
RBG's Wrinkled Flag, Trump's Undercover Operatives, The Soon Deliverance of General Flynn

@00:05:54 seems to have been a china spy anyway

Street Preacher Interrupts Chuck Schumer, Bombshell Report Links Biden's Son to Human Trafficking

@00:15:06 president trump also criticized china
@00:15:18 his address to criticize china for its
@00:15:26 um although trump criticized china and
@00:15:53 china for decades to implement its

Not Your Typical Forest Fires, Prince Andrew with 15 Year Old, Harris Helped Accused Pedophile

@00:09:15 china
@00:09:34 by for instance china to also start
@00:10:20 like china and this is why president

Netflix Star Soliciting Sex from Children, Michelle O Complicit in Netflix Child Porn, BLM Occult

@00:15:35 china to release upon the united states
@00:15:47 china uh in order to obviously escape

Trump Calls for Death Penalty, Pedo Sentenced to Death, Netflix Loses 9 Billion, Hanks Deletes

@00:09:25 uh the deep state both in china and here
@00:10:03 seen stall the u.s china trade phase ii
@00:10:07 by china time prevent loss of billions

Lawyer Promises to take down Twitter CEO, Pedophile Blackmail Ring Ensnares Dems and Repubs

@00:06:53 china
@00:06:56 been blackmailed by china
@00:10:23 totalitarian communist china but
@00:10:39 in both china and portland to deepen his
@00:10:51 and china-based communist youth leagues

POTUS 1 Yard Line, Drop 3313, Labor Day Indictment Weekend? Pelosi Caught Violating Restrictions

@00:09:56 like him probably china as well
@00:12:28 uh probably someone like soros or china

Pelosi calls Republicans Domestic Enemies, Resolution Against Qanon, Baptist Pastor Charged as Pedo

@00:13:10 secretly collaborating with china this
@00:13:56 collaboration or coordination with china
@00:14:47 china you know and the media has been
@00:15:03 but we continue to see them from china

President Trump Responds to Q Question, Media Panic, Human Trafficking Down 96% Due to Wall

@00:15:58 assault on the deep state within china

Clinesmith Only the Beginning, Dem Convention Exalts Mrs. Obama, Epstein's Private Banker Found Dead

@00:11:48 secret info to china we will find these
@00:12:06 to the people's republic of china the
@00:13:00 this virus came from wuhan china and
@00:13:10 to invest at the lab in wuhan china
@00:13:15 speaking of china and the democrat party

Mariah Carey's Sis Suing over Pedophilia & Satanic Acts, Yates Throws Comey Under Bus, 5 Explosions

@00:09:42 in wuhan china
@00:10:07 cover-ups i mean wuhan china
@00:10:10 significance of wuhan china right

Germany Investigates 30,000 Pedophile Network, Deep State Pushes 2nd Wave, China Pig Virus

@00:05:32 pandemic potential found in china here
@00:05:40 identified in china by scientists it
@00:06:11 hatching it in china where all their

9 Arrested in Ohio Child Sex Trafficking Ring, Epstein Victims Get Compensation, OK Rioters Charged

@00:10:03 this is from china which i guess is not
@00:10:06 a big surprise since china has known
@00:10:20 people in china are forced to renounce
@00:10:42 rise in the area of china where we have
@00:12:38 highlighting this persecution in china i
@00:12:55 as you can see these christians in china
@00:13:05 the christians in china in our

Thugs Block Trump Rally, Sex Trafficking Website Shutdown, Chief Justice Roberts Epstein Ties

@00:17:18 to get foreign countries like china you
@00:17:21 read between the lines china
@00:17:37 china to try to duplicate ballots and

Over 1000 Trafficked People Rescued, First Wave of Antifa Indictments, $6 Million Ukraine Bribe

@00:13:10 depart the u.s. for china when he was
@00:14:38 compensation from the china scholarship
@00:15:11 research to get to china and then we
@00:15:20 were ties to china so again i think more
@00:15:27 know china at least the deep state
@00:15:29 assets in china have tried to infiltrate

Antifa's Terrorist War On Our Nation

@00:10:22 much china the deep state assets in
@00:10:25 china might be behind all this as well

Creepy Biden Exposed, Obama's Many Crimes, Patriots Rally In California, Chicago Mayor Raids Church

@00:04:13 of the real china dnc collusion are we
@00:05:14 china so why should russia have all the
@00:05:22 republicans why don't we ask china to
@00:05:26 back us i hear by tonight ask china
@00:05:28 that's right and not only that china if
@00:06:25 that china is colluding with the deep
@00:08:37 china
@00:08:44 china travel ban is part of trump's war

Obama's Shadow Presidency, Ohio Judge Strikes Down Lockdown, GOP Sues California, Fitton Declas

@00:05:15 was the china phase one us a clawback
@00:08:02 the rest of china was only locked down
@00:10:10 meet world leaders in india and china

Epstein Defender Supports Forced Vaccinations, Dems Paid PA Officials to Stuff Ballot Box

@00:09:44 china several universities around the
@00:10:41 foreign governments china being one of
@00:11:42 primary ones is china and we know china
@00:11:59 china and that these funds from china
@00:12:19 because china which is the heart of a
@00:12:29 china trying to weaken us from within

