
The Great Awakening/QAnon Rally - September 11th, Washington D.C.

@00:03:08 an operation mockingbird is actually

[7.24] Latest Q - Mueller's Hearing - "QAnon Gets Sued" - RBG: "I'm Alive!"

@00:06:26 mockingbird in action so fake news

[3.24] Q Brief: Russia Investigation DONE / DECLAS & OIG Report Next

@00:10:34 mockingbird media outlets get their

[2.13] LIVE: Big Tech Problems / Recent Q / Vaccine Hysteria

@00:26:26 the media complex operation mockingbird

[7.26] Q is Back! - Analysis of Latest Drops & Confirmations / A Word on False Flag Disclosure

@00:05:33 had a hand in operation mockingbird i'm
@00:05:37 too operation mockingbird is whereby the

[7.1] INDICTMENT UPDATE / MSM Attacks on QAnon & Secret Space Program

@00:05:20 then morphing into operation mockingbird

Anti-School x Destroying the Illusion - Social Media Censorship Can't Stop The Great Awakening

@00:23:06 mockingbird a mockingbird three-letter
@00:23:37 mockingbird media they're not gonna

2.16 3.0 - Third Times a Charm

@00:00:35 mockingbird media talking heads get

2.6 - Memo Fallout/Media in Panic/Black Project Tech Slowly Coming Into Open

@00:13:30 going to work for the mockingbird media

1.23 - EQs/Secret Societies/Memos/40% vs. 100% Disclosure

@00:06:28 mockingbird media then has to further
@00:21:32 mockingbird media right then once your

1.22 - #ChuckCaved/Fake Memo/Q's Pic/"Brazen Plot"/FL False Flag

@00:08:55 all of the operation mockingbird media

1.21 - Hawaii Missile/#ReleaseTheMemo/#SchumerShutdown/CIA Docs & Space Wars

@00:09:31 to all the msm operation mockingbird

Jan 7 AMA

@00:09:08 mockingbird i would argue more so cnn
@00:09:18 cbs and those are a lot more mockingbird

1.5 - STORM SURGE - Planes/Arrests/Clinton/Sessions/Fusion GPS/Comey & More!

@00:06:35 i think the operation mockingbird days
@00:07:05 mockingbird media has been co-opted by

12.11 - False Flag Sacrifice to Distract from Storm & Another Plane Crash Near Rothschild HQ

@00:12:06 the media you know operation mockingbird

11.20 - New Q/Antarctica/MidEast Crumbling/Rothschild&Soros

@00:09:36 my operation maka mockingbird were able
@00:10:15 operation mockingbird goes directly in
@00:10:27 mockingbird mkultra the montauk project

Vault 7 - Only Hacking? Yawn. THIS is what the CIA is REALLY into...

@00:02:28 mockingbird that was when that this is