
[1.10] WaPo on John Huber - B Clinton on Epstein's Plane - Cancer Death Rates - Secret Space Program

@00:01:43 john huber the headline of it states
@00:02:28 who they won't say anyway john huber as
@00:02:43 part of his review huber examine
@00:04:28 okay i would not doubt if huber has a
@00:04:40 interviews with fox said that huber was
@00:04:52 a lot of stuff that huber has to drop
@00:05:04 maybe huber really was doing nothing the
@00:05:06 whole time and maybe huber just could
@00:05:25 likely that huber is totally gonna drop

[12.22] Q: PELOSI Holding Impeachment - Durham - DoE Tweets Unlimited Electricity

@00:06:01 prior to bar durum huber releases be
@00:06:45 bar durham huber can come out with their

[12.16] Q's Weekend Drops - Earth's Magnetic Pole Shift - Ret. AF Gen Talks Advanced Space Tech

@00:10:06 huber all these folks you know it's
@00:10:25 durham huber bar them over here much
@00:11:23 learned about huber probably april 2018
@00:11:26 so you know we were focused on huber for
@00:12:55 command the coc followed huber doj
@00:14:27 arkansas huber and his team maybe durham
@00:14:42 things take time can imagine what huber

[12.4] Latest Q - Impeachment Scam Continues - Epstein & The Clintons

@00:09:01 at john huber was supposed to testify on
@00:09:15 news cycles when really huber was never
@00:17:14 first mentioned john huber and the fact
@00:17:17 that jeff sessions appointed john huber
@00:17:28 what first mentioned huber i think when
@00:17:32 connecting the dots with what huber was

[11.12] Q Unloads: Indictments Coming [2019] - PROJECT LOOKING GLASS

@00:05:45 mandate or authority as john huber was
@00:05:52 aside from john huber outside of dc that

[11.5] Project Veritas Breaks Internet With #EpsteinCoverUp Release and Q IS BACK!

@00:07:31 durham till way after that huber even

[7.25] QAnon - Clinton Body Count - Epstein/Disney - UFO Disclosure/TTSA/Area 51 - Measles

@00:33:27 john huber and all the background
@00:33:35 familiar with john huber and the work he

[7.23] Q's Latest - Classified D.C. Missions - FBI Searches LA City Hall - Epstein - Iran Spies

@00:10:04 to huber could be in reference to john
@00:10:07 huber doing his work is stealth bomber
@00:12:03 huber sessions i mean there's so many we

[5.31] Parler - Mueller/Barr/Huber - UFOs & Space Force - Big Pharma vs. Vaccines & MMS

@00:00:40 barr and huber
@00:05:14 hubert we're gonna start with mueller so
@00:12:05 attorney huber was helping investigate
@00:12:49 meaning huber in recent months and so
@00:13:37 infer that huber wasn't really doing

[5.14] RIP Kappy / Space / FISA / NXIVM / 5G / Monsanto / Vaccines

@00:16:48 say us attorney john huber in utah is no
@00:17:21 has been in a holding pattern huber has
@00:17:45 huber best gating clinton clinton
@00:18:17 prosecute this russia case so huber can
@00:18:42 and flies a d-class is that when huber

[4.4] Sealed Indictments / Huber / Biden / NXIVM / MAGA Hat Attacker / Alex Jones

@00:03:30 it's about wow john huber speaking of
@00:03:34 those sealed court records huber has
@00:03:55 basically what's huber been up to and
@00:04:08 keeping john huber keeping this idea in
@00:04:26 again it's basically saying what's huber
@00:04:38 like where's hubert huber is quote under
@00:04:46 bring hubert under scrutiny we need more
@00:04:55 out about huber it's getting it into the
@00:04:59 preparing them to start hearing huber
@00:05:09 installing huber remember that trust
@00:05:15 to do install huber do what's necessary
@00:09:22 investigations with huber or the sealed
@00:16:01 we talked about huber sarah carter flynn

[3.24] Q Brief: Russia Investigation DONE / DECLAS & OIG Report Next

@00:04:09 horowitz up to what's huber up to who

[3.9] Trump's Motorcade / Huber / Sessions / Vaccines / Free Energy, Space Force & Quantum

@00:00:30 huber news and some sessions news to
@00:04:13 into that hueber news so huber taking to
@00:04:18 tweets the other day huber putting out
@00:05:26 prosecutor was huber so is it a
@00:05:47 if sessions job was to install huber and
@00:06:05 the plan and huber is gonna be unlocked

[2.10] Latest QAnon - "It's Time To Return PUBLICLY"