Ukraine Charging Biden, Pro-Q Ratcliffe Wins, Trump Strikes Back at Tyrant States, Indicted DSS

@00:11:13 china only shut down for a few weeks why
@00:11:33 about how long china was shut down and
@00:11:41 so 16 days china was shut down because

deleted Trump & HCQ, Senate to Subpoena Obama Officials, 12 AGs Defend Flynn

@00:04:53 china as the source right why don't they
@00:04:59 because they're in bed with china
@00:05:02 assets in china why doesn't the media ds

Q's 10 Weeks, DNI Secures Upcoming Elections, Framework for Global Mass Arrests

@00:08:33 number two if china interferes with the
@00:09:21 four if china is caught tampering with
@00:12:52 intentionally released from china
@00:13:01 with china and president trump and the
@00:13:03 patriots don't want a war with china so
@00:13:20 with deep state assets and china to
@00:13:28 to a world war with china and trump and

What This Bio Weapon Attack Was Really All About, Obama Lashes Out at Trump Again, Huge LA Explosion

@00:02:02 about from what's going down in china
@00:02:18 said travel bans from china were not
@00:05:13 the origin source of koba 19 in china

Obama Lawyers Up, Declass of Obama Officials, Rand Paul Rebukes Fauci

@00:14:25 in china in exchange for hundreds of
@00:14:38 with the deep state assets in china to
@00:14:47 cracked down on china influence inside
@00:16:14 ties to china the affidavit says so this
@00:16:29 connected and tied to china involved in
@00:16:43 assets in china and and the truth is

Trump's Plan to Awaken Americans: Whitmer Sued, Doctors Outraged, Mayor Exposed

@00:05:34 months i reported a way back in china

Lawsuit Against Facebook Allowing Sex Traffickers, Heartbreak from NYC, Signs of the Times

@00:12:22 establish whether china and the world
@00:12:49 also looking into how china and the who

Nineteen New Q Drops: Be Ready, The Silent War Continues, DS Comms

@00:07:26 china calm secure with the dnc leaders

Flynn Exoneration This Week, Ukrainian Baby Selling, Largest Child Porn Website Taken Down

@00:05:30 been allegedly selling babies to china

POTUS Suspends All Immigration, Epstein's Photographer Found Dead, Child Sex Propaganda

@00:03:26 programs to china via her private server
@00:13:12 communist china or

POTUS Exposes FBI Scum, Flynn Loves Out of Shadows, Global Child Sex Ring Busted, Protests Across US

@00:09:52 halleluyah halleluyah trump says china
@00:10:30 as china maybe knowingly responsible for
@00:10:54 the prospect that china deliberately
@00:11:35 the people of china he's talking about
@00:11:39 in china that's whom he's talking about
@00:11:49 deep state assets in china work together
@00:11:51 to release this bioweapon in wuhan china

Trump Human Trafficking Arrests, New Q Drops, Gates Reading Material, Biden Unrolling MO Endorsement

@00:08:53 between deep state assets in china and
@00:12:25 admits cova began in china lab which

POTUS to Force Recess, Robert Kennedy Jr Exposes Fauci, Famous Boxer Exposes Hollywood Pedophiles

@00:01:13 billions from china tariffs greatest
@00:14:16 by deep state assets within china

New Q Drops: China and Shiva, Co-Opted Drudge, POTUS Sends Mutiny Message

@00:05:21 meeting in china the who and china have
@00:05:36 been cut off but who and china have
@00:05:55 state assets in china no surprise there
@00:18:44 with deep state assets in china and so
@00:19:01 deep state assets in china so the

Latest Q Drop: John Brennan In Custody? Hannity Wearing Q Punisher Pin

@00:07:19 consequences for china and trump says
@00:07:33 china
@00:08:11 terms of punishing china or at least a
@00:08:14 deep state assets in china for what they

New Q Drops: FISA INDICTMENTS = START, Gates Refuses to Vaccinate Children, Madonna Tweeting About Q

@00:05:09 cheerleading for china it's a campaign
@00:05:19 china and we know china at least the
@00:05:21 deep state assets in china working with

New Q Drops: Bio Weapon Released by DS Will Fail, Durham's Good vs Evil Worldview

@00:02:49 gains halt china trade negotiations keep
@00:03:35 from wuhan china in order to do all of
@00:04:33 designed by china as a bio fair excuse
@00:04:40 dollar lawsuit is filed against china in
@00:04:47 china
@00:04:56 state assets that control china that's
@00:05:02 pretty much has full control over china
@00:05:07 not not the people of china so that's an
@00:05:14 china as a bio warfare weapon 20
@00:05:19 china in the u.s. district court a suit
@00:05:28 u.s. dollars against china for the
@00:06:05 china of releasing a bioweapon so this
@00:08:23 china in january against china otherwise
@00:08:52 biden halt in china negotiations
@00:09:58 rackets and a people's republic of china
@00:16:26 potus china trade negotiations you
@00:16:40 biden you train china msm coverage how

Durham's Ambush, Deep State Engineering Coronavirus in 2015, Seth Rich, Fauci Admits Vaccines Hurt

@00:04:02 bio weapon from china to try to derail
@00:07:39 by china on viruses the video which was
@00:08:44 father here's an experiment in china in

