Feast of Trumpets 2020: In The Twinkling of An Eye, At The Last Trump

@00:18:17 so fisa trump is what kicks it all off

Pedowood Aerial Shot, Brennan's Durham Interview Panic, Forged FBI Doc, Trump Landslide Ahead

@00:11:58 comey's corrupt fbi blocked a fisa
@00:12:25 that the fbi wanted to pursue a fisa

Correct info Doll Website, More Pizzagate/Harris Info, Ex-FBI Lawyer to Plead Guilty, Spiritual War

@00:03:35 fired fbi lawyer falsified fisa
@00:04:37 in a fisa warrant application used to
@00:05:17 fisa warrants

Mariah Carey's Sis Suing over Pedophilia & Satanic Acts, Yates Throws Comey Under Bus, 5 Explosions

@00:05:51 the fisa courts and and going after
@00:06:39 and yet the fisa court was

Indictments by Labor Day, Ratcliffe Massive Declass, Trump Blasts Obama/Biden for Treason

@00:02:56 in the fisa warrant against carter page

Meadows Signals Imminent Indictments in Durham Probe: "It's Time For People to Go To Jail"

@00:06:00 fisa abuse so why is chris wray if he's

Barr Orders Execution of 4 Child Rapists, Child Murderers, Statue Removal Exposes Agenda

@00:06:04 fisa abuse as well as 14 subpoenas that

Trump Tweets Against Satanic Pedos, Huge Declass Imminent, 40% Black Trump Approval Rating

@00:05:27 those fisa warrants premeditated fraud
@00:05:30 on a fisa court then we have the house

Exposing More Satanic Pedophiles, Rosenstein Testifies, Obama Speaks to Nation

@00:04:37 fisa warrants to oust president trump

Trump Promises EO Targeting Social Media, Deep State Burns Down MN, Fauci Changes Tune

@00:09:13 important blockage last night of a fisa
@00:09:40 i mean it's fisa has been used as a

Q's 10 Weeks, DNI Secures Upcoming Elections, Framework for Global Mass Arrests

@00:01:46 happened two weeks ago and then fisa

Judge Holds Flynn's Case Hostage, California Begins to Flip Red, Declas Destroys Basis of Collusion

@00:08:46 same court as the fisa court here he is
@00:08:52 collier who both signed the fisa warrant
@00:09:42 signing the fisa warrant that was
@00:10:09 as the fisa court here is with james
@00:10:14 signed the fisa warrant john judge
@00:10:38 court as the fisa court that brought

Declass Continues: Obama in Extreme Panic Mode, Schiff Scrambling, Bigger Bomb Next Week!

@00:05:20 infection of the fisa courts the
@00:18:32 obtain illegal fisa warrants against

Pence Attacks General Flynn Yet Again

@00:05:20 wife fbi 302s fisa spy flynn will newly

Hot Mic at Presser, More Declass Exposing Obama & Kerry, Barr to Defend Constitutional Rights

@00:04:03 said fisa are you shocked by what you
@00:07:26 this was also posted by cj truth fisa
@00:08:12 fisa warrant applications to spy on page

POTUS Mentions "Plague", Flynn's New Banner, DS Power Structure Being Taken Down

  1. fisa equals the start right we saw

New Q Drops: FISA INDICTMENTS = START, Gates Refuses to Vaccinate Children, Madonna Tweeting About Q

@00:03:22 these arrests logical thinking fisa
@00:03:36 the storm is here when the first fisa
@00:10:58 on kab repeated that when these fisa

New Q Drops: Bio Weapon Released by DS Will Fail, Durham's Good vs Evil Worldview

@00:10:46 hillary clinton on fisa gate on the spy

Iowa Bill to Remove CPS, FBI FISA Corruption Exposed Even More, My Pillow CEO Urges Bible Reading

@00:03:55 single fbi fisa application reviewed by
@00:04:18 fisa warrants extend beyond the russia
@00:05:03 more than two dozen fisa warrant cases
@00:05:26 before securing a fisa weren't targeting

Tom Hanks Coronavirus, Q, Europe Ban & March Madness, Green Q on Capitol Building

