
Housley: Indictments This Month, Ellen Show In More Trouble, Alex Jones Controlled Opposition

@00:08:23 look i mean isaac cappy himself before
@00:08:26 isaac happy exposed james alifentas

What A Beautiful Trap Trump Has Sprung to Red Pill the Masses, Epstein & Clinton Foundation

@00:08:17 and um isaac cappy talked about stephen
@00:08:22 uh before he was murdered isaac happy
@00:16:24 isaac happy talking about q that's how i

Tom Hanks Coronavirus, Q, Europe Ban & March Madness, Green Q on Capitol Building

@00:06:48 glove or one shoe when isaac capi the
@00:06:52 satanic pedophile whistleblower isaac
@00:07:13 the same road that isaac caffee was
@00:07:16 murdered at so isaac jaffee keeps

Hillary Cancels Tour, Chris Matthews Crumbles, Oscar Winning Actor Accused of Pedophilia

@00:11:57 best although i do remember isaac kaffee
@00:12:58 when isaac caffee said i'm weary that

Anchorage Alaska Q Conference: First 47 Minutes

@00:03:54 named isaac cappy and he unfortunately

Q Conference New Jersey: Part 4 of 4

@00:12:10 conversations with isaac cathy and i

Q Conference New Jersey: Part 3 of 4

@00:17:54 investigation on isaac kathy's murder
@00:18:10 the whole issue of isaac caffee more
@00:19:12 clouding up the isaac abbey murder issue

David Icke & Jim Carrey, Alex Jones Satanist, Q It's Going to Be Biblical, More RBG News, Flynn

@00:03:28 wickedness and also i talked to isaac
@00:03:34 2018 and isaac cappy told me how jim

Trump Assassination Attempt, Kanye West Opera, Amazon Pedophile Shirt Pulled

@00:06:12 junk alex show has also attacked isaac
@00:06:15 kathy you know isaac cathy went on alex

Q: Indictments Coming, Navy Intel Source Drops, Mega Pastor Arrested, Challenging Phoenix Enigma

@00:03:48 calling upon the yob abraham isaac and
@00:12:51 where i discuss how i believe isaac capi
@00:13:07 isaac happy anyway i exposed corey

Sawyer Murdered Isaac Kappy?? Phoenix Enigma A Fraud, Trump Touts 17, Pedogate Exposed on Major Road

@00:01:50 pretended to investigate isaac kathy's
@00:01:59 isaac caffee i'll be uncovering all this
@00:02:15 child traffickers one help to kill isaac
@00:03:33 of came on the scene shortly after isaac
@00:03:38 isaac apple was murdered i i think maybe
@00:07:37 the murder of isaac copy-number while
@00:07:38 craig sawyer admitted that isaac caffee
@00:08:41 isaac ali was murdered
@00:08:44 weeks before isaac cathy's murder so i
@00:09:00 sincerely investigating isaac cappy's
@00:09:20 definitely assassinated isaac caffee for
@00:09:38 investigation of isaac abby's death but
@00:09:54 video clip of isaac cappy dressed all in
@00:10:07 isaac cappy dressed all in white it
@00:10:14 murder of isaac copy as well and and if
@00:10:25 bridge and you see isaac abby sitting
@00:11:04 for isaac caffee may he rest in peace
@00:11:08 fiona wrote a amazing eulogy for isaac
@00:11:16 just a few days after isaac appy was
@00:11:19 and fiona said daniel isaac definitely
@00:13:38 pedophiles like the late isaac kaffee
@00:14:02 assassination of the murder of isaac a p
@00:14:23 isaac cappy in the months before he died
@00:15:06 shell and and even though isaac appy was
@00:15:15 when isaac a fee returned after his trip
@00:15:56 murdered isaac caffee and staged it to

Jeb Bush & Clintons Haiti, Stone & Steele Threats, Sawyer Daughter Rape, Obama Donor Arrested

@00:05:50 isaac caffee and she's actually quoting

Sacha Stone, Moloch in Rome, Disneyland Tunnels, Female Pedophiles, Field McConnell Update

@00:08:35 involved in the murder of isaac caffee

Q Drop 3574, 93 Days Dark, Durham, The Finders, Exposing Hagmann, Quayle, Taylor, Wells, A Jones

@00:10:02 isaac kaffee last year in 2018 he was
@00:10:05 very mocking toward isaac capi very

