
Schiff Crying Wolf, Antifa Arsonists, 12 Utah Pedos Arrested, Barr/Durham Update

@00:12:57 indictments that he was going to start
@00:14:01 not going to be any more indictments bar

POTUS 1 Yard Line, Drop 3313, Labor Day Indictment Weekend? Pelosi Caught Violating Restrictions

@00:03:38 stood should start unsealing indictments
@00:03:50 start seeing indictments unsealed
@00:04:20 start seeing indictments from the durham

Clinesmith Only the Beginning, Dem Convention Exalts Mrs. Obama, Epstein's Private Banker Found Dead

@00:01:40 puts placeholder indictments tracking
@00:02:12 indictments soon
@00:03:03 this first set of indictments kevin
@00:04:22 a lot of indictments involving

POTUS Cryptic Statement, Tom Hanks Hollywood Star, Troll Dolls Removed, Worship in Casino

@00:03:37 prosecutions and indictments all this is
@00:10:51 if durham announces criminal indictments
@00:11:42 but by putting indictments and reports
@00:12:16 that these indictments should be at
@00:12:19 least the beginning of these indictments

Mariah Carey's Sis Suing over Pedophilia & Satanic Acts, Yates Throws Comey Under Bus, 5 Explosions

@00:10:40 indictments coming out
@00:12:35 indictments he's going to be charging

Housley: Indictments This Month, Ellen Show In More Trouble, Alex Jones Controlled Opposition

@00:01:14 indication on indictments from durham
@00:02:05 to see these indictments begin

Indictments by Labor Day, Ratcliffe Massive Declass, Trump Blasts Obama/Biden for Treason

@00:00:57 hannity radio show durham indictments
@00:01:24 indictments to be finally

Durham Negotiating Guilty Pleas, Trump Wishing Ghislaine Well & Wearing Mask, Trump Protects Census

@00:02:47 campaign and produce indictments if
@00:03:32 to come out with indictments first and
@00:03:42 the indictments and
@00:03:51 because we know that these indictments
@00:04:04 this these indictments are going to lead

Meadows Signals Imminent Indictments in Durham Probe: "It's Time For People to Go To Jail"

@00:01:13 meadows signals imminent indictments in
@00:02:40 expecting indictments
@00:02:44 expect indictments based on the evidence

Over 1000 Trafficked People Rescued, First Wave of Antifa Indictments, $6 Million Ukraine Bribe

@00:06:30 absent in this wave of indictments is
@00:06:51 was named in these indictments either
@00:07:58 and even though there are no indictments
@00:08:04 first tranche of indictments against an

Q: All Systems Go, 58% Americans Want Military to Quell Riots, Antifa Arrests Coming

@00:01:45 indictments have been building for some

Ukraine Charging Biden, Pro-Q Ratcliffe Wins, Trump Strikes Back at Tyrant States, Indicted DSS

@00:17:46 indictments information but again it
@00:18:23 indictments will be a domino effect that

Q's 10 Weeks, DNI Secures Upcoming Elections, Framework for Global Mass Arrests

@00:02:15 know 99 indictments or whatever i

Obama Lawyers Up, Declass of Obama Officials, Rand Paul Rebukes Fauci

@00:04:25 indictments lynch hussein yates brennan

Terrified Obama Lashes Out at Trump: Deep State Backed Into A Corner

@00:13:32 all people that have indictments hanging

Declass Continues: Obama in Extreme Panic Mode, Schiff Scrambling, Bigger Bomb Next Week!

@00:01:10 step before we see the indictments and
@00:05:55 the indictments and the arrests because

General Flynn Totally Exonerated: Let Freedom Ring!!!!

@00:07:24 we'll see the indictments first and then

Q Drops BIGGEST Boom: Delcas Ongoing Now, Schiff in Extreme Panic, Overturning Roe V Wade

@00:02:34 to the indictments and q is said that
@00:10:18 say october to unseal indictments and
@00:10:30 have the key indictments unsealed and
@00:10:46 indictments will be unsealed and the
@00:11:24 know the unsealed indictments and
@00:19:51 indictments and lead to these arrests

Flynn Files Aid Durham, Comey Protected Fauci, OR DHS Confiscating Children, CPS Harassing Parents

@00:01:35 all the other indictments and arrests
@00:04:26 least all of the indictments and arrests