@00:20:08 senators want me to veto the fisa bill
@00:20:22 republican senators veto the fisa bill
@00:20:28 satanic pedophiles to use the fisa the
@00:20:31 very corrupt fisa thanks to chief
@00:20:42 fisa bill how can congress quietly

Graham Launches FISA Probe, Ukraine Goes After Biden, Trump Sues Washington Post

@00:02:38 abuse of the fisa court after justice
@00:06:06 the fisa courts and presided over

Bigger Slam Dunk Charges, Bloomberg & HRC, POTUS Deploying Elite Tactical Agents

@00:03:54 fisa court nobody else in the media got
@00:04:44 that did the premeditated fraud on fisa

McCabe Will Face Justice, Durham After Brennan, Barr & Trump Theater

@00:11:43 time to declassify the forged fisa

POTUS Tweets VA 2nd Amendment Sanctuary Patriots, Adm Rogers Cooperating with Durham

@00:10:15 prior to the carter page fisa warrants
@00:10:30 discovered that reported it to the fisa

Pelosi Stalls, POTUS Exposes Phony Impeachment Hoax, Q Points Toward Supreme Court

@00:10:17 fisa aspect of it he is looking at all

Trump Wins Either Way, 124 Arrested Major Fl Pedophile Ring Busted, Ukraine's Human Trafficking

@00:05:35 fisa wiretapping attorney general barr
@00:05:38 ought to fully declassify all four fisa

Trump, Barr, Durham Response to IG Report: Day of Reckoning Draws Near!

@00:06:19 the fbi's russia's fisa 51 violations
@00:06:38 were done but it with the fisa courts
@00:07:20 abuse of the fisa system surveilled
@00:07:27 from their filing to the fisa court
@00:09:11 obtain and maintain fisa surveillance of
@00:10:17 of the fisa process bar statement comes
@00:12:12 very limited just to the fisa abuses
@00:15:47 ig report they are very bad the fisa

IG Report Unleashed: 17 Significant Problems Revealed!

@00:02:32 fisa applications made it appear because
@00:03:49 weaken assertions in the fisa
@00:04:46 information sought through use of fisa
@00:05:03 prepared the fisa applications but also
@00:05:38 undermining a fisa application in order
@00:06:45 misused the fisa court but that this was

Q Conference New Jersey: Part 1 of 4

@00:35:59 fisa court that started all this fresh

IG Report 2 Weeks, Audio Bombshell, Return of Q, MK Ultra Exposed

@00:02:55 fbi defrauded the fisa court using a

McCabe: I'm Taking Everyone Down With Me, Massive Ohio Pedo Ring Busted, The Storm Is Now!

@00:12:42 fisa gate and spy gate these huge pedo

Navy Intel Source: Chemtrails, Child Sex Trafficking, Dorian, China, Q & The Plan

@00:11:13 the fisa d-class and oig report will

RBG Body Double & Pence Pedophile Unplugged

@00:06:46 302s fisa spy flynn michael flynn will

All FISA Warrants Illegal, Pedophile Pence AF2 SAM 239, The Perfect Storm

@00:01:30 general has found that all four fisa
@00:01:36 false information supplied to the fisa
@00:01:43 that all four fisa warrants were illegal
@00:02:21 general has found that all four fisa
@00:02:27 false information supplied to the fisa
@00:02:33 concluded that all four fisa warrants

2000 Epstein Docs Released, More On Dayton Children's Hospitals

@00:03:56 dossier to knowingly defraud the fisa

Navy Intel: Next 6 Weeks, RBG, Marker 1 & 8 Step Plan

@00:05:30 class of fisa exposing russia collusion

Declass Released on Wednesday? Epstein & Charlie Rose

@00:02:34 applications for the fisa court link

Scope of Durham's Investigation & New Info on Murdered Linda Collins-Smith

@00:02:27 falsified fisa affidavits and illegal

Confusing the Deep State: Joe diGenova vs Q

@00:00:54 about how even the very fisa court is is

Fraudulent FISA & Comey Ignoring Child Sex Crimes

@00:02:01 appointed fisa court judge contreras who
@00:02:09 fisa court abuses so i reported
@00:03:02 fisa court itself is rotten to the core
@00:03:06 the judges and panel on the fisa court
@00:03:11 specifically who set the fisa court up
@00:04:09 it looks like even the fisa court itself

