaking Your Will

@00:26:12 like and bitch shoot twitter but if you
@00:26:17 go and follow me on twitter expect to

The Cyber Laundry

@00:09:09 concerned and people on twitter were
@00:43:34 and i'm on twitter all of this

Fight The Small Battles

@00:00:25 twitter and got a lot a lot a lot of

The Great Reset / NWO - They Hate Us

@00:43:45 me out on bit shoot and twitter i'm at

CENSORED: Growing Up Deep State ---- Edited Re-Upload

@00:20:53 memos at almost jingle on twitter

IRANADA - Iran International Swamp Part 2

@00:07:51 friend from twitter at tons 1999 brad
@00:11:46 follow him on twitter he's posted a
@00:44:45 a long great thread on twitter this is

The Iran Swamp Creatures of the USA

@00:25:31 and then may 12th gets posted on twitter

Indictments Incoming? S-o-R-o-s-y or Brennan?

@00:08:04 twitter says tie it together they let it
@00:08:29 a great account to follow on twitter as

Swamp Creature Spotting Intensifies

@00:01:42 of these it's all over twitter cnn

Swift Messages and Pound Sterling - a bit of fun!

@00:12:58 twitter if you want to send me a

Shocking Finders Tentacles Part 1

@00:18:00 this twitter user steve utrom has a

Fireside Chat - Lights in the Darkness

@00:18:51 do and i'm on bitchy i'm on twitter i

Sketchy Witness Against Ilhan Omar

@00:11:56 and his they use his twitter profile by

Corruption Ukraine Censored!

@00:14:11 twitter as soon as they posted this the
@00:14:31 twitter suspended breaking news lives
@00:28:54 really weird activity on their twitter

Attack on Our Freedom of Conscience

@00:07:48 reported me to twitter for abuse and
@00:07:56 twitter account is not active right now
@00:08:30 will not be tolerated and for twitter to
@00:37:57 i am suspended from twitter at 99 free
@00:38:00 mind is suspended from twitter so that's

Electric Boogaloo

@00:00:13 i'm active on twitter but i haven't been
@00:05:09 soon and i'm still active on twitter

Freeform Friday Oct 25 2019

@00:03:30 posted those pictures to twitter so we
@00:09:40 which i posted on my twitter so if you
@00:09:43 are on twitter go repost it print it off
@00:21:10 absolutely insane i read a twitter
@00:26:21 posted a video on my twitter i'll put it

The Lab Rat Who Knew Too Much

@00:01:42 ventures twitter feed one says telepathy

Swamp Creatures of the Pacific

@00:05:13 doug ducey like look at this twitter
@00:28:10 on twitter great person to follow he
@00:34:48 flake through his twitter posts and also

Anti-Corruption is the New Corruption

@00:49:15 twitter in the description also make
@00:49:30 follow me on twitter you'll be able to

SUBVERTED Part 2 - The Tentacles & Weird History

@00:37:31 checked chuck grassley 's twitter and on
@00:38:25 twitter and you have people like this

Language Codes, Cults, Technocracy, Maxwell and DiBono

@00:00:10 yesterday lee stranahan on twitter
@00:10:41 services like twitter using the de buono
@00:18:22 twitter we we had an amazing week last

Maxwell Sisters Connections - Tech, NASA & more

@00:03:09 facebook twitter google and other social
@00:44:02 i'm over on bit shoot i'm at twitter

Leaked Psychological Study - Stress is Big Business

@00:04:14 and i put it out on twitter and nobody
@00:17:15 google at youtube probably at twitter

Freeform Thursday - Stand and Fight

@00:08:32 and twitter and and on in the comments

The LEAKED Censorship File - BLACKLIST

@00:10:28 controversial twitter query blacklist
@00:10:33 controversial twitter to be triggered i
@00:19:34 and twitter and youtube are censoring

Epstein and the Eugenicists

@00:25:46 twitter join me on so and so's the

Epstein Enemy Emerges from the Swamp?

@00:26:39 steaks and things like twitter or at
@00:33:10 link to my twitter and also all kinds of

Cruise Through the Epstein Swamp - Puzzle Pieces #1

@00:02:42 war economy on twitter has done a big
@00:25:56 4/20 there's a twitter page for passport

Wax My RGBalls

@00:04:58 banned from twitter because they're
@00:05:02 twitter zone at biz here's and this is
@00:05:10 twitter this this in 2014 is how jessica
@00:05:30 entrepreneur co-founder of twitter
@00:05:31 medium and jelly back at twitter wow
@00:05:51 torture on the population twitter has
@00:07:03 twitter will turn around and tell you

The Truth About SMART Cities

@00:01:49 works for them so on his twitter feed
@00:29:14 that on twitter ditch your smartphone i

Digital Democracy? One Company Controls it All

@00:33:30 description box as well as my twitter

Sustainable Development Is a Con Job

@00:04:18 through apps through twitter facebook

100 000 subs! We are winning!