Protests in California & Oregon, Judge Fast Tracks Unsealing Epstein Docs, CDC Adjusts Death Count

@00:16:38 indictments to make these arrests so we
@00:16:48 indictments have been unsealed then yeah

Flynn Exoneration This Week, Ukrainian Baby Selling, Largest Child Porn Website Taken Down

@00:10:22 indictments sends a strong message to

Ingram & Hannity Mention Punisher Pin AGAIN, Q Post 129, Durham Expands Investigation, Brennan's Lie

@00:07:41 announcement or possible indictments are
@00:07:46 so barr saying the indictments are not
@00:08:01 handful of indictments this week
@00:08:08 indictments are not imminent but john
@00:08:47 unsealing indictments so that's where
@00:18:14 down in these indictments we're gonna
@00:19:23 indictments open this week especially in

Q: We Are Ready, Solomon Suggests Handful of Indictments This Next Week, Obama's Wuhan Grant

@00:01:38 could be a handful of indictments and
@00:01:54 indictments in much more information i
@00:02:03 as in five or six indictments that
@00:02:12 indictments may be coming this week in
@00:02:23 indictments now the other thing about
@00:02:58 referring to the handful of indictments
@00:03:47 indictments so again this is a letter
@00:06:03 indictments coming up this week that
@00:07:47 indictments next week well that
@00:07:57 says john solomon reports indictments
@00:09:02 indictments unsealed again that
@00:12:03 are we gonna see indictments this week
@00:13:01 indictments because he he he actually
@00:14:06 these indictments because president
@00:15:12 begins to unseal these indictments and

POTUS Mentions "Plague", Flynn's New Banner, DS Power Structure Being Taken Down

@00:03:16 indictments is now very very close
@00:11:41 unseals some indictments i don't think
@00:11:44 any indictments yet he's just referred
@00:11:51 indictments in fact this was an article
@00:13:32 indictments here

Durham Issues DC Grand Jury Subpoenas, Happy Feast of Firstfruits, Out of Shadows Documentary

@00:04:34 indictments tracking non civil and then
@00:04:45 different indictments that will be

New Q Drops: FISA INDICTMENTS = START, Gates Refuses to Vaccinate Children, Madonna Tweeting About Q

@00:03:25 indictments equal to start the public
@00:03:39 indictments land yeah and that's what
@00:03:51 so feist indictments equal the start of
@00:08:23 that are criminal indictments that
@00:11:01 indictments land that's when the storm

New Q Drops: Bio Weapon Released by DS Will Fail, Durham's Good vs Evil Worldview

@00:22:05 drop 3921 by saying feist a indictments

Playpens, Trump's Reference to 1917, Tunnels, Earthquakes, Rescued Children

@00:13:56 he's ready to unseal these indictments

Expectations for Next 30 Days: Coronavirus, the Deep State, Q, POTUS, Sealed Indictments

@00:02:20 match the number of sealed indictments
@00:03:06 694 sealed indictments well we don't
@00:03:19 if the indictments are not open then i'm
@00:03:31 indictments would be open it's just
@00:05:06 number five we know indictments would
@00:05:27 them all of the indictments at once they
@00:05:53 the indictments once his investigation

DOJ Indicts Maduro, Vatican Worker & NBC CEO Have Coronavirus, Deep State vs Trump

@00:01:12 indictments were unsealed justice
@00:01:59 weapons the indictments alleges i and so
@00:02:09 indictments that have been opened on

Phase 1, Q's 10 Days of Darkness, DOJ Drops Mueller, Google Hacked

@00:03:11 2 would be the indictments the the you
@00:09:55 sealed indictments of the highest night

Tainted Adrenochrome, Wuhan, POTUS to Pardon Flynn, Powell on Weiner's Laptop

@00:02:20 these indictments and where the military
@00:06:03 indictments and they say the quarantine
@00:06:06 maps match those indictments here i'll
@00:06:15 of many of the indictments and this is

Military Insider Pete: COVID 19 Update, Restraint on Expectations of Mass Arrests

@00:13:58 arrests and indictments opened at

Tom Hanks Coronavirus, Q, Europe Ban & March Madness, Green Q on Capitol Building

@00:11:47 are who have indictments over their

Mayor Pete Helps Biden, Spielberg's Daughter Arrested, Comcast Pushing Teen Themed Porn

