Mass arrests

Q's 10 Weeks, DNI Secures Upcoming Elections, Framework for Global Mass Arrests

@00:15:42 mass arrests are a complete farce allow
@00:21:50 elite traitors and perform these mass
@00:21:52 arrests if the information of america is
@00:23:44 mainstream media but what about the mass
@00:23:47 arrests where is the leak and by the way
@00:24:05 mass arrests where is the legal statute
@00:25:00 crimes of the elite but also to mass
@00:25:04 when someone tells you that mass arrests

Mercy & Comfort, Rescuing Children, DUMBS, Earthquakes, Trump Launches Counter-Narcotics Operations

@00:06:47 there will also be mass arrests of
@00:07:06 about if those mass arrests are gonna

Expectations for Next 30 Days: Coronavirus, the Deep State, Q, POTUS, Sealed Indictments

@00:08:20 and making the mass arrests is that the
@00:08:32 mass arrests do go down which will be a
@00:10:13 it in making these mass arrests that do
@00:10:38 knowing if all of a sudden these mass
@00:10:39 arrests start happening you start seeing

Daily New US Coronavirus Cases Fall, Empty NY and LA Hospitals, POTUS Pushes Back Date to April 30th

@00:04:29 time mass arrests until john durham
@00:18:23 investigation but in terms of the mass
@00:18:25 arrests

POTUS, April 12th, Q Drop 79, Flynn's Yellow Sky, Google GITMO

@00:14:10 mass arrests are on the verge of

deleted 100% Cure for Coronavirus, Hanks & Bar Code Door, ID2020 Mark of the Beast

@00:01:42 the major mass arrests once durham wraps

Phase 1, Q's 10 Days of Darkness, DOJ Drops Mueller, Google Hacked

@00:06:29 mass arrests and we know that is going
@00:09:25 the mass arrests happens potus will be

Tainted Adrenochrome, Wuhan, POTUS to Pardon Flynn, Powell on Weiner's Laptop

@00:01:41 mass arrests are happening right now but

Military Insider Pete: COVID 19 Update, Restraint on Expectations of Mass Arrests

@00:10:13 about whether we're gonna see these mass
@00:10:15 arrests i'm not convinced that that's
@00:11:36 mass arrests hmm not not seeing that
@00:11:49 preparation for a dramatic mass arrests
@00:12:45 military tribunals on the mass arrests
@00:13:23 italy etc etc but in terms of the mass
@00:13:28 arrests the military tribunals taking
@00:14:21 that everyone's saying oh these mass
@00:14:23 arrests are happening it's going down
@00:14:28 and those mass arrests don't happen then
@00:14:53 mark after when i said mass arrests i
@00:15:12 timeline i don't think the mass arrests
@00:21:33 not convinced the mass arrests are

Military Insider Was Right: China Blames USA for Coronavirus, Disney Shut Down, Mass Arrests?

@00:13:11 mayhem when these mass arrests start
@00:13:21 don't know if exactly that these mass
@00:13:24 arrests are going down now because i've
@00:18:23 here right now the mass arrests will be

State of the Union, Pelosi Rips Up Speech, The Best is Yet to Come

@00:03:04 preparation for these mass arrests
@00:03:07 because remember their mass arrests are

POTUS: Eradicate Human Trafficking, Father Rebukes Drag Queen, Brennan's Ukraine Holocaust

@00:06:01 mass arrests go forward or at least the
@00:06:04 set the stage for the mass arrests so

New Q Drops: Brexit, Epstein, Adam Schiff Salacious Photos, Durham and NJ Trump Rally!

@00:11:25 happen before these mass arrests occur

Q Marker Coronavirus, Flynn Update, Pompeo's Tweet & Q State Funeral

@00:01:04 from going forward with the mass arrests

China Coronavirus: Deep State's Next Move

@00:08:17 like some sort of mass shooting they're
@00:08:24 stop these arrests from going forward to

Disney Demons, VA Governor Declares Emergency, Mark Levin Follows Q

@00:13:47 main reason why these mass arrests
@00:13:55 going on so that when these mass arrests

False Flag Civil War in Virginia, Bethel Attempting to Raise Girl From the Dead, Bill Gates Vaccines

@00:03:06 from continuing forward with the mass
@00:03:08 arrests which are coming and we know

Christianity Today Demands Pres Trump Be Removed, Warren Boasts of Endorsement from Ed Buck

@00:13:09 these people and making these mass
@00:13:11 arrests all right so this was kind of a

IG Report Unleashed: 17 Significant Problems Revealed!