@00:01:09 the time on twitter especially and shawn

Dr Pizza Patterns - Those Who Scream the Loudest to Silence Others

@00:03:24 arrested posting on twitter with a
@00:03:57 he posted on twitter in september of
@00:16:59 this funny i was looking at his twitter
@00:17:35 like this why would he go on twitter and

Vice the Pedo Promoting, Cocaine Dealing, Soros Funded Fake News Hit Piece on Me & Bernier

@00:05:25 vise posted on twitter a lot of people

Cults Are Labs for Controlling the General Public

@00:46:24 oliver's wild jules on twitter check

The Left Hunts Down Anyone Who Offends Their Cult

@00:11:22 from twitter for speaking out against
@00:13:55 banished from twitter during that time
@00:14:57 twitter and youtube he's in violation of
@00:15:56 that she loses her twitter account the
@00:16:07 dysphoria was booted from twitter for
@00:23:18 happen on twitter for the past two years

Where Elites Travel, Death & Destruction Follow! irish Terror, France Fire, NZ Mosque

@00:02:41 comments on her twitter about you know
@00:08:01 of video from leona's twitter timeline
@00:08:13 twitter timeline is any footage of any
@00:14:41 twitter page is locked and you'll see

FBI Agents Are Conspiracy Theorists - The Pizza Connection

@00:01:17 contacted me on twitter and sent me a

Child Trafficking Agent Called In on Smollett Case

@00:16:16 legendary chef thomas keller twitter ceo
@00:17:00 twitter twitter who didn't say twitter
@00:17:18 the twitter guy what are they doing so

Anti Corruption Ireland - A Movement to be Reckoned With

@00:14:05 on twitter as well as on your youtube
@00:37:36 some of us up on twitter so i suspect
@00:39:28 including twitter which has behaved

Avenatti, Geragos, NXIVM, Smollett connected! Which Swamp Creature is NEXT?

@00:04:44 mark geragos his twitter bio and you see

Your Life Will Be Sacrificed For the Narrative

@00:10:09 twitter and search if they don't remove

Swamp Update! Elites Arrested, Ghoulish Censorship, Conform or Die Politics

@00:10:58 i posted this article on twitter someone
@00:11:09 twitter and you aren't searching for

The Richest Most Twisted Swamp Creatures Ever

@00:30:45 twitter here's another picture of them

Marxist Progressives are Mutilating our Language

@00:11:30 government who have twitter accounts
@00:13:35 i mean twitter comments are one thing
@00:14:29 twitter handle is at ninety nine free

FAKE NEWS defends FAKE NEWS Katie Telford OpEd Gate

@00:01:44 look at what he said in on his twitter
@00:10:07 i kind of consider twitter posts these
@00:10:13 days to be op-eds twitter is a very
@00:10:41 twitter personalities especially the
@00:10:54 on twitter is a thing it's like how they
@00:10:57 distinguish the classes on twitter just
@00:22:24 twitter can have real-life consequences

BOMBSHELL TESTIMONY: Corrupt Prime Minister's Office Directs the News

@00:12:10 twitter page he says i talk about
@00:26:30 be working with facebook and twitter to
@00:29:19 to my twitter timeline get the short

How Fake News Happens and Why Truth Scares Them!

@00:14:13 twitter handle is at 99 free mind and

Lawfare! Peoples Party of Canada Sued, but Who is Satinder Dhillon?

@00:06:08 then he got his twitter and then you

Hacking Democracy with False Flags

@00:01:05 mobs right now mostly twitter mostly
@00:01:08 twitter and the mainstream news so what

Smollett story was a Set Up from the Get Go Obama? Kamala? Foxx in on it?

@00:05:44 twitter and on message boards saying i'm

#WINNING! Gemma vs Technofascists

@00:00:52 get in touch with her through twitter or
@00:00:58 twitter at 99 free mind i can catch you
@00:06:03 sorry if you go on twitter sorry i'll

Who Are These Idiots?