@00:03:30 happen as as these indictments finally

Oprah & Madonna Fall, Collins Promises Criminal Charges Durham Probe, US & Taliban Peace Deal

@00:05:21 criminal charges means open indictments

Dow Plunges, Pope Struck With Coronavirus? Deep State Intends To Bring The Whole Thing Down

@00:13:26 arrests are imminent these indictments

Illinois Pedophile Ring Smashed, Trump Threatens to Sue Mueller Investigation, PA Victory

@00:08:24 the indictments are in sealed once these

Trump Acquitted, Romney Exposed, Protesters Disrupt Biden

@00:08:47 people have indictments over their heads

Coronavirus Big Money Maker, L.A. Church Human Trafficking, Longest Ever Smuggling Tunnel

@00:14:30 aren't all the indictments just released

New Q Drops: Brexit, Epstein, Adam Schiff Salacious Photos, Durham and NJ Trump Rally!

@00:16:11 they're all they all have indictments

Q Drops: Satanic Pedophiles Impeachment Their Last Block to Justice

@00:09:33 prosecutions when these indictments gun
@00:11:49 indictments from going forward bar has

Iran General Soleimani Possessed Bio Weapon & Trump Destroyed Him

@00:10:03 that these indictments that these grand

Larry Johnson Exposes Kanye West, Fosterscareinc Pedophile Ring Shut Down, Why They Hate Trump

@00:14:52 these indictments that are going to be
@00:14:55 indictments that will be over major mega

Pete Military Insider: Virginia Bio Tech Park, 2nd Spacey Accuser Dies, Watergate is Pedogate

@00:05:54 indictments when the indictments get
@00:05:57 unsealed one of these indictments are
@00:14:09 this have indictments unsealed and

Biggest Bombshell in IG Report, Hollywood Screaming, CEO Arrested on Child Sex Abuse Charges

@00:11:43 indictments that have been unsealed and

Pelosi Stalls, POTUS Exposes Phony Impeachment Hoax, Q Points Toward Supreme Court

@00:10:41 have indictments over their heads so

Trump, Barr, Durham Response to IG Report: Day of Reckoning Draws Near!

@00:01:33 indictments and i think there's a
@00:03:26 indictments that wasn't ig words his

IG Report Unleashed: 17 Significant Problems Revealed!

@00:08:10 this is where the indictments are

Netanyahu Indicted, Glenn Beck the Satanist, Satanic Colorado Public Schools

@00:01:56 coming under indictments for corruption

Q: Harvest Crop, Impeachment Circus, Prince Andrew Pizzagate, My X-Fiance's Own Words

@00:02:16 we continue to see indictments being

Q: Indictments Coming, Navy Intel Source Drops, Mega Pastor Arrested, Challenging Phoenix Enigma

@00:06:03 yesterday indictments are coming and
@00:06:10 yes indeed these indictments are coming
@00:06:13 and speaking of indictments coming i
@00:08:06 beginning indictments hold on to your
@00:12:25 exposed arrested indictments are over

Q's Awakening, Never Trumpers Tied to Human Trafficking, Trey Gowdy, Trudeau's Deal, Pat Robertson

@00:03:48 indictments but what is not public until
@00:07:37 these indictments gonna be unsealed when
@00:08:58 of the elite sealed indictments on the

Holmseth Warrants Dropped, POTUS Syria Withdrawal, Pope & Chrislam Push, Bethel Exposed Again

@00:02:24 indictments are unsealed then everything
@00:04:22 indictments to become unsealed so that

POTUS Traps the Deep State, Sarah Palin a Satanist, Bethel Church are Satanists

@00:02:32 indictments waiting to come out against
@00:02:41 should these indictments be executed
@00:12:32 coming these indictments are not just
@00:12:37 president these indictments are for the

Treasonous Comey, Q and Lynch, POTUS Asked About Q

@00:06:20 indictments start getting unsealed

State Senator Arrested, Church Leader & Disney Club 33, Democrat Donor Arrested, More on Kappy

@00:04:52 start seeing these indictments come out
@00:07:19 this the indictments are coming the
@00:08:01 indictments unsealed
@00:14:36 we're seeing indictments being unsealed

Navy Intel: Ginsburg & Kavanaugh, Obama & Levar Burton, McCabe Deep State Allies Abandon Him