Interview with SRA Survivor: Abused by Robert De Niro & John Travolta

@00:28:11 bringing kids like me yeah yeah isaac
@00:28:18 happy was a whistleblower isaac cory i
@00:28:23 the copy was a victim yeah isaac at bad

Q Conference in ABQ, New Mexico: First 40 Minutes

@00:10:38 isaac kaffee came out you know who has a
@00:10:42 isaac capias
@00:10:44 okay there's a few notes so isaac caffee
@00:11:00 the way because what isaac kaffee said
@00:11:06 isaac capi began to us exposed steven
@00:11:13 isaac happy and i as a cabbie began to
@00:18:50 people until isaac happy came out and
@00:19:02 isaac caffee was murdered yeah this was

Q's Awakening, Never Trumpers Tied to Human Trafficking, Trey Gowdy, Trudeau's Deal, Pat Robertson

@00:24:51 isaac kaffee into that nefarious plot to
@00:24:56 trying to use isaac caffee as a patsy to
@00:24:58 baked fiona barnett when isaac abbey
@00:25:11 to basically baked isaac cavity with the
@00:25:50 isaac appetit and then betrayed him the
@00:27:45 research on isaac capys murder i've

Hillary Clinton Tweets Shred the Constitution, SerialBrain2, Juneau Woman Yells At Me

@00:05:57 the god of the bible of abraham isaac

Vatican Raided, Brennan's Fake Passport, SerialBrain2 Commentary

@00:13:20 now the god of abraham isaac and jacob i

Feast of Trumpets: Isaiah 58:1: Mark Taylor In His Own Words

@00:09:49 isaac and jacob is more than able to

Deep State War on Barr & POTUS, Clooney & Epstein Exposed, Correcting Stallone Info

@00:04:55 that isaac captive released as a dead
@00:05:07 isaac added released i maintain it could
@00:05:16 was released when isaac caffee was
@00:05:18 murdered isaac after the hollywood

State Senator Arrested, Church Leader & Disney Club 33, Democrat Donor Arrested, More on Kappy

@00:13:37 yesterday and what isaac copy shows in
@00:14:22 probably involved in the murder of isaac

Isaac Kappy Deadman Switch Video Linked to George Clooney

@00:01:39 july of 2018 was isaac caffee isaac
@00:01:54 unfortunately isaac caffee was in my
@00:02:11 released by isaac caffee right around
@00:02:32 george clooney and when isaac caffee was
@00:02:42 identical to the one isaac showed in his
@00:03:13 like the one isaac cappy showed in his
@00:04:45 released right around isaac capys death
@00:04:57 right around isaac capys death but in
@00:05:51 deadman switch video from isaac a pee
@00:06:07 basically isaac abby released this video

New Holmseth Post Court Footage, Comey Collapse, Deep State Turns On Royals

@00:05:47 hopefully isaac capi was the last one

Epstein Plane to Antartica, Disney Star Pedophilia, Satanic Pedophiles in Panic

@00:06:09 satanic pedophile guys isaac caffee

Navy Intel: Deep State Desperate Missile Launch, Epstein MC2 1000 Children, Standard Hotels

@00:10:18 maybe isaac capi who was murdered by the

Hollywood Pedophiles, Rick Warren & Joel Osteen Satanic Pedophiles, Copeland and Clinton Connection

@00:01:27 seth green you know this isaac capi out
@00:01:29 in seth green before isaac caffee was

Practical Helps for Parents Dealing with CPS

@00:37:14 the god of abraham isaac and jacob we

Photos of RIBS Disney Epstein Island, Vatican Started Islam, Q's Godfather III

@00:07:03 isaac and jacob not yahshua hamashiach
@00:18:41 the bible says that isaac was the

Trump: Let's Go After Obama, Mother Theresa was a Child Trafficker

@00:10:00 isaac caffee or fiona barnett they were

Epstein Temple, Isaac Kappy, 2000 pgs of sexual abuse docs

@00:01:51 before isaac capi died he posted
@00:02:41 supposedly that was released by isaac
@00:02:56 turkish bathhouse and isaac happy new i