Daily New US Coronavirus Cases Fall, Empty NY and LA Hospitals, POTUS Pushes Back Date to April 30th

@00:05:13 china and the deep state to take down
@00:05:21 china
@00:13:24 governance china they want

USNS Comfort & Haiti, USN Watkins Ghost Detainee Ship, Police Raid Elite LA Neighborhood, DS Threats

@00:10:28 president xi of china discussed in great
@00:10:33 large parts of our planet china has been
@00:10:46 china is largely controlled by deep
@00:11:00 launching this bioweapon in wuhan china
@00:11:23 china so president trump was

Q Confirms COVID-19 Terrorist Attack, Pedowood Meltdown Clarified, Pelosi Backs Down

@00:01:45 three delay china trade deals for hide
@00:11:42 technology w ut in china that was a

Army Officer & White Rabbit, China Organ Harvesting, CIA Split Into 1000 Pieces

@00:04:44 harvesting in china i've talked about
@00:04:48 how much it's happened in china and i'll
@00:05:03 forced organ harvesting in china this
@00:06:28 suitable donor could be years china has
@00:07:16 president from of china from 93 to 2003
@00:07:31 harvesting that's been going on in china
@00:07:51 harvesting in china and then we have the
@00:08:09 happening has been happening in china we
@00:08:11 know china is very much controlled by

Blockades on Runways, Ellen Degeneres Codes to Tom Hanks, Playboy Shuts Down

@00:03:31 china cq canceled the compound that
@00:04:16 you qi good start china see q cancel q
@00:05:07 me that china and the united states
@00:05:20 people will say well come on isn't china
@00:05:22 deep state when china does have deep
@00:05:48 that's in china so hallelujah this is uh
@00:11:13 a deep state assets in china to concoct

Trump Unlocks Google, Madonna & Hanks, Fake News Praises Trump, Durham Probe Update

@00:06:26 corona virus cases in china and south
@00:06:35 any city lockdowns in china the
@00:06:43 mean just dramatically in both china and
@00:06:46 can't trust china because it's just off

deleted Hidden Enemy, COVID-19 vs The Flu, Alex Jones Sues POTUS, Satanic Museum Shuts Down!

@00:14:32 places like china for medical supplies

Phase 1, Q's 10 Days of Darkness, DOJ Drops Mueller, Google Hacked

@00:01:51 communist china that hatched this
@00:08:24 things we were having in china we were
@00:08:40 control of china with its communist
@00:08:54 visited china he took him to the
@00:09:00 have complete privacy to plan china has
@00:10:55 confirmed such as president xi of china
@00:11:45 to cut off our borders from china hmm

POTUS Press Conference, Madonna & Coronavirus, Sex Worker Industry Being Destroyed

@00:07:01 bring a global war between china and the
@00:07:13 it says china hints at denying americans
@00:07:20 the corona virus in china is slowing
@00:07:47 more the article also claimed that china
@00:07:53 the mighty sea of coronavirus so china
@00:08:07 in china playing against the deep state
@00:10:01 china shut down all of their temporary
@00:10:31 china revealed smiles behind their masks
@00:11:01 china remove their masks
@00:11:31 china and the death toll surpassed 3,000

Military Insider Pete: COVID 19 Update, Restraint on Expectations of Mass Arrests

@00:02:19 bioweapon by china here is your smoking
@00:02:22 gun that china has been developing viral
@00:02:33 china is guilty of biological weapons
@00:02:38 hold china accountable for its crimes
@00:03:13 it was hatched in china a while ago
@00:03:22 state assets that controlled china
@00:03:24 remember china has even more deep state
@00:09:10 rapid spread in wuhan china last month
@00:17:08 by deep state assets in china the deep

Military Insider Was Right: China Blames USA for Coronavirus, Disney Shut Down, Mass Arrests?

@00:01:56 they want deep state assets in china to
@00:02:15 it says china government spokesman says
@00:02:21 china this is from beijing a spokesman
@00:02:34 of words with washington china has taken
@00:03:19 china now what has actually happened
@00:14:32 pushing this narrative of china blaming
@00:17:57 world war between china and the united

Tom Hanks Coronavirus, Q, Europe Ban & March Madness, Green Q on Capitol Building

@00:02:40 released and move on china and i've

deleted Doctors Slam Media Coronavirus Panic, Protesters Surround Pornhub HQ, Ex-NFL Star Praises Trump

@00:07:29 at china and wuhan in particular the
@00:07:41 declining in china particularly in wuhan
@00:07:44 china and so and like what president

Staged Coronavirus, Q's Death Blossom, When to Play The Trump Card

@00:01:11 deep state released out in wuhan china

Dow Plunges, Pope Struck With Coronavirus? Deep State Intends To Bring The Whole Thing Down

@00:10:35 started in china and spread to various

Obama Whistleblower Found Dead, UK Independent Exposes Westminster Pedophilia, Lieber's Coronavirus

@00:12:13 then the the deep state assets in china
@00:13:10 dollars paid by china and receipts of
@00:13:14 biological research laboratory in china
@00:13:28 china
@00:13:40 wuhan china is ground zero to the
@00:14:16 state assets and china to then release
@00:15:03 start seeing china blame the united