@00:09:59 jury report without federal indictments

Navy Intel: Target MK Ultra Instigator, Q Plan 17 Days Trumpets, Next Week I Am in Seattle

@00:06:25 by the doj the first of many indictments

Trudeau the Satanic Pedophile, Epstein John Doe Screams, Disney Star Sues over Pedophilia

@00:01:20 leaked sealed indictments that of course

Coats Leaves the 15th, POTUS 144 Judges, CPS Using Predictive Analytics

@00:03:06 thousands of indictments and even one

Ehud Barak & Chuck Schumer Caught in Epstein Scandal

@00:09:35 and so what we're seeing is indictments

New Q: Lucrative Fetus & Organ Black Market Behind Abortion, DNC Never Hacked

@00:10:12 12 of mueller's indictments the ones

Scientology, Dalai Lama, HRC: The Storm is Now

@00:07:42 indictments can be brought to see if

POTUS Rebukes Deep State & DS Attempts "Event"

@00:10:00 indictments and the arrests they're

Sweden Refuses Assange Extradition, POTUS Trolls Deep State

@00:02:01 indictments and the military tribunals
@00:02:06 of the indictments and the military
@00:04:06 indictments so i think that's the

Mueller Mutes Anti-Barr Chorus

@00:07:40 unsealing of these many indictments and

MSM Collapsing, POTUS Reminder of Military Tribunals

@00:02:37 implicated with these indictments that
@00:12:34 these indictments cover satanic qaeda

Declass Ordered & Deep State Pushes Back

@00:09:41 unsealing these indictments we have like
@00:09:43 what over 90,000 different indictments
@00:11:03 the indictments and for the military

Assange Update, Q's Boom Week, Cannes Sex Trafficking Horror

@00:14:34 indictments in these arrests well here

Huckabee Tweets POTUS: Military Tribunals At Gitmo

@00:02:02 hallelujah and speaking of indictments
@00:12:57 indictments the grand juries are still
@00:13:13 the sealed indictments that huber's been

Big Pharma Arrests, Comey Panic, Obama Spying Undeniable

@00:02:26 department first made indictments of

Update Deadman's Switch, Shipp: Failed Coup Attempt Against Trump

@00:05:22 and indictments without question this
@00:08:29 indictments begin to come out and as the

Thousands of Boy Scout Leaders Face Child Sex Allegations

@00:06:36 sealed indictments come from halleluyah

Bill Barr Testifies Spying Did Occur on POTUS

@00:02:27 indictments are coming and as we have

President Trump Unchained: Going After Obama First

@00:07:11 tried to actually put indictments on his

POTUS Vows to Declass: Q's Storm Now a Hurricane

@00:03:09 indictments that he's been working on

Mueller Knew POTUS Innocent Summer 2018!

@00:03:21 defendants into criminal indictments ask

Q & POTUS: We're Going After These Criminals

@00:08:01 to move on those indictments so

POTUS Defeats ISIS, General Flynn's Banner, Message of Hope!

@00:06:06 indictments and it's gonna become

Q 21 Day Countdown A Bust? No!

@00:02:41 of his page and kennedy said indictments

POTUS Tweets Hannity: Indictments Coming!

@00:02:19 there will be indictments buckle up
@00:02:22 criminal referrals next indictments i
@00:02:39 literally says there will be indictments
@00:02:41 indictments are coming which is it

Q: Unsealing Indictments, Hollywood Silent, Obama in Trouble!

@00:00:56 first several indictments will bring
@00:03:29 is it because the indictments are

Barr meets with Huber: It's All Happening

@00:05:38 indictments and we just had a story just
@00:05:46 of all of these different indictments

Q & Hannity Sources: Justice is Finally Coming

@00:07:23 d class is coming the indictments the

CNN Starts Sounding Like Q: Tide is Turning

@00:01:44 indictments but if you notice march 15
@00:02:38 indictments that huber's working on they

Hillary Not Running in 2020, Trudeau's Sinking Ship

@00:03:04 indictments that i talked about from way

Q Explains Whitaker Exit, Mueller Report March 26, PURIM Victory Incoming!

@00:01:56 huber unsealing the indictments it's
@00:03:39 the final indictments he'll lead that
@00:04:37 many different indictments and has has

Deep State Panic, POTUS Tweets, Q Drop 2937

@00:08:17 indictments they know where the path is

Q Drop 2912: POTUS -- It's Time!!!!