@StormIsUponUs Permanently Banned, Solomon Files Motion to Unseal Wrongdoing

@00:00:55 timothy holmes seth is missing isaac

Sabbath Hike: Testimony & Praise

@00:00:37 you just like isaac happy inspired you

My Personal Conversations with Isaac Kappy

@00:00:13 that i'm using isaac happy's death as a
@00:00:39 had with isaac happy i didn't know him
@00:00:54 and isaac happy from when i met him back
@00:01:23 interacted with in regards to isaac
@00:01:25 happy so if you don't know who isaac
@00:04:19 stuff and and isaac he was kind of a
@00:05:02 this was like what well then isaac @b
@00:05:08 and evidently isaac happy and eli had
@00:05:17 isaac was telling me yeah i take the
@00:06:02 and so then isaac sort of backed off and
@00:06:21 isaac was going to be traveling down to
@00:06:32 that fiona can reach isaac for the
@00:06:42 wrote for isaac happy it actually moved
@00:06:48 my interactions with isaac and at this
@00:07:11 know that isaac met with eli priest
@00:07:15 and isaac had a falling out i didn't
@00:07:22 be able to reach isaac for the gospels
@00:07:44 out to isaac and i said hey now that
@00:08:16 basically isaac sounded like he was on
@00:08:25 sugar i told him what isaac had told me
@00:08:28 because i was blown away that isaac
@00:09:37 with isaac cappy and again it was it was
@00:10:35 acknowledged the death of isaac cappy
@00:10:38 drew me to him when i invited isaac to
@00:10:56 isaac i got to know over two months was
@00:11:15 time i was tempted to throw isaac out or
@00:11:48 know who evidently knew isaac pretty
@00:11:52 him but by a friend who had talked isaac
@00:12:00 called isaac when we first and when we
@00:12:05 the loud noise was heard and isaac said
@00:12:10 this is why isaac is on the road by the
@00:12:32 arizona so this individual called isaac
@00:12:36 sudden the loud noises heard in isaac
@00:12:51 that isaac said was that he had messed
@00:13:14 for isaac was did what you do compromise
@00:13:41 isaac said he felt like he was going to
@00:14:32 i said isaac happy you are not a
@00:14:44 isaac said thank you so much that he had
@00:16:37 isaac caffee and he said for safety
@00:16:46 shadow of a doubt that the isaac did not
@00:17:28 dinner table when isaac seemed genuinely
@00:17:39 gospel with isaac and i was short with
@00:17:46 best and explain salvation to isaac so
@00:17:52 me isaac had committed suicide i agreed
@00:17:56 salvation but isaac did not commit
@00:18:01 body of testimony that isaac was
@00:18:21 of seligman's torture techniques isaac
@00:18:36 right isaac observed my family for the
@00:19:11 isaac as he was stranded on the side of
@00:19:38 intelligent community comedian isaac was
@00:19:52 ultimately no one but isaac and god knew
@00:19:55 was battling i also believed isaac was
@00:20:14 his conversion to christianity isaac was
@00:20:22 hours his final words constitute isaac
@00:21:34 specifically is isaac happy's
@00:21:38 isaac happy did in exposing satanic
@00:21:46 pedophiles and and isaac happy knew that
@00:22:46 internet movie database under isaac
@00:23:12 isaac happy as he was sitting on the
@00:23:37 into isaac happy i pray that justice is
@00:23:56 isaac happy and maybe isaac happy had
@00:24:04 trust isaac a p but but but i think the
@00:24:17 control because isaac wound up giving
@00:24:31 death of isaac appiy is brought to
@00:24:49 i wish i'd gotten to know isaac happy

Pro Life Victory in AL & MI Senate, Trump's Gold Standard Fed Appointment

@00:00:51 isaac caffee is to keep going forward
@00:10:22 see isaac a pee or were they actually in
@00:10:56 happened isaac happier because now to be

Isaac Kappy Declared He Was Not Suicidal

@00:00:11 latest video that isaac happy made just
@00:00:25 previous video this is from isaac
@00:01:20 isaac happy he inspired me he inspired
@00:01:42 whoever murdered isaac happy this is
@00:01:49 of you home stuff missing with now isaac
@00:02:05 team today we tonight we pray for isaac

Trump's Motorcade in Accident, Kappy's Death

@00:01:35 story up here on my laptop that isaac
@00:02:29 that isaac happy was not a larp i know
@00:03:11 happened with isaac happy that he got
@00:03:26 information about how isaac cappy had
@00:04:01 isaac happy for david sure we just
@00:04:32 isaac having never had a relationship
@00:05:04 can do at this point for isaac happy
@00:06:44 unfortunately i think isaac happy never

Teresa Blaes Interviews Daniel Lee

@00:08:08 listening to people like isaac cathy who
@00:08:18 isaac at me i learned about fiona