@StormIsUponUs Permanently Banned, Solomon Files Motion to Unseal Wrongdoing

@00:03:24 a motion asking the fisa court to unseal
@00:03:59 the fisa court on behalf of
@00:04:46 withholding information from the fisa

When Do Birds Sing? Lynch Turns on Comey just as Q Predicted

@00:11:51 information to the fisa court i believe

Another Unsealed Indictment, Graham Pushing to Declass Key Doc

@00:06:52 and yahoo news article to convince fisa

Huckabee Tweets POTUS: Military Tribunals At Gitmo

@00:07:53 to gain a fisa on short-lived trump

CNN Drops 26%, Senators Demand Investigation of CIA

@00:03:50 application for a fisa warrant on former

Latest Q Drop & Downfall of Mike Pence

@00:01:18 fisa spy flynn will newly discovered

Epstein in MORE Trouble, POTUS Megaphone for Judicial Watch!

@00:07:42 the fisa warrant was approved to surveil

Bill Barr Testifies Spying Did Occur on POTUS

@00:01:43 has a pending investigation of the fisa

Allison Mack Pleads Guilty, Nunes Sending 8 Criminal Referrals

@00:03:15 surveillance act the fisa court the
@00:03:34 entirety of the fisa applications used

Day of Reckoning, Betrayal of 12 Senators, Holmseth Update

@00:04:51 gonna come out about fisa abuse what's

Q: POTUS Trolls Lisa Page, RBG Still Dead, Much More to Come

@00:08:30 perpetrate the whole fisa and go after

Hannity: It's All About Happen, Q, British Govt Exposed

@00:03:09 the fbi what we're seeing with the fisa

Q, Hannity: "Buckle Up", Deep State Crumbling, Military Insider Update on BIO Threat

@00:16:30 public's confidence in the fisa process
@00:16:44 fisa court only through strict adherence
@00:16:51 government to the fisa of all material
@00:16:56 continue to have confidence in fisa to
@00:17:06 to the applications for the fisa
@00:17:22 congress potential abuse of the fisa and
@00:17:57 of a fisa order authorizing surveillance
@00:18:09 alleged facts stated in the fisa

Q Drop 2912: POTUS -- It's Time!!!!

@00:02:51 fisa courts and now this dossier is

Dead Judge on 9th Circuit Exposed, Walkout in Hollywood

@00:11:31 provide the vehicle for the whole fisa

More Photos GITMO, POTUS & Barr, Military Tribunals

@00:06:59 class for the fisa which will bring the
@00:07:33 fisa and then we'll see all of the stuff
@00:07:55 trump releases the fisa that then built

POTUS Signs Anti Human Trafficking Bill & Chief Justice Roberts colluded w/ Obama and Hillary

@00:04:03 fisa court and remember that fisa court

Q's 10 Days of Darkness, POTUS vs Obama, Last Gasp of Shadow Govt

@00:13:08 release the d class on the fisa which of

Satanic Pedophile Comey's Unraveling Confession!!!

@00:04:38 fisa warrant to spy on trump campaign
@00:04:55 that the fisa court process is an honor

Solomon Exposes Comey, Another Obama Era Official Bites the Dust!

@00:01:09 surveillance act fisa evidence has been
@00:01:31 secured a fisa work to spy on trump

Senate Red Wave; FISA Will Bring Down The House!

@00:03:56 representatives and the fisa is to bring

I Have To Read This Email Someone Sent Me!!!!!

@00:04:11 of declassifying the fisa doc's and we

100% Proof Trump Agrees With Me About Executing Satanic Pedophiles

@00:01:10 class of the fisa records that should be

POTUS Declassified FISA Docs!!!! VICTORY!!!!

@00:00:53 application to the fisa court in the
@00:01:08 connection with all carter page fisa
@00:01:55 unredacted fisa doc's that trump has

Q Drop 2128: Obama and Hillary's Downfall

@00:04:53 situation room coordination faisal fisa
@00:05:06 the fisa which it's already been talked
@00:07:25 pages of the fisa that's the next hammer

Trump Tweets TREASON: Hammer About to Drop

@00:06:34 fisa requests and the ig report all hell

Part 2: Satan Cast Down From Heaven to Earth

@00:02:11 solomon israel move the fisa month later