@00:15:48 of personas on twitter blogs forums buzz
@00:18:48 bannon see see here how a twitter
@00:19:21 today's twitter confirmed this company
@00:25:24 twitter and then run your astroturfing

(so-called) Journalists Are Losing It

@00:11:58 according to cnn this twitter user at
@00:12:09 million times on monday twitter

Post National = Post Sanity & Post Decency

@00:18:48 twitter facebook and all social media

The Keys to the Internet Backdoor - *Q* Decode Surveillance

@00:18:15 you i'll see you over on twitter if

The Official Credit Card of the New World Order - Part 1

@00:10:25 alternative to twitter and then in
@00:11:46 nick monroe on twitter has done
@00:11:53 twitter moment it will be the top item

16 Year Plan to Destroy America - Qanon Hussein ISIS decode

@00:06:36 checks on twitter are making similar

The Globalist Mask is OFF and the People Are Rising

@00:02:08 twitter presence i've only been on there

GM Globalists Declare War on Trump's Base

@00:06:19 john brennan who goes on twitter making

Globalists v POTUS and Broward County Dig

@00:00:28 go on twitter or just search the net
@00:03:47 flood twitter and they have never
@00:15:21 at 99 free mind on twitter if you would

It's Almost 11:11

@00:03:56 certain opinions on twitter those people

Is This What Progress Looks like? Neo-Communism in the West

@00:40:55 touch with twitter to have parody

Calm Before the Storm - Qanon No Coincidences - Trump in Poland

@00:00:57 timeline on twitter someone had posted

Child Euthanasia in Toronto, Planned Techno Google City & the Apathetic Defenders

@00:00:57 this story went around on twitter and
@00:10:22 and and in these canadians on twitter

OptoGenetics remote mind control via GM drugs. Q anon Dig

@00:02:51 power of influence does twitter facebook
@00:16:21 facebook twitter and reddit half on all

Trudeau Swamp Global Connections - Qanon Dig

@00:00:30 talking about it on twitter my handle by
@00:00:32 the way on twitter is at ninety nine

Posobiec Debunked Qanon did he?

@00:01:03 twitter and youtube surprise jack all
@00:02:52 twitter user named dreamcatcher reached

Fake Protest Kaepernick and Nike Profit from Manipulating the Lost Souls

@00:00:10 onto twitter and found out that colin

Will Sell Soul For Likes

@00:06:09 i saw today on twitter we should no

Banks Cutting People off for Wrongthink

@00:07:27 for amazon or a competitor for twitter

Q - They Want You Divided

@00:01:11 their stuff and follow them on twitter

Mega Fake News

@00:14:05 harvest data from twitter facebook

Walk Away Into Q Anon the Great Awakening Worldwide

@00:13:23 today on twitter from someone who is

Half The World has Gone Insane -Alice & Wonderland Technique

@00:04:25 twitter or social media
@00:09:50 journalists on twitter and elsewhere on

Boom! Walk Away is Scaring Leftist Media

@00:04:58 think he's on twitter too and i think

Tom Arnold Lies, Media Encourages Hate, Journalists Tell Half Truths

@00:11:59 it on twitter and of course
@00:12:04 own website and link to it from twitter
@00:17:54 regime a tweet from his personal twitter

Today In Leftist Violence - June 21edition

@00:09:59 twitter because i'm sure on the one hand
@00:10:03 just say things on twitter it's right

Politicians Only Fear One Thing, and Only During Election Time

@00:05:48 progressive in her twitter timeline she


@00:13:42 on facebook and twitter of publications

WHAT? A Hillary *&#$ Video?? NBC news seeds the narrative

@00:09:29 his twitter again and here's what he's

Cambridge Analytica. Chris Wylie Doesn't Add Up

@00:16:06 instagram deleted twitter yes he first

White Colonialist Elite Exposed as a Progressive Hypocrite

@00:07:59 twitter audit of gail's twitter
@00:08:16 6000 twitter followers cost her and

Shaming Truth Seekers Leads to Self Censorship

@00:04:24 probably banned him from twitter and all
@00:13:43 twitter and medium and google i was

Red Pill #2: Deep State Internet Shills and Trolls

@00:03:19 facebook and twitter accounts publish

Islamic Terror Ghost Story The Parliament Hill Shooting

@00:14:57 on twitter that was the first place it
@00:15:44 twitter all this time but his his

Ottawa Human Trafficking Cop Suicide(d)

@00:05:52 immediately at the guy's twitter page

Jagmeet Does Identity Politics and Cracks Democracy

@00:08:17 twitter at 99 freemind

M103 Mubin Shaikh defends Juneau Katsuya

@00:03:40 nccm has a twitter page and that twitter
@00:05:22 twitter that michelle's you know cat co