@00:04:53 all these indictments in utah that is

NXIVM: New Criminal Charges Pending

@00:00:33 indictments in the case in the next few
@00:00:42 will be superseding indictments in march
@00:00:49 what those indictments will be but if
@00:05:45 there's gonna be more indictments
@00:07:21 and utah to have the indictments

A List Actor Tweets Q, Lawsuit Against NY Abortion Law

@00:08:41 indictments in peter wood so it's okay

POTUS Visits Alaska, Trudeau & Netanyahu: Deep State Crumbling

@00:01:45 indictments one of the leaked sealed
@00:01:47 indictments from last summer and lo and

Q's 21 Days, Deadman Switch, POTUS Go Orders

@00:05:53 to our source the sealed indictments
@00:06:02 indictments against james comey andrew
@00:11:03 unsealing the indictments the peet

Infanticide, POTUS, EO, Q Drop Ginsburg & Scalia

@00:04:45 their indictments next than a total

Mueller Final Report, Q Drop Special Elections/Voter ID

@00:10:22 indictments i'm thinking hmm this is

Whitaker to STAY, Q Blitz: Barr Exposes Mueller

@00:07:17 working on all those indictments huber

John of God Satanic Pedophile, Oprah Winfrey, Liz Crokin Exposes

@00:04:16 leaked sealed indictments that i talked
@00:04:29 the leak sealed indictments on the
@00:08:21 sealed indictments but remember i only
@00:08:25 sealed indictments there are though what
@00:08:36 leaked indictments so i'm gonna do some

More Photos GITMO, Treason & Q, Naming Names

@00:08:17 work on these indictments that there's

San Diego Cop Arrests Satanic Pedophiles: Part 3 of 4

@00:01:37 you see or copies the indictments that

Major Naval Activity near Gitmo, Ginsberg Death, Comey Tweets

@00:05:29 up to now like 69000 indictments of
@00:05:37 lot of indictments hallelujah okay well

Sawyer Threatens Holmseth and my YouTube Account

@00:02:24 wonder if he's one of the indictments

Tribunals Thunder Onward, POTUS Exposes Pedophile Romney

@00:01:54 indictments on the indictment list so

POTUS Transponder Off: Are Anons Ready?

@00:01:19 conceals the indictments for military

Satanic Pedophile Trudeau, Sealed Indictment, Elites Go Silent

@00:00:31 when the indictments were only at 45
@00:00:39 one of the leak sealed indictments i
@00:00:53 sealed indictments he's not even in the
@00:06:33 indictments at was leaked he will be

X22, First Alarm, Q, 2019 And What to Expect

@00:02:23 everything's been prepared indictments
@00:09:00 but for these indictments people have

POTUS Speaks, 69405 Indictments, Pedophile Spacey

@00:00:45 indictments 69 thousand four hundred and
@00:01:05 amount of indictments from each state so

Satanic Human Sacrifices on USA Military Bases

@00:02:44 execute 72,000 indictments and use the
@00:04:16 to to execute these 72,000 indictments
@00:04:41 they've got to be that the indictments

Q's Ticking Clock, Whitaker, Globalist Empire Meltdown

@00:07:56 indictments that's what sarah carter

Major NY Child Sex Ring Busted, Sick Child Marriages, Pray for FLYNN!

@00:01:06 five indictments and three superseding
@00:01:09 indictments charging a total of 19 with

Detroit Archbishop BLOCKING SRA Survivors From Compensation

@00:06:11 basically have indictments on them now

Chelsea Clinton & Satanism, Boy Scouts, And More!

@00:11:38 there are sixty six thousand indictments

2 Huge Prison Barges Headed to Gitmo NOW

@00:01:14 indictments lead the convictions so

Huber: Death Penalty Needed for Child Sex Traffickers

@00:01:22 been working on the 66,000 indictments
@00:07:12 thousand indictments he was under the

Why Huber Did Not Testify at Clinton Hearing Today

@00:00:27 thousand indictments out in utah that he

3rd Highest Ranked Cardinal Guilty of Pedophilia

@00:04:32 indictments continue to come out

Hannity Mentions Sealed Indictments, Q, Google in Panic, Podesta Desperate

@00:05:19 indictments lots of seal indictments in
@00:05:49 indictments that are about to be opened

POTUS Signs New Law: Trillions Taken from Child Sex Traffickers!