@00:07:06 earthquake in dc and start the mass
@00:07:08 arrests i think what this ig report has

Q Conference New Jersey: Part 2 of 4

@00:02:10 and closer to these mass arrests the
@00:20:04 start the mass arrests is what happens
@00:21:27 air bubbling the mass arrests begin
@00:26:22 mass arrests and that help calm people

Biden Sick Pedophile, Amazon Children Books To Summon Demons

@00:09:19 can go forward and make these mass
@00:09:20 arrests using the weaponized doj with

What If Many Have Lied About President Trump? A Special Music Podcast

@00:02:59 the change as mass arrests thunder ahead

" Q" Dog Hunts Pedophiles, Update Pete Military Insider Suitcase Nukes, Update Field McConnell

@00:18:00 in terms of the mass arrests they would
@00:19:08 order to stop trump and these mass
@00:19:10 arrests from going forward so i've just

Oregon Child Sex Ring, Seattle Human Compost, Nemos Threatens to Sue Me, Islam Satanism

@00:02:02 hannity on fox so that when the mass
@00:02:03 arrests do happen there is a news source
@00:02:07 to inform the mass public so i thought
@00:02:36 mass arrests happen so i thought that

Clinton Crowdstrike, Pence Opposes Trump, Schiff & Pelosi Treason

@00:10:24 mass arrests are coming they know they

Child Sex Trafficking Disney Cruise Lines Abandons Workers, New Comey IG Report, Epstein Witness

@00:09:06 swamp after the mass arrests of their
@00:09:29 there was a mass arrests and cleaning

Shabbat Prophetic Teaching: Hebrew Feast Days 2019 Correlating with Major Q Events

@00:09:11 mass arrests or big events occur very

Navy Intel Clarity on DS Missile Launch, The Crimes of Steve Spielberg, Henry Winkler

@00:07:06 fight back against these mass arrests

Navy Intel: Deep State Desperate Missile Launch, Epstein MC2 1000 Children, Standard Hotels

@00:05:44 the move toward the mass arrests and
@00:13:03 unless the mass arrests happened before

NYC Subway Shutdown, Epstein & Murdered AR Senator Linda Collins Smith

@00:02:20 for these mass arrests after all did not

Epstein Artwork: Clintons, Bush, Q&A from Navy Intel Source

@00:09:40 swing at potus before the mass arrests

FBI Raids Epstein Island, Bill Gates Ensnared in Epstein Mess

@00:11:16 oh man i hope these mass arrests are

Navy Intel, Pete Military Insider, Warnings, Bio Weapon Updates

@00:08:52 the mass arrests and for justice coming

Fire Commissioners Demand New 9-11 Investigation, New Epstein Transcripts Hit MSM

@00:02:21 mass arrests and pete is saying that

Feinstein & Epstein, Military Insider Pete on DC Operations

@00:08:59 mass arrests go forward if these very

RBG Deep Fake Video, POTUS Deals Huge Blow to Deep State Pedophilia

@00:04:38 mass arrests on us streets and this is

Ginsburg Info, 17 CIA Spies in Iran, Tim Holmseth on Abel Danger

@00:04:54 mass arrests start to happen that's what

Navy Intel Contact: Marker One (MO) 4th of July -- The War Has Begun

@00:06:26 planning to use it once the mass arrests

NYC Plunges Into Darkness, Q Operation, ICE Raids Begin at Dawn, GITMO Televised

@00:05:59 for mass arrests of satanic pedophiles
@00:13:18 state cabal the mass arrests are going

Military Insider Pete & POTUS Vow Removing Millions of Illegals

@00:05:42 make mass arrests starting next week an

Italy Giving up Brennan, NXIVM & Schumer's Financial Records

@00:09:22 mass arrests of the of these child sex

POTUS Vows to Declass: Q's Storm Now a Hurricane

@00:03:07 seeing these mass arrests on all these

Mass Arrests Timeline, Liz Crokin, Julian Assange

@00:04:06 about these mass arrests when's it gonna
@00:05:31 tuesday november 6 these mass arrests
@00:05:42 if all these mass arrests are gonna
@00:05:49 these mass arrests are not gonna happen
@00:06:07 election day before any of these mass
@00:06:09 arrests are done so here's my theory
@00:07:21 happening in which all these mass
@00:07:23 arrests start november 9th 2012 was the
@00:11:32 the mass arrests coming i appreciate you

Trump Order Issued Oct 11, 2018: End Child Sex Trafficking

@00:04:32 arrests are coming the mass arrests are

100% Proof Trump Agrees With Me About Executing Satanic Pedophiles

@00:05:29 event amazing and who knows if the mass
@00:05:32 arrests begin before this this will just

The Bush Cabal vs The Clinton Cabal

@00:03:27 this all plays out the mass arrests like

Oct 3rd Emergency Broadcast Test: What You Need To Know

@00:04:24 to make all these arrests like a mass
@00:05:29 mass arrests were gonna happen before

Pence+NXIVM+Pena+Senator Tester=Plot Against POTUS

@00:10:05 make these mass arrests before before