Rohingya Genocide or How To Spot a PR campaign False Narrative

@00:02:34 times through twitter here's the link
@00:03:33 you know that the owners of twitter are
@00:05:08 people on twitter you'll see this all

Commentary on Jordan Peterson, Weinstein on Rogan

@00:01:11 slogans coordinated twitter efforts

Conservatives and White Nationalists have the same values? -Stokes Race War -Neil Macdonald CBC news

@00:09:48 twitter account under pressure and i
@00:09:57 so voluntarily closing twitter account

Anti Trump CBC Fake News pushes the Very Fine People Propaganda

@00:01:07 thought about this on twitter which i'll
@00:01:25 had with keith on twitter just to proof
@00:09:13 you keith i went to your twitter let's

Hypocrisy In Media | Progressive Definition of Free Speech

@00:11:26 this is her twitter feed for example and
@00:12:47 supremacists on twitter but he did

Just Watch Me not be able to download this vid

@00:02:15 totally got it this is idiots on twitter

Social Justice Warrior Teachers - Canada is Doomed

@00:00:20 from their twitter feed one of their
@00:00:22 twitter feeds
@00:19:58 the twitter commenter position in
@00:21:19 you can see she says who are you twitter
@00:22:32 this point in history twitter is a
@00:22:38 every organization has their own twitter

Are They A Cult? What do We Call These People? - paint talk 1

@00:08:30 twitter to see what people were saying i

Liberal Fascism Nanny State Authoritarians

@00:07:32 twitter especially if anybody debates

Common Core Canada - Marxist Math

@00:00:45 his name he blocked me on twitter he

Culture Cops Kill Creativity | Writers Stifled by Canada's Cognoscenti Cult

@00:00:55 called the tyranny of twitter and i
@00:06:37 activists on twitter your name for them
@00:06:39 is stupid twitter land
@00:06:41 so you you write stupid twitter land is
@00:06:46 group with 950 twitter followers can
@00:06:58 not the population of stupid twitter
@00:11:59 fallen into disfavor with stupid twitter
@00:17:06 dominate twitter there is no obvious
@00:18:55 tarrant the tyranny of twitter you say

Pray For Finsbury Park UK Violence and Islam

@00:04:07 many times in twitter i have asked
@00:05:25 on twitter because i like to see what

Slipping Into Revolution - Canadian Politics

@00:01:17 go on twitter and swear and get into

Losing Canada - Boomers vs Millennials vs Gen X

@00:07:29 twitter just said to me do you remember

Why Do They Keep Making Things Worse??

@00:05:43 censorship on google twitter this snopes

FAKE News National Post Canada - No fresno coverage

@00:00:09 twitter feed national post is a canadian

Franco Supremacists Are Never Happy

@00:04:40 twitter babe meets translator one of the

Peter Kent and Slacker Nurses on Social Media

@00:02:29 much else it was on twitter we heard of
@00:04:07 whole twitter feed and i scrolling down

Fight Islamic Prayer in schools Ontario Peel Canadian Politics part 2

@00:05:55 follow me on twitter at ninety nine free

Muslim Prayers In School - Use Law to Force them to Abandon the Law! New info

@00:00:07 twitter there's a guy called brian

Denial Of Islamic Terror Mystifies Me

@00:00:20 this happening so on twitter i posted
@00:09:52 over twitter saying it's nothing to do

Emergency - Democracy Under Threat in Canada RIGHT NOW

@00:02:36 twitter i hope that you'll share this

Niki Ashton vs Black Lives Matter BLM Canadian Politics Twitter Throwdown Drama

@00:01:10 is on twitter she put this little meme

How to be Informed Without the MSM | Alternative Journalists & Research

@00:00:00 a good thing just happened on twitter of
@00:00:33 often happen on twitter where you're
@00:05:48 youtube and twitter let's go use some

MEDIA FAIL Brainwashing Propaganda Gaslighting Racism M103 #cdnpoli Canada

@00:06:42 articles and on twitter and in videos
@00:16:34 twitter all of you and you will it's
@00:18:55 showing your twitter feed and showing

Abusive Doctors | Narcissistic Bullies Make Threats, Sociopaths, Cyberbullying, Ontario

@00:01:38 like on facebook on twitter in letters

This is not Fact Checking, This is Just Arguing

@00:04:23 what is what are the twitter warriors

Narcissist Landlords - Tenant Screening Interrogation

@00:03:45 good business twitter accounts at