@00:05:41 indictments on them within i think it

T-Minus 1 Day to 77th Pearl Harbor Anniversary

@00:02:50 indictments for once the good guys

Michael Flynn's Exoneration So Close!

@00:04:46 working on this 66,000 indictments now

Breaking News for Dec 3rd, Q, and 11-11 Unexplained Seismic Activity

@00:01:27 those what is it now 66,000 indictments
@00:01:30 it was 45,000 indictments back in august

Assange, Webb, Imminent Court Dates

@00:02:36 on the what is it now 66,000 indictments

Q's 3 Step Plan to Bring Down Satanic Pedophiles

@00:03:26 with all the indictments that huber's

POTUS Refuses to Shake Pedophile Trudeau's Hand

@00:00:54 sealed indictments that was on that

Senate Red Wave; FISA Will Bring Down The House!

@00:02:15 face of the indictments and the house

Pres Trump Preparing GITMO for Satanic Pedophile Elites

@00:01:47 worldwide regarding 5,000 indictments so
@00:01:53 indictments that that huber and jeff

Clintons & Huma Abedin Child Sex Trafficking in Michigan

@00:05:26 indictments you can still make arrests

100% Proof Stephen Colbert is a Pedophile

@00:00:58 indictments against them folks they're
@00:02:59 indictments now it's of course that's i

Kavanaugh Will Be Confirmed This Shabbat (Saturday)

@00:04:25 fifty-one thousand indictments against

The Bush Cabal vs The Clinton Cabal

@00:05:01 indictments at once and mass arrest then

McDonalds Pedophile Satanic Coverup

@00:02:13 indictments that hopefully i hope she

Nathan Stolpman (LTV) Interviews Daniel Lee: Exposing Satanic Pedophiles

@00:30:29 it was still 45 thousand indictments now
@00:30:44 indictments of top hollywood and these i
@00:31:06 list with these indictments with these

Responding to Critics of Victor's Interview

@00:05:11 about the 51,000 indictments that was

Cuomo and New York's Child Sex Trafficking Ring Exposed

@00:07:56 indictments hanging over their heads and

Trump Tweets TREASON: Hammer About to Drop

@00:06:16 indictments resulting from the hueber
@00:09:56 these indictments and arrests and i'm

Bush Sr, W, Bernie Sanders Are Pedophiles/Warrant for Pope BOMBSHELLS!!!

@00:03:42 insider you know the 45,000 indictments
@00:05:02 indictments bernie sanders bernie

Pedophile Protector McCain Executed: 1 Down, 44,999 to go!

@00:05:42 45,000 indictments where he has been

Top Ranking Inside Govt Source Confirms: It's Going Down!!!

@00:00:20 thing with the 45,000 indictments is
@00:01:40 indictments the 45,000 indictments the
@00:02:13 indictments start rolling out and they

QAnon Movie Trilogy Confirms Pedophile Indictments Timeline

@00:01:52 indictments for either pedophiles or
@00:02:02 rollout of those indictments soon in
@00:03:42 that there were any indictments against

Pedophile Hillary Clinton to be Arrested Before Nov 11, 2018

@00:03:48 confirm the 45,000 indictments that
@00:09:19 indictments are gonna go through so i'm

45,000 Indictments Proven True With Recent Headlines!!!!

@00:02:11 rolling out these indictments
@00:03:43 indictments so they they've all been
@00:05:08 happening indictments are being rolled

45,000 Indictments For Top Hollywood Pedophiles and Others!!!

@00:01:03 there are 45,000 plus indictments that
@00:01:13 five thousand plus indictments include
@00:01:37 indictments and they're ready to go so
@00:03:13 the 45,000 plus indictments so that's
@00:04:33 that list of the 45,000 indictments of
@00:04:48 administration has 45,000 indictments
@00:05:26 indictments right now and move to arrest
@00:05:48 these indictments he is actually
@00:06:01 vetted so that when these indictments
@00:06:22 moved on these indictments so again i
@00:07:13 in so 45,000 indictments the trump
@00:08:04 indictments do are made public and these
@00:08:20 so there are indictments the folks in
@00:09:06 that there are indictments from the