@00:01:21 regarding huber zero do not mistake
@00:05:03 regarding huber zero very good news
@00:05:08 everything we've heard from huber by way
@00:10:52 huber is still doing work now it
@00:11:40 also briefly mentions huber right down
@00:11:59 the time was being looked at by huber
@00:12:01 wow so both of them mentioning huber in
@00:12:22 huber and also one thing that some anons
@00:14:38 staff bar meeting huber + o ig o ig

[1.9 Live] Trump’s Address / Rosenstein / Huber / Yellow Vests / 5G / Space Force & Disclosure

@00:00:40 rosenstein huber got some things i want
@00:05:06 huber the us attorney overseeing
@00:05:47 outs more answers about huber of course
@00:06:15 news news going around about john huber

[1.2 Live] 2018 Recap

@00:12:07 appointing huber in march that's when
@00:12:17 that in some interviews that huber was

[12.14] QAnon / Bomb Threats / Clinton Foundation / General Flynn / Worldwide Wave Anomalies

@00:03:28 that's why huber didn't show up he can't
@00:03:37 huber wasn't at that hearing yesterday
@00:04:31 more about hubert okay so huber wasn't
@00:05:01 huber said thursday as he met with
@00:05:07 crime trends in the state huber called
@00:05:24 clinton foundation right huber and all
@00:05:41 right john huber what's he doing

[12.12 LIVE] Q Addresses Flat Earth & JFK Jr.

@00:18:18 thread going through a huge john huber
@00:18:27 then q says where is hubert right and by
@00:18:31 saying where is huber a lot of people
@00:18:37 question going around today was hubert
@00:19:25 were all assuming that huber was gonna
@00:19:57 everybody's focused on huber
@00:20:12 q's been mentioning huber sense march
@00:20:20 focused on hubert hubert hubert wins
@00:20:22 huber gonna testify huber is gonna
@00:20:46 stuff operates you know huber i was a
@00:23:25 hubert is a head-fake it's so brilliant
@00:23:32 false hubert was not a head fake q just
@00:23:46 plans you know q then saying huber will
@00:29:09 so aside from that we went through huber

[12.11] Latest QAnon - Smocking Tweet - Antarctica Earthquake

@00:05:39 john huber testify on thursday about the
@00:13:27 huber is gonna tell us in regards to the

[12.7] Bad Actors at Bush's Funeral / Clinton Foundation / 9.11 Bombshell / Huawei / Catholic Abuse

@00:04:46 we've got john huber testifying next
@00:05:33 that's the one involving huber into the
@00:06:03 that's around the time then when huber
@00:07:26 coming out right now because huber is
@00:09:01 october 5th 2017 when was hubert
@00:09:21 statement who was is assigned to huber a
@00:10:19 really going on behind the scenes huber
@00:10:23 huber to reveal active probe actively
@00:16:38 they were excited for huber to testify

[12.5] Latest Q Update (Flynn, Huber) & Partial UFO Disclosure Psy-Ops

@00:12:00 does whittaker also oversee huber and
@00:12:03 the oig what cases is huber plus the oig
@00:12:27 i would imagine huber being right there
@00:13:26 a while now content and dates huber
@00:13:33 while now role of huber as portrayed by
@00:13:36 q within this q operation huber has been
@00:13:51 mathematical probability that huber
@00:14:24 actually planned for huber to testify on

[12.3] Latest Q / New Indictment Count / France Protests / 11.11 WAVE / Netanyahu / Pope / Fentanyl

@00:01:02 john huber in his team of nearly 500
@00:04:11 communications q says huber thises
@00:04:43 huber important question here why has

[12.1][LIVE] George Bush - Q Patch Proof - Analyzing Common Anti-Q Arguments

@00:14:42 who doubted sessions in huber you will
@00:15:27 installed huber huber then worked with

[11.30] QProof on Pence's Twitter / Putin / Church Raided / Space Force / 5G / MMS

@00:03:21 about what huber is going to be saying

[11.29] QAnon - Huber / Whitaker / FISA & Recent QAnon Attacks

@00:03:39 there number one huber i would think
@00:03:42 huber is what q has been referencing to
@00:03:44 as the stealth bomber john huber giving
@00:03:56 so john huber and being that stealth
@00:04:10 about huber over the past few days have
@00:04:14 epoch times here saying mr. huber goes
@00:04:33 touching on huber and regards to the
@00:04:44 is locked and loaded so huber is going
@00:05:39 huber and whitaker but fisa thises

[11.28] Trump Blasts Clinton Foundation / Whitaker / Migrant Caravan / Wikileaks

@00:02:04 huber to testify in dc about his
@00:03:47 john huber to fly under the radar so you

[11.22] Huber / Whitaker / Saudi Arabia / Service Outages / Clinton Foundation Donations DROPPED!