Sabbath Drive: Praise and Worship

@00:02:07 isaac and israel

Infanticide, POTUS, EO, Q Drop Ginsburg & Scalia

@00:11:37 the god of abraham isaac and jacob to

Acts 15: Talmud vs Torah

@00:07:40 the god of abraham isaac and jacob you

The DNAJLION7 Interview: TCP Interviews Me

@00:03:22 isaac pepe

How To Escape the Snare -- through Yahshua! Day 5 UCSD @Part 4 of 5

@00:08:00 abraham isaac and jacob wake up before

Hindered at UCSD, Fiona Barnett & David Shurter

@00:03:12 involves isaac happy

Breaking News For Flynn!!! Court Docket: 1:17-cr-00232-EGS

@00:06:42 thriller sort of based off isaac cappy's

Fiona Barnett Exposes Eli Priest

@00:01:16 very close with fiona barnett with isaac
@00:01:35 with isaac cappy and fiona barnett many
@00:02:51 like me and isaac caffee report him to

Friday Night Sabbath: Abide in the Vine

@00:04:22 great i am the aab abraham isaac and

Though I am Weak, He is Strong: Day 8 UCLA: Part 3 of 4

@00:02:39 the yah of abraham isaac and jacob is

305th Deploys to Gitmo: Military Tribunals Coming

@00:07:18 started learning about through isaac

Preaching in front of White House Part 1

@00:08:07 jacob the god of isaac the god of
@00:19:04 god of abraham isaac and jacob

More Huge Prayer Requests Answered: Report on SRA Survivor Jason

@00:01:14 barnett and isaac cappy and a lot of

Massive Prayer Requests Speedily Answered: Updates!!

@00:07:29 isaac caffee we've been praying for

SRA Survivor David Shurter -- Antonin Scalia Raped Him as a Boy/Bohemian Grove

@00:20:51 isaac cappy and i've heard fiona i've

Isaac Kappy Twitter Suspended, Back on GAB

@00:00:26 barnet she said this is why isaac kapoor
@00:00:50 call isaac and then my assistant cathy
@00:00:53 actually found out that isaac is okay
@00:01:21 shabbat shalom isaac was about to call
@00:02:24 no wonder isaac came under attack
@00:03:27 so hallelujah so let's keep isaac happy

Missing Malaysian Plane, Vatican, Child Sex Trafficking COVERUP!

@00:06:03 that isaac capys talked about and also

Discussion w/ Jason Boss: Voodoo Doughnuts, Fiona Barnett, Kappy and Whalen

@00:10:36 several interviews with isaac capi with
@00:11:25 wayland and isaac appian aid they're all

Q Drop: Arrest Those LARPERS Threatening POTUS!!!

@00:04:08 you know isaac happy yesterday he he
@00:04:15 i said isaac even if i took my video

Levi Cahn Interviews Daniel Lee: Exposing Satanic Pedophiles

@00:10:06 but then maddie and isaac capping these
@00:10:27 maddie and to isaac cappy and and to
@00:13:09 isaac cappy says and like maddy says
@00:13:33 these people and and and isaac capp he's

Addressing All False Accusations Against Me: Sabbath Hike

@00:03:41 isaac capi she attacked michael whelan

Exposing Eli Priest Who Smears SRA Victim: Written Proof

@00:02:02 barnett screw he talks to isaac caffee
@00:04:54 unfortunate because now isaac cappy is
@00:07:41 barnett he talks to isaac cathy all the

Eli Priest Protects Satanic Pedophile Jim Carrey

@00:02:06 in hollywood you talked to isaac happy

Nathan Stolpman (LTV) Interviews Daniel Lee: Exposing Satanic Pedophiles

@00:00:42 whenever isaac cappy came out with his
@00:01:51 started because isaac came out in mid to
@00:01:54 late july and i first saw isaac that's
@00:01:57 what i mean god used isaac to really
@00:02:10 i started watching isaac i actually
@00:03:56 started covering isaac happy and then
@00:05:34 i like isaac happy too but isaac just
@00:05:38 do like isaac but fiona really is a
@00:06:45 some reason when i saw isaac happy give
@00:06:53 isaac was sincere and then and then what
@00:16:47 come out and like fiona barnett or isaac
@00:17:51 when i asked isaac cappy about it
@00:18:16 so isaac cappy said look this stuff has
@00:27:53 and isaac abby's been talking to him
@00:28:14 is doing the whole insinuate that isaac
@00:28:17 a peas talking about in fact isaac happy
@00:28:23 at all but dustin nemo's and isaac cappy
@00:28:41 antarctica isaac and dustin talk about
@00:28:50 what is it opt ask isaac what it is i
@00:38:01 isaac talks to eli all the time so i
@00:38:03 would hope isaac would would ask eli

Pedophile James Comey is TOAST!!!!!!