Weinstein Found Guilty, Coronavirus Means Arrests Are Imminent

@00:05:40 in china by spring and it's it's
@00:07:29 deep state factions in china against qi
@00:07:48 they want the truth the truth is china
@00:08:55 they basically want china to blame the
@00:09:00 in china to lead towards some sort of

Riverside Q Conference Video Recording

@00:01:55 be a non-issue in china well now i don't
@00:07:14 deep state factions in china against qi
@00:07:32 truth the truth is china stole the spy
@00:09:57 agreement with china and now all of a
@00:17:50 china you don't know what's coming out
@00:21:52 china and other places is basically what
@00:22:14 with the people painting and china i
@00:22:50 it seem worse over there in china i
@00:25:51 underneath china lake and they had a

Obama's Blago Subpoena, Dean Koontz Novel Predicted Wuhan Coronavirus, Carman's Trump Song

@00:11:56 hatched as a bioweapon in wuhan china

Latest Dem Attempt to Falsely Accuse Trump Fails

@00:08:49 someone from china to say let's bring

Soros Ordered Obama to Investigate Trump, Volunteers in Ohio Combat Sex Trafficking

@00:07:20 still think that china is using this as
@00:07:32 against china things like that now where
@00:07:44 overtime in china so just something i

DOJ Opens New Investigation into Comey, McCabe, Strzok

@00:14:24 still spread through wuhan across china
@00:14:31 prestigious south china university of
@00:14:32 technology in another part of china
@00:15:35 crenna virus will be gone in china
@00:16:49 especially for people in china pray that
@00:16:59 opinion but i just wonder if china is

Bigger Slam Dunk Charges, Bloomberg & HRC, POTUS Deploying Elite Tactical Agents

@00:14:41 to china she will fail and yeah she will

Official DOJ Doc Confirms Pizza Gate, Biden & Chinese Treason, POTUS Declares War on Deep State

@00:04:39 entities in china and ukraine now i i've
@00:05:57 transferred to china
@00:06:19 say that what they've done with china is
@00:06:27 to china in order to make money i mean
@00:06:56 technology to china was doing it through

State of the Union, Pelosi Rips Up Speech, The Best is Yet to Come

@00:01:45 with china and others there's been the

Trump Speaks on Coronavirus & Tweets "State of Kansas" Q Proof, Schiff in Full Panic Mode!

@00:01:38 much shut it down coming in from china
@00:01:43 china which is a very positive thing
@00:01:44 getting along with china getting on with
@00:01:59 no we've offered china no but we can't
@00:02:54 people who have died in china from this

Coronavirus Big Money Maker, L.A. Church Human Trafficking, Longest Ever Smuggling Tunnel

@00:02:30 black hole that's from the south china
@00:09:15 this laboratory in wuhan china so again

Biden Linked to Whistleblower, 42% Black Support for Trump, Netflix the Keepers, Riverside Q Conf.

@00:07:04 corona virus in china from all of our
@00:07:08 closely with china we will continue to
@00:08:11 of 32 people have died in china oh

Deep State on Trial, Mexico Pays for Trump's Wall, Kobe Bryant's Date of Assassination

@00:07:33 nanosecond mexico bleak just like china

Coronavirus Fear Mongering, Kobe Bryant Connected to Epstein & Clinton Foundation

@00:03:49 he said china has been working very hard
@00:05:03 with china concerning the virus very few
@00:05:09 on watch we have offered china and

Q Marker Coronavirus, Flynn Update, Pompeo's Tweet & Q State Funeral

@00:01:34 where q posted china chongqing tuesday q
@00:02:46 he said the entire city of wuhan china
@00:03:00 biosafety laboratory in china
@00:03:20 of bsl - for facilities across china

China Coronavirus: Deep State's Next Move

@00:01:10 been happening in china and a lot of
@00:01:20 entire city of wuhan china which is 11
@00:02:07 new york or seattle texas why is china
@00:05:40 trying the same thing now in china and
@00:06:50 this virus that's spreading in china
@00:07:17 across china again bringing up hysteria
@00:07:32 millions of people in china are now
@00:09:52 china q has posted quite a few drops

Disney Demons, VA Governor Declares Emergency, Mark Levin Follows Q

@00:08:48 part of a new trade deal with china and
@00:08:58 major deal with china or something he's
@00:09:04 to do with china and then here pelosi is

Iran, The Deep State & Trump's Plan for Peace

@00:12:37 china and russia don't deal with iran

Sabbath Teaching: Hanukkah vs Christmas

@00:09:44 later in china or russia or wherever you

Anchorage Alaska Q Conference: First 47 Minutes

@00:29:38 china lake operation which rescued a
@00:34:55 with the china lake and things like that

Q Conference New Jersey: Part 2 of 4

@00:33:58 terrorists and everything with china

Chemtrails: X Marks the Spot: Prophecy and End Times

@00:11:58 russia and china it's gonna be a huge
@00:12:23 china badly wounded in this global
@00:18:19 hands of russia and china it will happen

President Trump: Impeachment Inquiry Now Dead!!!!