@00:00:28 clinton foundation huber whitaker saudi
@00:01:57 prosecutor john huber to testify to
@00:02:22 in these articles is not only as huber
@00:07:11 it's coming all in due time we got huber
@00:12:09 faster like we've been saying huber

[11.8] QAnon / Sessions / Whitaker / Rod Rosenstein / FISA DECLAS / Planned Protests / Thousand Oaks

@00:08:19 huber activated sessions put huber in
@00:08:21 place huber racked up a bunch of sealed

[11.6] Live Chat - Recent Q!

@00:26:34 up at the exact same time since huber

[10.28] Q B-day & VIPAnon Photo (Trump = Q+?) / GAB Censored / Huber in the News / Vaccines&Lithium

@00:09:34 times about huber john huber hitting the
@00:10:30 year after us attorney john huber was
@00:11:47 backstory you know what's john huber
@00:12:31 maybe we'll see huber getting activated

[10.10] Latest Q: "Patience" / Human Trafficking & Child Abuse News

@00:04:50 know that with john huber whose sessions

[10.1] 'To The Stars' 37 Million IN DEBT? / New Indictment Count / QAnon / Ebola & Monkeypox Scares

@00:09:35 john huber still doing work and i am
@00:10:32 getting filed right when john huber and

[9.4] New Sealed Indictment Count / Prisons Being Prepped / Trust Sessions

@00:04:45 sessions we wouldn't have huber without
@00:04:48 huber we wouldn't have 470 investigators

[8.31] QAnon: CIA Comms Down / Trump Rally / More Attacks Incoming / China "Hack" / Russia & Ohr

@00:11:42 why is huber being discussed now i'd
@00:11:49 why is huber being discussed now why is
@00:11:51 huber all of a sudden being grouped into
@00:12:07 huber did not directly interview insert
@00:12:10 named huber do not do this huber did not
@00:12:15 sessions do this do that who does huber
@00:12:26 answer that huber
@00:12:31 supposed to do which was install huber
@00:12:33 for it so hubert could do his work with
@00:12:38 general investigates huber prosecutes
@00:12:40 huber has a team of 470 individuals
@00:12:45 resources to do all of this huber plus
@00:12:53 the swamp in dc hubert is outside he's a
@00:13:22 if nothing was being done by huber in

[8.29] QAnon / Iran Deal / Vatican / China "Hacking" Clinton / FISA Disclosures / 9/11 Truth

@00:20:45 texas congressman just stated huber so
@00:20:50 night stated that huber would be
@00:20:58 russia collusion nonsense huber so here
@00:21:03 comes huber guys good news fisa is what
@00:21:45 warrant trust the plan huber
@00:21:48 has everything it's all about huber so

[8.28] Aug 27/28th QAnon Analysis

@00:07:22 really wonder it what is what huber is
@00:07:24 doing john huber right

[8.24] QAnon / Sessions / McCain / ex-CDC Head Arrested / NASA Moon Bases

@00:05:22 sessions then appointed huber remember
@00:05:25 back in november 2013 huber to
@00:05:48 away from huber and those investigations

[8.14] Censorship Continues / NBC Q Attack / Mysterious Deaths / UFO Limited Hangout

@00:10:32 utah with john huber in utah so maybe

My Thoughts on Filming for Comedy Central to Talk QAnon

@00:13:13 attorney john huber how he got installed

[7.26] Q is Back! - Analysis of Latest Drops & Confirmations / A Word on False Flag Disclosure

@00:00:30 next it says who does huber report to
@00:00:37 huber now i don't know if that's the
@00:02:01 to huber from a gang of congressmen all
@00:03:46 was it redacted well think huber and who

[7.1] INDICTMENT UPDATE / MSM Attacks on QAnon & Secret Space Program

@00:10:46 huber that discusses how john huber is
@00:11:16 so john huber and his team of 470 people
@00:11:29 saying here ask yourself does huber have

[6.29] QAnon Update - Hitting the MAINSTREAM!

@00:34:54 huber and his investigative team have

[5.17] Q Analysis: Weiner's Laptop Unsealed/London Photos/Pope's Personal Guardian

@00:06:14 huber this is just simply a screenshot
@00:08:16 potential criminal misconduct to huber

DTI News 4.18 - Criminal Referral for Comey, Clinton, McCabe/Germany Human Trafficking Arrests

@00:01:24 attorney john huber and fbi director
@00:01:39 you can see jeff sessions ray and huber

#DestroyingTheIllusion QAnon Analysis - April 10th 2018

@00:23:28 horowitz trust huber boom i believe it

4.4 - Latest QAnon:APRIL SHOWERS/Awan & "Rogue D.C. Cellular Spy Network"

@00:02:59 appointed was john huber and even in the
@00:03:41 this was made public who was john huber
@00:03:53 remove john huber was appointed by
@00:04:02 john huber was originally appointed by
@00:04:08 head and john huber starts making waves
@00:04:59 potentially here why was huber made