@00:05:23 you like me to do like what isaac kaffee

Luciferian Pedophiles Exposed: Erin Scott Discussion with Daniel Lee

@00:05:02 christian jewish channel but when isaac

Interview with Michael Whalen: Exposing Portland Pedophiles: Part 3

@00:01:47 brief instagram live with with isaac

Interview with Michael Whalen: Exposing Portland Pedophiles Part 1

@00:12:39 until until i saw isaac happy back in

Upcoming Interview with VeganMikey and a WARNING

@00:01:17 falled isaac happy or lift the veil

POTUS Declassified FISA Docs!!!! VICTORY!!!!

@00:00:11 isaac happy was drinking wine and

AZ Luciferian Pedophile Ring: Exposing Keith and Rachel Krause

@00:05:28 only been recently when isaac cappy

Global Currency Reset: Destroying Luciferian Pedophiles

@00:02:40 talk on the phone with isaac cappy

Kasich and Ohio's Child Sex Trafficking Ring Exposed

@00:07:39 similar to what isaac kappa related

Morgan Freeman and Asia Argento Are PEDOPHILES!!!

@00:03:18 against fiona barnett or against isaac

45,000 Indictments Proven True With Recent Headlines!!!!

@00:06:53 bring up false accusations against isaac
@00:06:58 dumped on isaac day and i don't know why
@00:07:05 what you think about isaac a p or his

45,000 Indictments For Top Hollywood Pedophiles and Others!!!

@00:00:41 insider probably even more so than isaac
@00:07:32 her about how the fact that isaac kaping
@00:08:18 barnett and isaac appiy were saying all

Essay: How Smashing of Hollywood Pedophilia Fits Into Biblical Prophecy

@00:00:17 of isaac capi the man who has started a

Steven Spielberg Raped and Murdered Heather

@00:02:20 junction against fionna and isaac and
@00:04:58 isaac they're not gonna sue sarah fiona
@00:05:59 talked about how this whole isaac capi
@00:09:20 like an avalanche and people like isaac
@00:14:21 isaac cathy and sarah ashcraft and fiona

Tom Cruise, Johnny Depp, Nicolas Cage All Pedophiles!!!!

@00:00:17 way everything that isaac cappy came out

Isaac Kappy and Sarah Ruth Ashcraft: Exposing Pedophilia in Hollywood

@00:00:21 isaac caffee and sarah ruth ashcraft i
@00:00:27 guess just to kind of mimic isaac and
@00:00:38 publicly that isaac capi is a truth
@00:01:04 i watched more interviews of isaac happy
@00:03:10 assassinating isaac capi making up
@00:03:34 character assassinated isaac because
@00:04:11 assassinate isaac copy so this is just

Major Actor Crispin Glover Exposes Pedophile Spielberg

@00:01:01 totally corroborates everything isaac
@00:02:13 court and that's what we have isaac
@00:02:53 after witness and we have isaac cappy
@00:03:47 like people like isaac caffee and sarah
@00:03:53 isaac cappy you know the first day
@00:04:22 to cast isaac
@00:04:43 me that what isaac capi saying is
@00:05:48 you know not like isaac and sarah and

Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg Are Pedophiles

@00:01:48 gentleman named isaac cappy he's not a
@00:02:14 and seth green confessed to isaac capi
@00:02:23 isaac isaac would go over there and have
@00:02:31 showed isaac you know opened up a
@00:02:59 and of course isaac was just sick and
@00:03:04 go public and isaac being involved in
@00:04:10 been exposed as a pedophile by by isaac
@00:04:17 on who this isaac capias i discovered a
@00:05:28 know i've watched isaac tapi now i've
@00:06:14 isaac capi they're not responding to
@00:07:09 as i'm concerned i believe isaac capi i
@00:08:00 of this isaac is basically being
@00:08:26 with isaac and and and expose these
@00:09:00 they can sue isaac they can sue sarah
@00:09:39 interview isaac capi i don't think he'll