@00:07:45 conducted at china lake california if
@00:07:50 that were rescued in the china lake
@00:09:15 china lake up in early july with a

Part 2 Prophecy, Pedophiles, Trump: Solar Eclipses, Anti Christ and the Return of Jesus PART 2

@00:19:08 china and russia are trying to come
@00:19:13 annihilates china and russia but all the
@00:30:51 of course russia and china are badly
@00:31:19 that russia and china are gonna

Sacha Stone, Moloch in Rome, Disneyland Tunnels, Female Pedophiles, Field McConnell Update

@00:16:54 marco polo's journeys to china via the

Epstein Alive, Cummings Executed & Answers with 8th Day Sukkot Prophetic Teaching

@00:04:02 children that were rescued under china

Q Conference in ABQ, New Mexico: First 40 Minutes

@00:22:13 the china lake thing happened that was a

Navy Intel: 10,000 Children Rescued, Cabal Oct 17th Plan to Assassinate Trump Foiled, My Wedding

@00:03:38 china lake but there's more stuff that
@00:04:16 under china lake which happened at the

Cali Coast Military Aircraft, Holmseth Reports 2100 Children Rescued, Kim Clement on Pope

@00:02:42 china lake event and how many there's

Holmseth, Pence & Ukraine, DUMBS in Cali, Hagmann Cheats Subscribers with Fraud

@00:06:19 completely liberated from china it's now

IG Report 2 Weeks, Audio Bombshell, Return of Q, MK Ultra Exposed

@00:08:51 china and you and of course i've

Hillary Clinton Tweets Shred the Constitution, SerialBrain2, Juneau Woman Yells At Me

@00:07:48 china q and the plan your navy intel guy

Navy Intel Source: McCabe, SerialBrain2, Pence & Pelosi Impeachment Dare

@00:11:13 protesting the tyranny of china now

Ohio Meteorologist, Subway, Tunnels, Oprah, Planned Parenthood

@00:09:48 china to china and the deep state cues

RBG Body Double & Pence Pedophile Unplugged

@00:21:01 the storm is arrived in china the hong
@00:21:08 there are 1.3 billion people in china
@00:21:32 now it's going into china now it's going
@00:21:34 into china

Playing The Ginsburg Card, 120 Deployed to GITMO, Q & Emergency Economic Powers Act

@00:08:05 china tariffs the fed google what is
@00:09:24 with china as we're you know china again

Navy Intel: Deep State Desperate Missile Launch, Epstein MC2 1000 Children, Standard Hotels

@00:02:39 the china lake main chemtrail base but
@00:05:16 if you don't know what happened at china
@00:05:23 from the beneath china lake so giving

NYC Subway Shutdown, Epstein & Murdered AR Senator Linda Collins Smith

@00:02:14 to china itself selling our secrets to

Epstein Cement Truck, Declass Begins with Hillary Clinton Drop, From Ohio to Vatican

@00:07:47 underneath china lake you can see the

Q's Death Blossom Mass Shootings, Military Insider and Navy Intel Update On POTUS Assassination Coup

@00:05:26 because of the china lake operation on a
@00:05:45 china lake saved the children op but
@00:10:35 china op operation that china lake

Photos of RIBS Disney Epstein Island, Vatican Started Islam, Q's Godfather III

@00:22:30 appear four or five times in china

Navy Intel: Next 6 Weeks, RBG, Marker 1 & 8 Step Plan

@00:02:00 after that july 4th was both the china

Feinstein & Epstein, Military Insider Pete on DC Operations

@00:10:43 other subjects china lake russian sub

China Lake, Nukes, 1000s of Children Rescued

@00:00:23 going to make my china lake video and do
@00:01:27 to make this video this china lake video
@00:02:54 that china lake naval center is located
@00:03:42 china lake naval weapons center and
@00:05:56 islands southern cal coastal and china
@00:06:38 means of the extent of the china lake
@00:08:48 threat has been tied off at china lake

Q Watch 19, Epstein Staggering Amount of Names, Evergreen

@00:02:32 the china lake naval base video tomorrow

Repost: Navy Intel Source: "Q Team" From Ike to Trump

@00:07:49 white hat operation the china lake which

NYC Plunges Into Darkness, Q Operation, ICE Raids Begin at Dawn, GITMO Televised

@00:04:05 about how they got hacked by china and

Multiple Arrests Prove Satanic Pedophile Network Collapsing Globally

@00:02:54 in china and that's not it here's
@00:04:23 china a major sentencing in nepal its

New Q: Lucrative Fetus & Organ Black Market Behind Abortion, DNC Never Hacked

@00:02:12 kill brackets narrative china is not a
@00:11:39 intelligence services or by china russia

Preaching in Front of The White House

@00:09:45 china and you say hallelujah they'll

Military Insider Pete & POTUS Vow Removing Millions of Illegals

@00:04:10 with china and iran to both help with

Hollywood Film: 'A Child's Voice' Exposes Satanic Child Sex Trafficking

@00:06:29 china they have organ harvesting

MSM Collapsing, POTUS Reminder of Military Tribunals

@00:07:56 our secrets away to china she is she is

POTUS vs MSM Lies, Justin Amash China Connection

@00:04:04 china underscore his push to impeach
@00:04:30 interest in china that may be harmed by
@00:05:25 abused by china and president trump is
@00:05:28 standing up to china well a match
@00:07:11 he does have business ties to china and

