
Cuties and Useful Idiots

@00:32:50 coronavirus vaccines
@00:33:27 the idea that vaccines might cause

A Coup in the Making

@00:35:08 front of us all the vaccines coming at

Who Do You Trust

@00:07:00 vaccines are going to emerge we're going
@00:16:31 scared by the mass take the vaccines
@00:17:18 and there's much more about the vaccines
@00:35:01 vaccines
@00:37:32 some of which go along with vaccines
@00:38:21 to provide digital id with vaccines you
@00:41:22 of a child's vaccines
@00:41:37 permanent record of a child's vaccines
@00:42:52 that i'm involved with vaccines and they

Charities and Mind Control

@00:24:58 for experimental vaccines voluntarily

Your Body is Their Weapon - We're all Patients Now

@00:12:38 vaccines bill gates who's going to get
@00:16:42 and what about the vaccines you have a

Way Fair Questions Need to Be Asked

@00:23:24 the smallpox and anthrax vaccines

Maxwell, Epstein and the Control of Science since WW2

@00:12:31 world for these kovat vaccines they're
@00:37:04 becoming human guinea pigs for vaccines

Is This Torture?

@00:18:56 been seen before these rna vaccines and
@00:18:59 that the vaccines might have tracking

Technofascist Takeover - 6 videos to watch and share

@00:02:52 gonna stop making vaccines it was black
@00:05:06 involved in bill gates's vaccines and
@00:06:24 before dna vaccines that's one of the
@00:06:29 been brought it in before in vaccines so
@00:08:49 these tech vaccines in a hundred
@00:09:04 because vaccines are protected they're

BOOM! Guess Who is Calling the Shots on Human Experimentation?

@00:11:15 vaccines collaboration new york the
@00:11:25 collaboration for the decade of vaccines
@00:13:34 advantage because generally vaccines
@00:13:40 even more recent vaccines took 17 years
@00:16:51 vaccines and the aids epidemic that came

YES! African Leaders Stand Up! Tanzania & Madagascar

@00:18:48 possibly taking vaccines that's the

BARDA Whistleblower Links to Health Mafia

@00:02:36 they all want the vaccines they've all
@00:02:39 long time to get the vaccines and they
@00:02:42 accept the vaccines if there is a non
@00:03:10 year of the decade of vaccines project
@00:03:24 the decade of vaccines is was in 2010
@00:04:31 the vaccines the third story that i had
@00:14:53 diagnostics therapeutics and vaccines
@00:15:08 involvement in the world of vaccines
@00:19:29 develop these seasonal flu vaccines and
@00:19:43 vaccines path o crew university of

The Global Health Mafia Protection Racket

@00:02:26 diagnostics therapeutics and vaccines
@00:02:52 vaccine we need to make vaccines
@00:03:06 we need new tynus --tx vaccines
@00:03:16 treatments and vaccines an affordability
@00:03:20 of the vaccines therapeutics and
@00:04:32 the vaccines alliance for the coalition
@00:14:53 vaccines and therapeutics and more
@00:29:18 vaccines alliance and the global fund
@00:31:08 vaccines and in the meantime they're

A Tale of Two Futures

@00:03:29 nobody's buying vaccines we have very
@00:03:32 demand for vaccines so the centers for
@00:13:06 mandatory vaccines things like this
@00:20:49 these vaccines

To Serve Man - The Lie Of Philanthropy

@00:05:54 talks about vaccines for the whole world
@00:27:27 more bed meds we can buy more vaccines

The 7-step Recipe For Creating Vaccine Demand

@00:01:30 vaccines so in the video we're gonna
@00:02:34 vaccines has changed the world's
@00:03:00 orders for vaccines says dr. glen novak
@00:08:43 flu in order to sell flu vaccines it's
@00:10:34 ordering flu vaccines
@00:20:15 high-volume vaccines you know are
@00:20:47 decade of vaccines collaboration an
@00:21:07 benefits of vaccines to all people by
@00:21:48 vaccines to all people by 2020 what year
@00:22:30 post today april 9th 2020 vaccines for
@00:22:54 gates's obsession with vaccines seems
@00:23:17 polio vaccines up from five to every
@00:24:13 polio cases were from gates's vaccines
@00:24:21 tests of experimental hpv vaccines
@00:26:04 population in part through new vaccines
@00:26:10 new vaccines quote could reduce
@00:26:39 developing the sterility vaccines for
@00:27:49 manufacture vaccines and a massive