Part 3 of 17: Acts 10 and Unclean Foods

@00:00:52 isaac and jacob so this shouldn't have
@00:01:19 the yaba abraham isaac and jacob and

Part 2 of 17: The Jerusalem Council -- Acts 15

@00:05:39 unto the god of abraham isaac and jacob

Sabbath Morning Chat with Daniel Lee -- 18th shabbat of year

@00:04:13 like i had this one guy named isaac came

Preaching on Shabbat 7-30-16: Part 2

@00:09:00 isaac just told me and said you know it

Sabbath Morning Chat with Daniel Lee -- 17th Shabbat of the Year

@00:04:02 tabernacles with isaac and jacob the
@00:05:11 offered up isaac and he that had
@00:05:17 that in isaac shall your seed be called
@00:05:27 faith isaac blessed yakko and he saw

Preaching on Shabbat 7-23 Part 8

@00:08:07 promise tyagaraja was isaac god's all
@00:08:11 bless isaac and you abraham because he
@00:08:38 isaac don't have to lie but god was

Street Preaching on Shabbat Before Pentecost Part 4

@00:09:38 the god of abraham isaac and jacob or

Open Air Preaching Friday Night Rose Festival Part 6

@00:07:18 of abraham isaac and talia and god will

Open Air Preaching Friday Night Rose Festival Part 4 Camera Fixed

@00:06:44 the god of abraham isaac and jacob he is

40 Jubilee Gap from 17 AD to 2017 AD Timeline

@00:06:51 lots of stuff happened 1667 isaac newton

Timeline from Adam to 2020 AD

@00:03:14 99 years old in 2064 isaac is born when
@00:03:20 isaac is 40 jacob is born and what's
@00:04:19 maintains that that scripture then isaac
@00:04:26 just shortly after isaac isaac out of

Hebrews 11: Shabbat Live Skype Fellowship

@00:06:23 with isaac and jacob the heirs with him
@00:08:52 was given isaac hallelujah verse 12
@00:09:09 that's a referring to isaac there one as
@00:09:17 to sacrifice his son isaac and abraham
@00:09:22 if y'all had to he would raise isaac
@00:09:27 faith one as good as dead isaac as many
@00:09:38 son isaac you get this huge multitude
@00:09:49 unlike isaac yahshua actually was
@00:12:02 isaac and he that had received the
@00:12:13 of faith and offering up isaac to then
@00:12:22 isaac shall thy seed be called
@00:12:32 course yah didn't have to raise up isaac
@00:13:02 his son isaac verse 20 by faith isaac
@00:13:10 to come and by faith jacob so isaac he

Hebrews Chapter 1 and 2: Live Skype Fellowship List

@00:24:26 his son isaac up to mount moriah and you

Part 5 Torah and the New Testament: Live Skype Fellowship Recording

@00:07:02 heavenly yerushalayim the seat of isaac
@00:07:22 his wife sarah and created isaac just as

Part 2: Preaching in Downtown Portland: 1/1/14

@00:03:18 isaac and jacob but i'm like this guy

Galatians Study: Live Skype Fellowship Recorded 12/14/13

@00:27:45 and eventually when isaac was born he

The Hybrid Solar Eclipse, 11/3/13, 8th New Moon, The Future

@00:03:23 you're of of jacob your of isaac your of

I Need to Humble Myself in Public: Day 7 Sukkot

@00:02:50 you know when isaac and rebecca finally
@00:03:08 isaac esau and jacob we see it all
@00:03:44 some of them are isaac some of them are
@00:08:03 where i saw isaac coming out of his
@00:08:08 portion actually isaac was not in his
@00:08:38 significance to rebecca and isaac

Feast of Sukkot 2012: Day 6: Sabbath Prophetic Teaching

@00:02:00 have the promise of isaac given to

The Cultural Phenomenon of Breaking Bad and the Icarus Conundrum

@00:05:51 upon us hurricane isaac was a poor
@00:05:53 shadow isaac means laughter god laughs

Episode 46 -- 17 Part 2

@00:07:49 five plus seven of course is 17 isaac

Episode 45 - Another Proof 2017 is year of Messiah's Return

@00:06:26 isaac given the consequent changing of

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@00:07:59 absolute miracle hope you like an isaac
@00:08:08 said hey you wanted marry isaac i know
@00:08:16 family and came to isaac and isaac saw
@00:08:20 her and isaac took her to the tent and