Friday Night Sabbath: Praise Reports and Sabbath Psalm

@00:02:01 language and so if you go to china and

FL & AZ Medical Kidnappings, POTUS Deals Major Blow to Child Sex Trafficking Hub

@00:12:04 forces china to solve a port of long
@00:12:12 forced china state-owned costco to sell
@00:13:28 asset dominance china has directed its
@00:13:35 enterprises as a result china
@00:14:47 embedded in china from using this port

Deadman's Switch, Operation OX: Intentional Release of Plague

@00:03:52 customers are china india japan and
@00:04:00 administration grant waivers to china

Clinton Connected Dem Arrested for Pedophilia

@00:05:29 china which cue is actually warned us
@00:05:36 to china and doing all sorts of horrible

Update on Deadmans Switch, Ohio Pedophile Mayor Pleads Guilty

@00:06:27 like russia or china or another country

12 Huge Recent Bombshells Proving Q & POTUS True!

@00:08:09 pleads guilty to spying for china

South Dakota House of Rep & AZ National Guard Whistle Blower

@00:02:24 china and so had this man his name was
@00:03:17 and this man who'd gone over to china
@00:03:44 still have the same context from china
@00:28:48 selling all of our goods to china are
@00:29:06 china are our enemy here in it fold this
@00:29:13 sold our our producing plant to china
@00:29:40 in china we get china businesspeople
@00:29:54 with the state of china we are the
@00:29:57 nation of china because they're just
@00:30:07 totalitarian capitalism is what china

Car Almost Hits POTUS, Flynn Exoneration, Seattle Trafficking Ring Busted

@00:08:11 originally from china were between the

Q, Hannity: "Buckle Up", Deep State Crumbling, Military Insider Update on BIO Threat

@00:02:39 korea to be used on china or russia now

Q's 21 Days, Deadman Switch, POTUS Go Orders

@00:05:09 would not but china would and then china

Dead Judge on 9th Circuit Exposed, Walkout in Hollywood

@00:05:30 police believed were brought from china

POTUS State of the Union Address: Utterly Spectacular!!

@00:03:45 and iran and turkey and china well okay

Singing To the Students: UCSD Day 5 @ Part 3 of 5

@00:19:46 go to china and you say hallelujah

Tim Holmseth: Clinton Probe Leads Directly to Pence

@00:02:42 china cia child trafficking operation

Arlington Corruption, POTUS Human Trafficking & Wall, Clintons Exposed by NBC

@00:04:58 about selling our secrets to china and

Sabbath Hike: Prayer vs YouTube, Twitter, etc

@00:01:37 earth is hallelujah if you go to china

Son of Perdition, the Broken Temple and Messiah's Return

@00:04:48 world well china and russia they got
@00:05:39 decimates russia and china at that point

Q, POTUS, Andrew Jackson, CPS Abuse, Satanic Bankers

@00:08:28 herself of course gave china a lot of

Hannity Mentions Sealed Indictments, Q, Google in Panic, Podesta Desperate

@00:02:39 operating in china publicans were very
@00:02:43 concerned about this because if china
@00:03:21 beijing china but their office started
@00:03:34 engine in china but q basically exposes
@00:03:38 gave access to china how do you cover

Sabbath Hike: UCLA, Last Night's Prayer Meeting, Updates

@00:04:33 china was late for a lot of people but

Small Crowd on Steps at 28 Minute Mark: UCLA Day 10 Part 2 of 4

@00:00:30 of china and not know a word of chinese

Another Student Group Gathers 7-8 Minute Mark: UCLA Day 9 Part 2 0f 4

@00:08:58 china russia europe australia remotest
@00:09:18 go ahead travel with china and say

Interview w/ Rose: UK, Theresa May: Exposing UK Satanic Pedophiles

@00:11:43 putin and even the president of china
@00:21:59 in the world by china they what they're

Part 2: 7 Seals, 7 Trumpets, 7 Thunders, 7 Bowls: Revelation

@00:16:44 made a couple days ago russia and china
@00:16:50 third world country but russia and china

7 Seals, 7 Trumpets, 7 Thunders, 7 Bowls: Revelation

@00:06:09 horse red we're gonna get red china and
@00:06:22 china is will strike america without
@00:10:44 been knocked out russia and china are
@00:13:53 when china after licking its wounds for
@00:14:06 for both china and russia and he goes
@00:14:17 made and that china army comes across
@00:14:28 china which that is you know two hundred
@00:14:54 rolling across from china to to attack

SRA Survivor David Shurter -- Antonin Scalia Raped Him as a Boy/Bohemian Grove

@00:24:33 in china had i haven't even been sick

The Beast with 10 Horns 2024 --- 2027

@00:01:33 uk europe china russia africa australia
@00:02:32 remaining seven europe china russia
@00:03:03 on how could israel rule over china and
@00:04:54 happens is is that china and russia they
@00:05:12 china and russia are also hit pretty
@00:05:15 now china and russia have done a lot
@00:05:27 france and england russia and china are
@00:07:01 very weakened now china very weakened
@00:08:19 china are only breed begun begrudgingly
@00:08:30 years china and russia sort of lift
@00:08:45 russia and he's china and then it says
@00:09:00 totally and completely annihilate china

Philadelphia, 2 Witnesses, Trumpets and President Trump

@00:11:46 thomas died in india and china as he was

Clarification on Putin and Child Sex Trafficking

@00:02:10 and/or china will come against the u.s.