RFK Speaks Out, PEPFAR gets deeper. BOOM info

@00:04:13 bodies that are looking at vaccines and
@00:09:38 however on vaccines he's wrong if you
@00:09:57 vaccines
@00:10:27 white house vaccines weren't a bad thing
@00:12:27 kovat zero to fund hunt for vaccines
@00:15:18 chips tiny nano chips into vaccines so
@00:20:55 these crappy vaccines that don't work in
@00:21:07 their vaccines do you see how evil it is
@00:23:05 treatments and vaccines that cause side
@00:25:29 what's the plan using vaccines to track
@00:31:02 products vaccines it's it is fair to say
@00:31:15 vaccines you know are working with many

Not So Trusted Voices

@00:00:55 of dollars off of this through vaccines
@00:40:51 vaccines well this is certainly a way to
@00:43:01 agriculture certainly vaccines certainly

Fauci Ignores WHO Boss Crimes Against Humanity

@00:05:44 them vaccines in that one area the fact
@00:12:38 add id chips into vaccines id 2020 i

Ukraine got PEPFAR Money - What did they use it for?

@00:17:20 experimental vaccines experimental

We Are Being Played - Introducing PEPFAR & Birx

@00:10:40 on the side of taking the vaccines
@00:15:29 bill gates is all about vaccines so he
@00:17:59 to go along with vaccines now too and
@00:18:07 digital id with vaccines their
@00:18:13 these vaccines and at the same time
@00:18:25 will accompany the vaccines that's
@00:43:39 with their vaccines that might have

The Great Reset / NWO - They Hate Us

@00:01:01 vaccines and why they're so insistent

The LEAKED Censorship File - BLACKLIST

@00:04:36 control the government and do vaccines

Sustainable Development Is a Con Job

@00:05:32 vaccines spraying in the sky

Epstein Pedo Prof Connection to RNA Vaccines & Human Experiments

@00:13:20 which have vaccines in them to go around
@00:13:25 vaccines involuntarily i don't know if

(so-called) Journalists Are Losing It

@00:18:09 misinformation about vaccines in a flash

Celebrity Sausage and Population Control

@00:14:59 vaccines bill gates changes the world
@00:16:58 tap-dance because he says vaccines were
@00:17:20 expensive vaccines for children who need
@00:17:41 alliance for vaccines and immunization
@00:17:59 vaccines aren't inexpensive they're just
@00:20:00 vaccines health care reproductive health
@00:20:12 job on new vaccines health care
@00:20:50 vaccines in fact this is from congo just
@00:22:42 reduction right by vaccines we've seen

The Mechanics of Globalist Control

@00:26:48 vaccines i've seen signs about the

OptoGenetics remote mind control via GM drugs. Q anon Dig

@00:21:18 because vaccines also spread through

Red Pill #2: Deep State Internet Shills and Trolls

@00:04:21 vaccines and autism by throwing a bunch

Immunity from Islam In Canada

@00:00:03 vaccines what's the purpose of vaccines
@00:00:05 vaccines are supposed to protect people
@00:04:02 and on the topic of vaccines there is a

UNCRITICAL THINKING Journalism, Smug Letters to the Editor, Media Bias, Timothy Sullivan Benedetti

@00:00:34 everything that was in the vaccines and
@00:06:41 vaccines he doesn't introduce new
@00:08:22 about vaccines should be dismissed
@00:08:29 advocated for caution about vaccines so
@00:09:26 he himself would not take the vaccines

ANTIVAXXER PHOBIA Teacher Informs Students goes to trial Canadian MSM Propaganda

@00:00:37 of the negative side effects of vaccines
@00:00:47 for the vaccines to be administered
@00:00:58 quote fixated on the issue of vaccines
@00:01:39 to vaccines saying they contain
@00:01:55 vaccines is low and i read the rest of
@00:03:12 shows that vaccines could be harmful or
@00:03:39 diseases that the vaccines prevent are
@00:03:45 vaccines are very safe of course i mean
@00:04:16 reporters he was not against vaccines he
@00:04:44 vaccines at the clinic that morning she
@00:05:23 vaccines a nutjob ignorant a conspiracy