Part 1: Shabbat Friday Night: The Name of Yah

@00:09:36 in china they're gonna say hallelujah if

Satanic Pedophile, Baby Murdering Oral Roberts, Kenneth Copeland

@00:04:43 wall of china for some kind of business

Shabbat Evening Chat with Daniel Lee

@00:08:03 across the world in india china to take

Cuomo and New York's Child Sex Trafficking Ring Exposed

@00:01:07 which they willfully sent to china to

Bush Sr, W, Bernie Sanders Are Pedophiles/Warrant for Pope BOMBSHELLS!!!

@00:03:18 my china my channel is primarily focused
@00:08:13 warrant recognized by russia and china

Candidate for Oregon Governor Reaches Out To Me

@00:08:59 that russia and china were gonna take

Illuminati Kabbalah: 6 Points For Global Takeover

@00:11:48 going to be destroyed russia and china
@00:11:58 china and he destroys them and then

Steven Spielberg Raped and Murdered Heather

@00:07:34 russia and china will invade for paris

Part 3 and Final Part: Detailed Prophetic Timeline of Great Tribulation

@00:00:40 russia and china are hit but they win

Part 2: Detailed Prophetic Timeline of Great Tribulation

@00:04:01 because china and russia who have been
@00:04:21 and china and russia really resent that
@00:04:32 annihilate russia and china okay and
@00:04:44 russia in china so that they become as

Part 1: Detailed Prophetic Timeline for Great Tribulation

@00:09:51 china would have to destroy the united
@00:11:43 mean russia and china will win but

North Korea, Missiles, Iran Navy in Gulf

@00:01:28 and china along with the confederacy of

Russia and China to Strike USA Without Warning

@00:01:02 china along with a confederacy of
@00:01:24 china against america back in the 1980s
@00:03:05 events happening at russia and china
@00:03:50 and china to destroy this country we're
@00:05:28 north korea russia and china really
@00:05:38 with this whole thing about china trying

Revelation for Dummies: Current Geopolitical Events Explained

@00:02:49 communism okay so this is when china
@00:03:06 about to see china russia north korea
@00:03:21 and china will be victorious but they're
@00:06:22 china moving against israel see what's
@00:06:26 and china are going to attack the united
@00:06:32 russia and china are victorious they are
@00:06:54 russia china africa europe you know
@00:07:09 russia and china are going to make a
@00:07:18 russia and china and at that point the
@00:07:25 and china removed just like the united
@00:07:36 mouth so we have russia and china
@00:07:46 where russia and china move against the
@00:07:56 the sixth trumpet which is the china and
@00:10:13 half the united states china the western
@00:10:14 but like i said russia and china will

Saudi Arabia Switches Alliance from USA to Russia and China

@00:01:23 happening is china is actually pushing
@00:01:30 makes sense i mean they you know china
@00:02:07 with russia and china and if saudi
@00:02:12 russia and china and allowing china to
@00:02:31 with china and the united states is very
@00:02:33 upset with china because china is trying
@00:03:05 states to russia and china and russia
@00:03:07 and china will then have the money not
@00:03:16 china and red communistic russia yes
@00:03:21 china just like north korea now they're
@00:03:44 russia and china and allowing china to
@00:04:04 china rather than the united states if
@00:04:10 china will have the money from saudi

Part 1: Pyramid and Enoch and John and Judas and Prophecy

@00:00:54 china because china is so big and then
@00:01:13 china russia and african those are huge
@00:01:25 kings in china maybe eastern and western
@00:01:27 china so that's three two more kings in
@00:11:22 months to subdue russia and china and
@00:11:28 the seven nations and russia and china
@00:12:55 of the communist nations of china russia
@00:13:18 and china again become victorious but
@00:13:26 he's gonna initially subdue china and

Could I Still Be Wrong About My Timeline?

@00:01:40 hands of north korea russia and china
@00:01:42 and i'm not saying russia and china
@00:01:52 russia and china and north korea and

Three Horns Uprooted in WW3: USA, UK, France (Daniel 7:7-8)

@00:02:37 of europe controls europe five is china
@00:04:29 germany one two china three russia for
@00:06:53 and russia and china are gonna be the
@00:07:01 alliances to russia in china because
@00:07:39 controlling europe and you had china and
@00:08:31 problems that's when russia and china

Book of Enoch is Evil: 66 Books + 4 = 70 Books of the Bible

@00:01:06 guess what this blog china was een

The Time is Cut Short: Part 2

@00:00:38 china and north korea and many other

The End of the USA Draws Near

@00:03:26 china russia who yes they are wicked but

Asteroid to Fly By Tonight on 8th Day of Sukkot 2017

@00:00:50 like a star exploding over china
@00:00:58 many people in china but it literally

Trumpets, Days of Awe, Atonement, Sukkot Fulfilled!!!!!

@00:02:13 so this first slide again this china

Assad's Downfall, Talmudic Dark Magic, Trump & The Brink of WW3

@00:14:32 china you know start bristling with

Preaching on Shabbat 9-3-16: Part 5

@00:05:14 go to china they study buddha they go

Preaching on Shabbat 7-23-16 Part 9

@00:05:19 people you can help them maybe in china

Donald Trump, Prophecy and Spiritual Warfare: Part 1 of 2

@00:02:42 trade deals that we've made where china
@00:03:08 bargaining chip to prevent china and
@00:06:06 up and deported to china you know let
@00:06:08 them live in communist china for a

40 Jubilee Gap from 17 AD to 2017 AD Timeline

@00:02:56 517 buddhism is introduced in china and
@00:05:48 southern china starts spreading rapidly

The False Regathering of Israel: Don Esposito and Eddie Chumney Exposed

@00:01:58 on right now with russia and china and

Ferguson, Missouri Riots & Duduman's Prophecy of Civil War

@00:01:42 are russia and china those are the major

Russia Despises New UN Syrian Resolution: World War III About To Break Out!

@00:00:48 said no china has said absolutely not
@00:01:17 russia and china says hey other all the
@00:01:24 say hey all russia and china want to do

Bashar al-Assad Hoarding WMD'S Isaiah 17 and Destruction of Damascus

@00:01:08 him out russia china iran north korea

US Accuses Syria of Stalling: World War III Approaches

@00:01:55 disputes that are growing between china
@00:01:57 and japan china and taiwan china the
@00:01:59 philippines in the south china sea

China Warns US With Nuclear Missile Test

@00:00:15 about in this article is china just
@00:00:29 island disputes that we china are having
@00:00:39 goes toward with china russia will

World War 3 Looms as Geneva Peace Talks Are Doomed Before T

@00:01:27 by russia and china those two factions

Extraordinary Crisis Needed To Preserve New World Order

@00:00:25 i mean china is threatening taiwan the
@00:00:29 philippines of the south china sea

North Korea Threatens Nuclear War with the West

@00:00:16 with china and north korea north korea
@00:00:37 china is mobilizing a hundred thousand
@00:00:46 developing of course we know china also
@00:00:49 has been inflaming the the south china
@00:01:12 when the us and china go to war russia
@00:01:17 right now china is you know they just
@00:01:28 china basically telling his army prepare

Netanyahu, Ariel Sharon and And Standing Alone

@00:02:32 world war three china becoming more and

Time Frames in Daniel &Revelation Explained: Live Skype Fellowship Recording

@00:37:46 first year that russia india iran china

Nuclear War: Russia and China Lulling the USA to Sleep

@00:00:17 russia and china over the past decades
@00:00:33 problems right before russian china

Build up to World War 3: Latest Developments

@00:02:21 emerging new world order in 1914 china
@00:02:25 is in a very similar position china
@00:02:30 between it and china and these
@00:02:33 states says are international china is
@00:02:43 militarily and economically so china has

The 8th And Final Day of Hanukkah

@00:01:26 of us are in asia china japan some of us

World War 3 In The Making: Explosion Rips Through Beirut, Lebanon

@00:04:33 know china and japan he looks at india

Syria Bombs Lebanon Twice: Iran Hardens Stance; World War 3 Continues to Build!!!!

@00:05:22 russia china north korea syria bashar

Lebanon Fires Rockets Into Syria; Saudi Arabia Behind Bombings

@00:01:41 china will fall in line with russia what

Part 2: Special Shabbat Podcast: Satan Cast Down

@00:03:11 country russia and china are going to

Part 2: Satan Cast Down From Heaven to Earth

@00:03:06 on the verge of getting nuked by china

The Prophecies of Dumitru Duduman & Henry Gruver

@00:05:47 russia and china will strike without

Iran 2 Weeks Away from Atom Bomb

@00:04:48 going to be nuclear war russia and china

The Sealing of the 144,000 Today on 10/6/13 Yom Teruach

@00:02:08 in underground china

The False Peace Begins to Splinter, Crack

@00:02:47 going to war with russia china syria

Typhoon Usagi, the Kenyan Mall Shooting and Spiritual Wickedness in High Places

@00:03:16 against china yes china the typhoon
@00:03:25 south china coast even shutting down
@00:03:34 clear signal to china stay out of the
@00:03:41 china to aid russia and syria this
@00:04:05 who control russia and china and syria

T-Minus 5 Weeks Till Feast of Trumpets 2013

@00:02:48 involvement from russia and china the
@00:08:08 world russia and china bill they'll sort

The Syrian Proxy War, World War III and the 16 Weeks of Summer PART 3

@00:03:51 china and iran are backing assad regime
@00:06:38 china for russia the stakes are high

Boston Bombing, Waco Explosion, Ricin Letters, OKC Explosion, South Bay Sabotage

@00:03:35 problems that's when russia and china

Prophectic Implications for 2013 and 2017: Part 2

@00:02:07 russia china pakistan and others we have

Prophetic Implications for 2013 and 2017

@00:03:34 crisis in various countries like china

Cleansing the Temple: Response to my critics

@00:06:35 nations russia china india and iran

Am I A False Prophet??? Not So Fast!!!!

@00:02:57 china owns most of our debt all china
@00:03:14 china and russia now dealing only in the

Episode 37- Mercantile Deceptions vs Yah's Blessings

@00:02:04 red china they have all gained their
@00:02:22 exception of the usa in red china has